SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours" To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 45 additions and 3 deletions
@ -1,16 +1,22 @@
"KPlugin": {
"Description": "Render through drm node.",
"Description[ca]": "Renderitza mitjançant el node del DRM.",
"Description[nl]": "Via drm-node renderen.",
"Description[pl]": "Wyświetlaj przez węzeł drm.",
"Description[pt]": "Desenhar através de um nó DRM.",
"Description[pt_BR]": "Renderizar pelo nó de DRM.",
"Description[sk]": "Renderovať cez režim drm.",
"Description[uk]": "Обробляти через вузол DRM.",
"Description[x-test]": "xxRender through drm node.xx",
"Id": "KWinWaylandDrmBackend",
"Name": "drm",
"Name[ca]": "DRM",
"Name[nl]": "drm",
"Name[pl]": "drm",
"Name[pt]": "DRM",
"Name[pt_BR]": "drm",
"Name[sk]": "drm",
"Name[uk]": "drm",
"Name[x-test]": "xxdrmxx"
@ -1,16 +1,22 @@
"KPlugin": {
"Description": "Render to framebuffer.",
"Description[ca]": "Renderitza al «framebuffer».",
"Description[nl]": "Naar framebuffer renderen.",
"Description[pl]": "Wyświetlaj w buforze klatek.",
"Description[pt]": "Desenhar no 'framebuffer'.",
"Description[pt_BR]": "Renderizar no framebuffer.",
"Description[sk]": "Renderovať do framebuffera.",
"Description[uk]": "Обробляти до буфера кадрів.",
"Description[x-test]": "xxRender to framebuffer.xx",
"Id": "KWinWaylandFbdevBackend",
"Name": "framebuffer",
"Name[ca]": "Framebuffer",
"Name[nl]": "framebuffer",
"Name[pl]": "bufor klatek",
"Name[pt]": "'Framebuffer'",
"Name[pt_BR]": "framebuffer",
"Name[sk]": "framebuffer",
"Name[uk]": "framebuffer",
"Name[x-test]": "xxframebufferxx"
@ -1,16 +1,22 @@
"KPlugin": {
"Description": "Render through hwcomposer through libhybris.",
"Description[ca]": "Renderitza mitjançant el «hwcomposer» mitjançant «libhybris».",
"Description[nl]": "Render via hwcomposer via libhybris.",
"Description[pl]": "Wyświetlaj przez sprzętowy kompozytor przez libhybris.",
"Description[pt]": "Desenhar através do Hwcomposer, usando a libhybris.",
"Description[pt_BR]": "Renderizar através do hwcomposer e libhybris.",
"Description[sk]": "Renderovať cez hwcomposer cez libhybris.",
"Description[uk]": "Обробляти за допомогою апаратного засобу композиції через libhybris.",
"Description[x-test]": "xxRender through hwcomposer through libhybris.xx",
"Id": "KWinWaylandHwcomposerBackend",
"Name": "hwcomposer",
"Name[ca]": "hwcomposer",
"Name[nl]": "hwcomposer",
"Name[pl]": "sprzętowy kompozytor",
"Name[pt]": "Hwcomposer",
"Name[pt_BR]": "hwcomposer",
"Name[sk]": "hwcomposer",
"Name[uk]": "hwcomposer",
"Name[x-test]": "xxhwcomposerxx"
@ -1,8 +1,20 @@
"KPlugin": {
"Description": "Render to a virtual framebuffer.",
"Description[ca]": "Renderitza a un «framebuffer» virtual.",
"Description[nl]": "Naar een virtuele framebuffer renderen.",
"Description[pl]": "Wyświetlaj w wirtualnym buforze klatek.",
"Description[pt_BR]": "Renderizar no framebuffer virtual.",
"Description[sk]": "Renderovať na virtuálny framebuffer.",
"Description[x-test]": "xxRender to a virtual framebuffer.xx",
"Id": "KWinWaylandVirtualBackend",
"Name": "virtual"
"Name": "virtual",
"Name[ca]": "Virtual",
"Name[nl]": "virtueel",
"Name[pl]": "wirtualne",
"Name[pt_BR]": "virtual",
"Name[sk]": "virtual",
"Name[x-test]": "xxvirtualxx"
"input": true
@ -1,16 +1,22 @@
"KPlugin": {
"Description": "Render to a nested window on running Wayland compositor.",
"Description[ca]": "Renderitza a una finestra imbricada en un compositor Wayland en execució.",
"Description[nl]": "Render naar een genest venster in een werkende Wayland-compositor.",
"Description[pl]": "Wyświetlaj w zagnieżdżonym oknie w kompozytorze Wayland.",
"Description[pt]": "Desenhar numa janela encadeada no compositor de Wayland em execução.",
"Description[pt_BR]": "Renderizar uma janela aninhada executando no compositor Wayland.",
"Description[pt_BR]": "Renderizar uma janela encadeada no compositor Wayland em execução.",
"Description[sk]": "Renderovať na vnorené okno na bežiaci kompozítor Wayland.",
"Description[uk]": "Обробляти у вкладене вікно запущеного засобу композиції Wayland.",
"Description[x-test]": "xxRender to a nested window on running Wayland compositor.xx",
"Id": "KWinWaylandWaylandBackend",
"Name": "wayland",
"Name[ca]": "Wayland",
"Name[nl]": "wayland",
"Name[pl]": "wayland",
"Name[pt]": "Wayland",
"Name[pt_BR]": "wayland",
"Name[sk]": "wayland",
"Name[uk]": "wayland",
"Name[x-test]": "xxwaylandxx"
@ -1,16 +1,22 @@
"KPlugin": {
"Description": "Render to a nested window on X11 windowing system.",
"Description[ca]": "Renderitza a una finestra imbricada en el sistema de finestres X11.",
"Description[nl]": "Render naar een genest venster in het X11 windowingsysteem.",
"Description[pl]": "Wyświetlaj w zagnieżdżonym oknie w systemie okien X11.",
"Description[pt]": "Desenhar numa janela encadeada no sistema de janelas X11.",
"Description[pt_BR]": "Renderizar uma janela aninhada no sistema de janelas X11.",
"Description[pt_BR]": "Renderizar uma janela encadeada no sistema de janelas X11.",
"Description[sk]": "Renderovať na vnorené okno na systém okien X11.",
"Description[uk]": "Обробляти у вкладене вікно системи керування вікнами X11.",
"Description[x-test]": "xxRender to a nested window on X11 windowing system.xx",
"Id": "KWinWaylandX11Backend",
"Name": "x11",
"Name[ca]": "X11",
"Name[nl]": "x11",
"Name[pl]": "x11",
"Name[pt]": "X11",
"Name[pt_BR]": "x11",
"Name[sk]": "x11",
"Name[uk]": "x11",
"Name[x-test]": "xxx11xx"
Reference in a new issue