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kwin - the KDE window manager
Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Matthias Ettrich <>
#include <qwidget.h>
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qpopupmenu.h>
#include <qguardedptr.h>
#include <qvaluelist.h>
#include <qlist.h>
#include <qtimer.h>
#include <config.h>
#include "options.h"
#include "KWinInterface.h"
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
extern "C" {
#include <X11/extensions/Xinerama.h>
class KConfig;
class KGlobalAccel;
namespace KWinInternal {
class Client;
class TabBox;
class RootInfo;
class PluginMgr;
typedef QValueList<Client*> ClientList;
class SystemTrayWindow
: win(0),winFor(0)
SystemTrayWindow( WId w )
: win(w),winFor(0)
SystemTrayWindow( WId w, WId wf )
: win(w),winFor(wf)
bool operator==( const SystemTrayWindow& other )
{ return win ==; }
WId win;
WId winFor;
typedef QValueList<SystemTrayWindow> SystemTrayWindowList;
struct SessionInfoPrivate;
struct SessionInfo
QCString sessionId;
QCString windowRole;
QCString wmCommand;
QCString wmClientMachine;
QCString resourceName;
QCString resourceClass;
QRect geometry;
QRect restore;
int maximize;
int desktop;
bool iconified;
bool sticky;
bool shaded;
bool staysOnTop;
bool skipTaskbar;
bool skipPager;
SessionInfoPrivate* d;
class Shape {
static bool hasShape( WId w);
static int shapeEvent();
class Motif {
static bool noBorder( WId w );
class WorkspacePrivate;
// NOTE: this class has to keep binary compatibility, just like other
// KWin classes accessible from the plugins
class Workspace : public QObject, virtual public KWinInterface
Workspace( bool restore = FALSE );
virtual ~Workspace();
static Workspace * self() { return _self; }
virtual bool workspaceEvent( XEvent * );
bool hasClient(Client *);
Client* findClient( WId w ) const;
QRect geometry() const;
enum clientAreaOption { PlacementArea, MovementArea, MaximizeArea };
// default is MaximizeArea
QRect clientArea(); // ### KDE3: remove me!
QRect clientArea(clientAreaOption);
void removeClient( Client* );
bool destroyClient( Client* );
void killWindowAtPosition(int x, int y);
void killWindow() { slotKillWindow(); }
WId rootWin() const;
* Returns the active client, i.e. the client that has the focus (or None
* if no client has the focus)
Client* activeClient() const;
void setActiveClient( Client* );
void activateClient( Client*, bool force = FALSE );
void requestFocus( Client* c, bool force = FALSE );
void updateColormap();
void setFocusChangeEnabled(bool b) { focus_change = b; } // KDE 3.0: No longer used
bool focusChangeEnabled() { return focus_change; } // KDE 3.0: No longer used
* Indicates that the client c is being moved around by the user.
void setClientIsMoving( Client *c );
void doPlacement( Client* c );
QPoint adjustClientPosition( Client* c, QPoint pos );
void raiseClient( Client* c );
void lowerClient( Client* c );
void raiseOrLowerClient( Client * );
void reconfigure();
void clientHidden( Client* );
void clientReady( Client* );
* Returns the current virtual desktop of this workspace
int currentDesktop() const;
int nextDesktop( int iDesktop ) const;
int previousDesktop( int iDesktop ) const;
* Returns the number of virtual desktops of this workspace
int numberOfDesktops() const;
void setNumberOfDesktops( int n );
QWidget* desktopWidget();
Client* nextClient(Client*) const;
Client* previousClient(Client*) const;
Client* nextStaticClient(Client*) const;
Client* previousStaticClient(Client*) const;
* Returns the list of clients sorted in stacking order, with topmost client
* at the last position
const ClientList& stackingOrder() const;
