Rewrite the fragment program to avoid exceeding the texture indirection

limit on some GPU's.

Thanks to Mikael Gerdin, Christoph Feck and Iori Yagami for testing.

svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=1138004
This commit is contained in:
Fredrik Höglund 2010-06-14 22:13:48 +00:00
parent 3fa0dbdccb
commit 62b9c59da6

View file

@ -432,37 +432,36 @@ void ARBBlurShader::init()
// The kernel values are hardcoded into the program
for (int i = 0; i <= center; i++)
stream << "PARAM kernel" << i << " = " << kernel[i] << ";\n";
stream << "PARAM kernel" << i << " = " << kernel[center + i] << ";\n";
stream << "PARAM firstSample = program.local[0];\n"; // Distance from gl_TexCoord[0] to the next sample
stream << "PARAM nextSample = program.local[1];\n"; // Distance to the subsequent sample
stream << "TEMP coord;\n"; // The coordinate we'll be sampling
stream << "TEMP sample;\n"; // The sampled value
stream << "TEMP sum;\n"; // The sum of the weighted samples
// Temporary variables to hold coordinates and texture samples
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
stream << "TEMP temp" << i << ";\n";
// Start by sampling the center coordinate
stream << "TEX sample, fragment.texcoord[0], texture[0], 2D;\n"; // sample = texture2D(tex, gl_TexCoord[0])
stream << "MUL sum, sample, kernel" << center << ";\n"; // sum = sample * kernel[center]
for (int i = 1; i <= center; i++) {
if (i == 1)
stream << "SUB coord, fragment.texcoord[0], firstSample;\n"; // coord = gl_TexCoord[0] - firstSample
stream << "SUB coord, coord, nextSample;\n"; // coord -= nextSample
stream << "TEX sample, coord, texture[0], 2D;\n"; // sample = texture2D(tex, coord)
stream << "MAD sum, sample, kernel" << center - i << ", sum;\n"; // sum += sample * kernel[center - i]
// Compute the texture coordinates
stream << "ADD temp1, fragment.texcoord[0], firstSample;\n"; // temp1 = gl_TexCoord[0] + firstSample
stream << "SUB temp2, fragment.texcoord[0], firstSample;\n"; // temp2 = gl_TexCoord[0] - firstSample
for (int i = 1, j = 3; i < center; i++, j += 2) {
stream << "ADD temp" << j + 0 << ", temp" << j - 2 << ", nextSample;\n";
stream << "SUB temp" << j + 1 << ", temp" << j - 1 << ", nextSample;\n";
for (int i = 1; i <= center; i++) {
if (i == 1)
stream << "ADD coord, fragment.texcoord[0], firstSample;\n"; // coord = gl_TexCoord[0] + firstSample
stream << "ADD coord, coord, nextSample;\n"; // coord += nextSample
stream << "TEX sample, coord, texture[0], 2D;\n"; // sample = texture2D(tex, coord)
stream << "MAD sum, sample, kernel" << center - i << ", sum;\n"; // sum += sample * kernel[center - i]
// Sample the texture coordinates
stream << "TEX temp0, fragment.texcoord[0], texture[0], 2D;\n";
for (int i = 1; i < size; i++)
stream << "TEX temp" << i << ", temp" << i << ", texture[0], 2D;\n";
// Multiply the samples with the kernel values and compute the sum
stream << "MUL temp0, temp0, kernel0;\n";
for (int i = 0, j = 1; i < center; i++) {
stream << "MAD temp0, temp" << j++ << ", kernel" << i + 1 << ", temp0;\n";
stream << "MAD temp0, temp" << j++ << ", kernel" << i + 1 << ", temp0;\n";
stream << "MOV result.color, sum;\n"; // gl_FragColor = sum
stream << "MOV result.color, temp0;\n"; // gl_FragColor = temp0
stream << "END\n";