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Move SceneXRender into a plugin Summary: First step for loading the compositor Scenes through plugins. The general idea is that we currently needlessly pull in all the Scenes although only one will be used. E.g. on X11 we pull in QPainter, although they are not compatible. On Wayland we pull in XRender although they are not compatible. Furthermore our current Scene creation strategy is not really fault tolerant and can create situations where we don't get a compositor. E.g on fbdev backend the default settings won't work as it does not support OpenGL. Long term I want to tackle those conceptional problems together: we try to load all plugins supported by the current platform till we have a scene which works. Thus on Wayland we don't end up in a situation where we don't have a working compositor because the configuration is bad. To make this possible the switch statement in the Scene needs to go and needs to be replaced by a for loop iterating over all the available scenes on the platform. If we go there it makes sense to replace it directly with a plugin based approach. So this is a change which tackles the problem by first introducing the plugin loading. The xrender based scene (as it's the most simple one) is moved into a plugin. It is first tried to find a scene plugin and only if there is none the existing code is used. Test Plan: Tested all scenes Reviewers: #kwin, #plasma Subscribers: plasma-devel, kwin Tags: #kwin Differential Revision:
2017-08-10 16:13:42 +00:00
"CompositingType": 2,
Move SceneXRender into a plugin Summary: First step for loading the compositor Scenes through plugins. The general idea is that we currently needlessly pull in all the Scenes although only one will be used. E.g. on X11 we pull in QPainter, although they are not compatible. On Wayland we pull in XRender although they are not compatible. Furthermore our current Scene creation strategy is not really fault tolerant and can create situations where we don't get a compositor. E.g on fbdev backend the default settings won't work as it does not support OpenGL. Long term I want to tackle those conceptional problems together: we try to load all plugins supported by the current platform till we have a scene which works. Thus on Wayland we don't end up in a situation where we don't have a working compositor because the configuration is bad. To make this possible the switch statement in the Scene needs to go and needs to be replaced by a for loop iterating over all the available scenes on the platform. If we go there it makes sense to replace it directly with a plugin based approach. So this is a change which tackles the problem by first introducing the plugin loading. The xrender based scene (as it's the most simple one) is moved into a plugin. It is first tried to find a scene plugin and only if there is none the existing code is used. Test Plan: Tested all scenes Reviewers: #kwin, #plasma Subscribers: plasma-devel, kwin Tags: #kwin Differential Revision:
2017-08-10 16:13:42 +00:00
"KPlugin": {
"Description": "KWin Compositor plugin rendering through XRender",
"Description[ca@valencia]": "Connector del Compositor del KWin que renderitza a través del XRender",
"Description[ca]": "Connector del Compositor del KWin que renderitza a través del XRender",
"Description[da]": "KWin-compositorplugin som renderer igennem XRender",
"Description[de]": "KWin-Compositor-Modul zum Rendern mit XRender",
"Description[el]": "Αποτύπωση πρσοθέτου συνθέτη KWin μέσω XRender",
"Description[es]": "Complemento compositor de KWin renderizando mediante XRender",
"Description[eu]": "Kwin konposatzailearen plugina XRender bidez errendatzen",
"Description[fi]": "XRenderillä hahmontava KWin-koostajaliitännäinen",
"Description[fr]": "Module du compositeur KWin effectuant le rendu avec XRender",
"Description[gl]": "Complemento de compositor de KWin que renderiza a través de XRender.",
"Description[it]": "Estensione del compositore di KWin per la resa tramite XRender",
"Description[ko]": "XRender로 렌더링하는 KWin 컴포지터 플러그인",
"Description[nl]": "KWin-compositor-plug-in rendering via XRender",
"Description[nn]": "KWin-samansetjartillegg som brukar XRender",
"Description[pl]": "Wtyczka kompozytora KWin wyświetlająca przez XRender",
"Description[pt]": "'Plugin' de Composição do KWin com desenho via XRender",
