constification (can't make any harm can it ?)
svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=1155754
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 84 additions and 85 deletions
@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ namespace Oxygen
if( isMaximized() ) { return widget()->rect(); }
QRect frame( widget()->rect().adjusted(
const QRect frame( widget()->rect().adjusted(
layoutMetric( LM_OuterPaddingLeft ), layoutMetric( LM_OuterPaddingTop ),
-layoutMetric( LM_OuterPaddingRight ), -layoutMetric( LM_OuterPaddingBottom ) ) );
@ -287,10 +287,10 @@ namespace Oxygen
int Client::layoutMetric(LayoutMetric lm, bool respectWindowState, const KCommonDecorationButton *btn) const
bool maximized( isMaximized() );
bool narrowSpacing( configuration().useNarrowButtonSpacing() );
int frameBorder( configuration().frameBorder() );
int buttonSize( configuration().hideTitleBar() ? 0 : configuration().buttonSize() );
const bool maximized( isMaximized() );
const bool narrowSpacing( configuration().useNarrowButtonSpacing() );
const int frameBorder( configuration().frameBorder() );
const int buttonSize( configuration().hideTitleBar() ? 0 : configuration().buttonSize() );
switch (lm)
@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ namespace Oxygen
if( active && configuration().drawTitleOutline() && isActive() )
QRect textRect( titleBoundingRect( options()->font( true, false), titleRect, caption() ) );
const QRect textRect( titleBoundingRect( options()->font( true, false), titleRect, caption() ) );
titleRect.setLeft( textRect.left() - layoutMetric( LM_TitleBorderLeft ) );
titleRect.setRight( textRect.right() + layoutMetric( LM_TitleBorderRight ) );
@ -461,10 +461,10 @@ namespace Oxygen
itemData_.animate( AnimationNone );
// maximum available space
QRect titleRect( this->titleRect() );
const QRect titleRect( this->titleRect() );
// get tabs
int items( clientGroupItems().count() );
const int items( clientGroupItems().count() );
// make sure item data have the correct number of items
while( itemData_.count() < items ) itemData_.push_back( ClientGroupItemData() );
@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ namespace Oxygen
} else {
int left( titleRect.left() );
int width( titleRect.width()/items );
const int width( titleRect.width()/items );
for( int index = 0; index < itemData_.count(); index++ )
@ -558,10 +558,10 @@ namespace Oxygen
} else {
// todo: reimplement cache
QColor ab = palette.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Window);
QColor af = palette.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::WindowText);
QColor nb = palette.color(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::Window);
QColor nf = palette.color(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::WindowText);
const QColor ab = palette.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Window);
const QColor af = palette.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::WindowText);
const QColor nb = palette.color(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::Window);
const QColor nf = palette.color(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::WindowText);
return reduceContrast(nb, nf, qMax(qreal(2.5), KColorUtils::contrastRatio(ab, KColorUtils::mix(ab, af, 0.4))));
@ -579,9 +579,11 @@ namespace Oxygen
} else {
int offset = layoutMetric( LM_OuterPaddingTop );
const int offset = layoutMetric( LM_OuterPaddingTop );
int height = 64 - Configuration::ButtonDefault;
if( !configuration().hideTitleBar() ) height += configuration().buttonSize();
const QWidget* window( isPreview() ? this->widget() : widget->window() );
helper().renderWindowBackground(painter, rect, widget, window, palette, offset, height );
@ -613,7 +615,8 @@ namespace Oxygen
QRect r = (isPreview()) ? this->widget()->rect():window->rect();
qreal shadowSize( shadowCache().shadowSize() );
const qreal shadowSize( shadowCache().shadowSize() );
r.adjust( shadowSize, shadowSize, -shadowSize, -shadowSize );
r.adjust(0,0, 1, 1);
@ -621,14 +624,14 @@ namespace Oxygen
QColor color( palette.window().color() );
// title height
int titleHeight( layoutMetric( LM_TitleEdgeTop ) + layoutMetric( LM_TitleEdgeBottom ) + layoutMetric( LM_TitleHeight ) );
const int titleHeight( layoutMetric( LM_TitleEdgeTop ) + layoutMetric( LM_TitleEdgeBottom ) + layoutMetric( LM_TitleHeight ) );
// make titlebar background darker for tabbed, non-outline window
if( ( clientGroupItems().count() >= 2 || itemData_.isAnimated() ) && !(configuration().drawTitleOutline() && isActive() ) )
QPoint topLeft( r.topLeft()-position );
QRect rect( topLeft, QSize( r.width(), titleHeight ) );
const QPoint topLeft( r.topLeft()-position );
const QRect rect( topLeft, QSize( r.width(), titleHeight ) );
QLinearGradient lg( rect.topLeft(), rect.bottomLeft() );
lg.setColorAt( 0, helper().alphaColor( Qt::black, 0.05 ) );
@ -641,10 +644,10 @@ namespace Oxygen
// horizontal line
int shadowSize = 7;
int height = shadowSize-3;
const int shadowSize = 7;
const int height = shadowSize-3;
QPoint topLeft( r.topLeft()+QPoint(0,titleHeight-height)-position );
const QPoint topLeft( r.topLeft()+QPoint(0,titleHeight-height)-position );
QRect rect( topLeft, QSize( r.width(), height ) );
// adjustements to cope with shadow size and outline border.
