diff --git a/effects/CMakeLists.txt b/effects/CMakeLists.txt
index 9c046c17ad..abfae98fcf 100644
--- a/effects/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/effects/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ if( KWIN_HAVE_OPENGL_COMPOSITING )
include( cube/CMakeLists.txt )
include( flipswitch/CMakeLists.txt )
include( glide/CMakeLists.txt )
+ include( magnifier/CMakeLists.txt )
include( mousemark/CMakeLists.txt )
include( screenshot/CMakeLists.txt )
include( sheet/CMakeLists.txt )
include( explosion/CMakeLists.txt )
include( invert/CMakeLists.txt )
include( lookingglass/CMakeLists.txt )
- include( magnifier/CMakeLists.txt )
include( sharpen/CMakeLists.txt )
include( snow/CMakeLists.txt )
diff --git a/effects/configs_builtins.cpp b/effects/configs_builtins.cpp
index 01463a7e99..e285c1d2d4 100644
--- a/effects/configs_builtins.cpp
+++ b/effects/configs_builtins.cpp
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
#include "cube/cubeslide_config.h"
#include "flipswitch/flipswitch_config.h"
#include "glide/glide_config.h"
+#include "magnifier/magnifier_config.h"
#include "mousemark/mousemark_config.h"
#include "trackmouse/trackmouse_config.h"
#include "wobblywindows/wobblywindows_config.h"
@@ -51,7 +52,6 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
#include "blur/blur_config.h"
#include "invert/invert_config.h"
#include "lookingglass/lookingglass_config.h"
-#include "magnifier/magnifier_config.h"
#include "sharpen/sharpen_config.h"
#include "snow/snow_config.h"
@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ KWIN_EFFECT_CONFIG_MULTIPLE( builtins,
KWIN_EFFECT_CONFIG_SINGLE( cubeslide, CubeSlideEffectConfig )
KWIN_EFFECT_CONFIG_SINGLE( flipswitch, FlipSwitchEffectConfig )
KWIN_EFFECT_CONFIG_SINGLE( glide, GlideEffectConfig )
+ KWIN_EFFECT_CONFIG_SINGLE( magnifier, MagnifierEffectConfig )
KWIN_EFFECT_CONFIG_SINGLE( mousemark, MouseMarkEffectConfig )
KWIN_EFFECT_CONFIG_SINGLE( trackmouse, TrackMouseEffectConfig )
KWIN_EFFECT_CONFIG_SINGLE( wobblywindows, WobblyWindowsEffectConfig )
@@ -93,7 +94,6 @@ KWIN_EFFECT_CONFIG_MULTIPLE( builtins,
KWIN_EFFECT_CONFIG_SINGLE( blur, BlurEffectConfig )
KWIN_EFFECT_CONFIG_SINGLE( invert, InvertEffectConfig )
KWIN_EFFECT_CONFIG_SINGLE( lookingglass, LookingGlassEffectConfig )
- KWIN_EFFECT_CONFIG_SINGLE( magnifier, MagnifierEffectConfig )
KWIN_EFFECT_CONFIG_SINGLE( sharpen, SharpenEffectConfig )
KWIN_EFFECT_CONFIG_SINGLE( snow, SnowEffectConfig )
diff --git a/effects/magnifier/magnifier.cpp b/effects/magnifier/magnifier.cpp
index de16d7e4f0..b1f862ea4d 100644
--- a/effects/magnifier/magnifier.cpp
+++ b/effects/magnifier/magnifier.cpp
@@ -28,9 +28,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
namespace KWin
@@ -96,37 +94,46 @@ void MagnifierEffect::paintScreen( int mask, QRegion region, ScreenPaintData& da
data2.yTranslate = - int( cursor.y() * ( zoom - 1 ));
effects->paintScreen( mask, region, data2 );
PaintClipper::pop( area );
- if( effects->compositingType() == KWin::OpenGLCompositing )
- {
- glPushAttrib( GL_CURRENT_BIT );
- glColor4f( 0, 0, 0, 1 ); // black
- for( PaintClipper::Iterator iterator;
- !iterator.isDone();
- iterator.next())
- {
