merged branches/work/kaction-cleanup-branch, courtesy of
Kevin, Laurent, Thomas and me. svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=621518
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 95 additions and 74 deletions
@ -1,27 +1,33 @@
#ifndef NOSLOTS
# define DEF2( name, descr, key, fnSlot ) \
a = new KAction( i18n(descr), actionCollection, name ); \
a->setGlobalShortcut(KShortcut(key)); \
a = actionCollection->addAction( name ); \
a->setText( i18n(descr) ); \
qobject_cast<KAction*>( a )->setGlobalShortcut(KShortcut(key)); \
connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(fnSlot))
# define DEF( name, key, fnSlot ) \
a = new KAction( i18n(name), actionCollection, name ); \
a->setGlobalShortcut(KShortcut(key)); \
a = actionCollection->addAction( name ); \
a->setText( i18n(name) ); \
qobject_cast<KAction*>( a )->setGlobalShortcut(KShortcut(key)); \
connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(fnSlot))
# define DEF2( name, descr, key, fnSlot ) \
a = new KAction( i18n(descr), actionCollection, name ); \
a = actionCollection->addAction( name ); \
a->setText( i18n(descr) ); \
qobject_cast<KAction*>( a )->setGlobalShortcut(KShortcut(key));
# define DEF( name, key, fnSlot ) \
a = new KAction( i18n(name), actionCollection, name ); \
a = actionCollection->addAction( name ); \
a->setText( i18n(name) ); \
qobject_cast<KAction*>( a )->setGlobalShortcut(KShortcut(key));
// some shortcuts have Tarzan-speech like names, they need extra normal human descriptions with DEF2()
// the others can use DEF()
new KAction( i18n("System"), actionCollection, "Program:kwin" );
a = actionCollection->addAction( "Program:kwin" );
a->setText( i18n("System") );
new KAction( i18n("Navigation"), actionCollection, "Group:Navigation" );
a = actionCollection->addAction( "Group:Navigation" );
a->setText( i18n("Navigation") );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Walk Through Windows"), Qt::ALT+Qt::Key_Tab, slotWalkThroughWindows() );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Walk Through Windows (Reverse)"), Qt::ALT+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_Tab, slotWalkBackThroughWindows() );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Walk Through Desktops"), 0, slotWalkThroughDesktops() );
@ -29,7 +35,8 @@
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Walk Through Desktop List"), 0, slotWalkThroughDesktopList() );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Walk Through Desktop List (Reverse)"), 0, slotWalkBackThroughDesktopList() );
new KAction( i18n("Windows"), actionCollection, "Group:Windows" );
a = actionCollection->addAction( "Group:Windows" );
a->setText( i18n("Windows") );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Window Operations Menu"), Qt::ALT+Qt::Key_F3, slotWindowOperations() );
DEF2( "Window Close", I18N_NOOP("Close Window"),
Qt::ALT+Qt::Key_F4, slotWindowClose() );
@ -81,7 +88,8 @@
DEF2( "Window Shrink Vertical", I18N_NOOP("Pack Shrink Window Vertically"),
0, slotWindowShrinkVertical() );
new KAction( i18n("Window & Desktop"), actionCollection, "Group:Window Desktop" );
a = actionCollection->addAction( "Group:Window Desktop" );
a->setText( i18n("Window & Desktop") );
DEF2( "Window On All Desktops", I18N_NOOP("Keep Window on All Desktops"),
0, slotWindowOnAllDesktops() );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Window to Desktop 1"), 0, slotWindowToDesktop1() );
@ -111,7 +119,8 @@
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Window One Desktop Up"), 0, slotWindowToDesktopUp() );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Window One Desktop Down"), 0, slotWindowToDesktopDown() );
new KAction( i18n("Desktop Switching"), actionCollection, "Group:Desktop Switching" );
a = actionCollection->addAction( "Group:Desktop Switching" );
a->setText( i18n("Desktop Switching") );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Switch to Desktop 1"), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_F1, slotSwitchToDesktop1() );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Switch to Desktop 2"), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_F2, slotSwitchToDesktop2() );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Switch to Desktop 3"), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_F3, slotSwitchToDesktop3() );
@ -139,11 +148,12 @@
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Switch One Desktop Up"), 0, slotSwitchDesktopUp() );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Switch One Desktop Down"), 0, slotSwitchDesktopDown() );
new KAction( i18n("Miscellaneous"), actionCollection, "Group:Miscellaneous" );
a = actionCollection->addAction( "Group:Miscellaneous" );
a->setText( i18n("Miscellaneous") );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Mouse Emulation"), Qt::ALT+Qt::Key_F12, slotMouseEmulation() );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Kill Window"), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_Delete, slotKillWindow() );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Window Screenshot"), Qt::ALT+Qt::Key_Print, slotGrabWindow() );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Desktop Screenshot"), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_Print, slotGrabDesktop() );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Window Screenshot To Clipboard"), Qt::ALT+Qt::Key_Print, slotGrabWindow() );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Desktop Screenshot To Clipboard"), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_Print, slotGrabDesktop() );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Block Global Shortcuts"), 0, slotDisableGlobalShortcuts());
/*This belongs in taskbar rather than here, so it'll have to wait until after 2.2 is done.
