Use properties in EffectWindow where possible instead of inheritance
If possible use the property to Toplevel or Client instead of the pure virtual methods. This makes it easier to get a stable ABI. Adding new methods to the class no longer requires to add a pure virtual method. From a performance point of view this change should not matter. Most EffectWindow methods are not invoked during the repaint chain. But only in response to an event like a window got added. There the overhead does not really matter as well the previous implementation made strong use of dynamic casts which are also not knwon for being very fast.
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 160 additions and 386 deletions
@ -1371,51 +1371,6 @@ void EffectWindowImpl::addRepaintFull()
int EffectWindowImpl::desktop() const
return toplevel->desktop();
bool EffectWindowImpl::isOnActivity(QString activity) const
return toplevel->isOnActivity(activity);
bool EffectWindowImpl::isOnAllActivities() const
return toplevel->isOnAllActivities();
bool EffectWindowImpl::isOnAllDesktops() const
return desktop() == NET::OnAllDesktops;
QString EffectWindowImpl::caption() const
if (Client* c = dynamic_cast<Client*>(toplevel))
return c->caption();
return "";
QString EffectWindowImpl::windowClass() const
return toplevel->resourceName() + ' ' + toplevel->resourceClass();
QString EffectWindowImpl::windowRole() const
return toplevel->windowRole();
QPixmap EffectWindowImpl::icon() const
if (Client* c = dynamic_cast<Client*>(toplevel))
return c->icon();
return QPixmap(); // TODO
const EffectWindowGroup* EffectWindowImpl::group() const
if (Client* c = dynamic_cast< Client* >(toplevel))
@ -1423,25 +1378,6 @@ const EffectWindowGroup* EffectWindowImpl::group() const
return NULL; // TODO
bool EffectWindowImpl::isMinimized() const
if (Client* c = dynamic_cast<Client*>(toplevel))
return c->isMinimized();
return false;
double EffectWindowImpl::opacity() const
return toplevel->opacity();
bool EffectWindowImpl::hasAlpha() const
return toplevel->hasAlpha();
bool EffectWindowImpl::isDeleted() const
return (dynamic_cast<Deleted*>(toplevel) != 0);
@ -1472,72 +1408,16 @@ void EffectWindowImpl::setSceneWindow(Scene::Window* w)
sw = w;
int EffectWindowImpl::x() const
return toplevel->x();
int EffectWindowImpl::y() const
return toplevel->y();
int EffectWindowImpl::width() const
return toplevel->width();
int EffectWindowImpl::height() const
return toplevel->height();
QSize EffectWindowImpl::basicUnit() const
Client *client = dynamic_cast<Client*>(toplevel);
return client ? client->basicUnit() : QSize(1,1);
QRect EffectWindowImpl::geometry() const
return toplevel->geometry();
QRegion EffectWindowImpl::shape() const
return sw ? sw->shape() : geometry();
int EffectWindowImpl::screen() const
return toplevel->screen();
bool EffectWindowImpl::hasOwnShape() const
return toplevel->shape();
QSize EffectWindowImpl::size() const
return toplevel->size();
QPoint EffectWindowImpl::pos() const
return toplevel->pos();
QRect EffectWindowImpl::rect() const
return toplevel->rect();
QRect EffectWindowImpl::contentsRect() const
return QRect(toplevel->clientPos(), toplevel->clientSize());
QRect EffectWindowImpl::decorationInnerRect() const
Client *client = dynamic_cast<Client*>(toplevel);
@ -1554,152 +1434,11 @@ void EffectWindowImpl::deleteProperty(long int atom) const
deleteWindowProperty(window()->window(), atom);
bool EffectWindowImpl::isMovable() const
if (Client* c = dynamic_cast< Client* >(toplevel))
return c->isMovable();
return false;
bool EffectWindowImpl::isMovableAcrossScreens() const
if (Client* c = dynamic_cast< Client* >(toplevel))
return c->isMovableAcrossScreens();
return false;
bool EffectWindowImpl::isUserMove() const
if (Client* c = dynamic_cast< Client* >(toplevel))
return c->isMove();
return false;
bool EffectWindowImpl::isUserResize() const
if (Client* c = dynamic_cast< Client* >(toplevel))
return c->isResize();
return false;
QRect EffectWindowImpl::iconGeometry() const
if (Client* c = dynamic_cast< Client* >(toplevel))
