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Add a script to enforce window decorations for GTK windows This is going to be a controversal change. It enforces KWin decorations on all client side decorated windows from GTK+. Unfortunately we are caught between a rock and a hard place. Keeping the status quo means having broken windows and a more or less broken window manager due to GTK+ including the shadow in the windows. This is no solution. Enforcing server side decorations visually breaks the windows. This is also no solution. So why do it? It's our task to provide the best possible user experience and KWin is a window manager which has always done great efforts to fix misbehaving windows. One can think of the focus stealing prevention, the window rules and lately the scripts. The best possible window management experience is our aim. This means we cannot leave the users with the broken windows from GTK. The issues we noticed were reported to GTK+ about 2 months ago and we are working on improving the situation. Unfortunately several issues are not yet addressed and others will only be addressed in the next GTK+ release. We are working on improving the NETWM spec (see [1]) to ensure that the client side decorated windows are not in a broken state. This means the enforcment is a temporary solution and will be re-evaluated with the next GTK release. I would prefer to not have to do such a change, if some of the bugs were fixed or GTK+ would not use client-side-decos on wms not yet supporting those all of this would be a no issue. For a complete list of the problems caused by GTK's decos see bug [2] and the linked bug reports from there. The change is done in a least inversive way in KWin. We just check for the property _GTK_FRAME_EXTENTS and create a Q_PROPERTY in Client for it. If we add support for the frame extents in future we would also need this. So it's not a change just for enforcing the decoration. The actual enforcing is done through a KWin script so users can still disable it. REVIEW: 119062 [1] [2]
2014-07-01 13:44:02 +00:00
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Enforces Window Decorations on GTK+ window
Name[ca]=Força la decoració de les finestres a les finestres GTK+
Name[cs]=Vynutí dekoraci oken na okně GTK+
Name[da]=Gennemtvinger vinduesdekorationer på GTK+-vinduer
Name[de]=Erzwingt Fensterdekorationen für „GTK+“-Fenster
Name[en_GB]=Enforces Window Decorations on GTK+ window
Name[es]=Fuerza decoraciones en las ventanas de GTK+
Name[fi]=Pakottaa ikkunoiden kehykset GTK+-ikkunoille
Name[fr]=Forcer les décorations de fenêtres avec les fenêtres GTK+
Name[hu]=Ablakdekorációk kényszerítése GTK+ ablakokra
Name[ia]=Applica Decorationes de fenestra sur fenestra GTK+
Name[id]=Memaksa Dekorasi Jendela pada jendela GTK+
Name[ko]=GTK+ 창 장식 강제 사용
Name[nb]=Påtvinger vinduspynt på GTK+-vindu
Name[nds]=Verdwingt dat Opfladusen ok vun GTK+-Finstern
Name[nl]=Dwingt vensterdecoraties af op GTK+ venster
Name[pl]=Wymusza wystrój okien na oknach GTK+
Name[pt]=Forçar as Decorações das Janelas nas janelas em GTK+
Name[pt_BR]=Forçar as decorações das janelas em janelas GTK+
Name[ru]=Применение выбранного оформления к окнам GTK+
Name[sk]=Vynúti dekorácie okien na GTK+ okne
Name[sl]=Vsili okraske oken na oknih GTK+
Name[sr]=Наметање декорација прозора на ГТК+ прозор
Name[sr@ijekavian]=Наметање декорација прозора на ГТК+ прозор
Name[sr@ijekavianlatin]=Nametanje dekoracija prozora na GTK+ prozor
Name[sr@latin]=Nametanje dekoracija prozora na GTK+ prozor
Name[sv]=Tvingar fönsterdekorationer på GTK+ fönster
Name[tr]=GTK+ penceresinde Pencere Süslemelerini Yürütür
Name[uk]=Примусове декорування вікон для програм на основі GTK+
Name[x-test]=xxEnforces Window Decorations on GTK+ windowxx
Name[zh_CN]=强制对 GTK+ 窗口使用窗口装饰
Name[zh_TW]=強制 GTK+ 視窗的視窗裝飾
Add a script to enforce window decorations for GTK windows This is going to be a controversal change. It enforces KWin decorations on all client side decorated windows from GTK+. Unfortunately we are caught between a rock and a hard place. Keeping the status quo means having broken windows and a more or less broken window manager due to GTK+ including the shadow in the windows. This is no solution. Enforcing server side decorations visually breaks the windows. This is also no solution. So why do it? It's our task to provide the best possible user experience and KWin is a window manager which has always done great efforts to fix misbehaving windows. One can think of the focus stealing prevention, the window rules and lately the scripts. The best possible window management experience is our aim. This means we cannot leave the users with the broken windows from GTK. The issues we noticed were reported to GTK+ about 2 months ago and we are working on improving the situation. Unfortunately several issues are not yet addressed and others will only be addressed in the next GTK+ release. We are working on improving the NETWM spec (see [1]) to ensure that the client side decorated windows are not in a broken state. This means the enforcment is a temporary solution and will be re-evaluated with the next GTK release. I would prefer to not have to do such a change, if some of the bugs were fixed or GTK+ would not use client-side-decos on wms not yet supporting those all of this would be a no issue. For a complete list of the problems caused by GTK's decos see bug [2] and the linked bug reports from there. The change is done in a least inversive way in KWin. We just check for the property _GTK_FRAME_EXTENTS and create a Q_PROPERTY in Client for it. If we add support for the frame extents in future we would also need this. So it's not a change just for enforcing the decoration. The actual enforcing is done through a KWin script so users can still disable it. REVIEW: 119062 [1] [2]
2014-07-01 13:44:02 +00:00
Comment=Fixes functional deficits for client side decorated windows.