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ QMenu* Workspace::clientPopup()
mKeepAboveOpAction = advanced_popup->addAction( i18n("Keep &Above Others") );
mKeepAboveOpAction->setIcon( SmallIconSet( "up" ) );
mKeepAboveOpAction->setIcon( KIcon( "up" ) );
KAction *kaction = qobject_cast<KAction*>( keys->action("Window Above Other Windows") );
if ( kaction!=0 )
mKeepAboveOpAction->setShortcut( kaction->globalShortcut().primary() );
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ QMenu* Workspace::clientPopup()
mKeepAboveOpAction->setData( Options::KeepAboveOp );
mKeepBelowOpAction = advanced_popup->addAction( i18n("Keep &Below Others") );
mKeepBelowOpAction->setIcon( SmallIconSet( "down" ) );
mKeepBelowOpAction->setIcon( KIcon( "down" ) );
kaction = qobject_cast<KAction*>( keys->action("Window Below Other Windows") );
if ( kaction!=0 )
mKeepBelowOpAction->setShortcut( kaction->globalShortcut().primary() );
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ QMenu* Workspace::clientPopup()
mKeepBelowOpAction->setData( Options::KeepBelowOp );
mFullScreenOpAction = advanced_popup->addAction( i18n("&Fullscreen") );
mFullScreenOpAction->setIcon( SmallIconSet( "window_fullscreen" ) );
mFullScreenOpAction->setIcon( KIcon( "window_fullscreen" ) );
kaction = qobject_cast<KAction*>( keys->action("Window Fullscreen") );
if ( kaction!=0 )
mFullScreenOpAction->setShortcut( kaction->globalShortcut().primary() );
@ -91,18 +91,18 @@ QMenu* Workspace::clientPopup()
mNoBorderOpAction->setData( Options::NoBorderOp );
QAction *action = advanced_popup->addAction( i18n("Window &Shortcut...") );
action->setIcon( SmallIconSet("key_bindings") );
action->setIcon( KIcon("key_bindings") );
kaction = qobject_cast<KAction*>( keys->action("Setup Window Shortcut") );
if ( kaction!=0 )
action->setShortcut( kaction->globalShortcut().primary() );
action->setData( Options::SetupWindowShortcutOp );
action = advanced_popup->addAction( i18n("&Special Window Settings...") );
action->setIcon( SmallIconSet( "wizard" ) );
action->setIcon( KIcon( "wizard" ) );
action->setData( Options::WindowRulesOp );
action = advanced_popup->addAction( i18n("&Special Application Settings...") );
action->setIcon( SmallIconSet( "wizard" ) );
action->setIcon( KIcon( "wizard" ) );
action->setData( Options::ApplicationRulesOp );
action = popup->addMenu( advanced_popup );
@ -111,24 +111,28 @@ QMenu* Workspace::clientPopup()
desk_popup_index = popup->actions().count();
if (options->useTranslucency){
trans_popup = new QMenu( popup );
connect( trans_popup, SIGNAL( triggered(QAction*) ), this, SLOT( setPopupClientOpacity(QAction*)));
const int levels[] = { 100, 90, 75, 50, 25, 10 };
for( unsigned int i = 0;
i < sizeof( levels ) / sizeof( levels[ 0 ] );
++i )
action = trans_popup->addAction( QString::number( levels[ i ] ) + "%" );
action->setCheckable( true );
action->setData( levels[ i ] );
QMenu *trans_popup = new QMenu( popup );
QVBoxLayout *transLayout = new QVBoxLayout(trans_popup);
trans_popup->setLayout( transLayout );
transButton = new QPushButton(trans_popup);
transButton->setToolTip( i18n("Reset opacity to default value"));
transSlider = new QSlider(trans_popup);
transSlider->setObjectName( "transSlider" );
transSlider->setRange( 0, 100 );
transSlider->setValue( 100 );
transSlider->setOrientation( Qt::Vertical );
transSlider->setToolTip( i18n("Slide this to set the window's opacity"));
connect(transButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(resetClientOpacity()));
connect(transButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), trans_popup, SLOT(hide()));
connect(transSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(setTransButtonText(int)));
connect(transSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setPopupClientOpacity(int)));
action = popup->addMenu( trans_popup );
action->setText( i18n("&Opacity") );
mMoveOpAction = popup->addAction( i18n("&Move") );
mMoveOpAction->setIcon( SmallIconSet( "move" ) );
mMoveOpAction->setIcon( KIcon( "move" ) );
kaction = qobject_cast<KAction*>( keys->action("Window Move") );