return c->iconGeometry();
return QRect();
bool EffectWindowImpl::isDesktop() const
return toplevel->isDesktop();
bool EffectWindowImpl::isDock() const
return toplevel->isDock();
bool EffectWindowImpl::isToolbar() const
return toplevel->isToolbar();
bool EffectWindowImpl::isMenu() const
return toplevel->isMenu();
bool EffectWindowImpl::isNormalWindow() const
return toplevel->isNormalWindow();
bool EffectWindowImpl::isSpecialWindow() const
if (Client* c = dynamic_cast<Client*>(toplevel))
return c->isSpecialWindow();
return true;
bool EffectWindowImpl::isDialog() const
return toplevel->isDialog();
bool EffectWindowImpl::isSplash() const
return toplevel->isSplash();
bool EffectWindowImpl::isUtility() const
return toplevel->isUtility();
bool EffectWindowImpl::isDropdownMenu() const
return toplevel->isDropdownMenu();
bool EffectWindowImpl::isPopupMenu() const
return toplevel->isPopupMenu();
bool EffectWindowImpl::isTooltip() const
return toplevel->isTooltip();
bool EffectWindowImpl::isNotification() const
return toplevel->isNotification();
bool EffectWindowImpl::isComboBox() const
return toplevel->isComboBox();
bool EffectWindowImpl::isDNDIcon() const
return toplevel->isDNDIcon();
NET::WindowType EffectWindowImpl::windowType() const
return toplevel->windowType();
bool EffectWindowImpl::isManaged() const
return dynamic_cast< const Client* >(toplevel) != NULL;
bool EffectWindowImpl::acceptsFocus() const
const Client* client = dynamic_cast< const Client* >(toplevel);
if (!client)
return true; // We don't actually know...
return client->wantsInput();
bool EffectWindowImpl::keepAbove() const
const Client* client = dynamic_cast< const Client* >(toplevel);
if (!client)
return true;
return client->keepAbove();
bool EffectWindowImpl::isModal() const
if (Client* c = dynamic_cast< Client* >(toplevel))
return c->isModal();
return false;
EffectWindow* EffectWindowImpl::findModal()
if (Client* c = dynamic_cast< Client* >(toplevel)) {
@ -1721,32 +1460,11 @@ EffectWindowList EffectWindowImpl::mainWindows() const
return EffectWindowList();
bool EffectWindowImpl::isSkipSwitcher() const
if (Client* c = dynamic_cast< Client* >(toplevel))
return c->skipSwitcher();
return false;
WindowQuadList EffectWindowImpl::buildQuads(bool force) const
return sceneWindow()->buildQuads(force);
void EffectWindowImpl::minimize() const
if (Client* c = dynamic_cast< Client* >(toplevel)) {
void EffectWindowImpl::unminimize() const
if (Client* c = dynamic_cast< Client* >(toplevel)) {
void EffectWindowImpl::closeWindow() const
if (Client* c = dynamic_cast< Client* >(toplevel)) {
@ -242,72 +242,20 @@ public:
virtual void unrefWindow();
virtual bool isDeleted() const;
virtual bool isOnActivity(QString id) const;
virtual bool isOnAllActivities() const;
virtual bool isOnAllDesktops() const;
virtual int desktop() const; // prefer isOnXXX()
virtual bool isMinimized() const;
virtual double opacity() const;
virtual bool hasAlpha() const;
virtual QString caption() const;
virtual QPixmap icon() const;
virtual QString windowClass() const;
virtual QString windowRole() const;
virtual const EffectWindowGroup* group() const;
virtual int x() const;
virtual int y() const;
virtual int width() const;
virtual int height() const;
virtual QSize basicUnit() const;
virtual QRect geometry() const;
virtual QRegion shape() const;
virtual int screen() const;
virtual bool hasOwnShape() const;
virtual QPoint pos() const;
virtual QSize size() const;
virtual QRect rect() const;
virtual bool isMovable() const;
virtual bool isMovableAcrossScreens() const;
virtual bool isUserMove() const;
virtual bool isUserResize() const;
virtual QRect iconGeometry() const;
virtual QRect contentsRect() const;
virtual QRect decorationInnerRect() const;
virtual QByteArray readProperty(long atom, long type, int format) const;
virtual void deleteProperty(long atom) const;
virtual bool isDesktop() const;
virtual bool isDock() const;
virtual bool isToolbar() const;
virtual bool isMenu() const;
virtual bool isNormalWindow() const; // normal as in 'NET::Normal or NET::Unknown non-transient'
