diff --git a/effects/shadow.cpp b/effects/shadow.cpp
index d6a84659a9..8eb56d28b7 100644
--- a/effects/shadow.cpp
+++ b/effects/shadow.cpp
@@ -30,9 +30,6 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
@@ -41,48 +38,8 @@ namespace KWin
KWIN_EFFECT( shadow, ShadowEffect )
-ShadowTiles::ShadowTiles(const QPixmap& shadow)
- {
- int w = shadow.width() / 2, h = shadow.height() / 2;
- cornerSize = QSize(w, h);
-#define DUMP_CNR(_TILE_, _W_, _H_, _XOFF_, _YOFF_)\
- dump = QPixmap(_W_, _H_);\
- dump.fill(Qt::transparent);\
- p.begin(&dump);\
- p.drawPixmap( 0, 0, shadow, _XOFF_, _YOFF_, _W_, _H_ );\
- p.end();\
- _TILE_ = dump
- QPixmap dump; QPainter p;
- DUMP_CNR(topLeft, w, h, 0, 0);
- DUMP_CNR(topRight, w, h, w, 0);
- DUMP_CNR(btmLeft, w, h, 0, h);
- DUMP_CNR(btmRight, w, h, w, h);
- XRenderPictureAttributes pa; pa.repeat = True;
-#define DUMP_TILE(_TILE_, _W_, _H_, _XOFF_, _YOFF_)\
- DUMP_CNR(_TILE_, _W_, _H_, _XOFF_, _YOFF_);\
- XRenderChangePicture (display(), _TILE_, CPRepeat, &pa)
- DUMP_TILE(top, 1, h, w, 0);
- DUMP_TILE(btm, 1, h, w, h);
- DUMP_TILE(left, w, 1, 0, h);
- DUMP_TILE(right, w, 1, w, h);
- DUMP_TILE(center, 1, 1, w, h);
- }
-#undef DUMP_CNR
-#undef DUMP_TILE
: shadowSize( 0 )
- , mShadowPics( NULL )
reconfigure( ReconfigureAll );
connect(KGlobalSettings::self(), SIGNAL(kdisplayPaletteChanged()),
@@ -95,9 +52,15 @@ ShadowEffect::~ShadowEffect()
for( int i = 0; i < mShadowTextures.size(); i++ )
for( int j = 0; j < mShadowTextures.at( i ).size(); j++ )
delete mShadowTextures.at( i ).at( j );
+ for( int i = 0; i < mDefaultShadowTextures.size(); i++ )
+ delete mDefaultShadowTextures.at( i );
- delete mShadowPics;
+ for( int i = 0; i < mShadowPics.size(); i++ )
+ for( int j = 0; j < mShadowPics.at( i ).size(); j++ )
+ delete mShadowPics.at( i ).at( j );
+ for( int i = 0; i < mDefaultShadowPics.size(); i++ )
+ delete mDefaultShadowPics.at( i );
@@ -110,31 +73,6 @@ void ShadowEffect::reconfigure( ReconfigureFlags )
shadowFuzzyness = conf.readEntry( "Fuzzyness", 10 );
shadowSize = conf.readEntry( "Size", 5 );
intensifyActiveShadow = conf.readEntry( "IntensifyActiveShadow", true );
- delete mShadowPics;
- mShadowPics = NULL;
- if ( effects->compositingType() == XRenderCompositing)
- {
- qreal size = 2*(shadowFuzzyness+shadowSize)+1;
- QPixmap *shadow = new QPixmap(size, size); shadow->fill(Qt::transparent);
- size /= 2.0;
- QRadialGradient rg(size, size, size);
- QColor c(0,0,0,255);
- rg.setColorAt(0, c);
- c.setAlpha(0.3*c.alpha());
- if (shadowSize > 0)
- rg.setColorAt(((float)shadowSize)/(shadowFuzzyness+shadowSize), c);
- c.setAlpha(0); rg.setColorAt(0.8, c);
- QPainter p(shadow);
- p.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing);
- p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.setBrush(rg);
- p.drawRect(shadow->rect());
- p.end();
- mShadowPics = new ShadowTiles(*shadow);
- delete shadow;
- }
// Load decoration shadow related things
@@ -145,37 +83,96 @@ void ShadowEffect::reconfigure( ReconfigureFlags )
if( effects->compositingType() == OpenGLCompositing )
+ // Delete any other textures in memory
