Add animation to boxswitch effect. Animation is default off. If turned on the highlight is in the center of the box and the thumbnails are moved on alt+tab so that the currently selected window will be in the center.

svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=868067
This commit is contained in:
Martin Gräßlin 2008-10-05 11:41:15 +00:00
parent 8f3433bac3
commit a509d97094
4 changed files with 495 additions and 23 deletions

View file

@ -43,11 +43,14 @@ BoxSwitchEffect::BoxSwitchEffect()
, mMode( 0 )
, selected_window( 0 )
, painting_desktop( 0 )
, animation( false )
, highlight_is_set( false )
KConfigGroup conf = effects->effectConfig( "BoxSwitch" );
bg_opacity = conf.readEntry( "BackgroundOpacity", 25 ) / 100.0;
elevate_window = conf.readEntry( "ElevateSelected", true );
mAnimateSwitch = conf.readEntry( "AnimateSwitch", false );
frame_margin = 10;
highlight_margin = 5;
@ -65,6 +68,7 @@ void BoxSwitchEffect::reconfigure( ReconfigureFlags )
color_highlight = KColorScheme( QPalette::Active, KColorScheme::Selection ).background().color();
color_highlight.setAlphaF( 0.9 );
color_text = KColorScheme( QPalette::Active, KColorScheme::Window ).foreground().color();
timeLine.setDuration( animationTime( 150 ));
void BoxSwitchEffect::prePaintWindow( EffectWindow* w, WindowPrePaintData& data, int time )
@ -94,6 +98,16 @@ void BoxSwitchEffect::prePaintWindow( EffectWindow* w, WindowPrePaintData& data,
effects->prePaintWindow( w, data, time );
void BoxSwitchEffect::prePaintScreen( ScreenPrePaintData& data, int time )
if( mActivated && animation )
timeLine.addTime( time );
effects->prePaintScreen( data, time );
void BoxSwitchEffect::paintScreen( int mask, QRegion region, ScreenPaintData& data )
effects->paintScreen( mask, region, data );
@ -103,14 +117,29 @@ void BoxSwitchEffect::paintScreen( int mask, QRegion region, ScreenPaintData& da
foreach( EffectWindow* w, windows.keys())
if( mAnimateSwitch )
if( w == selected_window )
// HACK: PaintClipper is used because window split is somehow wrong if the height is greater than width
PaintClipper::push( frame_area.adjusted( frame_margin, frame_margin, -frame_margin, -frame_margin ));
paintHighlight( highlight_area );
foreach( EffectWindow* w, windows.keys())
paintHighlight( windows[ w ]->area );
paintWindowThumbnail( w );
paintWindowIcon( w );
PaintClipper::pop( frame_area.adjusted( frame_margin, frame_margin, -frame_margin, -frame_margin ) );
foreach( EffectWindow* w, windows.keys())
if( w == selected_window )
paintHighlight( windows[ w ]->area );
paintWindowThumbnail( w );
paintWindowIcon( w );
paintWindowThumbnail( w );
paintWindowIcon( w );
paintText( selected_window->caption() );
@ -136,6 +165,29 @@ void BoxSwitchEffect::paintScreen( int mask, QRegion region, ScreenPaintData& da
void BoxSwitchEffect::postPaintScreen()
if( mActivated && animation )
if( timeLine.value() == 1.0 )
timeLine.setProgress( 0.0 );
animation = false;
if( !scheduled_directions.isEmpty() )
direction = scheduled_directions.dequeue();
animation = true;
QRect repaint = QRect( frame_area.x() - item_max_size.width()*0.5,
frame_area.width() + item_max_size.width(),
frame_area.height() );
effects->addRepaint( repaint );
void BoxSwitchEffect::paintWindow( EffectWindow* w, int mask, QRegion region, WindowPaintData& data )
if( mActivated )
@ -169,6 +221,17 @@ void BoxSwitchEffect::windowInputMouseEvent( Window w, QEvent* e )
effects->setTabBoxWindow( w );
// special handling for second half of window in case of animation and even number of windows
if( mAnimateSwitch && ( windows.size() % 2 == 0 ) )
QRect additionalRect = QRect( frame_area.x() + frame_margin,
frame_area.y() + frame_margin,
item_max_size.width()*0.5, item_max_size.height());
if( additionalRect.contains( pos ))
effects->setTabBoxWindow( right_window );
@ -244,6 +307,10 @@ void BoxSwitchEffect::tabBoxAdded( int mode )
mMode = mode;
highlight_is_set = false;
animation = false;
right_window = 0;
@ -270,10 +337,49 @@ void BoxSwitchEffect::tabBoxUpdated()