@ -665,32 +668,32 @@ namespace Oxygen
QRect frame;
// bottom line
int leftOffset = qMin( layoutMetric( LM_BorderLeft ), int(HFRAMESIZE) );
int rightOffset = qMin( layoutMetric( LM_BorderRight ), int(HFRAMESIZE) );
const int leftOffset = qMin( layoutMetric( LM_BorderLeft ), int(HFRAMESIZE) );
const int rightOffset = qMin( layoutMetric( LM_BorderRight ), int(HFRAMESIZE) );
if( configuration().frameBorder() > Configuration::BorderNone )
int height = qMax( 0, layoutMetric( LM_BorderBottom ) - HFRAMESIZE );
int width = r.width() - leftOffset - rightOffset - 1;
const int height = qMax( 0, layoutMetric( LM_BorderBottom ) - HFRAMESIZE );
const int width = r.width() - leftOffset - rightOffset - 1;
QRect rect( r.bottomLeft()-position + QPoint( leftOffset, -layoutMetric( LM_BorderBottom ) ), QSize( width, height ) );
const QRect rect( r.bottomLeft()-position + QPoint( leftOffset, -layoutMetric( LM_BorderBottom ) ), QSize( width, height ) );
if( height > 0 ) { mask += rect; frame |= rect; }
QColor shadow( helper().calcDarkColor( color ) );
const QColor shadow( helper().calcDarkColor( color ) );
painter->setPen( shadow );
painter->drawLine( rect.bottomLeft()+QPoint(0,1), rect.bottomRight()+QPoint(0,1) );
// left and right
int topOffset = titleHeight;
int bottomOffset = qMin( layoutMetric( LM_BorderBottom ), int(HFRAMESIZE) );
int height = r.height() - topOffset - bottomOffset - 1;
const int topOffset = titleHeight;
const int bottomOffset = qMin( layoutMetric( LM_BorderBottom ), int(HFRAMESIZE) );
const int height = r.height() - topOffset - bottomOffset - 1;
if( configuration().frameBorder() >= Configuration::BorderTiny )
QColor shadow( helper().calcLightColor( color ) );
const QColor shadow( helper().calcLightColor( color ) );
painter->setPen( shadow );
// left
@ -711,7 +714,7 @@ namespace Oxygen
// in preview mode also adds center square
if( isPreview() )
QRect rect( r.topLeft()-position + QPoint( layoutMetric( LM_BorderLeft ), topOffset ), QSize(r.width()-layoutMetric( LM_BorderLeft )-layoutMetric( LM_BorderRight ),height) );
const QRect rect( r.topLeft()-position + QPoint( layoutMetric( LM_BorderLeft ), topOffset ), QSize(r.width()-layoutMetric( LM_BorderLeft )-layoutMetric( LM_BorderRight ),height) );
mask += rect; frame |= rect;
@ -778,8 +781,8 @@ namespace Oxygen
// center (for active windows only)
int offset = 1;
int voffset = 1;
const int offset = 1;
const int voffset = 1;
QRect adjustedRect( rect.adjusted( offset, voffset, -offset, 1 ) );
// prepare painter mask
@ -793,10 +796,10 @@ namespace Oxygen
// shadow
int shadowSize = 7;
int offset = -3;
int voffset = 5-shadowSize;
QRect adjustedRect( rect.adjusted(offset, voffset, -offset, shadowSize) );
const int shadowSize = 7;
const int offset = -3;
const int voffset = 5-shadowSize;
const QRect adjustedRect( rect.adjusted(offset, voffset, -offset, shadowSize) );
helper().slab( palette.color( widget()->backgroundRole() ), 0, shadowSize )->render( adjustedRect, painter, TileSet::Tiles(TileSet::Top|TileSet::Left|TileSet::Right) );
@ -873,8 +876,8 @@ namespace Oxygen
void Client::renderTitleText( QPainter* painter, const QRect& rect, const QString& caption, const QColor& color, const QColor& contrast, bool elide ) const
Qt::Alignment alignment( configuration().titleAlignment() | Qt::AlignVCenter );
QString local( elide ? QFontMetrics( painter->font() ).elidedText( caption, Qt::ElideRight, rect.width() ):caption );
