diff --git a/autotests/libinput/CMakeLists.txt b/autotests/libinput/CMakeLists.txt
index 225f5733ea..79686097ac 100644
--- a/autotests/libinput/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/autotests/libinput/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ include_directories(${UDEV_INCLUDE_DIR})
set( testLibinputDevice_SRCS device_test.cpp mock_libinput.cpp ../../libinput/device.cpp )
add_executable(testLibinputDevice ${testLibinputDevice_SRCS})
-target_link_libraries( testLibinputDevice Qt5::Test Qt5::DBus)
+target_link_libraries( testLibinputDevice Qt5::Test Qt5::DBus KF5::ConfigCore)
add_test(kwin-testLibinputDevice testLibinputDevice)
@@ -94,6 +94,6 @@ ecm_mark_as_test(testLibinputContext)
set( testInputEvents_SRCS input_event_test.cpp mock_libinput.cpp ../../libinput/device.cpp ../../input_event.cpp )
add_executable(testInputEvents ${testInputEvents_SRCS})
-target_link_libraries( testInputEvents Qt5::Test Qt5::DBus Qt5::Gui)
+target_link_libraries( testInputEvents Qt5::Test Qt5::DBus Qt5::Gui KF5::ConfigCore)
add_test(kwin-testInputEvents testInputEvents)
diff --git a/autotests/libinput/device_test.cpp b/autotests/libinput/device_test.cpp
index cfdc10931f..57d5a24a4e 100644
--- a/autotests/libinput/device_test.cpp
+++ b/autotests/libinput/device_test.cpp
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
#include "../../libinput/device.h"
@@ -111,6 +113,26 @@ private Q_SLOTS:
void testScrollButtonDown();
void testScrollButton_data();
void testScrollButton();
+ void testLoadEnabled_data();
+ void testLoadEnabled();
+ void testLoadTapToClick_data();
+ void testLoadTapToClick();
+ void testLoadTapAndDrag_data();
+ void testLoadTapAndDrag();
+ void testLoadTapDragLock_data();
+ void testLoadTapDragLock();
+ void testLoadMiddleButtonEmulation_data();
+ void testLoadMiddleButtonEmulation();
+ void testLoadNaturalScroll_data();
+ void testLoadNaturalScroll();
+ void testLoadScrollTwoFinger_data();
+ void testLoadScrollTwoFinger();
+ void testLoadScrollEdge_data();
+ void testLoadScrollEdge();
+ void testLoadScrollOnButton_data();
+ void testLoadScrollOnButton();
+ void testLoadScrollButton_data();
+ void testLoadScrollButton();
void TestLibinputDevice::testStaticGetter()
@@ -1257,5 +1279,425 @@ void TestLibinputDevice::testScrollButton()
QCOMPARE(scrollButtonChangedSpy.isEmpty(), initValue == expectedValue);
+void TestLibinputDevice::testLoadEnabled_data()
+ QTest::addColumn("initValue");
+ QTest::addColumn("configValue");
+ QTest::newRow("false -> true") << false << true;
+ QTest::newRow("true -> false") << true << false;
+ QTest::newRow("true -> true") << true << true;
+ QTest::newRow("false -> false") << false << false;
+void TestLibinputDevice::testLoadEnabled()
+ auto config = KSharedConfig::openConfig(QString(), KConfig::SimpleConfig);
+ KConfigGroup inputConfig(config, QStringLiteral("Test"));
+ QFETCH(bool, configValue);
+ QFETCH(bool, initValue);
+ inputConfig.writeEntry("Enabled", configValue);
+ libinput_device device;
+ device.supportsDisableEvents = true;
+ device.enabled = initValue;
+ device.setEnableModeReturnValue = false;
+ Device d(&device);
+ QCOMPARE(d.isEnabled(), initValue);
+ // no config group set, should not change
+ d.loadConfiguration();
+ QCOMPARE(d.isEnabled(), initValue);
+ // set the group
+ d.setConfig(inputConfig);
+ d.loadConfiguration();
+ QCOMPARE(d.isEnabled(), configValue);
+ // and try to store
+ if (configValue != initValue) {