- glBegin( GL_QUADS );
- glVertex2i( area.left() - FRAME_WIDTH, area.top() - FRAME_WIDTH ); // top frame
- glVertex2i( area.right() + FRAME_WIDTH, area.top() - FRAME_WIDTH );
- glVertex2i( area.right() + FRAME_WIDTH, area.top() - 1 );
- glVertex2i( area.left() - FRAME_WIDTH, area.top() - 1 );
- glVertex2i( area.left() - FRAME_WIDTH, area.top() - FRAME_WIDTH ); // left frame
- glVertex2i( area.left() - 1, area.top() - FRAME_WIDTH );
- glVertex2i( area.left() - 1, area.bottom() + FRAME_WIDTH );
- glVertex2i( area.left() - FRAME_WIDTH, area.bottom() + FRAME_WIDTH );
- glVertex2i( area.right() + 1, area.top() - FRAME_WIDTH ); // right frame
- glVertex2i( area.right() + FRAME_WIDTH, area.top() - FRAME_WIDTH );
- glVertex2i( area.right() + FRAME_WIDTH, area.bottom() + FRAME_WIDTH );
- glVertex2i( area.right() + 1, area.bottom() + FRAME_WIDTH );
- glVertex2i( area.left() - FRAME_WIDTH, area.bottom() + 1 ); // bottom frame
- glVertex2i( area.right() + FRAME_WIDTH, area.bottom() + 1 );
- glVertex2i( area.right() + FRAME_WIDTH, area.bottom() + FRAME_WIDTH );
- glVertex2i( area.left() - FRAME_WIDTH, area.bottom() + FRAME_WIDTH );
- glEnd();
- }
- glPopAttrib();
- }
+ QVector verts;
+ GLVertexBuffer *vbo = GLVertexBuffer::streamingBuffer();
+ vbo->reset();
+ vbo->setColor(QColor(0, 0, 0));
+ // top frame
+ verts << area.right() + FRAME_WIDTH << area.top() - FRAME_WIDTH;
+ verts << area.left() - FRAME_WIDTH << area.top() - FRAME_WIDTH;
+ verts << area.left() - FRAME_WIDTH << area.top() - 1;
+ verts << area.left() - FRAME_WIDTH << area.top() - 1;
+ verts << area.right() + FRAME_WIDTH << area.top() - 1;
+ verts << area.right() + FRAME_WIDTH << area.top() - FRAME_WIDTH;
+ // left frame
+ verts << area.left() - 1 << area.top() - FRAME_WIDTH;
+ verts << area.left() - FRAME_WIDTH << area.top() - FRAME_WIDTH;
+ verts << area.left() - FRAME_WIDTH << area.bottom() + FRAME_WIDTH;
+ verts << area.left() - FRAME_WIDTH << area.bottom() + FRAME_WIDTH;
+ verts << area.left() - 1 << area.bottom() + FRAME_WIDTH;
+ verts << area.left() - 1 << area.top() - FRAME_WIDTH;
+ // right frame
+ verts << area.right() + FRAME_WIDTH << area.top() - FRAME_WIDTH;
+ verts << area.right() + 1 << area.top() - FRAME_WIDTH;
+ verts << area.right() + 1 << area.bottom() + FRAME_WIDTH;
+ verts << area.right() + 1 << area.bottom() + FRAME_WIDTH;
+ verts << area.right() + FRAME_WIDTH << area.bottom() + FRAME_WIDTH;
+ verts << area.right() + FRAME_WIDTH << area.top() - FRAME_WIDTH;
+ // bottom frame
+ verts << area.right() + FRAME_WIDTH << area.bottom() + 1;
+ verts << area.left() - FRAME_WIDTH << area.bottom() + 1;
+ verts << area.left() - FRAME_WIDTH << area.bottom() + FRAME_WIDTH;
+ verts << area.left() - FRAME_WIDTH << area.bottom() + FRAME_WIDTH;
+ verts << area.right() + FRAME_WIDTH << area.bottom() + FRAME_WIDTH;
+ verts << area.right() + FRAME_WIDTH << area.bottom() + 1;
+ vbo->setData(verts.size()/2, 2, verts.constData(), NULL);
+ if (ShaderManager::instance()->isValid()) {
+ ShaderManager::instance()->pushShader(ShaderManager::ColorShader);
+ }
+ vbo->render(GL_TRIANGLES);
+ if (ShaderManager::instance()->isValid()) {
+ ShaderManager::instance()->popShader();
+ }