Move window_pix into Toplevel, allowing the backing pixmap to be kept even after a window is unmapped.

This is needed for effects to make use of unavailable windows, such as when closing a window.

svn path=/branches/work/kwin_composite/; revision=622777
This commit is contained in:
Philip Falkner 2007-01-12 23:21:36 +00:00
parent 33f8a0758c
commit e3cf0dd455
8 changed files with 132 additions and 175 deletions

View file

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ License. See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms.
#include "atoms.h"
#include "notifications.h"
#include "rules.h"
#include "scene.h"
#include <X11/extensions/shape.h>
#include <QX11Info>
@ -63,12 +64,10 @@ namespace KWinInternal
is done in manage().
Client::Client( Workspace *ws )
: QObject( NULL ),
: Toplevel( ws ),
client( None ),
wrapper( None ),
frame( None ),
decoration( NULL ),
wspace( ws ),
bridge( new Bridge( this )),
move_faked_activity( false ),
move_resize_grab_window( None ),
@ -82,7 +81,7 @@ Client::Client( Workspace *ws )
process_killer( NULL ),
user_time( CurrentTime ), // not known yet
allowed_actions( 0 ),
postpone_geometry_updates( 0 ),
block_geometry_updates( 0 ),
pending_geometry_update( false ),
shade_geometry_change( false ),
border_left( 0 ),
@ -111,7 +110,6 @@ Client::Client( Workspace *ws )
deleting = false;
keep_above = false;
keep_below = false;
is_shape = false;
motif_noborder = false;
motif_may_move = true;
motif_may_resize = true;
@ -124,6 +122,7 @@ Client::Client( Workspace *ws )
modal = false;
noborder = false;
user_noborder = false;
not_obscured = false;
urgency = false;
ignore_focus_stealing = false;
demands_attention = false;
@ -142,7 +141,7 @@ Client::Client( Workspace *ws )
cmap = None;
frame_geometry = QRect( 0, 0, 100, 100 ); // so that decorations don't start with size being (0,0)
geom = QRect( 0, 0, 100, 100 ); // so that decorations don't start with size being (0,0)
client_size = QSize( 100, 100 );
// SELI initialize xsizehints??
@ -155,9 +154,10 @@ Client::~Client()
assert( client == None );
assert( frame == None && wrapper == None );
assert( wrapper == None );
// assert( frameId() == None );
assert( decoration == NULL );
assert( postpone_geometry_updates == 0 );
assert( block_geometry_updates == 0 );
assert( !check_active_modal );
delete info;
delete bridge;
@ -176,15 +176,15 @@ void Client::releaseWindow( bool on_shutdown )
assert( !deleting );
deleting = true;
workspace()->discardUsedWindowRules( this, true ); // remove ForceTemporarily rules
StackingUpdatesBlocker blocker( workspace());
if (moveResizeMode)
// grab X during the release to make removing of properties, setting to withdrawn state
// and repareting to root an atomic operation (
if( isNormalState()) // is mapped?
workspace()->addDamage( geometry());
setMappingState( WithdrawnState );
setModal( false ); // otherwise its mainwindow wouldn't get focus
hidden = true; // so that it's not considered visible anymore (can't use hideClient(), it would set flags)
@ -222,12 +222,10 @@ void Client::releaseWindow( bool on_shutdown )
client = None;
XDestroyWindow( display(), wrapper );
wrapper = None;
XDestroyWindow( display(), frame );
frame = None;
--postpone_geometry_updates; // don't use GeometryUpdatesBlocker, it would now set the geometry
XDestroyWindow( display(), frameId());
// frame = None;
--block_geometry_updates; // don't use GeometryUpdatesBlocker, it would now set the geometry
deleteClient( this, Allowed );
// like releaseWindow(), but this one is called when the window has been already destroyed
@ -236,12 +234,15 @@ void Client::destroyClient()
assert( !deleting );
deleting = true;
workspace()->discardUsedWindowRules( this, true ); // remove ForceTemporarily rules
StackingUpdatesBlocker blocker( workspace());
if (moveResizeMode)
if( isNormalState()) // is mapped?
workspace()->addDamage( geometry());
setModal( false );
hidden = true; // so that it's not considered visible anymore
workspace()->clientHidden( this );
@ -251,10 +252,9 @@ void Client::destroyClient()
client = None; // invalidate
XDestroyWindow( display(), wrapper );
wrapper = None;
XDestroyWindow( display(), frame );
frame = None;
--postpone_geometry_updates; // don't use GeometryUpdatesBlocker, it would now set the geometry
XDestroyWindow( display(), frameId());
// frame = None;
--block_geometry_updates; // don't use GeometryUpdatesBlocker, it would now set the geometry
deleteClient( this, Allowed );
@ -264,12 +264,11 @@ void Client::updateDecoration( bool check_workspace_pos, bool force )
|| ( decoration != NULL && !noBorder())))
bool do_show = false;
postponeGeometryUpdates( true );
blockGeometryUpdates( true );
if( force )
if( !noBorder())
setMask( QRegion()); // reset shape mask
decoration = workspace()->createDecoration( bridge );
// TODO check decoration's minimum size?
@ -284,15 +283,20 @@ void Client::updateDecoration( bool check_workspace_pos, bool force )
workarea_diff_x = save_workarea_diff_x;