"Description[pt_BR]": "Plugin do compositor KWin renderizando pelo XRender",
"Description[ru]": "Отрисовка подключаемым модулем компоновщика KWin через XRender",
"Description[sk]": "Renderovací plugin kompozítora KWin cez XRender",
"Description[sl]": "Izrisovanje vstavka upravljalnika skladnje KWin preko XRender-ja",
"Description[sr@ijekavian]": "К‑винов прикључак слагача за рендеровање кроз Икс‑рендер",
"Description[sr@ijekavianlatin]": "KWinov priključak slagača za renderovanje kroz XRender",
"Description[sr@latin]": "KWinov priključak slagača za renderovanje kroz XRender",
"Description[sr]": "К‑винов прикључак слагача за рендеровање кроз Икс‑рендер",
"Description[sv]": "Kwin sammansättningsinsticksprogram återger via XRender",
"Description[tr]": "XRender üzerinden KWin Dizgici eklentisi oluşturma",
"Description[uk]": "Додаток засобу композиції KWin для обробки з використанням XRender",
"Description[x-test]": "xxKWin Compositor plugin rendering through XRenderxx",
"Description[zh_CN]": "使用 XRender 渲染的 KWin 混成插件",
"Description[zh_TW]": "透過 XRender 繪製 KWin 合成器附加元件",
Move SceneXRender into a plugin Summary: First step for loading the compositor Scenes through plugins. The general idea is that we currently needlessly pull in all the Scenes although only one will be used. E.g. on X11 we pull in QPainter, although they are not compatible. On Wayland we pull in XRender although they are not compatible. Furthermore our current Scene creation strategy is not really fault tolerant and can create situations where we don't get a compositor. E.g on fbdev backend the default settings won't work as it does not support OpenGL. Long term I want to tackle those conceptional problems together: we try to load all plugins supported by the current platform till we have a scene which works. Thus on Wayland we don't end up in a situation where we don't have a working compositor because the configuration is bad. To make this possible the switch statement in the Scene needs to go and needs to be replaced by a for loop iterating over all the available scenes on the platform. If we go there it makes sense to replace it directly with a plugin based approach. So this is a change which tackles the problem by first introducing the plugin loading. The xrender based scene (as it's the most simple one) is moved into a plugin. It is first tried to find a scene plugin and only if there is none the existing code is used. Test Plan: Tested all scenes Reviewers: #kwin, #plasma Subscribers: plasma-devel, kwin Tags: #kwin Differential Revision:
2017-08-10 16:13:42 +00:00
"Id": "KWinSceneXRender",
"Name": "SceneXRender",
"Name[pl]": "XRender sceny",
"Name[sr@ijekavian]": "Икс‑рендер-сцена",
"Name[sr@ijekavianlatin]": "XRender-scena",
"Name[sr@latin]": "XRender-scena",
"Name[sr]": "Икс‑рендер-сцена",
"Name[sv]": "Scen XRender",
"Name[x-test]": "xxSceneXRenderxx"
Move SceneXRender into a plugin Summary: First step for loading the compositor Scenes through plugins. The general idea is that we currently needlessly pull in all the Scenes although only one will be used. E.g. on X11 we pull in QPainter, although they are not compatible. On Wayland we pull in XRender although they are not compatible. Furthermore our current Scene creation strategy is not really fault tolerant and can create situations where we don't get a compositor. E.g on fbdev backend the default settings won't work as it does not support OpenGL. Long term I want to tackle those conceptional problems together: we try to load all plugins supported by the current platform till we have a scene which works. Thus on Wayland we don't end up in a situation where we don't have a working compositor because the configuration is bad. To make this possible the switch statement in the Scene needs to go and needs to be replaced by a for loop iterating over all the available scenes on the platform. If we go there it makes sense to replace it directly with a plugin based approach. So this is a change which tackles the problem by first introducing the plugin loading. The xrender based scene (as it's the most simple one) is moved into a plugin. It is first tried to find a scene plugin and only if there is none the existing code is used. Test Plan: Tested all scenes Reviewers: #kwin, #plasma Subscribers: plasma-devel, kwin Tags: #kwin Differential Revision:
2017-08-10 16:13:42 +00:00