diff --git a/autotests/integration/scene_opengl_shadow_test.cpp b/autotests/integration/scene_opengl_shadow_test.cpp
index 2b4d21ef6b..4ea9a3e38d 100644
--- a/autotests/integration/scene_opengl_shadow_test.cpp
+++ b/autotests/integration/scene_opengl_shadow_test.cpp
@@ -30,8 +30,12 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
#include "kwin_wayland_test.h"
@@ -61,11 +65,12 @@ public:
private Q_SLOTS:
void initTestCase();
- void init();
void cleanup();
void testShadowTileOverlaps_data();
void testShadowTileOverlaps();
+ void testNoCornerShadowTiles();
+ void testDistributeHugeCornerTiles();
@@ -148,11 +153,7 @@ void SceneOpenGLShadowTest::initTestCase()
group.writeEntry("library", "org.kde.test.fakedecowithshadows");
-void SceneOpenGLShadowTest::init()
- QVERIFY(Test::setupWaylandConnection(Test::AdditionalWaylandInterface::Decoration));
void SceneOpenGLShadowTest::cleanup()
@@ -622,6 +623,8 @@ void SceneOpenGLShadowTest::testShadowTileOverlaps()
QFETCH(QSize, windowSize);
QFETCH(WindowQuadList, expectedQuads);
+ QVERIFY(Test::setupWaylandConnection(Test::AdditionalWaylandInterface::Decoration));
// Create a decorated client.
QScopedPointer surface(Test::createSurface());
QScopedPointer shellSurface(Test::createShellSurface(surface.data()));
@@ -679,5 +682,183 @@ void SceneOpenGLShadowTest::testShadowTileOverlaps()
+void SceneOpenGLShadowTest::testNoCornerShadowTiles()
+ // this test verifies that top/right/bottom/left shadow tiles are
+ // still drawn even when corner tiles are missing
+ QVERIFY(Test::setupWaylandConnection(Test::AdditionalWaylandInterface::ShadowManager));
+ // Create a surface.
+ QScopedPointer surface(Test::createSurface());
+ QScopedPointer shellSurface(Test::createShellSurface(surface.data()));
+ auto *client = Test::renderAndWaitForShown(surface.data(), QSize(512, 512), Qt::blue);
+ QVERIFY(client);
+ QVERIFY(!client->isDecorated());
+ // Render reference shadow texture with the following params:
+ // - shadow size: 128
+ // - inner rect size: 1
+ // - padding: 128
+ QImage referenceShadowTexture(256 + 1, 256 + 1, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
+ referenceShadowTexture.fill(Qt::transparent);
+ // We don't care about content of the shadow.
+ // Submit the shadow to KWin.
+ QScopedPointer clientShadow(Test::waylandShadowManager()->createShadow(surface.data()));
+ QVERIFY(clientShadow->isValid());
+ auto *shmPool = Test::waylandShmPool();
+ Buffer::Ptr bufferTop = shmPool->createBuffer(
+ referenceShadowTexture.copy(QRect(128, 0, 1, 128)));
+ clientShadow->attachTop(bufferTop);
+ Buffer::Ptr bufferRight = shmPool->createBuffer(
+ referenceShadowTexture.copy(QRect(128 + 1, 128, 128, 1)));
+ clientShadow->attachRight(bufferRight);
+ Buffer::Ptr bufferBottom = shmPool->createBuffer(
+ referenceShadowTexture.copy(QRect(128, 128 + 1, 1, 128)));
+ clientShadow->attachBottom(bufferBottom);
+ Buffer::Ptr bufferLeft = shmPool->createBuffer(
+ referenceShadowTexture.copy(QRect(0, 128, 128, 1)));
+ clientShadow->attachLeft(bufferLeft);
+ clientShadow->setOffsets(QMarginsF(128, 128, 128, 128));
+ QSignalSpy shadowChangedSpy(client->surface(), &KWayland::Server::SurfaceInterface::shadowChanged);
+ QVERIFY(shadowChangedSpy.isValid());
+ clientShadow->commit();
+ surface->commit(Surface::CommitFlag::None);
+ QVERIFY(shadowChangedSpy.wait());
+ // Check that we got right shadow from the client.