const Qt::Alignment alignment( configuration().titleAlignment() | Qt::AlignVCenter );
const QString local( elide ? QFontMetrics( painter->font() ).elidedText( caption, Qt::ElideRight, rect.width() ):caption );
// translate title down in case of maximized window
if( isMaximized() ) painter->translate( 0, 2 );
@ -905,8 +908,8 @@ namespace Oxygen
QPainter painter( &out );
painter.setFont( options()->font(isActive(), false) );
Qt::Alignment alignment( configuration().titleAlignment() | Qt::AlignVCenter );
QString local( elide ? QFontMetrics( painter.font() ).elidedText( caption, Qt::ElideRight, rect.width() ):caption );
const Qt::Alignment alignment( configuration().titleAlignment() | Qt::AlignVCenter );
const QString local( elide ? QFontMetrics( painter.font() ).elidedText( caption, Qt::ElideRight, rect.width() ):caption );
painter.setPen( color );
painter.drawText( out.rect(), alignment, local );
@ -922,7 +925,7 @@ namespace Oxygen
const ClientGroupItemData& item( itemData_[index] );
// see if tag is active
int itemCount( itemData_.count() );
const int itemCount( itemData_.count() );
if( !item.boundingRect_.isValid() ) return;
@ -939,11 +942,11 @@ namespace Oxygen
{ textRect.adjust( 0, 0, - configuration().buttonSize() - layoutMetric(LM_TitleEdgeRight), 0 ); }
// check if current item is active
bool active( index == visibleClientGroupItem() );
const bool active( index == visibleClientGroupItem() );
// get current item caption and update text rect
const QList< ClientGroupItem >& items( clientGroupItems() );
QString caption( itemCount == 1 ? this->caption() : items[index].title() );
const QString caption( itemCount == 1 ? this->caption() : items[index].title() );
// always make sure that titleRect never conflicts with window buttons
QRect titleRect( this->titleRect() );
@ -1019,12 +1022,12 @@ namespace Oxygen
// separators
// draw Left separator
QColor color( backgroundPalette( widget(), palette ).window().color() );
bool isFirstItem( index == 0 || (index == 1 && !itemData_[0].boundingRect_.isValid() ) );
const QColor color( backgroundPalette( widget(), palette ).window().color() );
const bool isFirstItem( index == 0 || (index == 1 && !itemData_[0].boundingRect_.isValid() ) );
if( !active && ( ( isFirstItem && buttonsLeftWidth() > 0 ) || itemData_.isTarget( index ) ) )
QRect local( item.boundingRect_.topLeft()+QPoint(0,2), QSize( 2, item.boundingRect_.height()-3 ) );
const QRect local( item.boundingRect_.topLeft()+QPoint(0,2), QSize( 2, item.boundingRect_.height()-3 ) );
helper().drawSeparator( painter, local, color, Qt::Vertical);
@ -1036,7 +1039,7 @@ namespace Oxygen
!( index+1 == visibleClientGroupItem() && itemData_[index+1].boundingRect_.isValid() ) ) ) )
QRect local( item.boundingRect_.topRight()+QPoint(0,2), QSize( 2, item.boundingRect_.height()-3 ) );
const QRect local( item.boundingRect_.topRight()+QPoint(0,2), QSize( 2, item.boundingRect_.height()-3 ) );
helper().drawSeparator( painter, local, color, Qt::Vertical);
@ -1051,7 +1054,7 @@ namespace Oxygen
if( itemData_.targetRect().isNull() || itemData_.isAnimationRunning() ) return;
QColor color = palette.color(QPalette::Highlight);
const QColor color = palette.color(QPalette::Highlight);
p->setPen(KColorUtils::mix(color, palette.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::WindowText)));
p->setBrush( helper().alphaColor( color, 0.5 ) );
p->drawRect( itemData_.targetRect().adjusted( 4, 2, -4, -2 ) );
