Changed 'drawSeparator' boolean value into a combobox, for which 3 choices are available:
- never draw separator - draw separator when window is active - always draw separator. This is usefull for e.g. firefox, when a flat background is used, in which case one might want the separator to always be enabled. svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=1182027
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 321 additions and 225 deletions
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ namespace Oxygen
else if( userInterface_->ui.shadowMode->currentIndex() != userInterface_->ui.shadowMode->findText( configuration.shadowModeName( true ) ) ) modified = true;
else if( userInterface_->ui.shadowCacheMode->currentIndex() != userInterface_->ui.shadowCacheMode->findText( configuration.shadowCacheModeName( true ) ) ) modified = true;
else if( userInterface_->ui.drawSeparator->isChecked() != configuration.drawSeparator() ) modified = true;
else if( userInterface_->ui.separatorMode->currentIndex() != configuration.separatorMode() ) modified = true;
else if( userInterface_->ui.titleOutline->isChecked() != configuration.drawTitleOutline() ) modified = true;
else if( userInterface_->shadowConfigurations[0]->isChecked() != configuration.useOxygenShadows() ) modified = true;
else if( userInterface_->shadowConfigurations[1]->isChecked() != configuration.useDropShadows() ) modified = true;
@ -170,7 +170,24 @@ namespace Oxygen
Configuration::shadowCacheModeName( Configuration::shadowCacheMode( userInterface_->ui.shadowCacheMode->currentText(), true ), false ) );
configurationGroup.writeEntry( OxygenConfig::DRAW_SEPARATOR, userInterface_->ui.drawSeparator->isChecked() );
switch( userInterface_->ui.separatorMode->currentIndex() )
case 0:
configurationGroup.writeEntry( OxygenConfig::DRAW_SEPARATOR, false );
case 1:
configurationGroup.writeEntry( OxygenConfig::DRAW_SEPARATOR, true );
configurationGroup.writeEntry( OxygenConfig::SEPARATOR_ACTIVE_ONLY, true );
case 2:
configurationGroup.writeEntry( OxygenConfig::DRAW_SEPARATOR, true );
configurationGroup.writeEntry( OxygenConfig::SEPARATOR_ACTIVE_ONLY, false );
configurationGroup.writeEntry( OxygenConfig::DRAW_TITLE_OUTLINE, userInterface_->ui.titleOutline->isChecked() );
configurationGroup.writeEntry( OxygenConfig::USE_DROP_SHADOWS, userInterface_->shadowConfigurations[1]->isChecked() );
configurationGroup.writeEntry( OxygenConfig::USE_OXYGEN_SHADOWS, userInterface_->shadowConfigurations[0]->isChecked() );
@ -238,7 +255,7 @@ namespace Oxygen
userInterface_->ui.frameBorder->setCurrentIndex( userInterface_->ui.frameBorder->findText( configuration.frameBorderName( true ) ) );
userInterface_->ui.sizeGripMode->setCurrentIndex( userInterface_->ui.sizeGripMode->findText( configuration.sizeGripModeName( true ) ) );
userInterface_->ui.drawSeparator->setChecked( configuration.drawSeparator() );
userInterface_->ui.separatorMode->setCurrentIndex( configuration.separatorMode() );
userInterface_->ui.titleOutline->setChecked( configuration.drawTitleOutline() );
userInterface_->shadowConfigurations[0]->setChecked( configuration.useOxygenShadows() );
userInterface_->shadowConfigurations[1]->setChecked( configuration.useDropShadows() );
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ namespace Oxygen
connect( ui.shadowMode, SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged(int)), SLOT(shadowModeChanged(int)) );
connect( ui.shadowMode, SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged(int)), SIGNAL(changed()) );
connect( ui.shadowCacheMode, SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged(int)), SIGNAL(changed()) );
connect( ui.titleOutline, SIGNAL(toggled( bool )), ui.drawSeparator, SLOT( setDisabled( bool ) ) );
connect( ui.titleOutline, SIGNAL(toggled( bool )), ui.separatorMode, SLOT( setDisabled( bool ) ) );
connect( shadowConfigurations[0], SIGNAL( changed() ), SIGNAL( changed() ) );
connect( shadowConfigurations[0], SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), SIGNAL( changed() ) );
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ namespace Oxygen
connect( ui.useAnimations, SIGNAL(clicked()), SIGNAL(changed()) );
connect( ui.animateTitleChange, SIGNAL(clicked()), SIGNAL(changed()) );
connect( ui.narrowButtonSpacing, SIGNAL(clicked()), SIGNAL(changed()) );
connect( ui.drawSeparator, SIGNAL(clicked()), SIGNAL(changed()) );
connect( ui.separatorMode, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), SIGNAL(changed()) );