+ QPointer shadowIface = client->surface()->shadow();
+ QVERIFY(!shadowIface.isNull());
+ QCOMPARE(shadowIface->offset().left(), 128.0);
+ QCOMPARE(shadowIface->offset().top(), 128.0);
+ QCOMPARE(shadowIface->offset().right(), 128.0);
+ QCOMPARE(shadowIface->offset().bottom(), 128.0);
+ QVERIFY(client->effectWindow());
+ QVERIFY(client->effectWindow()->sceneWindow());
+ KWin::Shadow *shadow = client->effectWindow()->sceneWindow()->shadow();
+ QVERIFY(shadow != nullptr);
+ const WindowQuadList &quads = shadow->shadowQuads();
+ QCOMPARE(quads.count(), 4);
+ // Shadow size: 128
+ // Padding: QMargins(128, 128, 128, 128)
+ // Inner rect: QRect(128, 128, 1, 1)
+ // Texture size: QSize(257, 257)
+ // Window size: QSize(512, 512)
+ WindowQuadList expectedQuads;
+ expectedQuads << makeShadowQuad(QRectF(0, -128, 512, 128), 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 / 257.0, 128.0 / 257.0); // top
+ expectedQuads << makeShadowQuad(QRectF(512, 0, 128, 512), 1.0 - 128.0 / 257.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0 / 257.0); // right
+ expectedQuads << makeShadowQuad(QRectF(0, 512, 512, 128), 0.0, 1.0 - 128.0 / 257, 1.0 / 257, 1.0); // bottom
+ expectedQuads << makeShadowQuad(QRectF(-128, 0, 128, 512), 0.0, 0.0, 128.0 / 257.0, 1.0 / 257.0); // left
+ for (const WindowQuad &expectedQuad : expectedQuads) {
+ auto it = std::find_if(quads.constBegin(), quads.constEnd(),
+ [&expectedQuad](const WindowQuad &quad) {
+ return compareQuads(quad, expectedQuad);
+ });
+ if (it == quads.constEnd()) {
+ const QString message = QStringLiteral("Missing shadow quad (left: %1, top: %2, right: %3, bottom: %4)")
+ .arg(expectedQuad.left())
+ .arg(expectedQuad.top())
+ .arg(expectedQuad.right())
+ .arg(expectedQuad.bottom());
+ const QByteArray rawMessage = message.toLocal8Bit().data();
+ QFAIL(rawMessage.data());
+ }
+ }
+void SceneOpenGLShadowTest::testDistributeHugeCornerTiles()
+ // this test verifies that huge corner tiles are distributed correctly
+ QVERIFY(Test::setupWaylandConnection(Test::AdditionalWaylandInterface::ShadowManager));
+ // Create a surface.
+ QScopedPointer surface(Test::createSurface());
+ QScopedPointer shellSurface(Test::createShellSurface(surface.data()));
+ auto *client = Test::renderAndWaitForShown(surface.data(), QSize(64, 64), Qt::blue);
+ QVERIFY(client);
+ QVERIFY(!client->isDecorated());
+ // Submit the shadow to KWin.
+ QScopedPointer clientShadow(Test::waylandShadowManager()->createShadow(surface.data()));
+ QVERIFY(clientShadow->isValid());
+ QImage referenceTileTexture(512, 512, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
+ referenceTileTexture.fill(Qt::transparent);
+ auto *shmPool = Test::waylandShmPool();
+ Buffer::Ptr bufferTopLeft = shmPool->createBuffer(referenceTileTexture);
+ clientShadow->attachTopLeft(bufferTopLeft);
+ Buffer::Ptr bufferTopRight = shmPool->createBuffer(referenceTileTexture);
+ clientShadow->attachTopRight(bufferTopRight);
+ clientShadow->setOffsets(QMarginsF(256, 256, 256, 0));
+ QSignalSpy shadowChangedSpy(client->surface(), &KWayland::Server::SurfaceInterface::shadowChanged);
+ QVERIFY(shadowChangedSpy.isValid());
+ clientShadow->commit();
+ surface->commit(Surface::CommitFlag::None);
+ QVERIFY(shadowChangedSpy.wait());
+ // Check that we got right shadow from the client.