+ d.setEnabled(initValue);
+ QCOMPARE(inputConfig.readEntry("Enabled", configValue), initValue);
+ }
+void TestLibinputDevice::testLoadTapToClick_data()
+ QTest::addColumn("initValue");
+ QTest::addColumn("configValue");
+ QTest::newRow("false -> true") << false << true;
+ QTest::newRow("true -> false") << true << false;
+ QTest::newRow("true -> true") << true << true;
+ QTest::newRow("false -> false") << false << false;
+void TestLibinputDevice::testLoadTapToClick()
+ auto config = KSharedConfig::openConfig(QString(), KConfig::SimpleConfig);
+ KConfigGroup inputConfig(config, QStringLiteral("Test"));
+ QFETCH(bool, configValue);
+ QFETCH(bool, initValue);
+ inputConfig.writeEntry("TapToClick", configValue);
+ libinput_device device;
+ device.tapFingerCount = 2;
+ device.tapToClick = initValue;
+ device.setTapToClickReturnValue = false;
+ Device d(&device);
+ QCOMPARE(d.isTapToClick(), initValue);
+ // no config group set, should not change
+ d.loadConfiguration();
+ QCOMPARE(d.isTapToClick(), initValue);
+ // set the group
+ d.setConfig(inputConfig);
+ d.loadConfiguration();
+ QCOMPARE(d.isTapToClick(), configValue);
+ // and try to store
+ if (configValue != initValue) {
+ d.setTapToClick(initValue);
+ QCOMPARE(inputConfig.readEntry("TapToClick", configValue), initValue);
+ }
+void TestLibinputDevice::testLoadTapAndDrag_data()
+ QTest::addColumn("initValue");
+ QTest::addColumn("configValue");
+ QTest::newRow("false -> true") << false << true;
+ QTest::newRow("true -> false") << true << false;
+ QTest::newRow("true -> true") << true << true;
+ QTest::newRow("false -> false") << false << false;
+void TestLibinputDevice::testLoadTapAndDrag()
+ auto config = KSharedConfig::openConfig(QString(), KConfig::SimpleConfig);
+ KConfigGroup inputConfig(config, QStringLiteral("Test"));
+ QFETCH(bool, configValue);
+ QFETCH(bool, initValue);
+ inputConfig.writeEntry("TapAndDrag", configValue);
+ libinput_device device;
+ device.tapAndDrag = initValue;
+ device.setTapAndDragReturnValue = false;
+ Device d(&device);
+ QCOMPARE(d.isTapAndDrag(), initValue);
+ // no config group set, should not change
+ d.loadConfiguration();
+ QCOMPARE(d.isTapAndDrag(), initValue);
+ // set the group
+ d.setConfig(inputConfig);
+ d.loadConfiguration();
+ QCOMPARE(d.isTapAndDrag(), configValue);
+ // and try to store
+ if (configValue != initValue) {
+ d.setTapAndDrag(initValue);
+ QCOMPARE(inputConfig.readEntry("TapAndDrag", configValue), initValue);
+ }
+void TestLibinputDevice::testLoadTapDragLock_data()
+ QTest::addColumn("initValue");
+ QTest::addColumn("configValue");
+ QTest::newRow("false -> true") << false << true;
+ QTest::newRow("true -> false") << true << false;
+ QTest::newRow("true -> true") << true << true;
+ QTest::newRow("false -> false") << false << false;
+void TestLibinputDevice::testLoadTapDragLock()
+ auto config = KSharedConfig::openConfig(QString(), KConfig::SimpleConfig);
+ KConfigGroup inputConfig(config, QStringLiteral("Test"));
+ QFETCH(bool, configValue);
+ QFETCH(bool, initValue);
+ inputConfig.writeEntry("TapDragLock", configValue);
+ libinput_device device;
+ device.tapDragLock = initValue;
+ device.setTapDragLockReturnValue = false;
+ Device d(&device);
+ QCOMPARE(d.isTapDragLock(), initValue);
+ // no config group set, should not change
+ d.loadConfiguration();
+ QCOMPARE(d.isTapDragLock(), initValue);
+ // set the group
+ d.setConfig(inputConfig);
+ d.loadConfiguration();
