diff --git a/clients/kwmtheme/CMakeLists.txt b/clients/kwmtheme/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b601112a7..0000000000
--- a/clients/kwmtheme/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-add_subdirectory( cli_installer )
-add_subdirectory( pics )
-########### next target ###############
-set(kwin3_kwmtheme_PART_SRCS kwmthemeclient.cpp )
-kde4_add_plugin(kwin3_kwmtheme ${kwin3_kwmtheme_PART_SRCS})
-target_link_libraries(kwin3_kwmtheme ${KDE4_KDECORE_LIBS} kdecorations )
-########### install files ###############
-install( FILES kwmtheme.desktop DESTINATION ${DATA_INSTALL_DIR}/kwin )
diff --git a/clients/kwmtheme/cli_installer/CMakeLists.txt b/clients/kwmtheme/cli_installer/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 96116a8da7..0000000000
--- a/clients/kwmtheme/cli_installer/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-########### next target ###############
-set(kwmtheme_SRCS main.cpp )
-kde4_add_executable(kwmtheme ${kwmtheme_SRCS})
-target_link_libraries(kwmtheme ${KDE4_KDECORE_LIBS} )
diff --git a/clients/kwmtheme/cli_installer/main.cpp b/clients/kwmtheme/cli_installer/main.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 58f7f245be..0000000000
--- a/clients/kwmtheme/cli_installer/main.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see .
-static const char description[] =
- I18N_NOOP("Installs a KWM theme");
-void copy(const QString &src, const QString &dest)
- QFile copyInput(src);
- QFile copyOutput(dest);
- if(!copyInput.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)){
- kWarning(1212) << "Couldn't open " << src ;
- return;
- }
- if(!copyOutput.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)){
- kWarning(1212) << "Couldn't open " << dest ;
- copyInput.close();
- return;
- }
- while(!copyInput.atEnd()){
- copyOutput.putch(copyInput.getch());
- }
- copyInput.close();
- copyOutput.close();
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
- KCmdLineArgs::init(argc, argv, "kwmtheme", description, "0.1");
- KCmdLineOptions options;
- options.add("+[file]", ki18n("Path to a theme config file"));
- KCmdLineArgs::addCmdLineOptions( options );
- KApplication app(argc, argv);
- KCmdLineArgs *args = KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs();
- if(!args->count()){
- kWarning(1212) << "You need to specify the path to a theme config file!" ;
- return(1);
- }
- QString srcStr = QString(args->arg(0));
- QFile f(srcStr);
- QString tmpStr;
- if(!f.exists()){
- kWarning(1212) << "Specified theme config file doesn't exist!" ;
- return(2);
- }
- QStringList appDirs = KGlobal::dirs()->findDirs("data", "kwin");
- QString localDirStr = *(appDirs.end());
- if(localDirStr.isEmpty()){
- localDirStr = KGlobal::dirs()->saveLocation("data", "kwin");
- }
- localDirStr += "/pics/";
- if(!QFile::exists(localDirStr))
- QDir().mkdir(localDirStr);
- QFileInfo fi(f);
- KSimpleConfig input(fi.absoluteFilePath());
- srcStr = fi.dirPath(true) + '/';
- KSharedConfig::Ptr output = KGlobal::config();
- input.setGroup("Window Border");
- output->setGroup("General");
- tmpStr = input.readEntry("shapePixmapTop");
- if(!tmpStr.isEmpty()){
- copy(srcStr+tmpStr, localDirStr+tmpStr);
- }
- output->writeEntry("wm_top", tmpStr, KConfig::Normal|KConfig::Global);
- tmpStr = input.readEntry("shapePixmapBottom");
- if(!tmpStr.isEmpty())
- copy(srcStr+tmpStr, localDirStr+tmpStr);
- output->writeEntry("wm_bottom", tmpStr, KConfig::Normal|KConfig::Global);
- tmpStr = input.readEntry("shapePixmapLeft");
- if(!tmpStr.isEmpty())
- copy(srcStr+tmpStr, localDirStr+tmpStr);
- output->writeEntry("wm_left", tmpStr, KConfig::Normal|KConfig::Global);
- tmpStr = input.readEntry("shapePixmapRight");
- if(!tmpStr.isEmpty())
- copy(srcStr+tmpStr, localDirStr+tmpStr);
- output->writeEntry("wm_right", tmpStr, KConfig::Normal|KConfig::Global);
- tmpStr = input.readEntry("shapePixmapTopLeft");
- if(!tmpStr.isEmpty())
- copy(srcStr+tmpStr, localDirStr+tmpStr);
- output->writeEntry("wm_topleft", tmpStr, KConfig::Normal|KConfig::Global);
- tmpStr = input.readEntry("shapePixmapTopRight");
- if(!tmpStr.isEmpty())
- copy(srcStr+tmpStr, localDirStr+tmpStr);
- output->writeEntry("wm_topright", tmpStr, KConfig::Normal|KConfig::Global);
- tmpStr = input.readEntry("shapePixmapBottomLeft");
- if(!tmpStr.isEmpty())
- copy(srcStr+tmpStr, localDirStr+tmpStr);
- output->writeEntry("wm_bottomleft", tmpStr, KConfig::Normal|KConfig::Global);
- tmpStr = input.readEntry("shapePixmapBottomRight");
- if(!tmpStr.isEmpty())
- copy(srcStr+tmpStr, localDirStr+tmpStr);
- output->writeEntry("wm_bottomright", tmpStr, KConfig::Normal|KConfig::Global);
- input.setGroup("Window Titlebar");
- output->writeEntry("TitleAlignment", input.readEntry("TitleAlignment"), KConfig::Normal|KConfig::Global);
