Revert "Handle XdgShell window geometry in configure request sizes"

This reverts commit bc83065ceb.

Turns out the relevant wayland code wasn't merged. This will have to
wait till next plasma for a fix.
This commit is contained in:
David Edmundson 2019-05-10 21:43:08 +01:00
parent bc83065ceb
commit 24cbe48656
3 changed files with 4 additions and 85 deletions

View file

@ -109,7 +109,6 @@ private Q_SLOTS:
void testXdgInitialState();
void testXdgInitiallyMaximised();
void testXdgInitiallyMinimized();
void testXdgWindowGeometry();
void TestShellClient::initTestCase()
@ -1464,41 +1463,6 @@ void TestShellClient::testXdgInitiallyMinimized()
void TestShellClient::testXdgWindowGeometry()
QScopedPointer<Surface> surface(Test::createSurface());
QScopedPointer<XdgShellSurface> shellSurface(Test::createXdgShellStableSurface(, nullptr, Test::CreationSetup::CreateOnly));
QSignalSpy configureRequestedSpy(, &XdgShellSurface::configureRequested);
// Create a 160x140 window in with a margin of 10(left), 20(top), 30(right), 40(bottom). Giving a total buffer size 200, 100
shellSurface->setWindowGeometry(QRect(10, 20, 160, 40));
auto c = Test::renderAndWaitForShown(, QSize(200,100), Qt::blue);
configureRequestedSpy.wait(); //window activated after being shown
QSignalSpy geometryChangedSpy(c, &ShellClient::geometryChanged);
// resize to 300,200 in kwin terms
c->setGeometry(QRect(100, 100, 300, 200));
// requested geometry should not include the margins we had above
const QSize requestedSize = configureRequestedSpy.last()[0].value<QSize>();
QCOMPARE(requestedSize, QSize(300, 200) - QSize(10 + 30, 20 + 40));
Test::render(, requestedSize + QSize(10 + 30, 20 + 40), Qt::blue);
// kwin's concept of geometry should remain the same
QCOMPARE(c->geometry(), QRect(100, 100, 300, 200));
// when full screen, the window geometry (i.e without margins) should fill the screen
const QSize requestedFullScreenSize = configureRequestedSpy.last()[0].value<QSize>();
QCOMPARE(requestedFullScreenSize, QSize(1280, 1024));
#include "shell_client_test.moc"

View file

@ -372,7 +372,6 @@ void ShellClient::finishInit() {
SurfaceInterface *s = surface();
disconnect(s, &SurfaceInterface::committed, this, &ShellClient::finishInit);
if (!isInitialPositionSet()) {
QRect area = workspace()->clientArea(PlacementArea, Screens::self()->current(), desktop());
@ -428,16 +427,6 @@ void ShellClient::deleteClient(ShellClient *c)
delete c;
QSize ShellClient::toWindowGeometry(const QSize &size) const
QSize adjustedSize = size - QSize(borderLeft() + borderRight(), borderTop() + borderBottom());
// a client going fullscreen should have the window the contents size of the screen
if (!isFullScreen() && requestedMaximizeMode() != MaximizeFull) {
adjustedSize -= QSize(m_windowMargins.left() + m_windowMargins.right(), + m_windowMargins.bottom());
return adjustedSize;
QStringList ShellClient::activities() const
// TODO: implement
@ -530,7 +519,6 @@ void ShellClient::addDamage(const QRegion &damage)
auto s = surface();
if (s->size().isValid()) {
m_clientSize = s->size();
@ -629,11 +617,11 @@ void ShellClient::setGeometry(int x, int y, int w, int h, ForceGeometry_t force)
// reset geometry to the one before blocking, so that we can compare properly
geom = geometryBeforeUpdateBlocking();
// TODO: better merge with Client's implementation
const QSize requestedClientSize = QSize(w, h) - QSize(borderLeft() + borderRight(), borderTop() + borderBottom());
const QSize requestedWindowGeometrySize = toWindowGeometry(QSize(w, h));
if (requestedClientSize == m_clientSize && !isWaitingForMoveResizeSync() &&
(m_requestedClientSize.isEmpty() || requestedWindowGeometrySize == m_requestedClientSize)) {
(m_requestedClientSize.isEmpty() || requestedClientSize == m_requestedClientSize)) {
// size didn't change, and we don't need to explicitly request a new size
doSetGeometry(QRect(x, y, w, h));
@ -1119,7 +1107,7 @@ bool ShellClient::requestGeometry(const QRect &rect)
QSize size;
if (rect.isValid()) {
size = toWindowGeometry(rect.size());
size = rect.size() - QSize(borderLeft() + borderRight(), borderTop() + borderBottom());
} else {
size = QSize(0, 0);
@ -1138,7 +1126,7 @@ bool ShellClient::requestGeometry(const QRect &rect)
if (parent) {
const QPoint globalClientContentPos = parent->geometry().topLeft() + parent->clientPos();
const QPoint relativeOffset = rect.topLeft() - globalClientContentPos;
serialId = m_xdgShellPopup->configure(QRect(relativeOffset, size));
serialId = m_xdgShellPopup->configure(QRect(relativeOffset, rect.size()));
@ -1879,34 +1867,6 @@ void ShellClient::updateClientOutputs()
void ShellClient::updateWindowMargins()
QRect windowGeometry;
QSize clientSize = m_clientSize;
if (m_xdgShellSurface) {
windowGeometry = m_xdgShellSurface->windowGeometry();
} else if (m_xdgShellPopup) {
windowGeometry = m_xdgShellPopup->windowGeometry();
if (!clientSize.isValid()) {
clientSize = m_xdgShellPopup->initialSize();
} else {
if (windowGeometry.isEmpty() ||
windowGeometry.width() > clientSize.width() ||
windowGeometry.height() > clientSize.height()) {
m_windowMargins = QMargins();
} else {
m_windowMargins = QMargins(windowGeometry.left(),,
clientSize.width() - (windowGeometry.right() + 1),
clientSize.height() - (windowGeometry.bottom() + 1));
bool ShellClient::isPopupWindow() const
if (Toplevel::isPopupWindow()) {

View file

@ -214,7 +214,6 @@ private:
void setTransient();
bool shouldExposeToWindowManagement();
void updateClientOutputs();
void updateWindowMargins();
KWayland::Server::XdgShellSurfaceInterface::States xdgSurfaceStates() const;
void updateShowOnScreenEdge();
void updateMaximizeMode(MaximizeMode maximizeMode);
@ -223,8 +222,6 @@ private:
QPoint popupOffset(const QRect &anchorRect, const Qt::Edges anchorEdge, const Qt::Edges gravity, const QSize popupSize) const;
static void deleteClient(ShellClient *c);
QSize toWindowGeometry(const QSize &geometry) const;
KWayland::Server::ShellSurfaceInterface *m_shellSurface;
KWayland::Server::XdgShellSurfaceInterface *m_xdgShellSurface;
KWayland::Server::XdgShellPopupInterface *m_xdgShellPopup;
@ -294,8 +291,6 @@ private:
QString m_captionSuffix;
QHash<qint32, PingReason> m_pingSerials;
QMargins m_windowMargins;
bool m_compositingSetup = false;