
352 lines
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Raw Normal View History

KWin - the KDE window manager
This file is part of the KDE project.
Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Matthias Ettrich <>
Copyright (C) 2003 Lubos Lunak <>
You can Freely distribute this program under the GNU General Public
License. See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms.
#ifndef KWIN_UTILS_H
#define KWIN_UTILS_H
#include <config-workspace.h>
#include <config-X11.h>
#include <config-kwin.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <fixx11h.h>
#include <QWidget>
#include <kmanagerselection.h>
#include <netwm_def.h>
//#include <kshortcutdialog.h> //you really want to use KKeySequenceWidget
#include <limits.h>
#include <QX11Info>
#include <kwinglobals.h>
namespace KWin
typedef long Damage;
struct XDamageNotifyEvent
const int SUPPORTED_WINDOW_TYPES_MASK = NET::NormalMask | NET::DesktopMask | NET::DockMask
| NET::ToolbarMask | NET::MenuMask | NET::DialogMask /*| NET::OverrideMask*/ | NET::TopMenuMask
| NET::UtilityMask | NET::SplashMask | NET::DropdownMenuMask | NET::PopupMenuMask
| NET::TooltipMask | NET::NotificationMask | NET::ComboBoxMask | NET::DNDIconMask;
const long ClientWinMask = KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask |
ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask |
KeymapStateMask |
ButtonMotionMask |
PointerMotionMask | // need this, too!
EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask |
FocusChangeMask |
ExposureMask |
StructureNotifyMask |
const QPoint invalidPoint( INT_MIN, INT_MIN );
class Toplevel;
class Client;
class Unmanaged;
class Deleted;
class Group;
class Options;
typedef QList< Toplevel* > ToplevelList;
typedef QList< const Toplevel* > ConstToplevelList;
typedef QList< Client* > ClientList;
typedef QList< const Client* > ConstClientList;
typedef QList< Unmanaged* > UnmanagedList;
typedef QList< const Unmanaged* > ConstUnmanagedList;
typedef QList< Deleted* > DeletedList;
typedef QList< const Deleted* > ConstDeletedList;
typedef QList< Group* > GroupList;
typedef QList< const Group* > ConstGroupList;
extern Options* options;
enum Layer
UnknownLayer = -1,
FirstLayer = 0,
DesktopLayer = FirstLayer,
ActiveLayer, // active fullscreen, or active dialog
NumLayers // number of layers, must be last
// yes, I know this is not 100% like standard operator++
inline void operator++( Layer& lay )
lay = static_cast< Layer >( lay + 1 );
// for Client::takeActivity()
enum ActivityFlags
ActivityFocus = 1 << 0, // focus the window
ActivityFocusForce = 1 << 1, // focus even if Dock etc.
ActivityRaise = 1 << 2 // raise the window
// Some KWin classes, mainly Client and Workspace, are very tighly coupled,
// and some of the methods of one class may be called only from speficic places.
// Those methods have additional allowed_t argument. If you pass Allowed
// as an argument to any function, make sure you really know what you're doing.
enum allowed_t { Allowed };
// some enums to have more readable code, instead of using bools
enum ForceGeometry_t { NormalGeometrySet, ForceGeometrySet };
enum ShadeMode
ShadeNone, // not shaded
ShadeNormal, // normally shaded - isShade() is true only here
ShadeHover, // "shaded", but visible due to hover unshade
ShadeActivated // "shaded", but visible due to alt+tab to the window
enum HiddenPreviews // whether to keep all windows mapped when compositing
{ // do not reorder (config file)
HiddenPreviewsNever, // don't keep pixmaps of unmapped windows at all
/**/ HiddenPreviewsKeep, // only keep pixmaps, but unmap windows
/**/ HiddenPreviewUpdate, // unmap, keep, but when needed map back and wait
HiddenPreviewsActive // keep windows mapped
class Extensions
static void init();
static bool shapeAvailable() { return shape_version > 0; }
static bool shapeInputAvailable();
static int shapeNotifyEvent();
static bool hasShape( Window w );
static bool randrAvailable() { return has_randr; }
static int randrNotifyEvent();
static bool damageAvailable() { return has_damage; }
static int damageNotifyEvent();
static bool compositeAvailable() { return composite_version > 0; }
static bool compositeOverlayAvailable();
static bool renderAvailable() { return render_version > 0; }
static bool fixesAvailable() { return fixes_version > 0; }
static bool fixesRegionAvailable();
static bool glxAvailable() { return has_glx; }
static bool syncAvailable() { return has_sync; }
static int syncAlarmNotifyEvent();
static int shape_version;
static int shape_event_base;
static bool has_randr;
static int randr_event_base;
static bool has_damage;
static int damage_event_base;
static int composite_version;
static int render_version;
static int fixes_version;
static bool has_glx;
static bool has_sync;
static int sync_event_base;
// compile with XShape older than 1.0
#ifndef ShapeInput
const int ShapeInput = 2;
class Motif
static void readFlags( WId w, bool& noborder, bool& resize, bool& move,
bool& minimize, bool& maximize, bool& close );
struct MwmHints
ulong flags;
ulong functions;
ulong decorations;
long input_mode;
ulong status;
enum {
MWM_FUNC_ALL = (1L << 0),
MWM_FUNC_RESIZE = (1L << 1),
MWM_FUNC_MOVE = (1L << 2),
MWM_FUNC_CLOSE = (1L << 5)
class KWinSelectionOwner
: public KSelectionOwner
KWinSelectionOwner( int screen );
virtual bool genericReply( Atom target, Atom property, Window requestor );
virtual void replyTargets( Atom property, Window requestor );
virtual void getAtoms();
Atom make_selection_atom( int screen );
static Atom xa_version;
// Class which saves original value of the variable, assigns the new value
// to it, and in the destructor restores the value.