+ QPointer shadowIface = client->surface()->shadow();
+ QVERIFY(!shadowIface.isNull());
+ QCOMPARE(shadowIface->offset().left(), 256.0);
+ QCOMPARE(shadowIface->offset().top(), 256.0);
+ QCOMPARE(shadowIface->offset().right(), 256.0);
+ QCOMPARE(shadowIface->offset().bottom(), 0.0);
+ QVERIFY(client->effectWindow());
+ QVERIFY(client->effectWindow()->sceneWindow());
+ KWin::Shadow *shadow = client->effectWindow()->sceneWindow()->shadow();
+ QVERIFY(shadow != nullptr);
+ WindowQuadList expectedQuads;
+ // Top-left quad
+ expectedQuads << makeShadowQuad(
+ QRectF(-256, -256, 256 + 32, 256 + 64),
+ 0.0, 0.0, (256.0 + 32.0) / 1024.0, (256.0 + 64.0) / 512.0);
+ // Top-right quad
+ expectedQuads << makeShadowQuad(
+ QRectF(32, -256, 256 + 32, 256 + 64),
+ 1.0 - (256.0 + 32.0) / 1024.0, 0.0, 1.0, (256.0 + 64.0) / 512.0);
+ const WindowQuadList &quads = shadow->shadowQuads();
+ QCOMPARE(quads.count(), expectedQuads.count());
+ for (const WindowQuad &expectedQuad : expectedQuads) {
+ auto it = std::find_if(quads.constBegin(), quads.constEnd(),
+ [&expectedQuad](const WindowQuad &quad) {
+ return compareQuads(quad, expectedQuad);
+ });
+ if (it == quads.constEnd()) {
+ const QString message = QStringLiteral("Missing shadow quad (left: %1, top: %2, right: %3, bottom: %4)")
+ .arg(expectedQuad.left())
+ .arg(expectedQuad.top())
+ .arg(expectedQuad.right())
+ .arg(expectedQuad.bottom());
+ const QByteArray rawMessage = message.toLocal8Bit().data();
+ QFAIL(rawMessage.data());
+ }
+ }
#include "scene_opengl_shadow_test.moc"
diff --git a/plugins/scenes/opengl/scene_opengl.cpp b/plugins/scenes/opengl/scene_opengl.cpp
index decaaffc25..045a0df760 100644
--- a/plugins/scenes/opengl/scene_opengl.cpp
+++ b/plugins/scenes/opengl/scene_opengl.cpp
@@ -2135,6 +2135,28 @@ SceneOpenGLShadow::~SceneOpenGLShadow()
+static inline void distributeHorizontally(QRectF &leftRect, QRectF &rightRect)
+ if (leftRect.right() > rightRect.left()) {
+ const qreal boundedRight = qMin(leftRect.right(), rightRect.right());
+ const qreal boundedLeft = qMax(leftRect.left(), rightRect.left());
+ const qreal halfOverlap = (boundedRight - boundedLeft) / 2.0;
+ leftRect.setRight(boundedRight - halfOverlap);
+ rightRect.setLeft(boundedLeft + halfOverlap);
+ }
+static inline void distributeVertically(QRectF &topRect, QRectF &bottomRect)
+ if (topRect.bottom() > bottomRect.top()) {
+ const qreal boundedBottom = qMin(topRect.bottom(), bottomRect.bottom());
+ const qreal boundedTop = qMax(topRect.top(), bottomRect.top());
+ const qreal halfOverlap = (boundedBottom - boundedTop) / 2.0;
+ topRect.setBottom(boundedBottom - halfOverlap);
+ bottomRect.setTop(boundedTop + halfOverlap);
+ }
void SceneOpenGLShadow::buildQuads()
// Do not draw shadows if window width or window height is less than
@@ -2154,23 +2176,65 @@ void SceneOpenGLShadow::buildQuads()
const QSizeF left(elementSize(ShadowElementLeft));
const QSizeF topLeft(elementSize(ShadowElementTopLeft));
+ const QMarginsF shadowMargins(