+ QCOMPARE(d.isTapDragLock(), configValue);
+ // and try to store
+ if (configValue != initValue) {
+ d.setTapDragLock(initValue);
+ QCOMPARE(inputConfig.readEntry("TapDragLock", configValue), initValue);
+ }
+void TestLibinputDevice::testLoadMiddleButtonEmulation_data()
+ QTest::addColumn("initValue");
+ QTest::addColumn("configValue");
+ QTest::newRow("false -> true") << false << true;
+ QTest::newRow("true -> false") << true << false;
+ QTest::newRow("true -> true") << true << true;
+ QTest::newRow("false -> false") << false << false;
+void TestLibinputDevice::testLoadMiddleButtonEmulation()
+ auto config = KSharedConfig::openConfig(QString(), KConfig::SimpleConfig);
+ KConfigGroup inputConfig(config, QStringLiteral("Test"));
+ QFETCH(bool, configValue);
+ QFETCH(bool, initValue);
+ inputConfig.writeEntry("MiddleButtonEmulation", configValue);
+ libinput_device device;
+ device.supportsMiddleEmulation = true;
+ device.middleEmulation = initValue;
+ device.setMiddleEmulationReturnValue = false;
+ Device d(&device);
+ QCOMPARE(d.isMiddleEmulation(), initValue);
+ // no config group set, should not change
+ d.loadConfiguration();
+ QCOMPARE(d.isMiddleEmulation(), initValue);
+ // set the group
+ d.setConfig(inputConfig);
+ d.loadConfiguration();
+ QCOMPARE(d.isMiddleEmulation(), configValue);
+ // and try to store
+ if (configValue != initValue) {
+ d.setMiddleEmulation(initValue);
+ QCOMPARE(inputConfig.readEntry("MiddleButtonEmulation", configValue), initValue);
+ }
+void TestLibinputDevice::testLoadNaturalScroll_data()
+ QTest::addColumn("initValue");
+ QTest::addColumn("configValue");
+ QTest::newRow("false -> true") << false << true;
+ QTest::newRow("true -> false") << true << false;
+ QTest::newRow("true -> true") << true << true;
+ QTest::newRow("false -> false") << false << false;
+void TestLibinputDevice::testLoadNaturalScroll()
+ auto config = KSharedConfig::openConfig(QString(), KConfig::SimpleConfig);
+ KConfigGroup inputConfig(config, QStringLiteral("Test"));
+ QFETCH(bool, configValue);
+ QFETCH(bool, initValue);
+ inputConfig.writeEntry("NaturalScroll", configValue);
+ libinput_device device;
+ device.supportsNaturalScroll = true;
+ device.naturalScroll = initValue;
+ device.setNaturalScrollReturnValue = false;
+ Device d(&device);
+ QCOMPARE(d.isNaturalScroll(), initValue);
+ // no config group set, should not change
+ d.loadConfiguration();
+ QCOMPARE(d.isNaturalScroll(), initValue);
+ // set the group
+ d.setConfig(inputConfig);
+ d.loadConfiguration();
+ QCOMPARE(d.isNaturalScroll(), configValue);
+ // and try to store
+ if (configValue != initValue) {
+ d.setNaturalScroll(initValue);
+ QCOMPARE(inputConfig.readEntry("NaturalScroll", configValue), initValue);
+ }
+void TestLibinputDevice::testLoadScrollTwoFinger_data()
+ QTest::addColumn("initValue");
+ QTest::addColumn("configValue");
+ QTest::newRow("false -> true") << false << true;
+ QTest::newRow("true -> false") << true << false;
+ QTest::newRow("true -> true") << true << true;
+ QTest::newRow("false -> false") << false << false;
+void TestLibinputDevice::testLoadScrollTwoFinger()
+ auto config = KSharedConfig::openConfig(QString(), KConfig::SimpleConfig);
+ KConfigGroup inputConfig(config, QStringLiteral("Test"));
+ QFETCH(bool, configValue);
+ QFETCH(bool, initValue);
+ inputConfig.writeEntry("ScrollTwoFinger", configValue);
+ libinput_device device;
+ device.supportedScrollMethods = LIBINPUT_CONFIG_SCROLL_2FG;