// Used in Client::isMaximizable() and so on.
// It also casts away contness and generally this looks like a hack.
template< typename T >
class TemporaryAssign
TemporaryAssign( const T& var, const T& value )
: variable( var ), orig( var )
const_cast< T& >( variable ) = value;
const_cast< T& >( variable ) = orig;
const T& variable;
T orig;
QByteArray getStringProperty(WId w, Atom prop, char separator=0);
void updateXTime();
void grabXServer();
void ungrabXServer();
bool grabbedXServer();
bool grabXKeyboard( Window w = rootWindow());
void ungrabXKeyboard();
class Scene;
extern Scene* scene;
inline bool compositing() { return scene != NULL; }
// the docs say it's UrgencyHint, but it's often #defined as XUrgencyHint
#ifndef UrgencyHint
#define UrgencyHint XUrgencyHint
// for STL-like algo's
#define KWIN_CHECK_PREDICATE( name, cls, check ) \
struct name \
{ \
inline bool operator()( const cls* cl ) { return check; } \
#define KWIN_COMPARE_PREDICATE( name, cls, type, check ) \
struct name \
{ \
typedef type type_helper; /* in order to work also with type being 'const Client*' etc. */ \
inline name( const type_helper& compare_value ) : value( compare_value ) {} \
inline bool operator()( const cls* cl ) { return check; } \
const type_helper& value; \
#define KWIN_PROCEDURE( name, cls, action ) \
struct name \
{ \
inline void operator()( cls* cl ) { action; } \
KWIN_CHECK_PREDICATE( TruePredicate, Client, cl == cl /*true, avoid warning about 'cl' */ );
template< typename T >
Client* findClientInList( const ClientList& list, T predicate )
for ( ClientList::ConstIterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it)
if ( predicate( const_cast< const Client* >( *it)))
return *it;
return NULL;
template< typename T >
Unmanaged* findUnmanagedInList( const UnmanagedList& list, T predicate )
for ( UnmanagedList::ConstIterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it)
if ( predicate( const_cast< const Unmanaged* >( *it)))
return *it;
return NULL;
int timestampCompare( Time time1, Time time2 ) // like strcmp()
return NET::timestampCompare( time1, time2 );
Time timestampDiff( Time time1, Time time2 ) // returns time2 - time1
return NET::timestampDiff( time1, time2 );
bool isLocalMachine( const QByteArray& host );
QPoint cursorPos();
// converting between X11 mouse/keyboard state mask and Qt button/keyboard states
int qtToX11Button( Qt::MouseButton button );
Qt::MouseButton x11ToQtMouseButton( int button );
int qtToX11State( Qt::MouseButtons buttons, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers );
Qt::MouseButtons x11ToQtMouseButtons( int state );
Qt::KeyboardModifiers x11ToQtKeyboardModifiers( int state );
void checkNonExistentClients();
#ifndef KCMRULES
// Qt dialogs emit no signal when closed :(
// KShortcutDialog is gone, and K(Shortcut/KeySequence)Widget should replace it and be
// good enough to not need any further hacks here. If they aren't, CONTACT ME before
// you add hacks again. --ahartmetz
#if 0
class ShortcutDialog
: public KShortcutDialog
ShortcutDialog( const KShortcut& cut );
virtual void accept();
void dialogDone( bool ok );
virtual void done( int r ) { KShortcutDialog::done( r ); emit dialogDone( r == Accepted ); }
#endif //0
#endif //KCMRULES
} // namespace