- output->writeEntry("PixmapUnderTitleText", input.readEntry("PixmapUnderTitleText"), KConfig::Normal|KConfig::Global);
- output->writeEntry("TitleFrameShaded", input.readEntry("TitleFrameShaded"), KConfig::Normal|KConfig::Global);
- tmpStr = input.readEntry("MenuButton");
- if(!tmpStr.isEmpty())
- copy(srcStr+tmpStr, localDirStr+tmpStr);
- output->writeEntry("menu", tmpStr, KConfig::Normal|KConfig::Global);
- tmpStr = input.readEntry("PinUpButton");
- if(!tmpStr.isEmpty())
- copy(srcStr+tmpStr, localDirStr+tmpStr);
- output->writeEntry("pinup", tmpStr, KConfig::Normal|KConfig::Global);
- tmpStr = input.readEntry("PinDownButton");
- if(!tmpStr.isEmpty())
- copy(srcStr+tmpStr, localDirStr+tmpStr);
- output->writeEntry("pindown", tmpStr, KConfig::Normal|KConfig::Global);
- tmpStr = input.readEntry("CloseButton");
- if(!tmpStr.isEmpty())
- copy(srcStr+tmpStr, localDirStr+tmpStr);
- output->writeEntry("close", tmpStr, KConfig::Normal|KConfig::Global);
- tmpStr = input.readEntry("MaximizeButton");
- if(!tmpStr.isEmpty())
- copy(srcStr+tmpStr, localDirStr+tmpStr);
- output->writeEntry("maximize", tmpStr, KConfig::Normal|KConfig::Global);
- tmpStr = input.readEntry("MaximizeDownButton");
- if(!tmpStr.isEmpty())
- copy(srcStr+tmpStr, localDirStr+tmpStr);
- output->writeEntry("maximizedown", tmpStr, KConfig::Normal|KConfig::Global);
- tmpStr = input.readEntry("MinimizeButton");
- if(!tmpStr.isEmpty())
- copy(srcStr+tmpStr, localDirStr+tmpStr);
- output->writeEntry("iconify", tmpStr, KConfig::Normal|KConfig::Global);
- tmpStr = input.readEntry("TitlebarPixmapActive");
- if(!tmpStr.isEmpty())
- copy(srcStr+tmpStr, localDirStr+tmpStr);
- output->writeEntry("TitlebarPixmapActive", tmpStr, KConfig::Normal|KConfig::Global);
- tmpStr = input.readEntry("TitlebarPixmapInactive");
- if(!tmpStr.isEmpty())
- copy(srcStr+tmpStr, localDirStr+tmpStr);
- output->writeEntry("TitlebarPixmapInactive", tmpStr, KConfig::Normal|KConfig::Global);
- input.setGroup("Window Button Layout");
- output->setGroup("Buttons");
- output->writeEntry("ButtonA", input.readEntry("ButtonA"), KConfig::Normal|KConfig::Global);
- output->writeEntry("ButtonB", input.readEntry("ButtonB"), KConfig::Normal|KConfig::Global);
- output->writeEntry("ButtonC", input.readEntry("ButtonC"), KConfig::Normal|KConfig::Global);
- output->writeEntry("ButtonD", input.readEntry("ButtonD"), KConfig::Normal|KConfig::Global);
- output->writeEntry("ButtonE", input.readEntry("ButtonE"), KConfig::Normal|KConfig::Global);
- output->writeEntry("ButtonF", input.readEntry("ButtonF"), KConfig::Normal|KConfig::Global);
- output->sync();
- return(0);
diff --git a/clients/kwmtheme/kwmtheme.desktop b/clients/kwmtheme/kwmtheme.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index a7d71c7712..0000000000
--- a/clients/kwmtheme/kwmtheme.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=KWM Theme
-Name[af]=KWM Tema
-Name[ar]=سمة KWM
-Name[be]=Тэма KWM
-Name[be@latin]=Matyŭ „KWM”
-Name[bg]=Тема KWM
-Name[bn]=KWM থীম
-Name[bn_IN]=KWM থিম
-Name[br]=Gwiskad KWM
-Name[ca]=Tema KWM
-Name[ca@valencia]=Tema KWM
-Name[cs]=Téma KWM
-Name[csb]=Témë KWM
-Name[cy]=Thema KWM
-Name[el]=Θέμα KWM
-Name[en_GB]=KWM Theme
-Name[es]=Tema de KWM
-Name[et]=KWM teema
-Name[eu]=KWM gaia
-Name[fa]=چهره KWM
-Name[fr]=Thème KWM
-Name[ga]=Téama KWM
-Name[gl]=Tema do KWM
-Name[gu]=KWM થીમ
-Name[he]=ערכת KWM
-Name[hi]=केडबल्यूएम प्रसंग
-Name[hne]=केडबल्यूएम प्रसंग
-Name[hr]=KWM tema
-Name[hu]=KWM téma
-Name[ia]=Thema KWM
-Name[id]=Tema KWM
-Name[is]=KWM þema
-Name[it]=Tema KWM
-Name[ja]=KWM テーマ
-Name[ka]=KWM სტილი
-Name[kk]=KWM нақышы
-Name[km]=ស្បែក KWM
-Name[kn]=KWM ಪರಿಸರವಿನ್ಯಾಸ (ಥೀಮ್)
-Name[ko]=KWM 테마
-Name[ku]=Dirbê KWM
-Name[lt]=KWM tema
-Name[lv]=KWM tēma
-Name[mai]=केडबल्यूएम प्रसंग
-Name[mk]=KWM тема
-Name[ml]=കെഡബ്ല്യൂഎം പ്രമേയം
-Name[mr]=केडबल्यूएम सुत्रयोजना
-Name[ms]=Temas KWM
-Name[ne]=KWM विषयवस्तु
-Name[pa]=KWM ਥੀਮ
-Name[pl]=Motyw KWM
-Name[pt]=Tema KWM
-Name[pt_BR]=Tema KWM
-Name[ro]=Tematică KWM
-Name[ru]=Стиль KWM
-Name[si]=KWM තේමාව
-Name[sk]=Téma KWM
-Name[sl]=Tema KWM
-Name[sr]=КВМ‑ова тема
-Name[sr@ijekavian]=КВМ‑ова тема
-Name[sr@ijekavianlatin]=KWM‑ova tema
-Name[sr@latin]=KWM‑ova tema
-Name[ta]=KWM தலைப்பு
-Name[te]=KWM థీమ్
-Name[tg]=Мавзӯъи KWM
-Name[th]=รูปแบบชุดตกแต่ง KWM
-Name[tr]=KWM Teması
-Name[uk]=Тема KWM
-Name[uz]=KWM mavzusi
-Name[uz@cyrillic]=KWM мавзуси
-Name[vi]=Sắc thái KWM
-Name[wa]=Tinme KWM
-Name[xh]=Umxholo we KWM
-Name[x-test]=xxKWM Themexx
-Name[zh_CN]=KWM 主题
-Name[zh_TW]=KWM 主題
diff --git a/clients/kwmtheme/kwmthemeclient.cpp b/clients/kwmtheme/kwmthemeclient.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b120a54c7..0000000000
--- a/clients/kwmtheme/kwmthemeclient.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,951 +0,0 @@
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see .