+ std::max({topLeft.width(), left.width(), bottomLeft.width()}),
+ std::max({topLeft.height(), top.height(), topRight.height()}),
+ std::max({topRight.width(), right.width(), bottomRight.width()}),
+ std::max({bottomRight.height(), bottom.height(), bottomLeft.height()}));
const QRectF outerRect(QPointF(-leftOffset(), -topOffset()),
QPointF(topLevel()->width() + rightOffset(),
topLevel()->height() + bottomOffset()));
- const int width = std::max({topLeft.width(), left.width(), bottomLeft.width()})
- + std::max(top.width(), bottom.width())
- + std::max({topRight.width(), right.width(), bottomRight.width()});
- const int height = std::max({topLeft.height(), top.height(), topRight.height()})
- + std::max(left.height(), right.height())
- + std::max({bottomLeft.height(), bottom.height(), bottomRight.height()});
+ const int width = shadowMargins.left() + std::max(top.width(), bottom.width()) + shadowMargins.right();
+ const int height = shadowMargins.top() + std::max(left.height(), right.height()) + shadowMargins.bottom();
- QRectF topLeftRect(outerRect.topLeft(), topLeft);
- QRectF topRightRect(outerRect.topRight() - QPointF(topRight.width(), 0), topRight);
- QRectF bottomRightRect(
- outerRect.bottomRight() - QPointF(bottomRight.width(), bottomRight.height()),
- bottomRight);
- QRectF bottomLeftRect(outerRect.bottomLeft() - QPointF(0, bottomLeft.height()), bottomLeft);
+ QRectF topLeftRect;
+ if (!topLeft.isEmpty()) {
+ topLeftRect = QRectF(outerRect.topLeft(), topLeft);
+ } else {
+ topLeftRect = QRectF(
+ outerRect.left() + shadowMargins.left(),
+ outerRect.top() + shadowMargins.top(),
+ 0, 0);
+ }
+ QRectF topRightRect;
+ if (!topRight.isEmpty()) {
+ topRightRect = QRectF(
+ outerRect.right() - topRight.width(), outerRect.top(),
+ topRight.width(), topRight.height());
+ } else {
+ topRightRect = QRectF(
+ outerRect.right() - shadowMargins.right(),
+ outerRect.top() + shadowMargins.top(),
+ 0, 0);
+ }
+ QRectF bottomRightRect;
+ if (!bottomRight.isEmpty()) {
+ bottomRightRect = QRectF(
+ outerRect.right() - bottomRight.width(),
+ outerRect.bottom() - bottomRight.height(),
+ bottomRight.width(), bottomRight.height());
+ } else {
+ bottomRightRect = QRectF(
+ outerRect.right() - shadowMargins.right(),
+ outerRect.bottom() - shadowMargins.bottom(),
+ 0, 0);
+ }
+ QRectF bottomLeftRect;
+ if (!bottomLeft.isEmpty()) {
+ bottomLeftRect = QRectF(
+ outerRect.left(), outerRect.bottom() - bottomLeft.height(),
+ bottomLeft.width(), bottomLeft.height());
+ } else {
+ bottomLeftRect = QRectF(
+ outerRect.left() + shadowMargins.left(),
+ outerRect.bottom() - shadowMargins.bottom(),
+ 0, 0);
+ }
// Re-distribute the corner tiles so no one of them is overlapping with others.
// By doing this, we assume that shadow's corner tiles are symmetric
@@ -2179,37 +2243,10 @@ void SceneOpenGLShadow::buildQuads()
// In that case, the right side of the top-left tile will be shifted to left,
// the left side of the top-right tile will shifted to right, and the top
// tile won't be rendered.