for( int i = 0; i < mShadowTextures.size(); i++ )
for( int j = 0; j < mShadowTextures.at( i ).size(); j++ )
delete mShadowTextures.at( i ).at( j );
+ for( int i = 0; i < mDefaultShadowTextures.size(); i++ )
+ delete mDefaultShadowTextures.at( i );
+ mDefaultShadowTextures.clear();
+ // Create decoration shadows
if( effects->hasDecorationShadows() )
- QList< QList > shadowTextures = effects->shadowTextures();
- for( int i = 0; i < shadowTextures.size(); i++ )
+ QList< QList > shadowImages = effects->shadowTextures();
+ for( int i = 0; i < shadowImages.size(); i++ )
mShadowQuadTypes.append( effects->newWindowQuadType() );
QList textures;
- for( int j = 0; j < shadowTextures.at( i ).size(); j++ )
- textures.append( new GLTexture( shadowTextures.at( i ).at( j )));
+ for( int j = 0; j < shadowImages.at( i ).size(); j++ )
+ textures.append( new GLTexture( shadowImages.at( i ).at( j )));
mShadowTextures.append( textures );
+ // Create default textures
mDefaultShadowQuadType = effects->newWindowQuadType(); // TODO: Unregister?
- QImage shadowTexture( KGlobal::dirs()->findResource( "data", "kwin/shadow-texture.png" ));
- int hw = shadowTexture.width() / 2;
- int hh = shadowTexture.height() / 2;
- mDefaultShadowTextures.clear();
- mDefaultShadowTextures.append( new GLTexture( shadowTexture.copy( 0, 0, hw, hh )));
- mDefaultShadowTextures.append( new GLTexture( shadowTexture.copy( hw, 0, 1, hh )));
- mDefaultShadowTextures.append( new GLTexture( shadowTexture.copy( hw, 0, hw, hh )));
- mDefaultShadowTextures.append( new GLTexture( shadowTexture.copy( 0, hh, hw, 1 )));
- mDefaultShadowTextures.append( new GLTexture( shadowTexture.copy( hw, hh, 1, 1 )));
- mDefaultShadowTextures.append( new GLTexture( shadowTexture.copy( hw, hh, hw, 1 )));
- mDefaultShadowTextures.append( new GLTexture( shadowTexture.copy( 0, hh, hw, hh )));
- mDefaultShadowTextures.append( new GLTexture( shadowTexture.copy( hw, hh, 1, hh )));
- mDefaultShadowTextures.append( new GLTexture( shadowTexture.copy( hw, hh, hw, hh )));
+ QImage shadowImage( KGlobal::dirs()->findResource( "data", "kwin/shadow-texture.png" ));
+ int hw = shadowImage.width() / 2;
+ int hh = shadowImage.height() / 2;
+ mDefaultShadowTextures.append( new GLTexture( shadowImage.copy( 0, 0, hw, hh )));
+ mDefaultShadowTextures.append( new GLTexture( shadowImage.copy( hw, 0, 1, hh )));
+ mDefaultShadowTextures.append( new GLTexture( shadowImage.copy( hw, 0, hw, hh )));
+ mDefaultShadowTextures.append( new GLTexture( shadowImage.copy( 0, hh, hw, 1 )));
+ mDefaultShadowTextures.append( new GLTexture( shadowImage.copy( hw, hh, 1, 1 )));
+ mDefaultShadowTextures.append( new GLTexture( shadowImage.copy( hw, hh, hw, 1 )));
+ mDefaultShadowTextures.append( new GLTexture( shadowImage.copy( 0, hh, hw, hh )));
+ mDefaultShadowTextures.append( new GLTexture( shadowImage.copy( hw, hh, 1, hh )));
+ mDefaultShadowTextures.append( new GLTexture( shadowImage.copy( hw, hh, hw, hh )));
+ }
+ if( effects->compositingType() == XRenderCompositing )
+ {
+ // Delete any other pictures in memory
