[kwin/tabbox] Adjust informative desktop switcher to API change
Note: icon list seems broken
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 164 additions and 177 deletions
@ -20,198 +20,185 @@ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import QtQuick 2.0
import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore
import org.kde.qtextracomponents 2.0
import org.kde.kwin 2.0 as KWin
Item {
id: desktopTabBox
property int screenWidth : 0
property int screenHeight : 0
KWin.Switcher {
id: tabBox
currentIndex: listView.currentIndex
property bool allDesktops: true
property string longestCaption: ""
property int optimalWidth: listView.maxRowWidth
property int optimalHeight: listView.rowHeight * listView.count + clientArea.height + 4 + background.topMargin + background.bottomMargin
property bool canStretchX: true
property bool canStretchY: false
property string maskImagePath: background.maskImagePath
property double maskWidth: background.centerWidth
property double maskHeight: background.centerHeight
property int maskTopMargin: background.centerTopMargin
property int maskLeftMargin: background.centerLeftMargin
width: Math.min(Math.max(screenWidth * 0.2, optimalWidth), screenWidth * 0.8)
height: Math.min(optimalHeight, screenHeight * 0.8)
property int textMargin: 2
onLongestCaptionChanged: {
listView.maxRowWidth = listView.calculateMaxRowWidth();
PlasmaCore.Dialog {
id: dialog
location: PlasmaCore.Types.Floating
visible: tabBox.visible
windowFlags: Qt.X11BypassWindowManagerHint
onVisibleChanged: {
if (visible) {
dialog.x = tabBox.screenGeometry.x + tabBox.screenGeometry.width * 0.5 - dialogMainItem.width * 0.5;
dialog.y = tabBox.screenGeometry.y + tabBox.screenGeometry.height * 0.5 - dialogMainItem.height * 0.5;
function setModel(model) {
listView.model = model;
desktopClientModel.model = model;
listView.maxRowWidth = listView.calculateMaxRowWidth();
mainItem: Item {
id: dialogMainItem
property int optimalWidth: listView.maxRowWidth
property int optimalHeight: listView.rowHeight * listView.count + clientArea.height + 4
property bool canStretchX: true
property bool canStretchY: false
width: Math.min(Math.max(tabBox.screenGeometry.width * 0.2, optimalWidth), tabBox.screenGeometry.width * 0.8)
height: Math.min(optimalHeight, tabBox.screenGeometry.height * 0.8)
function modelChanged() {
listView.currentIndex = -1;
// just to get the margin sizes
PlasmaCore.FrameSvgItem {
id: hoverItem
imagePath: "widgets/viewitem"
prefix: "hover"
visible: false
// just to get the margin sizes
PlasmaCore.FrameSvgItem {
id: hoverItem
imagePath: "widgets/viewitem"
prefix: "hover"
visible: false
ShadowedSvgItem {
id: background
anchors.fill: parent
// delegate
Component {
id: listDelegate
Item {
id: delegateItem
width: listView.width
height: listView.rowHeight
QIconItem {
id: iconElement
icon: "user-desktop"
width: 32
height: 32
// delegate
Component {
id: listDelegate
Item {
id: delegateItem
width: listView.width
height: listView.rowHeight
QIconItem {
id: iconElement
icon: "user-desktop"
width: 32
height: 32
anchors {
topMargin: (listView.rowHeight - 32) / 2
left: parent.left
top: parent.top
leftMargin: hoverItem.margins.left
Text {
id: captionItem
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
text: display
font.bold: true
color: theme.textColor
elide: Text.ElideMiddle
anchors {
left: iconElement.right
right: parent.right
top: parent.top
topMargin: tabBox.textMargin + hoverItem.margins.top
rightMargin: hoverItem.margins.right
leftMargin: tabBox.textMargin
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
listView.currentIndex = index;
ListView {
function calculateMaxRowWidth() {
var width = 0;
var textElement = Qt.createQmlObject(
'import QtQuick 2.0;'
+ 'Text {\n'
+ ' text: "' + tabBox.model.longestCaption() + '"\n'
+ ' font.bold: true\n'
+ ' visible: false\n'
+ '}',
listView, "calculateMaxRowWidth");
width = Math.max(textElement.width, width);
return width + 32 + hoverItem.margins.right + hoverItem.margins.left;
* Calculates the height of one row based on the text height and icon size.