focus policies and alt-tab style: /*! Different focus policies: <ul> <li>ClickToFocus - Clicking into a window activates it. This is also the default. <li>FocusFollowsMouse - Moving the mouse pointer actively onto a normal window activates it. For convenience, the desktop and windows on the dock are excluded. They require clicking. <li>FocusUnderMouse - The window that happens to be under the mouse pointer becomes active. The invariant is: no window can have focus that is not under the mouse. This also means that Alt-Tab won't work properly and popup dialogs are usually unsable with the keyboard. Note that the desktop and windows on the dock are excluded for convenience. They get focus only when clicking on it. <li>FocusStrictlyUnderMouse - this is even worse than FocusUnderMouse. Only the window under the mouse pointer is active. If the mouse points nowhere, nothing has the focus. If the mouse points onto the desktop, the desktop has focus. The same holds for windows on the dock. Note that FocusUnderMouse and FocusStrictlyUnderMouse are not particulary useful. They are only provided for old-fashined die-hard UNIX people ;-) </ul> */ FocusPolicy=ClickToFocus | FocusFollowsMouse | FocusUnderMouse | FocusStrictlyUnderMouse /** Different Alt-Tab-Styles: <ul> <li> KDE - the recommended KDE style. Alt-Tab opens a nice icon box that makes it easy to select the window you want to tab to. The order automatically adjusts to the most recently used windows. Note that KDE style does not work with the FocusUnderMouse and FocusStrictlyUnderMouse focus policies. Choose ClickToFocus or FocusFollowsMouse instead. <li> CDE - the old-fashion CDE style. Alt-Tab cycles between the windows in static order. The current window gets raised, the previous window gets lowered. </ul> */ AltTabStyle=KDE | CDE svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=54010
2000-06-22 18:08:35 +00:00
Client* topClientOnDesktop() const;
void sendClientToDesktop( Client* c, int desktop );
QPopupMenu* clientPopup( Client* );
void showWindowMenuAt( unsigned long id, int x, int y );
void setDesktopClient( Client* );
void iconifyOrDeiconifyTransientsOf( Client* );
void setStickyTransientsOf( Client*, bool sticky );
bool hasCaption( const QString& caption );
void performWindowOperation( Client* c, Options::WindowOperation op );
void restoreLegacySession( KConfig* config );
void storeLegacySession( KConfig* config );
void storeSession( KConfig* config );
SessionInfo* takeSessionInfo( Client* );
virtual void updateClientArea();
// dcop interface
void cascadeDesktop();
void unclutterDesktop();
void doNotManage(QString);
void setCurrentDesktop( int new_desktop );
void nextDesktop();
void previousDesktop();
QString desktopName( int desk );
bool isNotManaged( const QString& title );
public slots:
void refresh();
// keybindings
void slotSwitchDesktop1();
void slotSwitchDesktop2();
void slotSwitchDesktop3();
void slotSwitchDesktop4();
void slotSwitchDesktop5();
void slotSwitchDesktop6();
void slotSwitchDesktop7();
void slotSwitchDesktop8();
void slotSwitchDesktop9();
void slotSwitchDesktop10();
void slotSwitchDesktop11();
void slotSwitchDesktop12();
void slotSwitchDesktop13();
void slotSwitchDesktop14();
void slotSwitchDesktop15();
void slotSwitchDesktop16();
void slotSwitchDesktopNext();
void slotSwitchDesktopPrevious();
void slotSwitchDesktopRight();
void slotSwitchDesktopLeft();
void slotSwitchDesktopUp();
void slotSwitchDesktopDown();
void slotSwitchToDesktop( int );
//void slotSwitchToWindow( int );
void slotWindowToDesktop( int );
//void slotWindowToListPosition( int );
void slotWindowMaximize();
void slotWindowMaximizeVertical();
void slotWindowMaximizeHorizontal();
void slotWindowIconify();
void slotWindowIconifyAll();
void slotWindowShade();
void slotWindowRaise();
void slotWindowLower();
void slotWindowRaiseOrLower();
void slotWalkThroughDesktops();
void slotWalkBackThroughDesktops();
void slotWalkThroughDesktopList();
void slotWalkBackThroughDesktopList();
void slotWalkThroughWindows();
void slotWalkBackThroughWindows();
void slotWindowOperations();
void slotWindowClose();
void slotWindowCloseAll();
void slotWindowMove();
void slotWindowResize();
void slotWindowNextDesktop();
void slotWindowPreviousDesktop();
void slotMouseEmulation();
void slotResetAllClientsDelayed();
void slotResetAllClients();
void slotReconfigure();
void slotKillWindow();
void slotGrabWindow();