-#include "kwmthemeclient.h"
-namespace KWMTheme {
-/* static QPixmap stretchPixmap(QPixmap& src, bool stretchVert){
- QPixmap dest;
- QBitmap *srcMask, *destMask;
- int w, h, w2, h2;
- QPainter p;
- if (src.isNull()) return src;
- w = src.width();
- h = src.height();
- if (stretchVert){
- w2 = w;
- for (h2=h; h2<100; h2=h2<<1)
- ;
- }
- else{
- h2 = h;
- for (w2=w; w2<100; w2=w2<<1)
- ;
- }
- if (w2==w && h2==h) return src;
- dest = src;
- dest.resize(w2, h2);
- p.begin(&dest);
- p.drawTiledPixmap(0, 0, w2, h2, src);
- p.end();
- srcMask = (QBitmap*)src.mask();
- if (srcMask){
- destMask = (QBitmap*)dest.mask();
- p.begin(destMask);
- p.drawTiledPixmap(0, 0, w2, h2, *srcMask);
- p.end();
- }
- return dest;
-} */
-inline const KDecorationOptions* options() { return KDecoration::options(); }
-enum FramePixmap{FrameTop=0, FrameBottom, FrameLeft, FrameRight, FrameTopLeft,
- FrameTopRight, FrameBottomLeft, FrameBottomRight};
-static QPixmap *framePixmaps[8];
-static QPixmap *menuPix, *iconifyPix, *closePix, *maxPix, *minmaxPix,
- *pinupPix, *pindownPix;
-static QPixmap *aTitlePix = 0;
-static QPixmap *iTitlePix = 0;
-static KPixmapEffect::GradientType grType;
-static int maxExtent, titleAlign;
-static bool titleGradient = true;
-static bool pixmaps_created = false;
-static bool titleSunken = false;
-static bool titleTransparent;
-static void create_pixmaps()
- const char * const keys[] = {"wm_top", "wm_bottom", "wm_left", "wm_right",
- "wm_topleft", "wm_topright", "wm_bottomleft", "wm_bottomright"};
- if(pixmaps_created)
- return;
- pixmaps_created = true;
- KSharedConfig::Ptr _config = KGlobal::config();
- KConfigGroup config(_config, "General");
- QString tmpStr;
- for(int i=0; i < 8; ++i)
- {
- framePixmaps[i] = new QPixmap(locate("data",
- "kwin/pics/"+config.readEntry(keys[i], " ")));
- if(framePixmaps[i]->isNull())
- kWarning(1212) << "Unable to load frame pixmap for " << keys[i] ;
- }
- *framePixmaps[FrameTop] = stretchPixmap(*framePixmaps[FrameTop], false);
- *framePixmaps[FrameBottom] = stretchPixmap(*framePixmaps[FrameBottom], false);
- *framePixmaps[FrameLeft] = stretchPixmap(*framePixmaps[FrameLeft], true);
- *framePixmaps[FrameRight] = stretchPixmap(*framePixmaps[FrameRight], true);
- maxExtent = framePixmaps[FrameTop]->height();
- if(framePixmaps[FrameBottom]->height() > maxExtent)
- maxExtent = framePixmaps[FrameBottom]->height();
- if(framePixmaps[FrameLeft]->width() > maxExtent)
- maxExtent = framePixmaps[FrameLeft]->width();
- if(framePixmaps[FrameRight]->width() > maxExtent)
- maxExtent = framePixmaps[FrameRight]->width();
- maxExtent++;
- menuPix = new QPixmap(locate("data",
- "kwin/pics/"+config.readEntry("menu", " ")));
- iconifyPix = new QPixmap(locate("data",
- "kwin/pics/"+config.readEntry("iconify", " ")));
- maxPix = new QPixmap(locate("appdata",
- "pics/"+config.readEntry("maximize", " ")));
- minmaxPix = new QPixmap(locate("data",
- "kwin/pics/"+config.readEntry("maximizedown", " ")));
- closePix = new QPixmap(locate("data",
- "kwin/pics/"+config.readEntry("close", " ")));
- pinupPix = new QPixmap(locate("data",
- "kwin/pics/"+config.readEntry("pinup", " ")));
- pindownPix = new QPixmap(locate("data",
- "kwin/pics/"+config.readEntry("pindown", " ")));
- if(menuPix->isNull())
- menuPix->load(locate("data", "kwin/pics/menu.png"));
- if(iconifyPix->isNull())
- iconifyPix->load(locate("data", "kwin/pics/iconify.png"));
- if(maxPix->isNull())
- maxPix->load(locate("data", "kwin/pics/maximize.png"));
- if(minmaxPix->isNull())
- minmaxPix->load(locate("data", "kwin/pics/maximizedown.png"));
- if(closePix->isNull())
- closePix->load(locate("data", "kwin/pics/close.png"));
- if(pinupPix->isNull())
- pinupPix->load(locate("data", "kwin/pics/pinup.png"));
- if(pindownPix->isNull())
- pindownPix->load(locate("data", "kwin/pics/pindown.png"));
- tmpStr = config.readEntry("TitleAlignment");
- if(tmpStr == "right")
- titleAlign = Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter;
- else if(tmpStr == "middle")
- titleAlign = Qt::AlignCenter;
- else
- titleAlign = Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter;
- titleSunken = config.readEntry("TitleFrameShaded", true );
- // titleSunken = true; // is this fixed?