if( mActivated )
if( mMode == TabBoxWindowsMode )
if( mMode == TabBoxWindowsMode && selected_window != effects->currentTabBoxWindow() )
if( selected_window != NULL )
if( mAnimateSwitch )
int old_index = effects->currentTabBoxWindowList().indexOf( selected_window );
int new_index = effects->currentTabBoxWindowList().indexOf( effects->currentTabBoxWindow() );
Direction new_direction;
int distance = new_index - old_index;
if( distance > 0 )
new_direction = Left;
if( distance < 0 )
new_direction = Right;
if( distance != 0 )
distance = abs( distance );
int tempDistance = effects->currentTabBoxWindowList().count() - distance;
if( tempDistance < abs( distance ) )
distance = tempDistance;
if( new_direction == Left )
new_direction = Right;
new_direction = Left;
if( !animation )
animation = true;
direction = new_direction;
for( int i=0; i<distance; i++ )
if( !scheduled_directions.isEmpty() && scheduled_directions.last() != new_direction )
scheduled_directions.enqueue( new_direction );
if( scheduled_directions.count() == effects->currentTabBoxWindowList().count() )
if( windows.contains( selected_window ))
effects->addRepaint( windows.value( selected_window )->area );
@ -283,8 +389,6 @@ void BoxSwitchEffect::tabBoxUpdated()
effects->addRepaint( windows.value( selected_window )->area );
effects->addRepaint( text_area );
if( effects->currentTabBoxWindowList() == original_windows )
original_windows = effects->currentTabBoxWindowList();
@ -435,16 +539,120 @@ void BoxSwitchEffect::calculateItemSizes()
if( mMode == TabBoxWindowsMode )
for( int i = 0; i < original_windows.count(); i++ )
if( mAnimateSwitch )
EffectWindow* w = i );
windows[ w ] = new ItemInfo();
int index = original_windows.indexOf( effects->currentTabBoxWindow() );
int leftIndex = index;
int rightIndex = index + 1;
if( rightIndex == original_windows.count() )
rightIndex = 0;
EffectWindowList ordered_windows;
windows[ w ]->area = QRect( frame_area.x() + frame_margin
+ i * item_max_size.width(),
frame_area.y() + frame_margin,
item_max_size.width(), item_max_size.height());
windows[ w ]->clickable = windows[ w ]->area;
int leftWindowCount = original_windows.count()/2;
int rightWindowCount = leftWindowCount;
if( original_windows.count()%2 == 1 )
for( int i=0; i < leftWindowCount; i++ )
int tempIndex = ( leftIndex - i );
if( tempIndex < 0 )
tempIndex = original_windows.count() + tempIndex;
ordered_windows.prepend( original_windows[ tempIndex ] );
for( int i=0; i < rightWindowCount; i++ )
int tempIndex = ( rightIndex + i ) % original_windows.count();
ordered_windows.append( original_windows[ tempIndex ] );
// move items cause of schedule
for( int i=0; i < scheduled_directions.count(); i++ )
Direction actual = scheduled_directions[ i ];
if( actual == Left )
EffectWindow* w = ordered_windows.takeLast();
ordered_windows.prepend( w );
EffectWindow* w = ordered_windows.takeFirst();
ordered_windows.append( w );
if( animation && timeLine.value() < 0.5 )
if( direction == Left )
EffectWindow* w = ordered_windows.takeLast();
edge_window = w;
ordered_windows.prepend( w );
EffectWindow* w = ordered_windows.takeFirst();
edge_window = w;
ordered_windows.append( w );
else if( animation && timeLine.value() >= 0.5 )
if( animation && direction == Left )
edge_window = ordered_windows.last();
if( animation && direction == Right )
edge_window = ordered_windows.first();
int offset = 0;
if( animation )
if( direction == Left )
offset = (float)item_max_size.width()*(1.0-timeLine.value());
offset = -(float)item_max_size.width()*(1.0-timeLine.value());
for( int i = 0; i < ordered_windows.count(); i++ )
EffectWindow* w = i );
windows[ w ] = new ItemInfo();
float moveIndex = i;
if( animation && timeLine.value() < 0.5 )
if( direction == Left )
if( ordered_windows.count()%2 == 0 )
moveIndex += 0.5;
windows[ w ]->area = QRect( frame_area.x() + frame_margin
+ moveIndex * item_max_size.width() + offset,
frame_area.y() + frame_margin,
item_max_size.width(), item_max_size.height());
