#!/usr/bin/env python3 import discord import json import random intents = discord.Intents.default() intents.message_content = True client = discord.Client(intents=intents) gifs = {} with open("gifs.json") as file: gifs = json.load(file) # Commands async def hug_handler(message: discord.Message, command: list[str]): target = "" if len(command) <= 1: target = f"<@{message.author.id}>" else: target = command[1] if "hugs" not in gifs: await message.reply( "im so sorry, i have no hugs to give you for now... come back later :3") hug = random.choice(gifs["hugs"]) await message.reply(f"here u go {target}\n{hug}") COMMAND_HANDLERS = { "hug": hug_handler, } # Discord events @client.event async def on_message(message: discord.Message): if message.author.bot == True: return # TODO: Do proper parsing of the message message_as_command = message.content.split(" ") command = message_as_command[0] if command in COMMAND_HANDLERS: await COMMAND_HANDLERS[command](message, message_as_command) client.run(open("token").read())