- titleTransparent = config.readEntry("PixmapUnderTitleText", true);
- tmpStr = config.readEntry("TitlebarLook");
- if(tmpStr == "shadedVertical"){
- aTitlePix = new QPixmap;
- aTitlePix->resize(32, 20);
- KPixmapEffect::gradient(*aTitlePix,
- options()->color(KDecorationOptions::ColorTitleBar, true),
- options()->color(KDecorationOptions::ColorTitleBlend, true),
- KPixmapEffect::VerticalGradient);
- iTitlePix = new QPixmap;
- iTitlePix->resize(32, 20);
- KPixmapEffect::gradient(*iTitlePix,
- options()->color(KDecorationOptions::ColorTitleBar, false),
- options()->color(KDecorationOptions::ColorTitleBlend, false),
- KPixmapEffect::VerticalGradient);
- titleGradient = false; // we can just tile this
- }
- else if(tmpStr == "shadedHorizontal")
- grType = KPixmapEffect::HorizontalGradient;
- else if(tmpStr == "shadedDiagonal")
- grType = KPixmapEffect::DiagonalGradient;
- else if(tmpStr == "shadedCrossDiagonal")
- grType = KPixmapEffect::CrossDiagonalGradient;
- else if(tmpStr == "shadedPyramid")
- grType = KPixmapEffect::PyramidGradient;
- else if(tmpStr == "shadedRectangle")
- grType = KPixmapEffect::RectangleGradient;
- else if(tmpStr == "shadedPipeCross")
- grType = KPixmapEffect::PipeCrossGradient;
- else if(tmpStr == "shadedElliptic")
- grType = KPixmapEffect::EllipticGradient;
- else{
- titleGradient = false;
- tmpStr = config.readEntry("TitlebarPixmapActive", "");
- if(!tmpStr.isEmpty()){
- aTitlePix = new QPixmap;
- aTitlePix->load(locate("data", "kwin/pics/" + tmpStr));
- }
- else
- aTitlePix = NULL;
- tmpStr = config.readEntry("TitlebarPixmapInactive", "");
- if(!tmpStr.isEmpty()){
- iTitlePix = new QPixmap;
- iTitlePix->load(locate("data", "kwin/pics/" + tmpStr));
- }
- else
- iTitlePix = NULL;
- }
-static void delete_pixmaps()
- for(int i=0; i < 8; ++i)
- delete framePixmaps[i];
- delete menuPix;
- delete iconifyPix;
- delete closePix;
- delete maxPix;
- delete minmaxPix;
- delete pinupPix;
- delete pindownPix;
- delete aTitlePix;
- aTitlePix = 0;
- delete iTitlePix;
- iTitlePix = 0;
- titleGradient = true;
- pixmaps_created = false;
- titleSunken = false;
-void MyButton::drawButtonLabel(QPainter *p)
- if(pixmap()){
- // If we have a theme who's button covers the entire width or
- // entire height, we shift down/right by 1 pixel so we have
- // some visual notification of button presses. i.e. for MGBriezh
- int offset = (isDown() && ((pixmap()->width() >= width()) ||
- (pixmap()->height() >= height()))) ? 1 : 0;
- style().drawItem(p, QRect( offset, offset, width(), height() ),
- AlignCenter, colorGroup(),
- true, pixmap(), QString());
- }
-KWMThemeClient::KWMThemeClient( KDecorationBridge* b, KDecorationFactory* f )
- : KDecoration( b, f )
-void KWMThemeClient::init()
- createMainWidget( WResizeNoErase | WStaticContents );
- widget()->installEventFilter( this );
- stickyBtn = maxBtn = mnuBtn = 0;
- layout = new QGridLayout(widget());
- layout->addColSpacing(0, maxExtent);
- layout->addColSpacing(2, maxExtent);
- layout->addRowSpacing(0, maxExtent);
- layout->addItem(new QSpacerItem(1, 1, QSizePolicy::Fixed,
- QSizePolicy::Expanding));
- if( isPreview())
- layout->addWidget( new QLabel( i18n( "KWMTheme" ), widget()), 2, 1);
- else
- layout->addItem( new QSpacerItem( 0, 0 ), 2, 1);
- // Without the next line, shading flickers
- layout->addItem( new QSpacerItem(0, 0, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Expanding) );
- layout->addRowSpacing(3, maxExtent);
- layout->setRowStretch(2, 10);
- layout->setColumnStretch(1, 10);
- QBoxLayout* hb = new QBoxLayout(0, QBoxLayout::LeftToRight, 0, 0, 0);
- layout->addLayout( hb, 1, 1 );
- KSharedConfig::Ptr _config = KGlobal::config();
- KConfigGroup config(_config, "Buttons");
- QString val;
- MyButton *btn;
- int i;
- static const char * const defaultButtons[]={"Menu","Sticky","Off","Iconify",
- "Maximize","Close"};
- static const char keyOffsets[]={"ABCDEF"};
- for(i=0; i < 6; ++i){
- if(i == 3){
- titlebar = new QSpacerItem(10, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding,
- QSizePolicy::Minimum );
- hb->addItem( titlebar );
- }
- QString key("Button");
- key += QChar(keyOffsets[i]);
- val = config.readEntry(key, defaultButtons[i]);
- if(val == "Menu"){
- mnuBtn = new MyButton(widget(), "menu");
- mnuBtn->setToolTip( i18n("Menu"));
- iconChange();
- hb->addWidget(mnuBtn);
- mnuBtn->setFixedSize(20, 20);
- connect(mnuBtn, SIGNAL(pressed()), this,
- SLOT(menuButtonPressed()));
- }
- else if(val == "Sticky"){
- stickyBtn = new MyButton(widget(), "sticky");
- stickyBtn->setToolTip( i18n("Sticky"));
- if (isOnAllDesktops())
- stickyBtn->setPixmap(*pindownPix);
- else
- stickyBtn->setPixmap(*pinupPix);
- connect(stickyBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT(toggleOnAllDesktops()));
- hb->addWidget(stickyBtn);
- stickyBtn->setFixedSize(20, 20);
- }
- else if((val == "Iconify") && isMinimizable()){
- btn = new MyButton(widget(), "iconify");