virtual bool isSpecialWindow() const;
virtual bool isDialog() const;
virtual bool isSplash() const;
virtual bool isUtility() const;
virtual bool isDropdownMenu() const;
virtual bool isPopupMenu() const; // a context popup, not dropdown, not torn-off
virtual bool isTooltip() const;
virtual bool isNotification() const;
virtual bool isComboBox() const;
virtual bool isDNDIcon() const;
virtual NET::WindowType windowType() const;
virtual bool isManaged() const; // managed or override-redirect
virtual bool acceptsFocus() const;
virtual bool keepAbove() const;
virtual bool isModal() const;
virtual EffectWindow* findModal();
virtual EffectWindowList mainWindows() const;
virtual bool isSkipSwitcher() const;
virtual WindowQuadList buildQuads(bool force = false) const;
virtual void minimize() const;
virtual void unminimize() const;
virtual void closeWindow() const;
virtual bool visibleInClientGroup() const;
@ -291,6 +291,109 @@ EffectWindow::~EffectWindow()
#define WINDOW_HELPER( rettype, prototype, propertyname ) \
rettype EffectWindow::prototype ( ) const \
{ \
return parent()->property( propertyname ).value< rettype >(); \
WINDOW_HELPER(double, opacity, "opacity")
WINDOW_HELPER(bool, hasAlpha, "alpha")
WINDOW_HELPER(int, x, "x")
WINDOW_HELPER(int, y, "y")
WINDOW_HELPER(int, width, "width")
WINDOW_HELPER(int, height, "height")
WINDOW_HELPER(QPoint, pos, "pos")
WINDOW_HELPER(QSize, size, "size")
WINDOW_HELPER(int, screen, "screen")
WINDOW_HELPER(QRect, geometry, "geometry")
WINDOW_HELPER(QRect, rect, "rect")
WINDOW_HELPER(int, desktop, "desktop")
WINDOW_HELPER(bool, isDesktop, "desktopWindow")
WINDOW_HELPER(bool, isDock, "dock")
WINDOW_HELPER(bool, isToolbar, "toolbar")
WINDOW_HELPER(bool, isMenu, "menu")
WINDOW_HELPER(bool, isNormalWindow, "normalWindow")
WINDOW_HELPER(bool, isDialog, "dialog")
WINDOW_HELPER(bool, isSplash, "splash")
WINDOW_HELPER(bool, isUtility, "utility")
WINDOW_HELPER(bool, isDropdownMenu, "dropdownMenu")
WINDOW_HELPER(bool, isPopupMenu, "popupMenu")
WINDOW_HELPER(bool, isTooltip, "tooltip")
WINDOW_HELPER(bool, isNotification, "notification")
WINDOW_HELPER(bool, isComboBox, "comboBox")
WINDOW_HELPER(bool, isDNDIcon, "dndIcon")
WINDOW_HELPER(QString, windowRole, "windowRole")
QString EffectWindow::windowClass() const
return parent()->property("resourceName").toString() + ' ' + parent()->property("resourceClass").toString();
QRect EffectWindow::contentsRect() const
return QRect(parent()->property("clientPos").toPoint(), parent()->property("clientSize").toSize());
NET::WindowType EffectWindow::windowType() const
return static_cast<NET::WindowType>(parent()->property("windowType").toInt());
bool EffectWindow::isOnActivity(QString activity) const
const QStringList activities = parent()->property("activities").toStringList();
return activities.isEmpty() || activities.contains(activity);
bool EffectWindow::isOnAllActivities() const
return parent()->property("activities").toStringList().isEmpty();
#define WINDOW_HELPER_DEFAULT( rettype, prototype, propertyname, defaultValue ) \
rettype EffectWindow::prototype ( ) const \
{ \
const QVariant variant = parent()->property( propertyname ); \
if (!variant.isValid()) { \
return defaultValue; \
} \
return variant.value< rettype >(); \
WINDOW_HELPER_DEFAULT(bool, isMinimized, "minimized", false)
WINDOW_HELPER_DEFAULT(bool, isMovable, "moveable", false)
WINDOW_HELPER_DEFAULT(bool, isMovableAcrossScreens, "moveableAcrossScreens", false)
WINDOW_HELPER_DEFAULT(QString, caption, "caption", "")
WINDOW_HELPER_DEFAULT(bool, keepAbove, "keepAbove", true)
WINDOW_HELPER_DEFAULT(bool, isModal, "modal", false)
WINDOW_HELPER_DEFAULT(QSize, basicUnit, "basicUnit", QSize(1, 1))
WINDOW_HELPER_DEFAULT(bool, isUserMove, "move", false)
WINDOW_HELPER_DEFAULT(bool, isUserResize, "resize", false)
WINDOW_HELPER_DEFAULT(QRect, iconGeometry, "iconGeometry", QRect())
WINDOW_HELPER_DEFAULT(bool, isSpecialWindow, "specialWindow", true)
WINDOW_HELPER_DEFAULT(bool, acceptsFocus, "wantsInput", true) // We don't actually know...