+ device.setScrollMethodReturnValue = false;
+ Device d(&device);
+ QCOMPARE(d.isScrollTwoFinger(), initValue);
+ // no config group set, should not change
+ d.loadConfiguration();
+ QCOMPARE(d.isScrollTwoFinger(), initValue);
+ // set the group
+ d.setConfig(inputConfig);
+ d.loadConfiguration();
+ QCOMPARE(d.isScrollTwoFinger(), configValue);
+ // and try to store
+ if (configValue != initValue) {
+ d.setScrollTwoFinger(initValue);
+ QCOMPARE(inputConfig.readEntry("ScrollTwoFinger", configValue), initValue);
+ }
+void TestLibinputDevice::testLoadScrollEdge_data()
+ QTest::addColumn("initValue");
+ QTest::addColumn("configValue");
+ QTest::newRow("false -> true") << false << true;
+ QTest::newRow("true -> false") << true << false;
+ QTest::newRow("true -> true") << true << true;
+ QTest::newRow("false -> false") << false << false;
+void TestLibinputDevice::testLoadScrollEdge()
+ auto config = KSharedConfig::openConfig(QString(), KConfig::SimpleConfig);
+ KConfigGroup inputConfig(config, QStringLiteral("Test"));
+ QFETCH(bool, configValue);
+ QFETCH(bool, initValue);
+ inputConfig.writeEntry("ScrollEdge", configValue);
+ libinput_device device;
+ device.supportedScrollMethods = LIBINPUT_CONFIG_SCROLL_EDGE;
+ device.setScrollMethodReturnValue = false;
+ Device d(&device);
+ QCOMPARE(d.isScrollEdge(), initValue);
+ // no config group set, should not change
+ d.loadConfiguration();
+ QCOMPARE(d.isScrollEdge(), initValue);
+ // set the group
+ d.setConfig(inputConfig);
+ d.loadConfiguration();
+ QCOMPARE(d.isScrollEdge(), configValue);
+ // and try to store
+ if (configValue != initValue) {
+ d.setScrollEdge(initValue);
+ QCOMPARE(inputConfig.readEntry("ScrollEdge", configValue), initValue);
+ }
+void TestLibinputDevice::testLoadScrollOnButton_data()
+ QTest::addColumn("initValue");
+ QTest::addColumn("configValue");
+ QTest::newRow("false -> true") << false << true;
+ QTest::newRow("true -> false") << true << false;
+ QTest::newRow("true -> true") << true << true;
+ QTest::newRow("false -> false") << false << false;
+void TestLibinputDevice::testLoadScrollOnButton()
+ auto config = KSharedConfig::openConfig(QString(), KConfig::SimpleConfig);
+ KConfigGroup inputConfig(config, QStringLiteral("Test"));
+ QFETCH(bool, configValue);
+ QFETCH(bool, initValue);
+ inputConfig.writeEntry("ScrollOnButton", configValue);
+ libinput_device device;
+ device.supportedScrollMethods = LIBINPUT_CONFIG_SCROLL_ON_BUTTON_DOWN;
+ device.setScrollMethodReturnValue = false;
+ Device d(&device);
+ QCOMPARE(d.isScrollOnButtonDown(), initValue);
+ // no config group set, should not change
+ d.loadConfiguration();
+ QCOMPARE(d.isScrollOnButtonDown(), initValue);
+ // set the group
+ d.setConfig(inputConfig);
+ d.loadConfiguration();
+ QCOMPARE(d.isScrollOnButtonDown(), configValue);
+ // and try to store
+ if (configValue != initValue) {
+ d.setScrollOnButtonDown(initValue);
+ QCOMPARE(inputConfig.readEntry("ScrollOnButton", configValue), initValue);
+ }
+void TestLibinputDevice::testLoadScrollButton_data()
+ QTest::addColumn("initValue");
+ QTest::addColumn("configValue");
+ QTest::newRow("BTN_LEFT -> BTN_RIGHT") << quint32(BTN_LEFT) << quint32(BTN_RIGHT);
+ QTest::newRow("BTN_LEFT -> BTN_LEFT") << quint32(BTN_LEFT) << quint32(BTN_LEFT);
+void TestLibinputDevice::testLoadScrollButton()
+ auto config = KSharedConfig::openConfig(QString(), KConfig::SimpleConfig);
+ KConfigGroup inputConfig(config, QStringLiteral("Test"));