Comment[ca]=Corregeix els dèficits funcionals amb les finestres decorades a la banda del client.
Comment[da]=Løser funktionelle mangler ved vinduer med dekorationer på klientsiden.
Comment[de]=Behebt funktionale Defizite von Fenstern, die durch Klient-Programme dekoriert werden.
Comment[en_GB]=Fixes functional deficits for client side decorated windows.
Comment[es]=Fija deficiencias funcionales en ventanas decoradas en el lado cliente.
Comment[fi]=Korjaa asiakkaan kehystämien ikkunoiden toiminnallisia puutteita.
Comment[fr]=Corrige les défaillances des fenêtres avec décorations gérées par le client.
Comment[hu]=Javítja a funkcionális hibákat a kliens oldalon dekorált ablakoknál.
Comment[id]=Memperbaiki defisit fungsional untuk dekorasi jendela pada sisi klien.
Comment[ko]=클라이언트에서 장식되는 창의 기능 오류를 수정합니다.
Comment[nb]=Retter opp manglende funksjonalitet for vinduer som er dekorert fra klientsiden.
Comment[nds]=Richt dat, wenn vun den Client dekoreert Finstern wiss Könen nich hebbt
Comment[nl]=Repareert functionele onvolkomenheden voor gedecoreerde vensters aan de zijde van de client.
Comment[pl]=Naprawia niedobory funkcjonalne dla okien wystrojonych po stronie klienta.
Comment[pt]=Fixa as deficiências funcionais para as janelas decoradas pelo cliente.
Comment[pt_BR]=Fixa as deficiências funcionais para as janelas decoradas pelo cliente.
Comment[ru]=Исправляет функциональные недостатки окон с собственным оформлением
Comment[sk]=Opraví funkčné deficity pre okná dekorované na klientskej strane.
Comment[sl]=Odpravi pomanjkanja zmožnosti za okna, ki so okrašena s strani odjemalca.
Comment[sr]=Исправља функционалне недостатке прозора декорисаних при клијенту.
Comment[sr@ijekavian]=Исправља функционалне недостатке прозора декорисаних при клијенту.
Comment[sr@ijekavianlatin]=Ispravlja funkcionalne nedostatke prozora dekorisanih pri klijentu.
Comment[sr@latin]=Ispravlja funkcionalne nedostatke prozora dekorisanih pri klijentu.
Comment[sv]=Fixar funktionella svagheter för fönster dekorerade på klientsidan
Comment[tr]=İstemci tarafı donatılmış pencereler için, işlevsel açıkları düzeltir.
Comment[uk]=Виправляє недостатність функціональних можливостей для декорованих вікон на боці клієнта.
Comment[x-test]=xxFixes functional deficits for client side decorated windows.xx
Add a script to enforce window decorations for GTK windows This is going to be a controversal change. It enforces KWin decorations on all client side decorated windows from GTK+. Unfortunately we are caught between a rock and a hard place. Keeping the status quo means having broken windows and a more or less broken window manager due to GTK+ including the shadow in the windows. This is no solution. Enforcing server side decorations visually breaks the windows. This is also no solution. So why do it? It's our task to provide the best possible user experience and KWin is a window manager which has always done great efforts to fix misbehaving windows. One can think of the focus stealing prevention, the window rules and lately the scripts. The best possible window management experience is our aim. This means we cannot leave the users with the broken windows from GTK. The issues we noticed were reported to GTK+ about 2 months ago and we are working on improving the situation. Unfortunately several issues are not yet addressed and others will only be addressed in the next GTK+ release. We are working on improving the NETWM spec (see [1]) to ensure that the client side decorated windows are not in a broken state. This means the enforcment is a temporary solution and will be re-evaluated with the next GTK release. I would prefer to not have to do such a change, if some of the bugs were fixed or GTK+ would not use client-side-decos on wms not yet supporting those all of this would be a no issue. For a complete list of the problems caused by GTK's decos see bug [2] and the linked bug reports from there. The change is done in a least inversive way in KWin. We just check for the property _GTK_FRAME_EXTENTS and create a Q_PROPERTY in Client for it. If we add support for the frame extents in future we would also need this. So it's not a change just for enforcing the decoration. The actual enforcing is done through a KWin script so users can still disable it. REVIEW: 119062 [1] [2]
2014-07-01 13:44:02 +00:00
X-KDE-PluginInfo-Author=Martin Gräßlin