- btn->setToolTip( i18n("Minimize"));
- btn->setPixmap(*iconifyPix);
- connect(btn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(minimize()));
- hb->addWidget(btn);
- btn->setFixedSize(20, 20);
- }
- else if((val == "Maximize") && isMaximizable()){
- maxBtn = new MyButton(widget(), "max");
- maxBtn->setToolTip( i18n("Maximize"));
- maxBtn->setPixmap(*maxPix);
- connect(maxBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(maximize()));
- hb->addWidget(maxBtn);
- maxBtn->setFixedSize(20, 20);
- }
- else if((val == "Close") && isCloseable()){
- btn = new MyButton(widget(), "close");
- btn->setToolTip( i18n("Close"));
- btn->setPixmap(*closePix);
- connect(btn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(closeWindow()));
- hb->addWidget(btn);
- btn->setFixedSize(20, 20);
- }
- else{
- if((val != "Off") &&
- ((val == "Iconify") && !isMinimizable()) &&
- ((val == "Maximize") && !isMaximizable()))
- kWarning(1212) << "KWin: Unrecognized button value: " << val ;
- }
- }
- if(titleGradient){
- aGradient = new QPixmap;
- iGradient = new QPixmap;
- }
- else{
- aGradient = 0;
- iGradient = 0;
- }
- widget()->setBackgroundMode(NoBackground);
-void KWMThemeClient::drawTitle(QPainter &dest)
- QRect titleRect = titlebar->geometry();
- QRect r(0, 0, titleRect.width(), titleRect.height());
- QPixmap buffer;
- if(buffer.width() == r.width())
- return;
- buffer.resize(r.size());
- QPainter p;
- p.begin(&buffer);
- if(titleSunken){
- qDrawShadeRect(&p, r, options()->palette(KDecorationOptions::ColorFrame, isActive()).active(),
- true, 1, 0);
- r.setRect(r.x()+1, r.y()+1, r.width()-2, r.height()-2);
- }
- QPixmap *fill = isActive() ? aTitlePix : iTitlePix;
- if(fill)
- p.drawTiledPixmap(r, *fill);
- else if(titleGradient){
- fill = isActive() ? aGradient : iGradient;
- if(fill->width() != r.width()){
- fill->resize(r.width(), 20);
- KPixmapEffect::gradient(*fill,
- options()->color(KDecorationOptions::ColorTitleBar, isActive()),
- options()->color(KDecorationOptions::ColorTitleBlend, isActive()),
- grType);
- }
- p.drawTiledPixmap(r, *fill);
- }
- else{
- p.fillRect(r, options()->palette(KDecorationOptions::ColorTitleBar, isActive()).active().
- brush(QPalette::Button));
- }
- p.setFont(options()->font(isActive()));
- p.setPen(options()->color(KDecorationOptions::ColorFont, isActive()));
- // Add left & right margin
- r.setLeft(r.left()+5);
- r.setRight(r.right()-5);
- p.drawText(r, titleAlign, caption());
- p.end();
- dest.drawPixmap(titleRect.x(), titleRect.y(), buffer);
-void KWMThemeClient::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* )
- doShape();
- widget()->repaint();
-void KWMThemeClient::captionChange()
- widget()->repaint( titlebar->geometry(), false );
-void KWMThemeClient::paintEvent( QPaintEvent *)
- QPainter p;
- p.begin(widget());
- int x,y;
- // first the corners
- int w1 = framePixmaps[FrameTopLeft]->width();
- int h1 = framePixmaps[FrameTopLeft]->height();
- if (w1 > width()/2) w1 = width()/2;
- if (h1 > height()/2) h1 = height()/2;
- p.drawPixmap(0,0,*framePixmaps[FrameTopLeft],
- 0,0,w1, h1);
- int w2 = framePixmaps[FrameTopRight]->width();
- int h2 = framePixmaps[FrameTopRight]->height();
- if (w2 > width()/2) w2 = width()/2;
- if (h2 > height()/2) h2 = height()/2;
- p.drawPixmap(width()-w2,0,*framePixmaps[FrameTopRight],
- framePixmaps[FrameTopRight]->width()-w2,0,w2, h2);
- int w3 = framePixmaps[FrameBottomLeft]->width();
- int h3 = framePixmaps[FrameBottomLeft]->height();
- if (w3 > width()/2) w3 = width()/2;
- if (h3 > height()/2) h3 = height()/2;
- p.drawPixmap(0,height()-h3,*framePixmaps[FrameBottomLeft],
- 0,framePixmaps[FrameBottomLeft]->height()-h3,w3, h3);
- int w4 = framePixmaps[FrameBottomRight]->width();
- int h4 = framePixmaps[FrameBottomRight]->height();
- if (w4 > width()/2) w4 = width()/2;
- if (h4 > height()/2) h4 = height()/2;
- p.drawPixmap(width()-w4,height()-h4,*(framePixmaps[FrameBottomRight]),
- framePixmaps[FrameBottomRight]->width()-w4,
- framePixmaps[FrameBottomRight]->height()-h4,
- w4, h4);
- QPixmap pm;
- QMatrix m;
- int n,s,w;
- //top
- pm = *framePixmaps[FrameTop];
- if (pm.width() > 0){
- s = width()-w2-w1;
- n = s/pm.width();
- w = n>0?s/n:s;
- m.reset();
- m.scale(w/(float)pm.width(), 1);
- pm = pm.transformed(m);
- x = w1;
- while (1){
- if (pm.width() < width()-w2-x){
- p.drawPixmap(x,maxExtent-pm.height()-1,
- pm);
- x += pm.width();
- }
- else {
- p.drawPixmap(x,maxExtent-pm.height()-1,
- pm,
- 0,0,width()-w2-x,pm.height());
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- //bottom
- pm = *framePixmaps[FrameBottom];
- if (pm.width() > 0){
- s = width()-w4-w3;
- n = s/pm.width();
- w = n>0?s/n:s;
- m.reset();
- m.scale(w/(float)pm.width(), 1);
- pm = pm.transformed(m);
- x = w3;
- while (1){
- if (pm.width() < width()-w4-x){
- p.drawPixmap(x,height()-maxExtent+1,pm);
- x += pm.width();
- }
- else {
- p.drawPixmap(x,height()-maxExtent+1,pm,