- bool drawTop = true;
- if (topLeftRect.right() >= topRightRect.left()) {
- const float halfOverlap = qAbs(topLeftRect.right() - topRightRect.left()) / 2;
- topLeftRect.setRight(topLeftRect.right() - halfOverlap);
- topRightRect.setLeft(topRightRect.left() + halfOverlap);
- drawTop = false;
- }
- bool drawRight = true;
- if (topRightRect.bottom() >= bottomRightRect.top()) {
- const float halfOverlap = qAbs(topRightRect.bottom() - bottomRightRect.top()) / 2;
- topRightRect.setBottom(topRightRect.bottom() - halfOverlap);
- bottomRightRect.setTop(bottomRightRect.top() + halfOverlap);
- drawRight = false;
- }
- bool drawBottom = true;
- if (bottomLeftRect.right() >= bottomRightRect.left()) {
- const float halfOverlap = qAbs(bottomLeftRect.right() - bottomRightRect.left()) / 2;
- bottomLeftRect.setRight(bottomLeftRect.right() - halfOverlap);
- bottomRightRect.setLeft(bottomRightRect.left() + halfOverlap);
- drawBottom = false;
- }
- bool drawLeft = true;
- if (topLeftRect.bottom() >= bottomLeftRect.top()) {
- const float halfOverlap = qAbs(topLeftRect.bottom() - bottomLeftRect.top()) / 2;
- topLeftRect.setBottom(topLeftRect.bottom() - halfOverlap);
- bottomLeftRect.setTop(bottomLeftRect.top() + halfOverlap);
- drawLeft = false;
- }
+ distributeHorizontally(topLeftRect, topRightRect);
+ distributeHorizontally(bottomLeftRect, bottomRightRect);
+ distributeVertically(topLeftRect, bottomLeftRect);
+ distributeVertically(topRightRect, bottomRightRect);
qreal tx1 = 0.0,
tx2 = 0.0,
@@ -2218,57 +2255,86 @@ void SceneOpenGLShadow::buildQuads()
- tx1 = 0.0;
- ty1 = 0.0;
- tx2 = topLeftRect.width() / width;
- ty2 = topLeftRect.height() / height;
- WindowQuad topLeftQuad(WindowQuadShadow);
- topLeftQuad[0] = WindowVertex(topLeftRect.left(), topLeftRect.top(), tx1, ty1);
- topLeftQuad[1] = WindowVertex(topLeftRect.right(), topLeftRect.top(), tx2, ty1);
- topLeftQuad[2] = WindowVertex(topLeftRect.right(), topLeftRect.bottom(), tx2, ty2);
- topLeftQuad[3] = WindowVertex(topLeftRect.left(), topLeftRect.bottom(), tx1, ty2);
- m_shadowQuads.append(topLeftQuad);
+ if (topLeftRect.isValid()) {
+ tx1 = 0.0;
+ ty1 = 0.0;
+ tx2 = topLeftRect.width() / width;
+ ty2 = topLeftRect.height() / height;
+ WindowQuad topLeftQuad(WindowQuadShadow);
+ topLeftQuad[0] = WindowVertex(topLeftRect.left(), topLeftRect.top(), tx1, ty1);
+ topLeftQuad[1] = WindowVertex(topLeftRect.right(), topLeftRect.top(), tx2, ty1);
+ topLeftQuad[2] = WindowVertex(topLeftRect.right(), topLeftRect.bottom(), tx2, ty2);
+ topLeftQuad[3] = WindowVertex(topLeftRect.left(), topLeftRect.bottom(), tx1, ty2);
+ m_shadowQuads.append(topLeftQuad);
+ }
- tx1 = 1.0 - topRightRect.width() / width;
- ty1 = 0.0;
- tx2 = 1.0;
- ty2 = topRightRect.height() / height;
- WindowQuad topRightQuad(WindowQuadShadow);
- topRightQuad[0] = WindowVertex(topRightRect.left(), topRightRect.top(), tx1, ty1);
- topRightQuad[1] = WindowVertex(topRightRect.right(), topRightRect.top(), tx2, ty1);
- topRightQuad[2] = WindowVertex(topRightRect.right(), topRightRect.bottom(), tx2, ty2);
- topRightQuad[3] = WindowVertex(topRightRect.left(), topRightRect.bottom(), tx1, ty2);
- m_shadowQuads.append(topRightQuad);
+ if (topRightRect.isValid()) {
+ tx1 = 1.0 - topRightRect.width() / width;
+ ty1 = 0.0;
+ tx2 = 1.0;
+ ty2 = topRightRect.height() / height;
+ WindowQuad topRightQuad(WindowQuadShadow);
+ topRightQuad[0] = WindowVertex(topRightRect.left(), topRightRect.top(), tx1, ty1);
+ topRightQuad[1] = WindowVertex(topRightRect.right(), topRightRect.top(), tx2, ty1);
+ topRightQuad[2] = WindowVertex(topRightRect.right(), topRightRect.bottom(), tx2, ty2);