WINDOW_HELPER_DEFAULT(QPixmap, icon, "icon", QPixmap())
WINDOW_HELPER_DEFAULT(bool, isSkipSwitcher, "skipSwitcher", false)
#define WINDOW_HELPER_SETTER( prototype, propertyname, args, value ) \
void EffectWindow::prototype ( args ) \
const QVariant variant = parent()->property( propertyname ); \
if (variant.isValid()) { \
parent()->setProperty( propertyname, value ); \
} \
WINDOW_HELPER_SETTER(minimize, "minimized",,true)
WINDOW_HELPER_SETTER(unminimize, "minimized",,false)
bool EffectWindow::isOnCurrentActivity() const
return isOnActivity(effects->currentActivity());
@ -306,6 +409,11 @@ bool EffectWindow::isOnDesktop(int d) const
return desktop() == d || isOnAllDesktops();
bool EffectWindow::isOnAllDesktops() const
return desktop() == NET::OnAllDesktops;
bool EffectWindow::hasDecoration() const
return contentsRect() != QRect(0, 0, width(), height());
@ -1101,45 +1101,45 @@ public:
virtual void unrefWindow() = 0;
virtual bool isDeleted() const = 0;
virtual bool isMinimized() const = 0;
virtual double opacity() const = 0;
virtual bool hasAlpha() const = 0;
bool isMinimized() const;
double opacity() const;
bool hasAlpha() const;
virtual bool isOnCurrentActivity() const;
virtual bool isOnActivity(QString id) const = 0;
virtual bool isOnAllActivities() const = 0;
bool isOnCurrentActivity() const;
bool isOnActivity(QString id) const;
bool isOnAllActivities() const;
virtual bool isOnDesktop(int d) const;
virtual bool isOnCurrentDesktop() const;
virtual bool isOnAllDesktops() const = 0;
virtual int desktop() const = 0; // prefer isOnXXX()
bool isOnDesktop(int d) const;
bool isOnCurrentDesktop() const;
bool isOnAllDesktops() const;
int desktop() const; // prefer isOnXXX()
virtual int x() const = 0;
virtual int y() const = 0;
virtual int width() const = 0;
virtual int height() const = 0;
int x() const;
int y() const;
int width() const;
int height() const;
* By how much the window wishes to grow/shrink at least. Usually QSize(1,1).
* MAY BE DISOBEYED BY THE WM! It's only for information, do NOT rely on it at all.
virtual QSize basicUnit() const = 0;
virtual QRect geometry() const = 0;
QSize basicUnit() const;
QRect geometry() const;
virtual QRegion shape() const = 0;
virtual int screen() const = 0;
int screen() const;
/** @internal Do not use */
virtual bool hasOwnShape() const = 0; // only for shadow effect, for now
virtual QPoint pos() const = 0;
virtual QSize size() const = 0;
virtual QRect rect() const = 0;
virtual bool isMovable() const = 0;
virtual bool isMovableAcrossScreens() const = 0;
virtual bool isUserMove() const = 0;
virtual bool isUserResize() const = 0;
virtual QRect iconGeometry() const = 0;
QPoint pos() const;
QSize size() const;
QRect rect() const;
bool isMovable() const;
bool isMovableAcrossScreens() const;
bool isUserMove() const;
bool isUserResize() const;
QRect iconGeometry() const;
* Geometry of the actual window contents inside the whole (including decorations) window.
virtual QRect contentsRect() const = 0;
QRect contentsRect() const;
* Geometry of the transparent rect in the decoration.