+ for( int i = 0; i < mShadowPics.size(); i++ )
+ for( int j = 0; j < mShadowPics.at( i ).size(); j++ )
+ delete mShadowPics.at( i ).at( j );
+ mShadowPics.clear();
+ for( int i = 0; i < mDefaultShadowPics.size(); i++ )
+ delete mDefaultShadowPics.at( i );
+ mDefaultShadowPics.clear();
+ // Create decoration pictures
+ if( effects->hasDecorationShadows() )
+ {
+ QList< QList > shadowImages = effects->shadowTextures();
+ for( int i = 0; i < shadowImages.size(); i++ )
+ {
+ mShadowQuadTypes.append( effects->newWindowQuadType() );
+ QList pictures;
+ for( int j = 0; j < shadowImages.at( i ).size(); j++ )
+ pictures.append( new XRenderPicture( QPixmap::fromImage( shadowImages.at( i ).at( j ))));
+ mShadowPics.append( pictures );
+ }
+ }
+ // Create default pictures
+ mDefaultShadowQuadType = effects->newWindowQuadType(); // TODO: Unregister?
+ QPixmap shadowPixmap( KGlobal::dirs()->findResource( "data", "kwin/shadow-texture.png" ));
+ shadowPixmap = shadowPixmap.scaled( QSize( shadowFuzzyness * 4, shadowFuzzyness * 4 ),
+ Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation );
+ int hw = shadowPixmap.width() / 2;
+ int hh = shadowPixmap.height() / 2;
+ mDefaultShadowPics.append( new XRenderPicture( shadowPixmap.copy( 0, 0, hw, hh )));
+ mDefaultShadowPics.append( new XRenderPicture( shadowPixmap.copy( hw, 0, 1, hh )));
+ mDefaultShadowPics.append( new XRenderPicture( shadowPixmap.copy( hw, 0, hw, hh )));
+ mDefaultShadowPics.append( new XRenderPicture( shadowPixmap.copy( 0, hh, hw, 1 )));
+ mDefaultShadowPics.append( new XRenderPicture( shadowPixmap.copy( hw, hh, 1, 1 )));
+ mDefaultShadowPics.append( new XRenderPicture( shadowPixmap.copy( hw, hh, hw, 1 )));
+ mDefaultShadowPics.append( new XRenderPicture( shadowPixmap.copy( 0, hh, hw, hh )));
+ mDefaultShadowPics.append( new XRenderPicture( shadowPixmap.copy( hw, hh, 1, hh )));
+ mDefaultShadowPics.append( new XRenderPicture( shadowPixmap.copy( hw, hh, hw, hh )));
+ // Apply repeat attribute to all pictures
+ XRenderPictureAttributes pa;
+ pa.repeat = true;
+ for( int i = 0; i < mShadowPics.size(); i++ )
+ for( int j = 0; j < mShadowPics.at( i ).size(); j++ )
+ XRenderChangePicture( display(), *mShadowPics.at( i ).at( j ), CPRepeat, &pa );
+ for( int i = 0; i < mDefaultShadowPics.size(); i++ )
+ XRenderChangePicture( display(), *mDefaultShadowPics.at( i ), CPRepeat, &pa );
@@ -271,8 +268,6 @@ void ShadowEffect::drawWindow( EffectWindow* w, int mask, QRegion region, Window
void ShadowEffect::buildQuads( EffectWindow* w, WindowQuadList& quadList )
- if( effects->compositingType() == XRenderCompositing )
- return; // TODO: Disable quad-based shadows in XRender mode for the moment
bool shadowDefined = false;
if( effects->hasDecorationShadows() )
@@ -614,10 +609,52 @@ void ShadowEffect::restoreRenderStates( GLTexture *texture, double opacity, doub
+void ShadowEffect::drawShadowQuadXRender( XRenderPicture *picture, QRect rect, float xScale, float yScale,
+ QColor color, float opacity, float brightness, float saturation )
+ {
+ XRenderColor xc;
+ if( color.isValid() )
+ xc = preMultiply( color, opacity );