+ topRightQuad[3] = WindowVertex(topRightRect.left(), topRightRect.bottom(), tx1, ty2);
+ m_shadowQuads.append(topRightQuad);
+ }
- tx1 = 1.0 - bottomRightRect.width() / width;
- tx2 = 1.0;
- ty1 = 1.0 - bottomRightRect.height() / height;
- ty2 = 1.0;
- WindowQuad bottomRightQuad(WindowQuadShadow);
- bottomRightQuad[0] = WindowVertex(bottomRightRect.left(), bottomRightRect.top(), tx1, ty1);
- bottomRightQuad[1] = WindowVertex(bottomRightRect.right(), bottomRightRect.top(), tx2, ty1);
- bottomRightQuad[2] = WindowVertex(bottomRightRect.right(), bottomRightRect.bottom(), tx2, ty2);
- bottomRightQuad[3] = WindowVertex(bottomRightRect.left(), bottomRightRect.bottom(), tx1, ty2);
- m_shadowQuads.append(bottomRightQuad);
+ if (bottomRightRect.isValid()) {
+ tx1 = 1.0 - bottomRightRect.width() / width;
+ tx2 = 1.0;
+ ty1 = 1.0 - bottomRightRect.height() / height;
+ ty2 = 1.0;
+ WindowQuad bottomRightQuad(WindowQuadShadow);
+ bottomRightQuad[0] = WindowVertex(bottomRightRect.left(), bottomRightRect.top(), tx1, ty1);
+ bottomRightQuad[1] = WindowVertex(bottomRightRect.right(), bottomRightRect.top(), tx2, ty1);
+ bottomRightQuad[2] = WindowVertex(bottomRightRect.right(), bottomRightRect.bottom(), tx2, ty2);
+ bottomRightQuad[3] = WindowVertex(bottomRightRect.left(), bottomRightRect.bottom(), tx1, ty2);
+ m_shadowQuads.append(bottomRightQuad);
+ }
- tx1 = 0.0;
- tx2 = bottomLeftRect.width() / width;
- ty1 = 1.0 - bottomLeftRect.height() / height;
- ty2 = 1.0;
- WindowQuad bottomLeftQuad(WindowQuadShadow);
- bottomLeftQuad[0] = WindowVertex(bottomLeftRect.left(), bottomLeftRect.top(), tx1, ty1);
- bottomLeftQuad[1] = WindowVertex(bottomLeftRect.right(), bottomLeftRect.top(), tx2, ty1);
- bottomLeftQuad[2] = WindowVertex(bottomLeftRect.right(), bottomLeftRect.bottom(), tx2, ty2);
- bottomLeftQuad[3] = WindowVertex(bottomLeftRect.left(), bottomLeftRect.bottom(), tx1, ty2);
- m_shadowQuads.append(bottomLeftQuad);
+ if (bottomLeftRect.isValid()) {
+ tx1 = 0.0;
+ tx2 = bottomLeftRect.width() / width;
+ ty1 = 1.0 - bottomLeftRect.height() / height;
+ ty2 = 1.0;
+ WindowQuad bottomLeftQuad(WindowQuadShadow);
+ bottomLeftQuad[0] = WindowVertex(bottomLeftRect.left(), bottomLeftRect.top(), tx1, ty1);
+ bottomLeftQuad[1] = WindowVertex(bottomLeftRect.right(), bottomLeftRect.top(), tx2, ty1);
+ bottomLeftQuad[2] = WindowVertex(bottomLeftRect.right(), bottomLeftRect.bottom(), tx2, ty2);
+ bottomLeftQuad[3] = WindowVertex(bottomLeftRect.left(), bottomLeftRect.bottom(), tx1, ty2);
+ m_shadowQuads.append(bottomLeftQuad);
+ }
- if (drawTop) {
- const QRectF topRect(
- topLeftRect.topRight(),
- topRightRect.bottomLeft());
+ QRectF topRect(
+ QPointF(topLeftRect.right(), outerRect.top()),
+ QPointF(topRightRect.left(), outerRect.top() + top.height()));
+ QRectF rightRect(
+ QPointF(outerRect.right() - right.width(), topRightRect.bottom()),
+ QPointF(outerRect.right(), bottomRightRect.top()));
+ QRectF bottomRect(
+ QPointF(bottomLeftRect.right(), outerRect.bottom() - bottom.height()),
+ QPointF(bottomRightRect.left(), outerRect.bottom()));
+ QRectF leftRect(
+ QPointF(outerRect.left(), topLeftRect.bottom()),
+ QPointF(outerRect.left() + left.width(), bottomLeftRect.top()));
+ // Re-distribute left/right and top/bottom shadow tiles so they don't
+ // overlap when the window is too small. Please notice that we don't
+ // fix overlaps between left/top(left/bottom, right/top, and so on)
+ // corner tiles because corresponding counter parts won't be valid when
+ // the window is too small, which means they won't be rendered.