+ QFETCH(quint32, configValue);
+ QFETCH(quint32, initValue);
+ inputConfig.writeEntry("ScrollButton", configValue);
+ libinput_device device;
+ device.supportedScrollMethods = LIBINPUT_CONFIG_SCROLL_ON_BUTTON_DOWN;
+ device.scrollButton = initValue;
+ device.setScrollButtonReturnValue = false;
+ Device d(&device);
+ QCOMPARE(d.isScrollOnButtonDown(), true);
+ QCOMPARE(d.scrollButton(), initValue);
+ // no config group set, should not change
+ d.loadConfiguration();
+ QCOMPARE(d.isScrollOnButtonDown(), true);
+ QCOMPARE(d.scrollButton(), initValue);
+ // set the group
+ d.setConfig(inputConfig);
+ d.loadConfiguration();
+ QCOMPARE(d.isScrollOnButtonDown(), true);
+ QCOMPARE(d.scrollButton(), configValue);
+ // and try to store
+ if (configValue != initValue) {
+ d.setScrollButton(initValue);
+ QCOMPARE(inputConfig.readEntry("ScrollButton", configValue), initValue);
+ }
#include "device_test.moc"
diff --git a/libinput/connection.cpp b/libinput/connection.cpp
index fece61797b..6964c891ae 100644
--- a/libinput/connection.cpp
+++ b/libinput/connection.cpp
@@ -471,6 +471,10 @@ bool Connection::isSuspended() const
void Connection::applyDeviceConfig(Device *device)
+ // pass configuration to Device
+ device->setConfig(m_config->group("Libinput").group(QString::number(device->vendor())).group(QString::number(device->product())).group(device->name()));
+ device->loadConfiguration();
if (device->isPointer()) {
const KConfigGroup group = m_config->group("Mouse");
device->setLeftHanded(group.readEntry("MouseButtonMapping", "RightHanded") == QLatin1String("LeftHanded"));
diff --git a/libinput/device.cpp b/libinput/device.cpp
index c9884e7012..ad43c02802 100644
--- a/libinput/device.cpp
+++ b/libinput/device.cpp
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
namespace KWin
namespace LibInput
@@ -70,6 +72,44 @@ Device *Device::getDevice(libinput_device *native)
return nullptr;
+enum class ConfigKey {
+ Enabled,
+ TapToClick,
+ TapAndDrag,
+ TapDragLock,
+ MiddleButtonEmulation,
+ NaturalScroll,
+ ScrollTwoFinger,
+ ScrollEdge,
+ ScrollOnButton,
+ ScrollButton
+struct ConfigData {
+ QByteArray key;
+ struct BooleanSetter {
+ std::function setter;
+ std::function defaultValue;
+ } booleanSetter;
+ struct UintSetter {
+ std::function setter;
+ std::function defaultValue;
+ } quint32Setter;
+static const QMap s_configData {
+ {ConfigKey::Enabled, {QByteArrayLiteral("Enabled"), {&Device::setEnabled, std::function()}, {}}},
+ {ConfigKey::TapToClick, {QByteArrayLiteral("TapToClick"), {&Device::setTapToClick, &Device::tapToClickEnabledByDefault}, {}}},
+ {ConfigKey::TapAndDrag, {QByteArrayLiteral("TapAndDrag"), {&Device::setTapAndDrag, &Device::tapAndDragEnabledByDefault}, {}}},
+ {ConfigKey::TapDragLock, {QByteArrayLiteral("TapDragLock"), {&Device::setTapDragLock, &Device::tapDragLockEnabledByDefault}, {}}},
+ {ConfigKey::MiddleButtonEmulation, {QByteArrayLiteral("MiddleButtonEmulation"), {&Device::setMiddleEmulation, &Device::middleEmulationEnabledByDefault}, {}}},
+ {ConfigKey::NaturalScroll, {QByteArrayLiteral("NaturalScroll"), {&Device::setNaturalScroll, &Device::naturalScrollEnabledByDefault}, {}}},
+ {ConfigKey::ScrollTwoFinger, {QByteArrayLiteral("ScrollTwoFinger"), {&Device::setScrollTwoFinger, &Device::scrollTwoFingerEnabledByDefault}, {}}},
+ {ConfigKey::ScrollEdge, {QByteArrayLiteral("ScrollEdge"), {&Device::setScrollEdge, &Device::scrollEdgeEnabledByDefault}, {}}},
