use proper packagestructures
as the plasmapkg2 utility is dead, scripts and tabboxes couldn't
be installed anymore, as plasmapkg2 was launched with an hardcoded
package type (and had a bunch of custom code for it)
and no packagestructure for the relevant package types existed.
the port of scripts and tabboxes to kpackage in kwin is quite
incomplete and somewhat strange (given the fact that was started by
looking manually for the file as it couldn't link to libplasma)
this makes things a bit better as now scripts and tabboxes have an actual
package structure, making it installable by kpackagetool5.
in the future, the port should be completed and replace all the manual lookup
of files with package::filePath as it should work now given that valid
structures exist
Test Plan:
tabbox plugins and kwin scripts can be installed from knewstuff
again and can be successfully loaded
Reviewers: #plasma, graesslin, subdiff
Reviewed By: #plasma, graesslin
Subscribers: graesslin, plasma-devel, kwin, #kwin
Tags: #kwin
Differential Revision:
2017-01-19 17:13:01 +00:00
[Desktop Entry]
Name=KWin Window Switcher
2017-01-22 04:46:00 +00:00
Name[ca]=Commutador de finestres del KWin
2017-01-23 04:49:39 +00:00
Name[ca@valencia]=Commutador de finestres del KWin
2017-02-23 05:22:20 +00:00
Name[cs]=Přepínač oken KWin
2017-02-12 04:49:00 +00:00
Name[da]=KWin vinduesskifter
2017-03-07 11:57:33 +00:00
2017-01-25 04:59:29 +00:00
Name[el]=Εφαρμογή εναλλαγής παραθύρων Kwin
2017-01-23 04:49:39 +00:00
Name[en_GB]=KWin Window Switcher
2017-01-26 04:57:24 +00:00
Name[es]=Cambiador de ventanas de KWin
2017-06-23 02:36:21 +00:00
Name[eu]=KWin leiho-aldatzailea
2017-01-26 04:57:24 +00:00
2017-06-28 06:27:17 +00:00
Name[fr]=Sélecteur de fenêtres de KWin
2017-09-27 07:13:10 +00:00
Name[gl]=Selector de xanela de KWin
2017-02-13 04:52:41 +00:00
Name[hu]=KWin ablakváltó
2017-04-16 02:05:25 +00:00
Name[ia]=Commutator de fenestra de KWin
2018-06-18 05:25:30 +00:00
Name[id]=KWin Window Switcher
2017-01-23 04:49:39 +00:00
Name[it]=Scambiafinestre di KWin
Name[ko]=KWin 창 전환기
2017-06-25 02:33:13 +00:00
Name[lt]=KWin langų perjungiklis
2017-01-22 04:46:00 +00:00
2017-08-07 02:53:10 +00:00
2017-08-28 02:30:46 +00:00
Name[pa]=KWin ਵਿੰਡੋ ਸਵਿੱਚਰ
2017-01-23 04:49:39 +00:00
Name[pl]=Przełącznik okien KWin
2017-01-22 04:46:00 +00:00
Name[pt]=Mudança de Janelas do KWin
2017-02-20 05:00:53 +00:00
Name[pt_BR]=Layout do seletor de janelas do KWin
2017-11-06 03:38:04 +00:00
Name[ru]=Переключатель окон для KWin
2017-01-30 05:04:34 +00:00
Name[sk]=Prepínač okien KWin
2017-03-28 07:41:02 +00:00
Name[sl]=Preklopnik oken KWin
2017-01-30 05:04:34 +00:00
Name[sr]=К‑винов мењач прозора
Name[sr@ijekavian]=К‑винов мењач прозора
Name[sr@ijekavianlatin]=KWinov menjač prozora
Name[sr@latin]=KWinov menjač prozora
2017-01-22 04:46:00 +00:00
2017-04-25 08:05:35 +00:00
Name[tr]=KWin Pencere Değiştirici
2017-01-22 04:46:00 +00:00
Name[uk]=Перемикач вікон KWin
Name[x-test]=xxKWin Window Switcherxx
2017-02-04 05:28:40 +00:00
Name[zh_CN]=KWin 窗口切换器
2017-01-24 11:53:38 +00:00
Name[zh_TW]=KWin 視窗切換器
use proper packagestructures
as the plasmapkg2 utility is dead, scripts and tabboxes couldn't
be installed anymore, as plasmapkg2 was launched with an hardcoded
package type (and had a bunch of custom code for it)
and no packagestructure for the relevant package types existed.
the port of scripts and tabboxes to kpackage in kwin is quite
incomplete and somewhat strange (given the fact that was started by
looking manually for the file as it couldn't link to libplasma)
this makes things a bit better as now scripts and tabboxes have an actual
package structure, making it installable by kpackagetool5.
in the future, the port should be completed and replace all the manual lookup
of files with package::filePath as it should work now given that valid
structures exist
Test Plan:
tabbox plugins and kwin scripts can be installed from knewstuff
again and can be successfully loaded
Reviewers: #plasma, graesslin, subdiff
Reviewed By: #plasma, graesslin
Subscribers: graesslin, plasma-devel, kwin, #kwin
Tags: #kwin
Differential Revision:
2017-01-19 17:13:01 +00:00
X-KDE-PluginInfo-Author=Marco Martin