connect( ui.titleOutline, SIGNAL(clicked()), SIGNAL(changed()) );
connect( ui.exceptions, SIGNAL(changed()), SIGNAL(changed()) );
@ -93,7 +93,6 @@ namespace Oxygen
connect( ui.titleOutlineCheckBox, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), ui.titleOutlineComboBox, SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) );
// separator
ui.separatorComboBox->insertItems(0, QStringList() << i18nc( "draw separator", "Enabled" ) << i18nc( "draw separator", "Disabled" ) );
ui.separatorComboBox->setEnabled( false );
checkboxes_.insert( std::make_pair( Exception::DrawSeparator, ui.separatorCheckBox ) );
connect( ui.separatorCheckBox, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), ui.separatorComboBox, SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) );
@ -113,7 +112,7 @@ namespace Oxygen
ui.frameBorderComboBox->setCurrentIndex( ui.frameBorderComboBox->findText( exception.frameBorderName( true ) ) );
ui.blendColorComboBox->setCurrentIndex( ui.blendColorComboBox->findText( exception.blendColorName( true ) ) );
ui.sizeGripComboBox->setCurrentIndex( ui.sizeGripComboBox->findText( exception.sizeGripModeName( true ) ) );
ui.separatorComboBox->setCurrentIndex( ui.separatorComboBox->findText( exception.drawSeparator() ? i18nc( "draw separator", "Enabled" ) : i18nc( "draw separator", "Disabled" ) ) );
ui.separatorComboBox->setCurrentIndex( exception.separatorMode() );
ui.titleOutlineComboBox->setCurrentIndex( ui.titleOutlineComboBox->findText( exception.drawTitleOutline() ? i18nc( "outline window title", "Enabled" ) : i18nc( "outline window title", "Disabled" ) ) );
ui.hideTitleBar->setChecked( exception.hideTitleBar() );
@ -134,7 +133,14 @@ namespace Oxygen
exception.setSizeGripMode( Exception::sizeGripMode( ui.sizeGripComboBox->currentText(), true ) );
// flags
exception.setDrawSeparator( ui.separatorComboBox->currentText() == i18nc( "draw separator", "Enabled" ) );
switch( ui.separatorComboBox->currentIndex() )
case 0: exception.setSeparatorMode( Configuration::SeparatorNever ); break;
case 1: exception.setSeparatorMode( Configuration::SeparatorActive ); break;
case 2: exception.setSeparatorMode( Configuration::SeparatorAlways ); break;
exception.setDrawTitleOutline( ui.titleOutlineComboBox->currentText() == i18nc( "outline window title", "Enabled" ) );
exception.setHideTitleBar( ui.hideTitleBar->isChecked() );
@ -178,20 +178,13 @@
<item row="5" column="0" colspan="3">
<widget class="QCheckBox" name="drawSeparator">
<property name="text">
<string>Draw Separator between title bar and active window contents </string>
<item row="6" column="0" colspan="3">
<widget class="QCheckBox" name="narrowButtonSpacing">
<property name="text">
<string>Use narrow space between decoration buttons</string>
<item row="7" column="0">
<item row="6" column="0">
<spacer name="verticalSpacer_2">
<property name="orientation">
@ -220,6 +213,38 @@
<item row="2" column="1">
<widget class="QComboBox" name="separatorMode">
<property name="text">
<string>Never Draw Separator</string>
<property name="text">
<string>Draw Separator When Window is Active</string>
<property name="text">
<string>Always Draw Separator</string>
<item row="2" column="0">
<widget class="QLabel" name="label_5">
<property name="text">
<string>Separator display:</string>
<property name="alignment">
<property name="buddy">
<widget class="QWidget" name="tab_3">
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
<item row="5" column="0">
<widget class="QCheckBox" name="separatorCheckBox">
<property name="text">
<string>Draw separator between title bar and window contents: </string>
<string>Separator display:</string>
@ -134,7 +134,23 @@
<widget class="KComboBox" name="titleOutlineComboBox"/>
<item row="5" column="2">
<widget class="KComboBox" name="separatorComboBox"/>
<widget class="KComboBox" name="separatorComboBox">
<property name="text">
<string>Never Draw Separator</string>
<property name="text">
<string>Draw Separator When Window is Active</string>
<property name="text">
<string>Always Draw Separator</string>
@ -93,11 +93,20 @@ namespace Oxygen
//! true when separator is to be drawn
bool drawSeparator( void ) const
( glowIsAnimated() || isActive() ) &&
configuration().drawSeparator() &&
!configuration().hideTitleBar() &&
if( configuration().drawTitleOutline() ) return false;
switch( configuration().separatorMode() )
case Configuration::SeparatorAlways:
return true;