- 0,0,width()-w4-x,pm.height());
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- //left
- pm = *framePixmaps[FrameLeft];
- if (pm.height() > 0){
- s = height()-h3-h1;
- n = s/pm.height();
- w = n>0?s/n:s;
- m.reset();
- m.scale(1, w/(float)pm.height());
- pm = pm.transformed(m);
- y = h1;
- while (1){
- if (pm.height() < height()-h3-y){
- p.drawPixmap(maxExtent-pm.width()-1, y,
- pm);
- y += pm.height();
- }
- else {
- p.drawPixmap(maxExtent-pm.width()-1, y,
- pm,
- 0,0, pm.width(),
- height()-h3-y);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- //right
- pm = *framePixmaps[FrameRight];
- if (pm.height() > 0){
- s = height()-h4-h2;
- n = s/pm.height();
- w = n>0?s/n:s;
- m.reset();
- m.scale(1, w/(float)pm.height());
- pm = pm.transformed(m);
- y = h2;
- while (1){
- if (pm.height() < height()-h4-y){
- p.drawPixmap(width()-maxExtent+1, y,
- pm);
- y += pm.height();
- }
- else {
- p.drawPixmap(width()-maxExtent+1, y,
- pm,
- 0,0, pm.width(),
- height()-h4-y);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- drawTitle(p);
- QColor c = widget()->colorGroup().background();
- // KWM evidently had a 1 pixel border around the client window. We
- // emulate it here, but should be removed at some point in order to
- // seamlessly mesh widget themes
- p.setPen(c);
- p.drawRect(maxExtent-1, maxExtent-1, width()-(maxExtent-1)*2,
- height()-(maxExtent-1)*2);
- // We fill the area behind the wrapped widget to ensure that
- // shading animation is drawn as smoothly as possible
- QRect r(layout->cellGeometry(2, 1));
- p.fillRect( r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height(), c);
- p.end();
-void KWMThemeClient::doShape()
- QBitmap shapemask(width(), height());
- shapemask.fill(color0);
- QPainter p;
- p.begin(&shapemask);
- p.setBrush(color1);
- p.setPen(color1);
- int x,y;
- // first the corners
- int w1 = framePixmaps[FrameTopLeft]->width();
- int h1 = framePixmaps[FrameTopLeft]->height();
- if (w1 > width()/2) w1 = width()/2;
- if (h1 > height()/2) h1 = height()/2;
- if (framePixmaps[FrameTopLeft]->mask())
- p.drawPixmap(0,0,*framePixmaps[FrameTopLeft]->mask(),
- 0,0,w1, h1);
- else
- p.fillRect(0,0,w1,h1,color1);
- int w2 = framePixmaps[FrameTopRight]->width();
- int h2 = framePixmaps[FrameTopRight]->height();
- if (w2 > width()/2) w2 = width()/2;
- if (h2 > height()/2) h2 = height()/2;
- if (framePixmaps[FrameTopRight]->mask())
- p.drawPixmap(width()-w2,0,*framePixmaps[FrameTopRight]->mask(),
- framePixmaps[FrameTopRight]->width()-w2,0,w2, h2);
- else
- p.fillRect(width()-w2,0,w2, h2,color1);
- int w3 = framePixmaps[FrameBottomLeft]->width();
- int h3 = framePixmaps[FrameBottomLeft]->height();
- if (w3 > width()/2) w3 = width()/2;
- if (h3 > height()/2) h3 = height()/2;
- if (framePixmaps[FrameBottomLeft]->mask())
- p.drawPixmap(0,height()-h3,*framePixmaps[FrameBottomLeft]->mask(),
- 0,framePixmaps[FrameBottomLeft]->height()-h3,w3, h3);
- else
- p.fillRect(0,height()-h3,w3,h3,color1);
- int w4 = framePixmaps[FrameBottomRight]->width();
- int h4 = framePixmaps[FrameBottomRight]->height();
- if (w4 > width()/2) w4 = width()/2;
- if (h4 > height()/2) h4 = height()/2;
- if (framePixmaps[FrameBottomRight]->mask())
- p.drawPixmap(width()-w4,height()-h4,*framePixmaps[FrameBottomRight]->mask(),
- framePixmaps[FrameBottomRight]->width()-w4,
- framePixmaps[FrameBottomRight]->height()-h4,
- w4, h4);
- else
- p.fillRect(width()-w4,height()-h4,w4,h4,color1);
- QPixmap pm;
- QMatrix m;
- int n,s,w;
- //top
- if (framePixmaps[FrameTop]->mask())
- {
- pm = *framePixmaps[FrameTop]->mask();
- s = width()-w2-w1;
- n = s/pm.width();
- w = n>0?s/n:s;
- m.reset();
- m.scale(w/(float)pm.width(), 1);
- pm = pm.transformed(m);
- x = w1;
- while (1){
- if (pm.width() < width()-w2-x){
- p.drawPixmap(x,maxExtent-pm.height()-1,
- pm);
- x += pm.width();
- }
- else {
- p.drawPixmap(x,maxExtent-pm.height()-1,
- pm,
- 0,0,width()-w2-x,pm.height());
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- //bottom
- if (framePixmaps[FrameBottom]->mask())
- {
- pm = *framePixmaps[FrameBottom]->mask();
- s = width()-w4-w3;
- n = s/pm.width();
- w = n>0?s/n:s;
- m.reset();
- m.scale(w/(float)pm.width(), 1);
- pm = pm.transformed(m);
- x = w3;
- while (1){
- if (pm.width() < width()-w4-x){
- p.drawPixmap(x,height()-maxExtent+1,pm);
- x += pm.width();
- }
- else {
- p.drawPixmap(x,height()-maxExtent+1,pm,
- 0,0,width()-w4-x,pm.height());
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- //left
- if (framePixmaps[FrameLeft]->mask())
- {
- pm = *framePixmaps[FrameLeft]->mask();
- s = height()-h3-h1;
- n = s/pm.height();
- w = n>0?s/n:s;
- m.reset();
- m.scale(1, w/(float)pm.height());
- pm = pm.transformed(m);
- y = h1;
- while (1){
- if (pm.height() < height()-h3-y){
- p.drawPixmap(maxExtent-pm.width()-1, y,
- pm);
- y += pm.height();
- }
- else {
- p.drawPixmap(maxExtent-pm.width()-1, y,
- pm,
