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[autotest] Welcome to integration testing KWin This is the beginning of a new testing era for KWin: finally we are able to test against a running KWin. This works by making use of the new virtual framebuffer backend for Wayland. It starts a specific Application subclass which is mostly a fork of ApplicationWayland. The individual tests are able to influence the socket name and the size of the virtual screen. This is supposed to be done in initTestCase. To know when KWin is fully started one can use the workspaceCreated signal of KWin::Application. KWin is not started in another process, but the kwin library is used, so the test has pretty much full introspection to everything going on inside KWin. It can access the Workspace, WaylandServer, fake input events through InputRedirection and so on. Once the test KWin is running it's possible to connect to it using KWayland::Client library. This allows to introspect the Workspace to see whether all worked as expected (e.g. correct stacking order, active window and so on). This first autotest is mostly meant to illustrate how to setup a test and how one can use KWayland::Client to interact with the mock KWin. For more tests it is suggested to move the connections to the Wayland server in the init() and cleanup() methods. The change also affects the qpa plugin: the specific check to only run in binaries called kwin_wayland doesn't hold any more. This can now be overwritten by an env variable. Please note that this first test will probably fail in the CI system as it might not have XWayland which is needed by KWin.
2015-10-02 13:04:57 +00:00
Support for syncing the clipboard from X11 to Wayland and vice versa Summary: The clipboard sync is done by a dedicated helper binary launched by KWin. This helper binary is forced to xcb platform to piggy-back on Qt's implementation of the X11 clipboard. In addition it implements the Wayland clipboard - which is much simpler. Reading the Wayland clipboard is based on the implementation in QtWayland. KWin internally knows the DataDeviceInterface belonging to the helper application. Whenever an xwayland client is focussed, this DataDevice is allowed to set the selection and KWin manually updates the current selection in the SeatInterface. By that the sync from X11 to Wayland is implemented. When afterwards a Wayland client is selected, it's sent the current selection which references the X clipboard and a data transfer can be initiated in the normal Wayland way. For the other direction KWin sends the current selection to the helper's DataDevice whenever an xwayland window is focused. The helper application reads the Wayland clipboard and sets it on the X11 clipboard. Thus the Wayland clipboard is synced to X11. The approach used here will also be useful for implementing a clipboard manager (aka klipper). Currently the implementation is not yet fully completed. We need to make sure that the helper application gets restarted in case of a crash. Test Plan: See added test case Reviewers: #plasma_on_wayland, #kwin Subscribers: plasma-devel, kwin Tags: #plasma_on_wayland, #kwin Differential Revision:
2016-06-20 09:21:16 +00:00
add_library(KWinIntegrationTestFramework STATIC kwin_wayland_test.cpp test_helpers.cpp)
target_link_libraries(KWinIntegrationTestFramework kwin Qt5::Test)
set(oneValueArgs NAME)
set(multiValueArgs SRCS LIBS)
cmake_parse_arguments(ARGS "" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN})
add_executable(${ARGS_NAME} ${ARGS_SRCS})
target_link_libraries(${ARGS_NAME} KWinIntegrationTestFramework kwin Qt5::Test ${ARGS_LIBS})
add_test(NAME kwin-${ARGS_NAME} COMMAND dbus-run-session ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${ARGS_NAME})
integrationTest(NAME testStart SRCS start_test.cpp)
integrationTest(NAME testTransientNoInput SRCS transient_no_input_test.cpp)
integrationTest(NAME testDontCrashGlxgears SRCS dont_crash_glxgears.cpp)
integrationTest(NAME testLockScreen SRCS lockscreen.cpp)
integrationTest(NAME testDecorationInput SRCS decoration_input_test.cpp)
integrationTest(NAME testInternalWindow SRCS internal_window.cpp)
integrationTest(NAME testTouchInput SRCS touch_input_test.cpp)
integrationTest(NAME testInputStackingOrder SRCS input_stacking_order.cpp)
integrationTest(NAME testPointerInput SRCS pointer_input.cpp)
integrationTest(NAME testPlatformCursor SRCS platformcursor.cpp)
integrationTest(NAME testDontCrashCancelAnimation SRCS dont_crash_cancel_animation.cpp)