+ {ConfigKey::ScrollOnButton, {QByteArrayLiteral("ScrollOnButton"), {&Device::setScrollOnButtonDown, &Device::scrollOnButtonDownEnabledByDefault}, {}}},
+ {ConfigKey::ScrollButton, {QByteArrayLiteral("ScrollButton"), {}, {&Device::setScrollButton, &Device::defaultScrollButton}}}
Device::Device(libinput_device *device, QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent)
, m_device(device)
@@ -116,6 +156,7 @@ Device::Device(libinput_device *device, QObject *parent)
, m_scrollButton(libinput_device_config_scroll_get_button(m_device))
, m_pointerAcceleration(libinput_device_config_accel_get_speed(m_device))
, m_enabled(m_supportsDisableEvents ? libinput_device_config_send_events_get_mode(m_device) == LIBINPUT_CONFIG_SEND_EVENTS_ENABLED : true)
+ , m_config()
@@ -169,6 +210,48 @@ Device::~Device()
+void Device::writeEntry(const ConfigKey &key, const T &value)
+ if (!m_config.isValid()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (m_loading) {
+ return;
+ }
+ auto it = s_configData.find(key);
+ Q_ASSERT(it != s_configData.end());
+ m_config.writeEntry(it.value().key.constData(), value);
+ m_config.sync();
+void Device::readEntry(const QByteArray &key, const Setter &s, const T &defaultValue)
+ if (!s.setter) {
+ return;
+ }
+ s.setter(this, m_config.readEntry(key.constData(), s.defaultValue ? s.defaultValue(this) : defaultValue));
+void Device::loadConfiguration()
+ if (!m_config.isValid()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ m_loading = true;
+ for (auto it = s_configData.begin(), end = s_configData.end(); it != end; ++it) {
+ const auto key = it.value().key;
+ if (!m_config.hasKey(key.constData())) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ readEntry(key, it.value().booleanSetter, true);
+ readEntry(key, it.value().quint32Setter, 0);
+ };
+ m_loading = false;
void Device::setLeftHanded(bool set)
if (!m_supportsLeftHanded) {
@@ -204,23 +287,24 @@ void Device::setNaturalScroll(bool set)
if (libinput_device_config_scroll_set_natural_scroll_enabled(m_device, set) == LIBINPUT_CONFIG_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
if (m_naturalScroll != set) {
m_naturalScroll = set;
+ writeEntry(ConfigKey::NaturalScroll, m_naturalScroll);
emit naturalScrollChanged();
-void Device::setScrollMethod(bool set, enum libinput_config_scroll_method method)
+bool Device::setScrollMethod(bool set, enum libinput_config_scroll_method method)
if (!(m_supportedScrollMethods & method)) {
- return;
+ return false;
if (set) {
if (m_scrollMethod == method) {
- return;
+ return false;
} else {
if (m_scrollMethod != method) {
- return;
+ return false;
@@ -228,19 +312,27 @@ void Device::setScrollMethod(bool set, enum libinput_config_scroll_method method
if (libinput_device_config_scroll_set_method(m_device, method) == LIBINPUT_CONFIG_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
m_scrollMethod = method;
emit scrollMethodChanged();
+ return true;
+ return false;
void Device::setScrollTwoFinger(bool set) {
- setScrollMethod(set, LIBINPUT_CONFIG_SCROLL_2FG);
+ if (setScrollMethod(set, LIBINPUT_CONFIG_SCROLL_2FG)) {
+ writeEntry(ConfigKey::ScrollTwoFinger, set);
+ }
void Device::setScrollEdge(bool set) {
- setScrollMethod(set, LIBINPUT_CONFIG_SCROLL_EDGE);
+ if (setScrollMethod(set, LIBINPUT_CONFIG_SCROLL_EDGE)) {
+ writeEntry(ConfigKey::ScrollEdge, set);
+ }
void Device::setScrollOnButtonDown(bool set) {
+ if (setScrollMethod(set, LIBINPUT_CONFIG_SCROLL_ON_BUTTON_DOWN)) {