if ( kaction!=0 )
mMoveOpAction->setShortcut( kaction->globalShortcut().primary() );
@ -166,13 +170,13 @@ QMenu* Workspace::clientPopup()
action = popup->addAction( i18n("Configur&e Window Behavior...") );
action->setIcon( SmallIconSet( "configure" ) );
action->setIcon( KIcon( "configure" ) );
connect( action, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( configureWM() ) );
mCloseOpAction = popup->addAction( i18n("&Close") );
mCloseOpAction->setIcon( SmallIconSet( "fileclose" ) );
mCloseOpAction->setIcon( KIcon( "fileclose" ) );
kaction = qobject_cast<KAction*>( keys->action("Window Close") );
if ( kaction!=0 )
mCloseOpAction->setShortcut( kaction->globalShortcut().primary() );
@ -181,14 +185,31 @@ QMenu* Workspace::clientPopup()
return popup;
void Workspace::setPopupClientOpacity( QAction* action )
//sets the transparency of the client to given value(given by slider)
void Workspace::setPopupClientOpacity(int value)
if( active_popup_client == NULL )
int level = action->data().toInt();
active_popup_client->setOpacity( level / 100.0 );
void Workspace::setTransButtonText(int value)
value = 100 - value;
if(value < 0)
transButton->setText("000 %");
else if (value >= 100 )
transButton->setText("100 %");
else if(value < 10)
transButton->setText("00"+QString::number(value)+" %");
else if(value < 100)
transButton->setText('0'+QString::number(value)+" %");
void Workspace::resetClientOpacity()
The client popup menu will become visible soon.
@ -223,16 +244,6 @@ void Workspace::clientPopupAboutToShow()
mNoBorderOpAction->setChecked( active_popup_client->noBorder() );
mMinimizeOpAction->setEnabled( active_popup_client->isMinimizable() );
mCloseOpAction->setEnabled( active_popup_client->isCloseable() );
if (options->useTranslucency)
foreach( QAction* action, trans_popup->actions())
if( action->data().toInt() == qRound( active_popup_client->opacity() * 100 ))
action->setChecked( true );
action->setChecked( false );
@ -304,7 +315,7 @@ void Workspace::initShortcuts()
keys = new KActionCollection( this );
KActionCollection* actionCollection = keys;
KAction* a = 0L;
QAction* a = 0L;
// a separate KActionCollection is needed for the shortcut for disabling global shortcuts,
// otherwise it would also disable itself
@ -442,16 +453,16 @@ void Workspace::performWindowOperation( Client* c, Options::WindowOperation op )
switch ( op )
case Options::MoveOp:
c->performMouseCommand( Options::MouseMove, cursorPos() );
c->performMouseCommand( Options::MouseMove, QCursor::pos() );
case Options::UnrestrictedMoveOp:
c->performMouseCommand( Options::MouseUnrestrictedMove, cursorPos() );
c->performMouseCommand( Options::MouseUnrestrictedMove, QCursor::pos() );
case Options::ResizeOp:
c->performMouseCommand( Options::MouseResize, cursorPos() );
c->performMouseCommand( Options::MouseResize, QCursor::pos() );
case Options::UnrestrictedResizeOp:
c->performMouseCommand( Options::MouseUnrestrictedResize, cursorPos() );
c->performMouseCommand( Options::MouseUnrestrictedResize, QCursor::pos() );
case Options::CloseOp:
@ -473,7 +484,7 @@ void Workspace::performWindowOperation( Client* c, Options::WindowOperation op )
case Options::ShadeOp:
c->performMouseCommand( Options::MouseShade, cursorPos());
c->performMouseCommand( Options::MouseShade, QCursor::pos());
case Options::OnAllDesktopsOp:
c->setOnAllDesktops( !c->isOnAllDesktops() );
@ -503,7 +514,7 @@ void Workspace::performWindowOperation( Client* c, Options::WindowOperation op )
case Options::OperationsOp:
c->performMouseCommand( Options::MouseShade, cursorPos());
c->performMouseCommand( Options::MouseShade, QCursor::pos());
case Options::WindowRulesOp:
editWindowRules( c, false );
@ -668,10 +679,10 @@ bool Client::performMouseCommand( Options::MouseCommand command, QPoint globalPo
workspace()->windowToNextDesktop( this );
case Options::MouseOpacityMore:
setOpacity( qMin( opacity() + 0.1, 1.0 ));
case Options::MouseOpacityLess:
setOpacity( qMax( opacity() - 0.1, 0.0 ));
case Options::MouseNothing:
replay = true;
Reference in a new issue