void slotGrabDesktop();
private slots:
void desktopPopupAboutToShow();
void clientPopupAboutToShow();
void sendToDesktop( int );
void clientPopupActivated( int );
void configureWM();
void focusEnsurance();
bool keyPress( XKeyEvent key );
bool keyRelease( XKeyEvent key );
bool keyPressMouseEmulation( XKeyEvent key );
bool netCheck( XEvent* e );
void checkStartOnDesktop( WId w );
void init();
void createKeybindings();
bool startKDEWalkThroughWindows();
bool startWalkThroughDesktops( int mode ); // TabBox::Mode::DesktopMode | DesktopListMode
bool startWalkThroughDesktops();
bool startWalkThroughDesktopList();
void KDEWalkThroughWindows( bool forward );
void CDEWalkThroughWindows( bool forward );
void walkThroughDesktops( bool forward );
void KDEOneStepThroughWindows( bool forward );
void oneStepThroughDesktops( bool forward, int mode ); // TabBox::Mode::DesktopMode | DesktopListMode
void oneStepThroughDesktops( bool forward );
void oneStepThroughDesktopList( bool forward );
ClientList constrainedStackingOrder( const ClientList& list );
Client* clientFactory(WId w);
void raiseTransientsOf( ClientList& safeset, Client* c );
void lowerTransientsOf( ClientList& safeset, Client* c );
void randomPlacement(Client* c);
void smartPlacement(Client* c);
void cascadePlacement(Client* c, bool re_init = false);
void focusToNull();
Client* findClientWidthId( WId w ) const;
void propagateClients( bool onlyStacking = FALSE);
bool addSystemTrayWin( WId w );
bool removeSystemTrayWin( WId w );
void propagateSystemTrayWins();
SystemTrayWindow findSystemTrayWin( WId w );
//CT needed for cascading+
struct CascadingInfo {
QPoint pos;
int col;
int row;
// desktop names and number of desktops
void loadDesktopSettings();
void saveDesktopSettings();
// mouse emulation
WId getMouseEmulationWindow();
enum MouseEmulation { EmuPress, EmuRelease, EmuMove };
unsigned int sendFakedMouseEvent( QPoint pos, WId win, MouseEmulation type, int button, unsigned int state ); // returns the new state
// electric borders
void createBorderWindows();
void destroyBorderWindows();
void electricBorder(XEvent * e);
void raiseElectricBorders();
// ------------------
SystemTrayWindowList systemTrayWins;
int current_desktop;
int number_of_desktops;
QArray<int> desktop_focus_chain;
QGuardedPtr<Client> popup_client;
void loadSessionInfo();
QWidget* desktop_widget;
QList<SessionInfo> session;
QList<SessionInfo> fakeSession;
void loadFakeSessionInfo();
void storeFakeSessionInfo( Client* c );
void writeFakeSessionInfo();
QValueList<CascadingInfo> cci;
Client* desktop_client;
Client* active_client;
Client* last_active_client;
Client* should_get_focus;
Client* most_recently_raised;
ClientList clients;
ClientList stacking_order;
ClientList focus_chain;
bool control_grab;
bool tab_grab;
unsigned int walkThroughDesktopsKeycode,walkBackThroughDesktopsKeycode;
unsigned int walkThroughDesktopListKeycode,walkBackThroughDesktopListKeycode;
unsigned int walkThroughWindowsKeycode,walkBackThroughWindowsKeycode;
bool mouse_emulation;
unsigned int mouse_emulation_state;
WId mouse_emulation_window;
bool focus_change;
TabBox* tab_box;
QPopupMenu *popup;
QPopupMenu *desk_popup;
KGlobalAccel *keys;
WId root;
PluginMgr *mgr;
RootInfo *rootInfo;
QWidget* supportWindow;
QRect area;
// swallowing
QStringList doNotManageList;
// colormap handling
Colormap default_colormap;
Colormap installed_colormap;
// Timer to collect requests for 'ResetAllClients'
QTimer resetTimer;
// Timer to collect requests for 'reconfigure'
QTimer reconfigureTimer;
QTimer focusEnsuranceTimer;
WorkspacePrivate* d;
static Workspace *_self;
int numHeads;
XineramaScreenInfo *xineramaInfo;
XineramaScreenInfo dummy_xineramaInfo;
inline WId Workspace::rootWin() const
return root;
inline Client* Workspace::activeClient() const
return active_client;
inline int Workspace::currentDesktop() const
return current_desktop;
inline int Workspace::numberOfDesktops() const
return number_of_desktops;
inline const ClientList& Workspace::stackingOrder() const
return stacking_order;