diff --git a/autotests/integration/move_resize_window_test.cpp b/autotests/integration/move_resize_window_test.cpp
index e090dde134..7bedad9948 100644
--- a/autotests/integration/move_resize_window_test.cpp
+++ b/autotests/integration/move_resize_window_test.cpp
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see .
#include "kwin_wayland_test.h"
+#include "atoms.h"
#include "platform.h"
#include "abstract_client.h"
#include "cursor.h"
@@ -69,6 +70,8 @@ private Q_SLOTS:
void testPlasmaShellSurfaceMovable_data();
void testPlasmaShellSurfaceMovable();
void testNetMove();
+ void testAdjustClientGeometryOfAutohidingX11Panel_data();
+ void testAdjustClientGeometryOfAutohidingX11Panel();
KWayland::Client::ConnectionThread *m_connection = nullptr;
@@ -509,17 +512,18 @@ void MoveResizeWindowTest::testPlasmaShellSurfaceMovable()
+struct XcbConnectionDeleter
+ static inline void cleanup(xcb_connection_t *pointer)
+ {
+ xcb_disconnect(pointer);
+ }
void MoveResizeWindowTest::testNetMove()
// this test verifies that a move request for an X11 window through NET API works
// create an xcb window
- struct XcbConnectionDeleter
- {
- static inline void cleanup(xcb_connection_t *pointer)
- {
- xcb_disconnect(pointer);
- }
- };
QScopedPointer c(xcb_connect(nullptr, nullptr));
@@ -590,6 +594,100 @@ void MoveResizeWindowTest::testNetMove()
+void MoveResizeWindowTest::testAdjustClientGeometryOfAutohidingX11Panel_data()
+ QTest::addColumn("panelGeometry");
+ QTest::addColumn("targetPoint");
+ QTest::addColumn("expectedAdjustedPoint");
+ QTest::addColumn("hideLocation");
+ QTest::newRow("top") << QRect(0, 0, 100, 20) << QPoint(50, 25) << QPoint(50, 20) << 0u;
+ QTest::newRow("bottom") << QRect(0, 1024-20, 100, 20) << QPoint(50, 1024 - 25 - 50) << QPoint(50, 1024 - 20 - 50) << 2u;
+ QTest::newRow("left") << QRect(0, 0, 20, 100) << QPoint(25, 50) << QPoint(20, 50) << 3u;
+ QTest::newRow("right") << QRect(1280 - 20, 0, 20, 100) << QPoint(1280 - 25 - 100, 50) << QPoint(1280 - 20 - 100, 50) << 1u;
+void MoveResizeWindowTest::testAdjustClientGeometryOfAutohidingX11Panel()
+ // this test verifies that auto hiding panels are ignored when adjusting client geometry
+ // see BUG 365892
+ // first create our panel
+ QScopedPointer c(xcb_connect(nullptr, nullptr));
+ QVERIFY(!xcb_connection_has_error(c.data()));
+ xcb_window_t w = xcb_generate_id(c.data());
+ QFETCH(QRect, panelGeometry);
+ xcb_create_window(c.data(), XCB_COPY_FROM_PARENT, w, rootWindow(),
+ panelGeometry.x(), panelGeometry.y(), panelGeometry.width(), panelGeometry.height(),
+ xcb_size_hints_t hints;
+ memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
+ xcb_icccm_size_hints_set_position(&hints, 1, panelGeometry.x(), panelGeometry.y());
+ xcb_icccm_size_hints_set_size(&hints, 1, panelGeometry.width(), panelGeometry.height());
+ xcb_icccm_set_wm_normal_hints(c.data(), w, &hints);
+ NETWinInfo winInfo(c.data(), w, rootWindow(), NET::WMWindowType, NET::Properties2());
+ winInfo.setWindowType(NET::Dock);
+ xcb_map_window(c.data(), w);
+ xcb_flush(c.data());
+ QSignalSpy windowCreatedSpy(workspace(), &Workspace::clientAdded);
+ QVERIFY(windowCreatedSpy.isValid());
+ QVERIFY(windowCreatedSpy.wait());
+ Client *panel = windowCreatedSpy.first().first().value();
+ QVERIFY(panel);
+ QCOMPARE(panel->window(), w);
+ QCOMPARE(panel->geometry(), panelGeometry);
+ QVERIFY(panel->isDock());
+ // let's create a window
+ using namespace KWayland::Client;
+ QScopedPointer surface(Test::createSurface());
+ QVERIFY(!surface.isNull());
+ QScopedPointer shellSurface(Test::createShellSurface(surface.data()));
+ QVERIFY(!shellSurface.isNull());
+ auto testWindow = Test::renderAndWaitForShown(surface.data(), QSize(100, 50), Qt::blue);
+ QVERIFY(testWindow);
+ QVERIFY(testWindow->isMovable());
+ // panel is not yet hidden, we should snap against it
+ QFETCH(QPoint, targetPoint);
+ QTEST(Workspace::self()->adjustClientPosition(testWindow, targetPoint, false), "expectedAdjustedPoint");
+ // now let's hide the panel
+ QSignalSpy panelHiddenSpy(panel, &AbstractClient::windowHidden);
+ QVERIFY(panelHiddenSpy.isValid());
+ QFETCH(quint32, hideLocation);
+ xcb_change_property(c.data(), XCB_PROP_MODE_REPLACE, w, atoms->kde_screen_edge_show, XCB_ATOM_CARDINAL, 32, 1, &hideLocation);
+ xcb_flush(c.data());
+ QVERIFY(panelHiddenSpy.wait());
+ // now try to snap again
+ QEXPECT_FAIL("", "BUG 365892", Continue);
+ QCOMPARE(Workspace::self()->adjustClientPosition(testWindow, targetPoint, false), targetPoint);
+ // and destroy the panel again
+ xcb_unmap_window(c.data(), w);
+ xcb_destroy_window(c.data(), w);
+ xcb_flush(c.data());
+ c.reset();
+ QSignalSpy panelClosedSpy(panel, &Client::windowClosed);
+ QVERIFY(panelClosedSpy.isValid());
+ QVERIFY(panelClosedSpy.wait());
+ // snap once more
+ QCOMPARE(Workspace::self()->adjustClientPosition(testWindow, targetPoint, false), targetPoint);
+ // and close
+ QSignalSpy windowClosedSpy(testWindow, &ShellClient::windowClosed);
+ QVERIFY(windowClosedSpy.isValid());
+ shellSurface.reset();
+ surface.reset();
+ QVERIFY(windowClosedSpy.wait());