+ else
+ xc = preMultiply( QColor( 255, 255, 255 ), opacity );
+ XRenderPicture fill = xRenderFill( &xc );
+ // Scale if required
+ if( xScale != 1.0 || yScale != 1.0 )
+ {
+ XTransform xform = {{
+ { XDoubleToFixed( 1.0 / xScale ), XDoubleToFixed( 0.0 ), XDoubleToFixed( 0.0 ) },
+ { XDoubleToFixed( 0.0 ), XDoubleToFixed( 1.0 / yScale ), XDoubleToFixed( 0.0 ) },
+ { XDoubleToFixed( 0.0 ), XDoubleToFixed( 0.0 ), XDoubleToFixed( 1.0 ) }
+ }};
+ XRenderSetPictureTransform( display(), *picture, &xform );
+ }
+ // Render it
+ // TODO: This always uses the fast filter, detect when to use smooth instead
+ if( color.isValid() )
+ XRenderComposite( display(), PictOpOver, fill, *picture, effects->xrenderBufferPicture(), 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height() );
+ else
+ XRenderComposite( display(), PictOpOver, *picture, fill, effects->xrenderBufferPicture(), 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height() );
+ // Return to scale to 1.0
+ if( xScale != 1.0 || yScale != 1.0 )
+ {
+ XTransform xform = {{
+ { XDoubleToFixed( 1.0 ), XDoubleToFixed( 0.0 ), XDoubleToFixed( 0.0 ) },
+ { XDoubleToFixed( 0.0 ), XDoubleToFixed( 1.0 ), XDoubleToFixed( 0.0 ) },
+ { XDoubleToFixed( 0.0 ), XDoubleToFixed( 0.0 ), XDoubleToFixed( 1.0 ) }
+ }};
+ XRenderSetPictureTransform( display(), *picture, &xform );
+ }
+ }
void ShadowEffect::drawShadow( EffectWindow* window, int mask, QRegion region, const WindowPaintData& data )
- if( effects->compositingType() == OpenGLCompositing)
+ if( effects->compositingType() == OpenGLCompositing )
glEnable( GL_BLEND );
@@ -845,74 +882,107 @@ void ShadowEffect::drawShadow( EffectWindow* window, int mask, QRegion region, c
- if( effects->compositingType() == XRenderCompositing)
+ if( effects->compositingType() == XRenderCompositing )
- // calculate opacity =================================================
- float opacity;
- if( intensifyActiveShadow && window == effects->activeWindow() )
+ XRenderSetPictureClipRegion( display(), effects->xrenderBufferPicture(), region.handle() );
+ foreach( const WindowQuad &quad, data.quads )
- opacity = (1 - (1 - shadowOpacity)*(1 - shadowOpacity)) * data.opacity;
- }
- else
- {
- opacity = data.opacity * shadowOpacity;
- }
- // query rect and translate in case (may have impact on opacity)===========================
- QRect r = window->geometry();
- {
- float xScale = 1.0, yScale = 1.0, xTranslate = 0.0, yTranslate = 0.0;
+ if( !mShadowQuadTypes.contains( quad.type() ) && quad.type() != mDefaultShadowQuadType )
+ continue; // Not a shadow quad
+ // Determine transformed quad position
+ QRect windowRect = window->geometry();
+ float xScale = 1.0;
+ float yScale = 1.0;
+ float xTranslate = 0.0;
+ float yTranslate = 0.0;
- xScale = gScreenData.xScale; yScale = gScreenData.yScale;
- xTranslate += (xScale-1.0)*r.x() + gScreenData.xTranslate;
- yTranslate += (yScale-1.0)*r.y() + gScreenData.yTranslate;
+ xScale = gScreenData.xScale;
+ yScale = gScreenData.yScale;
+ xTranslate += ( xScale - 1.0 ) * windowRect.x() + gScreenData.xTranslate;