windows[ w ]->clickable = windows[ w ]->area;
if( ordered_windows.count()%2 == 0 )
right_window = ordered_windows.last();
if( !highlight_is_set )
highlight_area = windows[ selected_window ]->area;
highlight_is_set = true;
for( int i = 0; i < original_windows.count(); i++ )
EffectWindow* w = i );
windows[ w ] = new ItemInfo();
windows[ w ]->area = QRect( frame_area.x() + frame_margin
+ i * item_max_size.width(),
frame_area.y() + frame_margin,
item_max_size.width(), item_max_size.height());
windows[ w ]->clickable = windows[ w ]->area;
@ -539,9 +747,171 @@ void BoxSwitchEffect::paintWindowThumbnail( EffectWindow* w )
windows[ w ]->area.adjusted( highlight_margin, highlight_margin, -highlight_margin, -highlight_margin ),
Qt::KeepAspectRatio );
effects->drawWindow( w,
windows[ w ]->thumbnail, data );
if( animation && ( w == edge_window ) && ( windows.size() % 2 == 1 ) )
// in case of animation:
// the window which has to change the side will be split and painted on both sides of the edge
double splitPoint = 0.0;
if( direction == Left )
splitPoint = w->geometry().width()*timeLine.value();
splitPoint = w->geometry().width() - w->geometry().width()*timeLine.value();
data.quads = data.quads.splitAtX( splitPoint );
WindowQuadList left_quads;
WindowQuadList right_quads;
foreach( WindowQuad quad, data.quads )
if( quad.left() >= splitPoint )
left_quads << quad;
if( quad.right() <= splitPoint )
right_quads << quad;
// the base position of the window is changed after half of the animation
if( timeLine.value() < 0.5 )
if( direction == Left )
data.quads = left_quads;
data.quads = right_quads;
if( direction == Left )
data.quads = right_quads;
data.quads = left_quads;
// paint one part of the thumbnail
effects->drawWindow( w,
windows[ w ]->thumbnail, data );
QRect secondThumbnail;
// paint the second part of the thumbnail:
// the other window quads are needed and a new rect for transformation has to be calculated
if( direction == Left )
if( timeLine.value() < 0.5 )
data.quads = right_quads;
secondThumbnail = QRect( frame_area.x() + frame_area.width() - frame_margin
- (float)item_max_size.width()*timeLine.value(),
frame_area.y() + frame_margin, item_max_size.width(), item_max_size.height());
data.quads = left_quads;
secondThumbnail = QRect( frame_area.x() + frame_margin - (float)item_max_size.width()*timeLine.value(),
frame_area.y() + frame_margin, item_max_size.width(), item_max_size.height());
if( right_window )
secondThumbnail = QRect( frame_area.x() + frame_margin -
frame_area.y() + frame_margin, item_max_size.width(), item_max_size.height());
if( timeLine.value() < 0.5 )
data.quads = left_quads;
secondThumbnail = QRect( frame_area.x() + frame_margin -
(float)item_max_size.width()*(1.0 - timeLine.value()),
frame_area.y() + frame_margin, item_max_size.width(), item_max_size.height());
data.quads = right_quads;
secondThumbnail = QRect( frame_area.x() + frame_area.width() - frame_margin
- (float)item_max_size.width()*(1.0 - timeLine.value()),
frame_area.y() + frame_margin, item_max_size.width(), item_max_size.height());
setPositionTransformations( data,
windows[ w ]->thumbnail, w,
secondThumbnail.adjusted( highlight_margin, highlight_margin, -highlight_margin, -highlight_margin ),
Qt::KeepAspectRatio );
effects->drawWindow( w,
windows[ w ]->thumbnail, data );
else if( ( windows.size() % 2 == 0 ) && ( w == right_window ) )
// in case of even number of thumbnails:
// the window on the right is painted one half on left and on half on the right side
float animationOffset = 0.0f;
double splitPoint = w->geometry().width()*0.5;
if( animation && timeLine.value() <= 0.5 )
// in case of animation the right window has only to be split during first half of animation
if( direction == Left )
splitPoint += w->geometry().width()*timeLine.value();
animationOffset = -(float)item_max_size.width()*timeLine.value();
splitPoint -= w->geometry().width()*timeLine.value();
animationOffset = (float)item_max_size.width()*timeLine.value();