@ -1079,7 +1082,7 @@ namespace Oxygen
} else {
// for small borders, use a frame that matches the titlebar only
QRect local( frame.topLeft(), QSize( frame.width(), layoutMetric(LM_TitleHeight) + layoutMetric(LM_TitleEdgeTop) ) );
const QRect local( frame.topLeft(), QSize( frame.width(), layoutMetric(LM_TitleHeight) + layoutMetric(LM_TitleEdgeTop) ) );
painter, local, backgroundColor( widget(), palette ),
false, isActive() && configuration().useOxygenShadows(),
@ -1116,10 +1119,8 @@ namespace Oxygen
// Draw right side 3-dots resize handles
//qreal cenY = h / 2 + y + 0.5;
//qreal posX = w + x - 2.5;
qreal cenY = h / 2 + y ;
qreal posX = w + x - 3;
const qreal cenY = h / 2 + y ;
const qreal posX = w + x - 3;
helper().renderDot( painter, QPointF(posX, cenY - 3), color);
helper().renderDot( painter, QPointF(posX, cenY), color);
@ -1202,15 +1203,15 @@ namespace Oxygen
if( glowIsAnimated() && !isForcedActive() )
QColor inactiveColor( backgroundColor( widget, palette, false ) );
QColor activeColor( backgroundColor( widget, palette, true ) );
QColor mixed( KColorUtils::mix( inactiveColor, activeColor, glowIntensity() ) );
const QColor inactiveColor( backgroundColor( widget, palette, false ) );
const QColor activeColor( backgroundColor( widget, palette, true ) );
const QColor mixed( KColorUtils::mix( inactiveColor, activeColor, glowIntensity() ) );
palette.setColor( widget->window()->backgroundRole(), mixed );
palette.setColor( QPalette::Button, mixed );
} else if( isActive() || isForcedActive() ) {
QColor color = options()->color( KDecorationDefines::ColorTitleBar, true );
const QColor color = options()->color( KDecorationDefines::ColorTitleBar, true );
palette.setColor( widget->window()->backgroundRole(), color );
palette.setColor( QPalette::Button, color );
@ -1376,9 +1377,9 @@ namespace Oxygen
} else {
// multipliers
int left = 1;
int right = 1;
int top = 1;
const int left = 1;
const int right = 1;
const int top = 1;
int bottom = 1;
// disable bottom corners when border frame is too small and window is not shaded
@ -1442,7 +1443,7 @@ namespace Oxygen
painter.setFont( options()->font(isActive(), false) );
// draw ClientGroupItems
int itemCount( itemData_.count() );
const int itemCount( itemData_.count() );
for( int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++ ) renderItem( &painter, i, palette );
// draw target rect
@ -1460,7 +1461,7 @@ namespace Oxygen
bool Client::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent* event )
QPoint point = event->pos();
const QPoint point = event->pos();
if( itemClicked( point ) < 0 ) return false;
dragPoint_ = point;
@ -1492,10 +1493,10 @@ namespace Oxygen
buttonToWindowOperation( mouseButton_ ) != OperationsOp )
QPoint point = event->pos();
const QPoint point = event->pos();
int visibleItem = visibleClientGroupItem();
int itemClicked( this->itemClicked( point ) );
const int visibleItem = visibleClientGroupItem();
const int itemClicked( this->itemClicked( point ) );
if( itemClicked >= 0 && visibleItem != itemClicked )
setVisibleClientGroupItem( itemClicked );
@ -1522,8 +1523,8 @@ namespace Oxygen
if( buttonToWindowOperation( mouseButton_ ) == ClientGroupDragOp )
QPoint point = event->pos();
int itemClicked( this->itemClicked( point ) );
const QPoint point = event->pos();
const int itemClicked( this->itemClicked( point ) );
if( itemClicked < 0 ) return false;
@ -1535,8 +1536,7 @@ namespace Oxygen