* @return Row height
function calcRowHeight() {
var textElement = Qt.createQmlObject(
'import QtQuick 2.0;'
+ 'Text {\n'
+ ' text: "Some Text"\n'
+ ' font.bold: true\n'
+ ' visible: false\n'
+ '}',
listView, "calcRowHeight");
var height = textElement.height;
// icon size or two text elements and margins and hoverItem margins
return Math.max(32, height + tabBox.textMargin * 2 + hoverItem.margins.top + hoverItem.margins.bottom);
id: listView
model: tabBox.model
// the maximum text width + icon item width (32 + 4 margin) + margins for hover item
property int maxRowWidth: calculateMaxRowWidth()
property int rowHeight: calcRowHeight()
anchors {
topMargin: (listView.rowHeight - 32) / 2
top: parent.top
left: parent.left
top: parent.top
leftMargin: hoverItem.margins.left
Text {
id: captionItem
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
text: display
font.bold: true
color: theme.textColor
elide: Text.ElideMiddle
anchors {
left: iconElement.right
right: parent.right
top: parent.top
topMargin: desktopTabBox.textMargin + hoverItem.margins.top
rightMargin: hoverItem.margins.right
leftMargin: desktopTabBox.textMargin
bottom: clientArea.top
bottomMargin: clientArea.topMargin
clip: true
delegate: listDelegate
highlight: PlasmaCore.FrameSvgItem {
id: highlightItem
imagePath: "widgets/viewitem"
prefix: "hover"
width: listView.width
highlightMoveDuration: 250
boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds
Connections {
target: tabBox
onCurrentIndexChanged: {listView.currentIndex = tabBox.currentIndex;}
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
listView.currentIndex = index;
Component {
id: clientIconDelegate
QIconItem {
icon: model.icon
width: 16
height: 16
ListView {
function calculateMaxRowWidth() {
var width = 0;
var textElement = Qt.createQmlObject(
'import QtQuick 2.0;'
+ 'Text {\n'
+ ' text: "' + desktopTabBox.longestCaption + '"\n'
+ ' font.bold: true\n'
+ ' visible: false\n'
+ '}',
listView, "calculateMaxRowWidth");
width = Math.max(textElement.width, width);
return width + 32 + hoverItem.margins.right + hoverItem.margins.left + background.leftMargin + background.rightMargin;
* Calculates the height of one row based on the text height and icon size.
* @return Row height
function calcRowHeight() {
var textElement = Qt.createQmlObject(
'import QtQuick 2.0;'
+ 'Text {\n'
+ ' text: "Some Text"\n'
+ ' font.bold: true\n'
+ ' visible: false\n'
+ '}',
listView, "calcRowHeight");
var height = textElement.height;
// icon size or two text elements and margins and hoverItem margins
return Math.max(32, height + desktopTabBox.textMargin * 2 + hoverItem.margins.top + hoverItem.margins.bottom);
signal currentIndexChanged(int index)
id: listView
objectName: "listView"
// the maximum text width + icon item width (32 + 4 margin) + margins for hover item + margins for background
property int maxRowWidth: calculateMaxRowWidth()
property int rowHeight: calcRowHeight()
anchors {
top: parent.top
left: parent.left
right: parent.right
bottom: clientArea.top
topMargin: background.topMargin
leftMargin: background.leftMargin
rightMargin: background.rightMargin
bottomMargin: clientArea.top
clip: true
delegate: listDelegate
highlight: PlasmaCore.FrameSvgItem {
id: highlightItem
imagePath: "widgets/viewitem"
prefix: "hover"
width: listView.width
highlightMoveDuration: 250
boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds
Component {
id: clientIconDelegate
QIconItem {
icon: model.icon
width: 16
height: 16
Item {
id: clientArea
VisualDataModel {
property alias desktopIndex: listView.currentIndex
id: desktopClientModel
model: clientModel
delegate: clientIconDelegate
onDesktopIndexChanged: {
desktopClientModel.rootIndex = desktopClientModel.parentModelIndex();
desktopClientModel.rootIndex = desktopClientModel.modelIndex(desktopClientModel.desktopIndex);
Item {
id: clientArea
VisualDataModel {
property alias desktopIndex: listView.currentIndex
id: desktopClientModel
model: tabBox.model
delegate: clientIconDelegate
onDesktopIndexChanged: {
desktopClientModel.rootIndex = desktopClientModel.parentModelIndex();
desktopClientModel.rootIndex = desktopClientModel.modelIndex(desktopClientModel.desktopIndex);
ListView {
id: iconsListView
model: desktopClientModel
clip: true
orientation: ListView.Horizontal
spacing: 4
anchors {
fill: parent
leftMargin: 34
height: 18
anchors {
left: parent.left
right: parent.right
bottom: parent.bottom
topMargin: 2
ListView {
id: iconsListView
model: desktopClientModel
clip: true
orientation: ListView.Horizontal
spacing: 4
anchors {
fill: parent
leftMargin: 34
height: 18
anchors {
left: parent.left
right: parent.right
bottom: parent.bottom
topMargin: 2
leftMargin: background.leftMargin
rightMargin: background.rightMargin
bottomMargin: background.bottomMargin
Reference in a new issue