- 0,0, pm.width(),
- height()-h3-y);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- //right
- if (framePixmaps[FrameRight]->mask())
- {
- pm = *framePixmaps[FrameRight]->mask();
- s = height()-h4-h2;
- n = s/pm.height();
- w = n>0?s/n:s;
- m.reset();
- m.scale(1, w/(float)pm.height());
- pm = pm.transformed(m);
- y = h2;
- while (1){
- if (pm.height() < height()-h4-y){
- p.drawPixmap(width()-maxExtent+1, y,
- pm);
- y += pm.height();
- }
- else {
- p.drawPixmap(width()-maxExtent+1, y,
- pm,
- 0,0, pm.width(),
- height()-h4-y);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- p.fillRect(maxExtent-1, maxExtent-1, width()-2*maxExtent+2, height()-2*maxExtent+2, color1);
- setMask(shapemask);
-void KWMThemeClient::showEvent(QShowEvent *)
- doShape();
- widget()->repaint(false);
-void KWMThemeClient::mouseDoubleClickEvent( QMouseEvent * e )
- if (e->button() == LeftButton && titlebar->geometry().contains( e->pos() ) )
- titlebarDblClickOperation();
-void KWMThemeClient::desktopChange()
- if (stickyBtn) {
- bool on = isOnAllDesktops();
- stickyBtn->setPixmap(on ? *pindownPix : *pinupPix);
- stickyBtn->setToolTip( on ? i18n("Unsticky") : i18n("Sticky") );
- }
-void KWMThemeClient::maximizeChange()
- if (maxBtn) {
- bool m = maximizeMode() == MaximizeFull;
- maxBtn->setPixmap(m ? *minmaxPix : *maxPix);
- maxBtn->setToolTip( m ? i18n("Restore") : i18n("Maximize"));
- }
-void KWMThemeClient::slotMaximize()
- maximize( maximizeMode() == MaximizeFull ? MaximizeRestore : MaximizeFull );
-void KWMThemeClient::activeChange()
- widget()->update();
-KDecoration::Position KWMThemeClient::mousePosition(const QPoint &p) const
- Position m = KDecoration::mousePosition(p);
- // corners
- if(p.y() < framePixmaps[FrameTop]->height() &&
- p.x() < framePixmaps[FrameLeft]->width()){
- m = PositionTopLeft;
- }
- else if(p.y() < framePixmaps[FrameTop]->height() &&
- p.x() > width()-framePixmaps[FrameRight]->width()){
- m = PositionTopRight;
- }
- else if(p.y() > height()-framePixmaps[FrameBottom]->height() &&
- p.x() < framePixmaps[FrameLeft]->width()){
- m = PositionBottomLeft;
- }
- else if(p.y() > height()-framePixmaps[FrameBottom]->height() &&
- p.x() > width()-framePixmaps[FrameRight]->width()){
- m = PositionBottomRight;
- } // edges
- else if(p.y() < framePixmaps[FrameTop]->height())
- m = PositionTop;
- else if(p.y() > height()-framePixmaps[FrameBottom]->height())
- m = PositionBottom;
- else if(p.x() < framePixmaps[FrameLeft]->width())
- m = PositionLeft;
- else if(p.x() > width()-framePixmaps[FrameRight]->width())
- m = PositionRight;
- return(m);
-void KWMThemeClient::menuButtonPressed()
- mnuBtn->setDown(false); // will stay down if I don't do this
- QPoint pos = mnuBtn->mapToGlobal(mnuBtn->rect().bottomLeft());
- showWindowMenu( pos );
-void KWMThemeClient::iconChange()
- if(mnuBtn){
- if( icon().pixmap( QIcon::Small, QIcon::Normal ).isNull()){
- mnuBtn->setPixmap(*menuPix);
- }
- else{
- mnuBtn->setPixmap(icon().pixmap( QIcon::Small, QIcon::Normal ));
- }
- }
-bool KWMThemeClient::eventFilter( QObject* o, QEvent* e )
- if ( o != widget() )
- return false;
- switch ( e->type() )
- {
- case QEvent::Resize:
- resizeEvent( static_cast< QResizeEvent* >( e ) );
- return true;
- case QEvent::Paint:
- paintEvent( static_cast< QPaintEvent* >( e ) );
- return true;
- case QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick:
- mouseDoubleClickEvent( static_cast< QMouseEvent* >( e ) );
- return true;
- case QEvent::MouseButtonPress:
- processMousePressEvent( static_cast< QMouseEvent* >( e ) );
- return true;
- case QEvent::Show:
- showEvent( static_cast< QShowEvent* >( e ) );
- return true;
- default:
- return false;
- }
-QSize KWMThemeClient::minimumSize() const
- return widget()->minimumSize().expandedTo( QSize( 100, 50 ));
-void KWMThemeClient::resize( const QSize& s )
- widget()->resize( s );
-void KWMThemeClient::borders( int& left, int& right, int& top, int& bottom ) const
- left =
- right =
- top =
- bottom =
- create_pixmaps();
- delete_pixmaps();
-KDecoration* KWMThemeFactory::createDecoration( KDecorationBridge* b )
- return new KWMThemeClient( b, this );
-bool KWMThemeFactory::reset( unsigned long mask )
- bool needHardReset = false;
- // doesn't obey the Border size setting
- if( mask & ( SettingFont | SettingButtons ))
- needHardReset = true;
- if( mask & ( SettingFont | SettingColors )) {
- KWMTheme::delete_pixmaps();
- KWMTheme::create_pixmaps();
- }
- if( !needHardReset )
- resetDecorations( mask );
- return needHardReset;
-extern "C"
- KDE_EXPORT KDecorationFactory *create_factory()
- {
- return new KWMTheme::KWMThemeFactory();
- }
-#include "kwmthemeclient.moc"
diff --git a/clients/kwmtheme/kwmthemeclient.h b/clients/kwmtheme/kwmthemeclient.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 69e6d3844b..0000000000
--- a/clients/kwmtheme/kwmthemeclient.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see .