+ yTranslate += ( yScale - 1.0 ) * windowRect.y() + gScreenData.yTranslate;
- xTranslate += xScale*data.xTranslate;
- yTranslate += yScale*data.yTranslate;
- xScale *= data.xScale; yScale *= data.yScale;
+ xTranslate += xScale * data.xTranslate;
+ yTranslate += yScale * data.yTranslate;
+ xScale *= data.xScale;
+ yScale *= data.yScale;
- r.translate(xTranslate, yTranslate);
- if (xScale != 1.0 || yScale != 1.0)
+ QRect quadRect(
+ window->x() + quad[0].x() * xScale + xTranslate,
+ window->y() + quad[0].y() * yScale + yTranslate,
+ ( quad[2].x() - quad[0].x() ) * xScale,
+ ( quad[2].y() - quad[0].y() ) * yScale );
+ // Work out which texture to use
+ int texture = mShadowQuadTypes.indexOf( quad.type() );
+ if( texture != -1 )
- r.setWidth(xScale * r.width());
- r.setHeight(yScale * r.height());
-// opacity *= 2.0/(2 - (2 - (xScale + yScale))*(2 - (xScale + yScale)));
+ // Render it!
+ // Cheat a little, assume the active and inactive shadows have identical quads
+ if( effects->hasDecorationShadows() )
+ {
+ if( window->hasDecoration() &&
+ effects->shadowTextureList( ShadowBorderedActive ) == texture )
+ { // Decorated windows
+ // Active shadow
+ drawShadowQuadXRender( mShadowPics.at( texture ).at( quad.id() ), quadRect,
+ xScale, yScale, QColor(),
+ data.opacity * window->shadowOpacity( ShadowBorderedActive ),
+ data.brightness * window->shadowBrightness( ShadowBorderedActive ),
+ data.saturation * window->shadowSaturation( ShadowBorderedActive ));
+ // Inactive shadow
+ texture = effects->shadowTextureList( ShadowBorderedInactive );
+ drawShadowQuadXRender( mShadowPics.at( texture ).at( quad.id() ), quadRect,
+ xScale, yScale, QColor(),
+ data.opacity * window->shadowOpacity( ShadowBorderedInactive ),
+ data.brightness * window->shadowBrightness( ShadowBorderedInactive ),
+ data.saturation * window->shadowSaturation( ShadowBorderedInactive ));
+ }
+ else if( effects->shadowTextureList( ShadowBorderlessActive ) == texture )
+ { // Decoration-less normal windows
+ if( effects->activeWindow() == window )
+ { // Active shadow
+ drawShadowQuadXRender( mShadowPics.at( texture ).at( quad.id() ), quadRect,
+ xScale, yScale, QColor(),
+ data.opacity * window->shadowOpacity( ShadowBorderlessActive ),
+ data.brightness * window->shadowBrightness( ShadowBorderlessActive ),
+ data.saturation * window->shadowSaturation( ShadowBorderlessActive ));
+ }
+ else
+ { // Inactive shadow
+ texture = effects->shadowTextureList( ShadowBorderedInactive );
+ drawShadowQuadXRender( mShadowPics.at( texture ).at( quad.id() ), quadRect,
+ xScale, yScale, QColor(),
+ data.opacity * window->shadowOpacity( ShadowBorderlessInactive ),
+ data.brightness * window->shadowBrightness( ShadowBorderlessInactive ),
+ data.saturation * window->shadowSaturation( ShadowBorderlessInactive ));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { // Other windows
+ drawShadowQuadXRender( mShadowPics.at( texture ).at( quad.id() ), quadRect,
+ xScale, yScale, QColor(),
+ data.opacity * window->shadowOpacity( ShadowOther ),
+ data.brightness * window->shadowBrightness( ShadowOther ),