+ distributeHorizontally(leftRect, rightRect);
+ distributeVertically(topRect, bottomRect);
+ if (topRect.isValid()) {
tx1 = topLeft.width() / width;
ty1 = 0.0;
- tx2 = 1.0 - topRight.width() / width;
+ tx2 = tx1 + top.width() / width;
ty2 = topRect.height() / height;
WindowQuad topQuad(WindowQuadShadow);
topQuad[0] = WindowVertex(topRect.left(), topRect.top(), tx1, ty1);
@@ -2278,14 +2344,11 @@ void SceneOpenGLShadow::buildQuads()
- if (drawRight) {
- const QRectF rightRect(
- topRightRect.bottomLeft(),
- bottomRightRect.topRight());
+ if (rightRect.isValid()) {
tx1 = 1.0 - rightRect.width() / width;
ty1 = topRight.height() / height;
tx2 = 1.0;
- ty2 = 1.0 - bottomRight.height() / height;
+ ty2 = ty1 + right.height() / height;
WindowQuad rightQuad(WindowQuadShadow);
rightQuad[0] = WindowVertex(rightRect.left(), rightRect.top(), tx1, ty1);
rightQuad[1] = WindowVertex(rightRect.right(), rightRect.top(), tx2, ty1);
@@ -2294,13 +2357,10 @@ void SceneOpenGLShadow::buildQuads()
- if (drawBottom) {
- const QRectF bottomRect(
- bottomLeftRect.topRight(),
- bottomRightRect.bottomLeft());
+ if (bottomRect.isValid()) {
tx1 = bottomLeft.width() / width;
ty1 = 1.0 - bottomRect.height() / height;
- tx2 = 1.0 - bottomRight.width() / width;
+ tx2 = tx1 + bottom.width() / width;
ty2 = 1.0;
WindowQuad bottomQuad(WindowQuadShadow);
bottomQuad[0] = WindowVertex(bottomRect.left(), bottomRect.top(), tx1, ty1);
@@ -2310,14 +2370,11 @@ void SceneOpenGLShadow::buildQuads()
- if (drawLeft) {
- const QRectF leftRect(
- topLeftRect.bottomLeft(),
- bottomLeftRect.topRight());
+ if (leftRect.isValid()) {
tx1 = 0.0;
ty1 = topLeft.height() / height;
tx2 = leftRect.width() / width;
- ty2 = 1.0 - bottomRight.height() / height;
+ ty2 = ty1 + left.height() / height;
WindowQuad leftQuad(WindowQuadShadow);
leftQuad[0] = WindowVertex(leftRect.left(), leftRect.top(), tx1, ty1);
leftQuad[1] = WindowVertex(leftRect.right(), leftRect.top(), tx2, ty1);
@@ -2356,6 +2413,9 @@ bool SceneOpenGLShadow::prepareBackend()
return false;
+ // FIXME: If the corner tiles are missing, the left/top/right/bottom tiles
+ // will overlap, e.g. the top tile and the left tile.
QImage image(width, height, QImage::Format_ARGB32);
QPainter p;