+ writeEntry(ConfigKey::ScrollOnButton, set);
+ }
void Device::setScrollButton(quint32 button)
@@ -251,12 +343,13 @@ void Device::setScrollButton(quint32 button)
if (libinput_device_config_scroll_set_button(m_device, button) == LIBINPUT_CONFIG_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
if (m_scrollButton != button) {
m_scrollButton = button;
+ writeEntry(ConfigKey::ScrollButton, m_scrollButton);
emit scrollButtonChanged();
-#define CONFIG(method, condition, function, enum, variable) \
+#define CONFIG(method, condition, function, enum, variable, key) \
void Device::method(bool set) \
{ \
if (condition) { \
@@ -265,16 +358,17 @@ void Device::method(bool set) \
if (libinput_device_config_##function(m_device, set ? LIBINPUT_CONFIG_##enum##_ENABLED : LIBINPUT_CONFIG_##enum##_DISABLED) == LIBINPUT_CONFIG_STATUS_SUCCESS) { \
if (m_##variable != set) { \
m_##variable = set; \
+ writeEntry(ConfigKey::key, m_##variable); \
emit variable##Changed(); \
} \
-CONFIG(setEnabled, !m_supportsDisableEvents, send_events_set_mode, SEND_EVENTS, enabled)
-CONFIG(setTapToClick, m_tapFingerCount == 0, tap_set_enabled, TAP, tapToClick)
-CONFIG(setTapAndDrag, false, tap_set_drag_enabled, DRAG, tapAndDrag)
-CONFIG(setTapDragLock, false, tap_set_drag_lock_enabled, DRAG_LOCK, tapDragLock)
-CONFIG(setMiddleEmulation, m_supportsMiddleEmulation == false, middle_emulation_set_enabled, MIDDLE_EMULATION, middleEmulation)
+CONFIG(setEnabled, !m_supportsDisableEvents, send_events_set_mode, SEND_EVENTS, enabled, Enabled)
+CONFIG(setTapToClick, m_tapFingerCount == 0, tap_set_enabled, TAP, tapToClick, TapToClick)
+CONFIG(setTapAndDrag, false, tap_set_drag_enabled, DRAG, tapAndDrag, TapAndDrag)
+CONFIG(setTapDragLock, false, tap_set_drag_lock_enabled, DRAG_LOCK, tapDragLock, TapDragLock)
+CONFIG(setMiddleEmulation, m_supportsMiddleEmulation == false, middle_emulation_set_enabled, MIDDLE_EMULATION, middleEmulation, MiddleButtonEmulation)
#undef CONFIG
diff --git a/libinput/device.h b/libinput/device.h
index f0e08a4684..21955383f9 100644
--- a/libinput/device.h
+++ b/libinput/device.h
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
@@ -32,6 +34,7 @@ namespace KWin
namespace LibInput
+enum class ConfigKey;
class Device : public QObject
@@ -216,7 +219,7 @@ public:
return m_naturalScroll;
void setNaturalScroll(bool set);
- void setScrollMethod(bool set, enum libinput_config_scroll_method method);
+ bool setScrollMethod(bool set, enum libinput_config_scroll_method method);
bool isScrollTwoFinger() const {
return m_scrollMethod & LIBINPUT_CONFIG_SCROLL_2FG;
@@ -260,6 +263,19 @@ public:
return m_device;
+ /**
+ * Sets the @p config to load the Device configuration from and to store each
+ * successful Device configuration.
+ **/
+ void setConfig(const KConfigGroup &config) {
+ m_config = config;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Loads the configuration and applies it to the Device
+ **/
+ void loadConfiguration();
* All created Devices
@@ -284,6 +300,10 @@ Q_SIGNALS:
void scrollButtonChanged();
+ template
+ void writeEntry(const ConfigKey &key, const T &value);
+ template
+ void readEntry(const QByteArray &key, const Setter &s, const T &defaultValue = T());
libinput_device *m_device;
bool m_keyboard;
bool m_alphaNumericKeyboard = false;
@@ -329,6 +349,9 @@ private:
qreal m_pointerAcceleration;
bool m_enabled;
+ KConfigGroup m_config;
+ bool m_loading = false;
static QVector s_devices;