if( animation && timeLine.value() > 0.5 )
// at half of animation a different window has become the right window
// we have to adjust the splitting again
if( direction == Left )
splitPoint -= w->geometry().width()*(1.0-timeLine.value());
animationOffset = (float)item_max_size.width()*(1.0-timeLine.value());
splitPoint += w->geometry().width()*(1.0-timeLine.value());
animationOffset = -(float)item_max_size.width()*(1.0-timeLine.value());
data.quads = data.quads.splitAtX( splitPoint );
WindowQuadList rightQuads;
WindowQuadList leftQuads;
foreach( WindowQuad quad, data.quads )
if( quad.right() <= splitPoint )
leftQuads << quad;
rightQuads << quad;
// left quads are painted on right side of frame
data.quads = leftQuads;
effects->drawWindow( w,
windows[ w ]->thumbnail, data );
// right quads are painted on left side of frame
data.quads = rightQuads;
QRect secondThumbnail;
secondThumbnail = QRect( frame_area.x() + frame_margin -
(float)item_max_size.width()*0.5 + animationOffset,
frame_area.y() + frame_margin, item_max_size.width(), item_max_size.height());
setPositionTransformations( data,
windows[ w ]->thumbnail, w,
secondThumbnail.adjusted( highlight_margin, highlight_margin, -highlight_margin, -highlight_margin ),
Qt::KeepAspectRatio );
effects->drawWindow( w,
windows[ w ]->thumbnail, data );
effects->drawWindow( w,
windows[ w ]->thumbnail, data );
void BoxSwitchEffect::paintDesktopThumbnail( int iDesktop )
@ -583,6 +953,17 @@ void BoxSwitchEffect::paintWindowIcon( EffectWindow* w )
if( windows[ w ]->icon.cacheKey() != w->icon().cacheKey())
{ // make sure windows[ w ]->icon is the right QPixmap, and rebind
windows[ w ]->icon = w->icon();
if( ( windows.size() % 2 == 1 ) && animation && w == edge_window )
int alpha;
if( timeLine.value() < 0.5 )
alpha = 255.0f * (1.0 - timeLine.value()*2.0);
alpha = 255.0f * (timeLine.value()*2.0 - 1.0);
QPixmap transparency = windows[ w ]->icon.copy( windows[ w ]->icon.rect() );
transparency.fill( QColor( 255, 255, 255, alpha ) );
windows[ w ]->icon.setAlphaChannel( transparency.alphaChannel() );
if( effects->compositingType() == OpenGLCompositing )
@ -599,6 +980,58 @@ void BoxSwitchEffect::paintWindowIcon( EffectWindow* w )
int height = windows[ w ]->icon.height();
int x = windows[ w ]->area.x() + windows[ w ]->area.width() - width - highlight_margin;
int y = windows[ w ]->area.y() + windows[ w ]->area.height() - height - highlight_margin;
if( ( windows.size() % 2 == 0 ) )
if( w == right_window )
// in case of right window the icon has to be painted on the left side of the frame
x = frame_area.x() + windows[ w ]->area.width()*0.5 - width - highlight_margin;
if( animation )
if( timeLine.value() <= 0.5 )
if( direction == Left )
x -= windows[ w ]->area.width()*timeLine.value();
x = qMax( x, frame_area.x() + frame_margin );
x += windows[ w ]->area.width()*timeLine.value();
if( direction == Left )
x += windows[ w ]->area.width()*(1.0-timeLine.value());
x -= windows[ w ]->area.width()*(1.0-timeLine.value());
x = qMax( x, frame_area.x() + frame_margin );
// during animation the icon of the edge window has to change position
if( animation && w == edge_window )
if( timeLine.value() < 0.5 )
if( direction == Left )
x += windows[ w ]->area.width()*timeLine.value();
x -= windows[ w ]->area.width()*timeLine.value();
if( direction == Left )
x -= windows[ w ]->area.width()*(1.0 - timeLine.value());
x += windows[ w ]->area.width()*(1.0 - timeLine.value());
if( effects->compositingType() == OpenGLCompositing )
@ -606,7 +1039,15 @@ void BoxSwitchEffect::paintWindowIcon( EffectWindow* w )
glEnable( GL_BLEND );
// Render some background
glColor4f( 0, 0, 0, 0.5 );
float alpha = 0.5;
if( ( windows.size() % 2 == 1 ) && animation && w == edge_window )
if( timeLine.value() < 0.5 )
alpha *= (1.0 - timeLine.value()*2.0);
alpha *= (timeLine.value()*2.0 - 1.0);
glColor4f( 0, 0, 0, alpha );
renderRoundBox( QRect( x-3, y-3, width+6, height+6 ), 3 );
// Render the icon
glColor4f( 1, 1, 1, 1 );

