SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file)

This commit is contained in:
l10n daemon script 2014-01-26 04:10:18 +00:00
parent 0ee6e4b422
commit e12bd6cffc

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
[Desktop Entry] [Desktop Entry]
Name=Background contrast Name=Background contrast
Name[de]=Hintergrundkontrast Name[de]=Hintergrundkontrast
Name[hu]=Háttér kontraszt
Name[nl]=Contrast in achtergrond Name[nl]=Contrast in achtergrond
Name[pt]=Contraste do fundo Name[pt]=Contraste do fundo
Name[pt_BR]=Contraste do plano de fundo Name[pt_BR]=Contraste do plano de fundo
@ -15,6 +16,7 @@ Name[x-test]=xxBackground contrastxx
Icon=preferences-system-windows-effect-contrast Icon=preferences-system-windows-effect-contrast
Comment=Improve contrast and readability behind semi-transparent windows Comment=Improve contrast and readability behind semi-transparent windows
Comment[de]=Erhöht den Kontrast und verbessert die Lesbarkeit hinter halbtransparenten Fenster. Comment[de]=Erhöht den Kontrast und verbessert die Lesbarkeit hinter halbtransparenten Fenster.
Comment[hu]=Megnöveli a kontrasztot és az olvashatóságot a félig áttetsző ablakok mögött
Comment[nl]=Contrast en leesbaarheid verbeteren achter half-transparante vensters Comment[nl]=Contrast en leesbaarheid verbeteren achter half-transparante vensters
Comment[pt]=Melhorar o contraste e a legibilidade atrás das janelas semi-transparentes Comment[pt]=Melhorar o contraste e a legibilidade atrás das janelas semi-transparentes
Comment[pt_BR]=Melhora o contraste e legibilidade por trás das janelas semitransparentes Comment[pt_BR]=Melhora o contraste e legibilidade por trás das janelas semitransparentes