integrationTest(NAME testTransientPlacmenet SRCS transient_placement.cpp)
integrationTest(NAME testDebugConsole SRCS debug_console_test.cpp)
integrationTest(NAME testDontCrashEmptyDeco SRCS dont_crash_empty_deco.cpp)
integrationTest(NAME testPlasmaSurface SRCS plasma_surface_test.cpp)
integrationTest(NAME testMaximized SRCS maximize_test.cpp)
integrationTest(NAME testShellClient SRCS shell_client_test.cpp)
integrationTest(NAME testDontCrashNoBorder SRCS dont_crash_no_border.cpp)
integrationTest(NAME testXClipboardSync SRCS xclipboardsync_test.cpp)
integrationTest(NAME testSceneOpenGL SRCS scene_opengl_test.cpp)
integrationTest(NAME testSceneQPainter SRCS scene_qpainter_test.cpp)
integrationTest(NAME testNoXdgRuntimeDir SRCS no_xdg_runtime_dir_test.cpp)
integrationTest(NAME testScreenChanges SRCS screen_changes_test.cpp)
integrationTest(NAME testModiferOnlyShortcut SRCS modifier_only_shortcut_test.cpp)
integrationTest(NAME testTabBox SRCS tabbox_test.cpp)
integrationTest(NAME testGlobalShortcuts SRCS globalshortcuts_test.cpp)
integrationTest(NAME testWindowSelection SRCS window_selection_test.cpp)
Implement support for pointer constraints Summary: There are two types of constraints supported: 1. Pointer confinement 2. Pointer locking In the case of confinement the pointer is confined to a given region of the surface. This is comparable to general operation where the pointer is confined to the screen region. In the second case the pointer gets locked. That means it cannot move at all. No further position updates are provided, only relative motion events can go to the application. There is a hint about cursor position update on unlock which is not yet implemented in KWayland::Server, thus also not in this change. The implementation in KWin grants the requests for pointer constraints when the pointer enters the constrained region, either by pointer movement or by e.g. stacking order changes. There is no confirmation from user required to enter that mode. But we want to show an OSD when the pointer gets constrained, this is not yet implemented, though. Breaking an active constraint is relatively easy. E.g. changing the stacking order will break the constraint if another surface is under the cursor. Also (in case of confinement) moving the pointer to an overlapping window breaks the confinement. But as soon as one moves the pointer back to the window a constraint might get honoured again. To properly break there is a dedicated event filter. It listens for a long press of the Escape key. If hold for 3sec the pointer constraint is broken and not activated again till the pointer got moved out of the window. Afterward when moving in the pointer might activate again. The escape filter ensures that the key press is forwarded to the application if it's a short press or if another key gets pressed during the three seconds. If the three seconds way fires, the later escape release is not sent to the application. This basic interaction is also ensured through an added auto test. This change implements T4605. Test Plan: Added auto test and nested KWin Wayland with D3488 Reviewers: #kwin, #plasma_on_wayland Subscribers: plasma-devel, kwin Tags: #plasma_on_wayland, #kwin Differential Revision:
2016-11-25 06:17:43 +00:00
integrationTest(NAME testPointerConstraints SRCS pointer_constraints_test.cpp)
integrationTest(NAME testKeyboardLayout SRCS keyboard_layout_test.cpp)
integrationTest(NAME testKeymapCreationFailure SRCS keymap_creation_failure_test.cpp)
integrationTest(NAME testMoveResize SRCS move_resize_window_test.cpp LIBS XCB::ICCCM)
integrationTest(NAME testStruts SRCS struts_test.cpp LIBS XCB::ICCCM)
integrationTest(NAME testShade SRCS shade_test.cpp LIBS XCB::ICCCM)
integrationTest(NAME testDontCrashAuroraeDestroyDeco SRCS dont_crash_aurorae_destroy_deco.cpp LIBS XCB::ICCCM)
integrationTest(NAME testPlasmaWindow SRCS plasmawindow_test.cpp LIBS XCB::ICCCM)
integrationTest(NAME testScreenEdgeClientShow SRCS screenedge_client_show_test.cpp LIBS XCB::ICCCM)
integrationTest(NAME testX11DesktopWindow SRCS desktop_window_x11_test.cpp LIBS XCB::ICCCM)
integrationTest(NAME testXwaylandInput SRCS xwayland_input_test.cpp LIBS XCB::ICCCM)
integrationTest(NAME testWindowRules SRCS window_rules_test.cpp LIBS XCB::ICCCM)
integrationTest(NAME testX11Client SRCS x11_client_test.cpp LIBS XCB::ICCCM)
integrationTest(NAME testQuickTiling SRCS quick_tiling_test.cpp LIBS XCB::ICCCM)
integrationTest(NAME testActivities SRCS activities_test.cpp LIBS XCB::ICCCM)