+ data.saturation * window->shadowSaturation( ShadowOther ));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( quad.type() == mDefaultShadowQuadType )
+ { // Default shadow
+ float opacity = shadowOpacity;
+ if( intensifyActiveShadow && window == effects->activeWindow() )
+ opacity = 1 - ( 1 - shadowOpacity ) * ( 1 - shadowOpacity );
+ drawShadowQuadXRender( mDefaultShadowPics.at( quad.id() ), quadRect, xScale, yScale,
+ shadowColor, opacity * data.opacity, data.brightness, data.saturation );
- r = shadowRectangle(r);
- // create render mask ==================================================================
- XRenderColor xc = preMultiply(shadowColor, opacity);
- XRenderPicture fill = xRenderFill(&xc);
- // clip, then paint shadow tiles ========================================================
- XRenderSetPictureClipRegion (display(), effects->xrenderBufferPicture(), region.handle());
-#define DRAW_CORNER(_CNR_, _X_, _Y_)\
-XRenderComposite( display(), PictOpOver, fill, mShadowPics->_CNR_, effects->xrenderBufferPicture(), 0, 0, 0, 0, _X_, _Y_, w, h )
-#define DRAW_TILE(_TILE_, _X_, _Y_, _W_, _H_)\
-XRenderComposite( display(), PictOpOver, fill, mShadowPics->_TILE_, effects->xrenderBufferPicture(), 0, 0, 0, 0, _X_, _Y_, _W_, _H_ )
- int w = qMin(mShadowPics->cornerSize.width(), r.width()/2);
- int h = qMin(mShadowPics->cornerSize.height(), r.height()/2);
- DRAW_CORNER(topLeft, r.x(), r.y());
- DRAW_CORNER(topRight, r.right()-w, r.y());
- DRAW_CORNER(btmLeft, r.x(), r.bottom()-h);
- DRAW_CORNER(btmRight, r.right()-w, r.bottom()-h);
- int w2 = r.width()-2*w-1, h2 = r.height()-2*h-1;
- DRAW_TILE(top, r.x()+w, r.y(), w2, h);
- DRAW_TILE(btm, r.x()+w, r.bottom()-h, w2, h);
- DRAW_TILE(left, r.x(), r.y()+h, w, h2);
- DRAW_TILE(right, r.right()-w, r.y()+h, w, h2);
- DRAW_TILE(center, r.x()+w, r.y()+h, w2, h2);
-#undef DRAW_TILE
diff --git a/effects/shadow.h b/effects/shadow.h
index 6caabba1f6..22f58ab1ef 100644
--- a/effects/shadow.h
+++ b/effects/shadow.h
@@ -31,18 +31,6 @@ namespace KWin
class GLTexture;
-class ShadowTiles
- {
- public:
- ShadowTiles(const QPixmap& shadow);
- XRenderPicture topLeft, top, topRight,
- left, center, right,
- btmLeft, btm, btmRight;
- QSize cornerSize;
- };
class ShadowEffect
: public QObject, public Effect
@@ -65,6 +53,9 @@ class ShadowEffect
void prepareRenderStates( GLTexture *texture, double opacity, double brightness, double saturation );
void restoreRenderStates( GLTexture *texture, double opacity, double brightness, double saturation );
+ void drawShadowQuadXRender( XRenderPicture *picture, QRect rect, float xScale, float yScale,
+ QColor color, float opacity, float brightness, float saturation );
void drawShadow( EffectWindow* w, int mask, QRegion region, const WindowPaintData& data );
void addQuadVertices(QVector& verts, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) const;
// transforms window rect -> shadow rect
@@ -83,7 +74,8 @@ class ShadowEffect
QList mDefaultShadowTextures;
- ShadowTiles *mShadowPics;
+ QList< QList > mShadowPics;
+ QList mDefaultShadowPics;
QList mShadowQuadTypes;