View file

@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <QRegion>
#include <QSize>
#include <QFont>
#include <QQueue>
#include <kwinglutils.h>
#include <kwinxrenderutils.h>
@ -42,9 +43,10 @@ class BoxSwitchEffect
virtual void reconfigure( ReconfigureFlags );
virtual void prePaintScreen( ScreenPrePaintData &data, int time );
virtual void paintScreen( int mask, QRegion region, ScreenPaintData& data );
virtual void postPaintScreen();
virtual void prePaintWindow( EffectWindow* w, WindowPrePaintData& data, int time );
virtual void paintWindow( EffectWindow* w, int mask, QRegion region, WindowPaintData& data );
@ -96,6 +98,21 @@ class BoxSwitchEffect
int selected_desktop;
int painting_desktop;
bool mAnimateSwitch;
TimeLine timeLine;
bool animation;
QRect highlight_area;
bool highlight_is_set;
enum Direction
Direction direction;
QQueue<Direction> scheduled_directions;
EffectWindow* edge_window;
EffectWindow* right_window;
class BoxSwitchEffect::ItemInfo

View file

@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ BoxSwitchEffectConfig::BoxSwitchEffectConfig(QWidget* parent, const QVariantList
connect( m_ui->opacitySpin, SIGNAL( valueChanged(int) ), this, SLOT( changed() ));
connect( m_ui->elevateBox, SIGNAL( stateChanged(int) ), this, SLOT( changed() ));
connect( m_ui->animateBox, SIGNAL( stateChanged(int) ), this, SLOT( changed() ));
@ -67,6 +68,9 @@ void BoxSwitchEffectConfig::load()
bool elevate = conf.readEntry( "ElevateSelected", true );
m_ui->elevateBox->setChecked( elevate );
bool animate = conf.readEntry( "AnimateSwitch", false );
m_ui->animateBox->setChecked( animate );
emit changed(false);
@ -80,6 +84,8 @@ void BoxSwitchEffectConfig::save()
conf.writeEntry( "ElevateSelected", m_ui->elevateBox->isChecked() );
conf.writeEntry( "AnimateSwitch", m_ui->animateBox->isChecked() );
emit changed(false);
@ -90,6 +96,7 @@ void BoxSwitchEffectConfig::defaults()
m_ui->opacitySpin->setValue( 25 );
m_ui->elevateBox->setChecked( true );
m_ui->animateBox->setChecked( false );
emit changed(true);

View file

@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
<layout class="QVBoxLayout" >
@ -60,6 +60,13 @@
<widget class="QCheckBox" name="animateBox" >
<property name="text" >
<string>&amp;Animate walk through windows</string>