-class QSpacerItem;
-class QGridLayout;
-namespace KWMTheme {
-class MyButton : public QToolButton
- explicit MyButton(QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0)
- : QToolButton(parent, name){setAutoRaise(true);setCursor( arrowCursor ); }
- void drawButtonLabel(QPainter *p);
-class KWMThemeClient : public KDecoration
- KWMThemeClient( KDecorationBridge* b, KDecorationFactory* f );
- ~KWMThemeClient(){;}
- void init();
- void resize( const QSize& s );
- QSize minimumSize() const;
- void borders( int& left, int& right, int& top, int& bottom ) const;
- void doShape();
- void drawTitle(QPainter &p);
- void resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* );
- void paintEvent( QPaintEvent* );
- void showEvent( QShowEvent* );
- void mouseDoubleClickEvent( QMouseEvent * );
- bool eventFilter( QObject* o, QEvent* e );
- void captionChange();
- void desktopChange();
- void maximizeChange();
- void iconChange();
- void activeChange();
- void shadeChange() {};
- Position mousePosition(const QPoint &) const;
-protected slots:
- //void slotReset();
- void menuButtonPressed();
- void slotMaximize();
- QPixmap buffer;
- KPixmap *aGradient, *iGradient;
- MyButton *maxBtn, *stickyBtn, *mnuBtn;
- QSpacerItem *titlebar;
- QGridLayout* layout;
-class KWMThemeFactory : public KDecorationFactory
- KWMThemeFactory();
- ~KWMThemeFactory();
- KDecoration* createDecoration( KDecorationBridge* b );
- bool reset( unsigned long mask );
diff --git a/clients/kwmtheme/pics/CMakeLists.txt b/clients/kwmtheme/pics/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index cd0e702950..0000000000
--- a/clients/kwmtheme/pics/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-install( FILES close.png maximize.png maximizedown.png menu.png iconify.png pindown.png pinup.png unknown.png fog.png fog-grey.png bluesun.png greenie.light.png greenie.dim.png DESTINATION ${DATA_INSTALL_DIR}/kwin/pics )
diff --git a/clients/kwmtheme/pics/bluesun.png b/clients/kwmtheme/pics/bluesun.png
deleted file mode 100644
index bcd8c091ff..0000000000
Binary files a/clients/kwmtheme/pics/bluesun.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/clients/kwmtheme/pics/close.png b/clients/kwmtheme/pics/close.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 2226738cb2..0000000000
Binary files a/clients/kwmtheme/pics/close.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/clients/kwmtheme/pics/fog-grey.png b/clients/kwmtheme/pics/fog-grey.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 12978a6ee3..0000000000
Binary files a/clients/kwmtheme/pics/fog-grey.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/clients/kwmtheme/pics/fog.png b/clients/kwmtheme/pics/fog.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 18ea9d00ea..0000000000
Binary files a/clients/kwmtheme/pics/fog.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/clients/kwmtheme/pics/greenie.dim.png b/clients/kwmtheme/pics/greenie.dim.png
deleted file mode 100644
index efb58adc26..0000000000
Binary files a/clients/kwmtheme/pics/greenie.dim.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/clients/kwmtheme/pics/greenie.light.png b/clients/kwmtheme/pics/greenie.light.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 44fadcae0b..0000000000
Binary files a/clients/kwmtheme/pics/greenie.light.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/clients/kwmtheme/pics/iconify.png b/clients/kwmtheme/pics/iconify.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ee1cd741e..0000000000
Binary files a/clients/kwmtheme/pics/iconify.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/clients/kwmtheme/pics/maximize.png b/clients/kwmtheme/pics/maximize.png
deleted file mode 100644
index ff96561bbf..0000000000
Binary files a/clients/kwmtheme/pics/maximize.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/clients/kwmtheme/pics/maximizedown.png b/clients/kwmtheme/pics/maximizedown.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 089c679204..0000000000
Binary files a/clients/kwmtheme/pics/maximizedown.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/clients/kwmtheme/pics/menu.png b/clients/kwmtheme/pics/menu.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 6feb465dfb..0000000000
Binary files a/clients/kwmtheme/pics/menu.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/clients/kwmtheme/pics/pindown.png b/clients/kwmtheme/pics/pindown.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 281fff868d..0000000000
Binary files a/clients/kwmtheme/pics/pindown.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/clients/kwmtheme/pics/pinup.png b/clients/kwmtheme/pics/pinup.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bdc8caad7..0000000000
Binary files a/clients/kwmtheme/pics/pinup.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/clients/kwmtheme/pics/unknown.png b/clients/kwmtheme/pics/unknown.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 48601d1c67..0000000000
Binary files a/clients/kwmtheme/pics/unknown.png and /dev/null differ