sourceItem_ = this->itemClicked( dragPoint_ );
// get tab geometry
QRect geometry;
geometry = itemData_[itemClicked].boundingRect_;
QRect geometry( itemData_[itemClicked].boundingRect_ );
// remove space used for buttons
if( itemData_.count() > 1 )
@ -1606,13 +1606,13 @@ namespace Oxygen
if( event->source() != widget() )
QPoint position( event->pos() );
const QPoint position( event->pos() );
itemData_.animate( AnimationEnter, itemClicked( position, true ) );
} else if( itemData_.count() > 1 ) {
QPoint position( event->pos() );
int itemClicked( this->itemClicked( position, false ) );
const QPoint position( event->pos() );
const int itemClicked( this->itemClicked( position, false ) );
itemData_.animate( AnimationEnter|AnimationSameTarget, itemClicked );
@ -1633,7 +1633,6 @@ namespace Oxygen
} else if( itemData_.isAnimated() ) {
itemData_.animate( AnimationLeave );
@ -1652,15 +1651,15 @@ namespace Oxygen
if( event->source() != widget() )
QPoint position( event->pos() );
const QPoint position( event->pos() );
itemData_.animate( AnimationMove, itemClicked( position, true ) );
} else if( itemData_.count() > 1 ) {
if( dragStartTimer_.isActive() ) dragStartTimer_.stop();
QPoint position( event->pos() );
int itemClicked( this->itemClicked( position, false ) );
const QPoint position( event->pos() );
const int itemClicked( this->itemClicked( position, false ) );
itemData_.animate( AnimationMove|AnimationSameTarget, itemClicked );
@ -1673,7 +1672,7 @@ namespace Oxygen
bool Client::dropEvent( QDropEvent* event )
QPoint point = event->pos();
const QPoint point = event->pos();
itemData_.animate( AnimationNone );
const QMimeData *groupData = event->mimeData();
@ -1682,7 +1681,7 @@ namespace Oxygen
if( widget() == event->source() )
int from = this->itemClicked( dragPoint_ );
const int from = this->itemClicked( dragPoint_ );
int itemClicked( this->itemClicked( point, false ) );
if( itemClicked > from )
@ -1699,8 +1698,8 @@ namespace Oxygen
} else {
setForceActive( true );
int itemClicked( this->itemClicked( point, true ) );
long source = QString( groupData->data( clientGroupItemDragMimeType() ) ).toLong();
const int itemClicked( this->itemClicked( point, true ) );
const long source = QString( groupData->data( clientGroupItemDragMimeType() ) ).toLong();
itemData_.setDirty( true );
moveItemToClientGroup( source, itemClicked );
@ -1749,7 +1748,7 @@ namespace Oxygen
QPixmap Client::itemDragPixmap( int index, const QRect& geometry )
bool itemValid( index >= 0 && index < clientGroupItems().count() );
const bool itemValid( index >= 0 && index < clientGroupItems().count() );
QPixmap pixmap( geometry.size() );
QPainter painter( &pixmap );
@ -1761,7 +1760,7 @@ namespace Oxygen
renderWindowBackground( &painter, geometry, widget(), widget()->palette() );
// darken background if item is inactive
bool itemActive = !( itemValid && index != visibleClientGroupItem() );
const bool itemActive = !( itemValid && index != visibleClientGroupItem() );
if( !itemActive )
@ -1781,7 +1780,7 @@ namespace Oxygen
if( itemValid )
{ textRect.adjust( layoutMetric( LM_TitleBorderLeft ), 0, -layoutMetric(LM_TitleBorderRight), 0 ); }
QString caption( itemValid ? clientGroupItems()[index].title() : this->caption() );
const QString caption( itemValid ? clientGroupItems()[index].title() : this->caption() );
&painter, textRect, caption,
titlebarTextColor( widget()->palette(), isActive() && itemActive ),
Reference in a new issue