Screencast: fix renegotiation when client fails to use DMABuf modifiers

When client fails to import a DMABuf with a certain modifier, it will
remove it from offerings on his side and offer a new set of modifiers
for us to use. In case the list ends up being small enough that even we
won't be able to use any of the modifiers, we would still keep these
modifiers on our list and offering them to the client. With this we
would end up in a loop renegotiating and never actually fallback to use
MemFD buffers instead. We should also offer modifier-less DMABufs as
in the past. Using these we just need to avoid offering them as they
should be used as the last option.

BUG: 448839
This commit is contained in:
Jan Grulich 2023-03-15 15:38:46 +01:00
parent 4de69f2ef7
commit 75c7689f67

View file

@ -165,14 +165,36 @@ void ScreenCastStream::onStreamParamChanged(void *data, uint32_t id, const struc
uint32_t modifiersCount = SPA_POD_CHOICE_N_VALUES(modifierPod);
uint64_t *modifiers = (uint64_t *)SPA_POD_CHOICE_VALUES(modifierPod);
receivedModifiers = QVector<uint64_t>(modifiers, modifiers + modifiersCount);
// Remove duplicates
std::sort(receivedModifiers.begin(), receivedModifiers.end());
receivedModifiers.erase(std::unique(receivedModifiers.begin(), receivedModifiers.end()), receivedModifiers.end());
if (modifierProperty && (!pw->m_dmabufParams || !receivedModifiers.contains(pw->m_dmabufParams->modifier))) {
if (modifierProperty->flags & SPA_POD_PROP_FLAG_DONT_FIXATE) {
// DRM_MOD_INVALID should be used as a last option. Do not just remove it it's the only
// item on the list
if (receivedModifiers.count() > 1) {
pw->m_dmabufParams = kwinApp()->outputBackend()->testCreateDmaBuf(pw->m_resolution, pw->m_drmFormat, receivedModifiers);
} else {
pw->m_dmabufParams = kwinApp()->outputBackend()->testCreateDmaBuf(pw->m_resolution, pw->m_drmFormat, {DRM_FORMAT_MOD_INVALID});
// In case we fail to use any modifier from the list of offered ones, remove these
// from our all future offerings, otherwise there will be no indication that it cannot
// be used and clients can go for it over and over
if (!pw->m_dmabufParams.has_value()) {
for (uint64_t modifier : receivedModifiers) {
// Also in case DRM_FORMAT_MOD_INVALID was used and didn't fail, we still need to
// set it as our modifier, otherwise it would be set to default value (0) which is
// also a valid modifier, but not the one we want to actually use
} else if (receivedModifiers.count() == 1 && receivedModifiers.constFirst() == DRM_FORMAT_MOD_INVALID) {
pw->m_dmabufParams->modifier = DRM_FORMAT_MOD_INVALID;
qCDebug(KWIN_SCREENCAST) << "Stream dmabuf modifiers received, offering our best suited modifier" << pw->m_dmabufParams.has_value();
char buffer[2048];
auto params = pw->buildFormats(pw->m_dmabufParams.has_value(), buffer);
@ -356,10 +378,12 @@ bool ScreenCastStream::createStream()
if (itModifiers == supported.constEnd()) {
m_drmFormat = m_source->drmFormat();
m_modifiers = {};
m_modifiers = {DRM_FORMAT_MOD_INVALID};
} else {
m_drmFormat = itModifiers.key();
m_modifiers = *itModifiers;
// Also support modifier-less DmaBufs
m_modifiers += DRM_FORMAT_MOD_INVALID;
m_hasDmaBuf = kwinApp()->outputBackend()->testCreateDmaBuf(m_resolution, m_drmFormat, {DRM_FORMAT_MOD_INVALID}).has_value();