* May be different from contentsRect() if the decoration is extended into the client area.
@ -1150,96 +1150,96 @@ public:
virtual QByteArray readProperty(long atom, long type, int format) const = 0;
virtual void deleteProperty(long atom) const = 0;
virtual QString caption() const = 0;
virtual QPixmap icon() const = 0;
virtual QString windowClass() const = 0;
virtual QString windowRole() const = 0;
QString caption() const;
QPixmap icon() const;
QString windowClass() const;
QString windowRole() const;
virtual const EffectWindowGroup* group() const = 0;
* Returns whether the window is a desktop background window (the one with wallpaper).
virtual bool isDesktop() const = 0;
bool isDesktop() const;
* Returns whether the window is a dock (i.e. a panel).
virtual bool isDock() const = 0;
bool isDock() const;
* Returns whether the window is a standalone (detached) toolbar window.
virtual bool isToolbar() const = 0;
bool isToolbar() const;
* Returns whether the window is a torn-off menu.
virtual bool isMenu() const = 0;
bool isMenu() const;
* Returns whether the window is a "normal" window, i.e. an application or any other window
* for which none of the specialized window types fit.
virtual bool isNormalWindow() const = 0; // normal as in 'NET::Normal or NET::Unknown non-transient'
bool isNormalWindow() const; // normal as in 'NET::Normal or NET::Unknown non-transient'
* Returns whether the window is any of special windows types (desktop, dock, splash, ...),
* i.e. window types that usually don't have a window frame and the user does not use window
* management (moving, raising,...) on them.
virtual bool isSpecialWindow() const = 0;
bool isSpecialWindow() const;
* Returns whether the window is a dialog window.
virtual bool isDialog() const = 0;
bool isDialog() const;
* Returns whether the window is a splashscreen. Note that many (especially older) applications
* do not support marking their splash windows with this type.
virtual bool isSplash() const = 0;
bool isSplash() const;
* Returns whether the window is a utility window, such as a tool window.
virtual bool isUtility() const = 0;
bool isUtility() const;
* Returns whether the window is a dropdown menu (i.e. a popup directly or indirectly open
* from the applications menubar).
virtual bool isDropdownMenu() const = 0;
bool isDropdownMenu() const;
* Returns whether the window is a popup menu (that is not a torn-off or dropdown menu).
virtual bool isPopupMenu() const = 0; // a context popup, not dropdown, not torn-off
bool isPopupMenu() const; // a context popup, not dropdown, not torn-off
* Returns whether the window is a tooltip.
virtual bool isTooltip() const = 0;
bool isTooltip() const;
* Returns whether the window is a window with a notification.
virtual bool isNotification() const = 0;
bool isNotification() const;
* Returns whether the window is a combobox popup.
virtual bool isComboBox() const = 0;
bool isComboBox() const;
* Returns whether the window is a Drag&Drop icon.
virtual bool isDNDIcon() const = 0;
bool isDNDIcon() const;
* Returns the NETWM window type
* See .
virtual NET::WindowType windowType() const = 0;
NET::WindowType windowType() const;
* Returns whether the window is managed by KWin (it has control over its placement and other
* aspects, as opposed to override-redirect windows that are entirely handled by the application).
@ -1248,13 +1248,13 @@ public:
* Returns whether or not the window can accept keyboard focus.
virtual bool acceptsFocus() const = 0;
bool acceptsFocus() const;
* Returns whether or not the window is kept above all other windows.
virtual bool keepAbove() const = 0;
bool keepAbove() const;
virtual bool isModal() const = 0;
bool isModal() const;
virtual EffectWindow* findModal() = 0;
virtual EffectWindowList mainWindows() const = 0;
@ -1262,15 +1262,15 @@ public:
* Returns whether the window should be excluded from window switching effects.
* @since 4.5
virtual bool isSkipSwitcher() const = 0;
bool isSkipSwitcher() const;
* Returns the unmodified window quad list. Can also be used to force rebuilding.
virtual WindowQuadList buildQuads(bool force = false) const = 0;
virtual void minimize() const = 0;
virtual void unminimize() const = 0;
void minimize();
void unminimize();
virtual void closeWindow() const = 0;
virtual bool visibleInClientGroup() const = 0;
Reference in a new issue