case Configuration::SeparatorActive:
return ( glowIsAnimated() || isActive() );
case Configuration::SeparatorNever:
return false;
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ namespace Oxygen
frameBorder_( BorderTiny ),
blendColor_( RadialBlending ),
sizeGripMode_( SizeGripWhenNeeded ),
drawSeparator_( false ),
separatorMode_( SeparatorNever ),
drawTitleOutline_( false ),
hideTitleBar_( false ),
useDropShadows_( true ),
@ -84,10 +84,17 @@ namespace Oxygen
group.readEntry( OxygenConfig::SIZE_GRIP_MODE,
defaultConfiguration.sizeGripModeName( false ) ), false ) );
// draw separator
setDrawSeparator( group.readEntry(
defaultConfiguration.drawSeparator() ) );
// separator mode
if( !group.readEntry( OxygenConfig::DRAW_SEPARATOR, defaultConfiguration.separatorMode() == SeparatorNever ) )
setSeparatorMode( SeparatorNever );
} else if( group.readEntry( OxygenConfig::SEPARATOR_ACTIVE_ONLY, defaultConfiguration.separatorMode() == SeparatorActive ) ) {
setSeparatorMode( SeparatorActive );
} else setSeparatorMode( SeparatorAlways );
// title outline
setDrawTitleOutline( group.readEntry(
@ -154,7 +161,9 @@ namespace Oxygen
group.writeEntry( OxygenConfig::FRAME_BORDER, frameBorderName( false ) );
group.writeEntry( OxygenConfig::SIZE_GRIP_MODE, sizeGripModeName( false ) );
group.writeEntry( OxygenConfig::DRAW_SEPARATOR, drawSeparator() );
group.writeEntry( OxygenConfig::DRAW_SEPARATOR, separatorMode() != SeparatorNever );
group.writeEntry( OxygenConfig::SEPARATOR_ACTIVE_ONLY, separatorMode() == SeparatorActive );
group.writeEntry( OxygenConfig::DRAW_TITLE_OUTLINE, drawTitleOutline() );
group.writeEntry( OxygenConfig::HIDE_TITLEBAR, hideTitleBar() );
group.writeEntry( OxygenConfig::USE_DROP_SHADOWS, useDropShadows() );
@ -331,7 +340,7 @@ namespace Oxygen
frameBorder() == other.frameBorder() &&
blendColor() == other.blendColor() &&
sizeGripMode() == other.sizeGripMode() &&
drawSeparator() == other.drawSeparator() &&
separatorMode() == other.separatorMode() &&
drawTitleOutline() == other.drawTitleOutline() &&
hideTitleBar() == other.hideTitleBar() &&
useDropShadows() == other.useDropShadows() &&
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ namespace OxygenConfig
static const QString TITLE_ALIGNMENT = "TitleAlignment";
static const QString BUTTON_SIZE = "ButtonSize";
static const QString DRAW_SEPARATOR = "DrawSeparator";
static const QString SEPARATOR_ACTIVE_ONLY = "SeparatorActiveOnly";
static const QString DRAW_TITLE_OUTLINE = "DrawTitleOutline";
static const QString FRAME_BORDER = "FrameBorder";
static const QString BLEND_COLOR = "BlendColor";
@ -102,17 +103,30 @@ namespace Oxygen
//! shadow cache mode
enum ShadowCacheMode {
// no shadow cache
//! no shadow cache
// shadow cache depends
// on animation duration
//! shadow cache depends on animation duration
// shadow cache has maximum size
//! shadow cache has maximum size
//! decide when separator is to be drawn
enum SeparatorMode {
//! never
//! active window only
//! always
//! default constructor
Configuration( void );
@ -275,12 +289,12 @@ namespace Oxygen
//! separator
virtual bool drawSeparator( void ) const
{ return drawSeparator_; }
virtual SeparatorMode separatorMode( void ) const
{ return separatorMode_; }
//! separator
virtual void setDrawSeparator( bool value )
{ drawSeparator_ = value; }
virtual void setSeparatorMode( SeparatorMode value )
{ separatorMode_ = value; }
//! title outline
virtual bool drawTitleOutline( void ) const
@ -364,7 +378,7 @@ namespace Oxygen
SizeGripMode sizeGripMode_;
//! separator
bool drawSeparator_;
SeparatorMode separatorMode_;
//! active window title outline
bool drawTitleOutline_;
@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ namespace Oxygen
// propagate all features found in mask to the output configuration
if( iter->mask() & Exception::FrameBorder ) configuration.setFrameBorder( iter->frameBorder() );
if( iter->mask() & Exception::BlendColor ) configuration.setBlendColor( iter->blendColor() );
if( iter->mask() & Exception::DrawSeparator ) configuration.setDrawSeparator( iter->drawSeparator() );
if( iter->mask() & Exception::DrawSeparator ) configuration.setSeparatorMode( iter->separatorMode() );
if( iter->mask() & Exception::TitleOutline ) configuration.setDrawTitleOutline( iter->drawTitleOutline() );
if( iter->mask() & Exception::SizeGripMode ) configuration.setSizeGripMode( iter->sizeGripMode() );
configuration.setHideTitleBar( iter->hideTitleBar() );
Reference in a new issue