Returns (true) of the client is shaded, (false) otherwise.
+Returns (true) if the client is shaded, (false) otherwise.
Returns (true) of the client is shadeable (can be shaded), (false) otherwise.
+Returns (true) if the client is shadeable (can be shaded), (false) otherwise.
Returns (true) of the client is minimized, (false) otherwise.
+Returns (true) if the client is minimized, (false) otherwise.
Returns (true) of the client can be minimized, (false) otherwise.
+Returns (true) if the client can be minimized, (false) otherwise.
Returns (true) of the client can be mazimized, (false) otherwise.
+Returns (true) if the client can be mazimized, (false) otherwise.
Returns (true) of the client can be resized (changable size), (false) otherwise.
+Returns (true) if the client can be resized (changable size), (false) otherwise.
Returns (true) of the client can be moved (non-fixed location), (false) otherwise.
+Returns (true) if the client can be moved (non-fixed location), (false) otherwise.
Returns (true) of the client can be moved across screens (only valid in a multiple monitor setup), (false) otherwise.
+Returns (true) if the client can be moved across screens (only valid in a multiple monitor setup), (false) otherwise.
Returns (true) of the client can be closed by user action (or any other action other than the system or the application itself), (false) otherwise.
+Returns (true) if the client can be closed by user action (or any other action other than the system or the application itself), (false) otherwise.
Returns (true) of the client is in fullscreen mode, (false) otherwise.
+Returns (true) if the client is in fullscreen mode, (false) otherwise.
Returns (true) of the client can be set to fullscreen mode, (false) otherwise.
+Returns (true) if the client can be set to fullscreen mode, (false) otherwise.
+Returns (true) if the window is 'normal', (false) otherwise. A normal window is a window which has a border, can be moved by the user, can be closed, etc.
+Returns (true) if 'Keep Above Others' has been set on the client, (false) otherwise.
+Returns (true) if 'Keep Below Others' has been set on the client, (false) otherwise.
+Sets the 'Keep Above others' parameter value or unsets it according to keepabove.
+setKeepAbove(keepabove {})
Sets the 'Keep Below others' parameter value or unsets it according to keepbelow.
+setKeepBelow(keepbelow {})