workarea_diff_y = save_workarea_diff_y;
do_show = true;
if( compositing() )
if( scene != NULL )
scene->windowGeometryShapeChanged( this );
if( check_workspace_pos )
postponeGeometryUpdates( false );
blockGeometryUpdates( false );
if( do_show )
void Client::destroyDecoration()
@ -310,6 +314,11 @@ void Client::destroyDecoration()
move( grav );
workarea_diff_x = save_workarea_diff_x;
workarea_diff_y = save_workarea_diff_y;
if( compositing() )
if( scene != NULL )
scene->windowGeometryShapeChanged( this );
@ -322,7 +331,7 @@ void Client::checkBorderSizes()
if( new_left == border_left && new_right == border_right
&& new_top == border_top && new_bottom == border_bottom )
GeometryUpdatesPostponer blocker( this );
GeometryUpdatesBlocker blocker( this );
move( calculateGravitation( true ));
border_left = new_left;
border_right = new_right;
@ -339,7 +348,7 @@ void Client::checkBorderSizes()
void Client::detectNoBorder()
if( Shape::hasShape( window()))
if( shape())
noborder = true;
@ -427,47 +436,24 @@ void Client::setUserNoBorder( bool set )
void Client::updateShape()
if ( shape() )
XShapeCombineShape(display(), frameId(), ShapeBounding,
clientPos().x(), clientPos().y(),
window(), ShapeBounding, ShapeSet);
XShapeCombineMask( display(), frameId(), ShapeBounding, 0, 0,
None, ShapeSet);
if( compositing() )
if( scene != NULL )
scene->windowGeometryShapeChanged( this );
// workaround for #19644 - shaped windows shouldn't have decoration
if( shape() && !noBorder())
noborder = true;
updateDecoration( true );
if( shape())
XShapeCombineShape(display(), frameId(), ShapeBounding,
clientPos().x(), clientPos().y(),
window(), ShapeBounding, ShapeSet);
// !shape() mask setting is done in setMask() when the decoration
// calls it or when the decoration is created/destroyed
if( Shape::version() >= 0x11 ) // 1.1, has input shape support
{ // There appears to be no way to find out if a window has input
// shape set or not, so always propagate the input shape
// (it's the same like the bounding shape by default).
// Also, build the shape using a helper window, not directly
// in the frame window, because the sequence set-shape-to-frame,
// remove-shape-of-client, add-input-shape-of-client has the problem
// that after the second step there's a hole in the input shape
// until the real shape of the client is added and that can make
// the window lose focus (which is a problem with mouse focus policies)
static Window helper_window = None;
if( helper_window == None )
helper_window = XCreateSimpleWindow( display(), rootWindow(),
0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 );
XResizeWindow( display(), helper_window, width(), height());
XShapeCombineShape( display(), helper_window, ShapeInput, 0, 0,
frameId(), ShapeBounding, ShapeSet );
XShapeCombineShape( display(), helper_window, ShapeInput,
clientPos().x(), clientPos().y(),
window(), ShapeBounding, ShapeSubtract );
XShapeCombineShape( display(), helper_window, ShapeInput,
clientPos().x(), clientPos().y(),
window(), ShapeInput, ShapeUnion );
XShapeCombineShape( display(), frameId(), ShapeInput, 0, 0,
helper_window, ShapeInput, ShapeSet );
void Client::setMask( const QRegion& reg, int mode )
@ -496,7 +482,11 @@ void Client::setMask( const QRegion& reg, int mode )
xrects, rects.count(), ShapeSet, mode );
delete[] xrects;
if( compositing() )
if( scene != NULL )
scene->windowGeometryShapeChanged( this );
QRegion Client::mask() const
@ -745,7 +735,7 @@ void Client::setShade( ShadeMode mode )
assert( decoration != NULL ); // noborder windows can't be shaded
GeometryUpdatesPostponer blocker( this );
GeometryUpdatesBlocker blocker( this );
// decorations may turn off some borders when shaded
decoration->borders( border_left, border_right, border_top, border_bottom );
@ -792,9 +782,13 @@ void Client::setShade( ShadeMode mode )
// tell xcompmgr shade's done
_shade = 2;
XChangeProperty(display(), frameId(), atoms->net_wm_window_shade, XA_CARDINAL, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *) &_shade, 1L);
if( isNormalState()) // is mapped?
workspace()->addDamage( geometry());
if( isNormalState()) // is mapped?
workspace()->addDamage( geometry());
int h = height();
shade_geometry_change = true;
QSize s( sizeForClientSize( clientSize()));
@ -929,8 +923,8 @@ void Client::setMappingState(int s)
XChangeProperty(display(), window(), atoms->wm_state, atoms->wm_state, 32,
PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)data, 2);
if( was_unmanaged ) // manage() did postpone_geometry_updates = 1, now it's ok to finally set the geometry
postponeGeometryUpdates( false );
if( was_unmanaged ) // manage() did block_geometry_updates = 1, now it's ok to finally set the geometry
blockGeometryUpdates( false );
@ -941,12 +935,17 @@ void Client::rawShow()
if( decoration != NULL )
decoration->widget()->show(); // not really necessary, but let it know the state
XMapWindow( display(), frame );
XMapWindow( display(), frameId());
if( !isShade())
XMapWindow( display(), wrapper );
XMapWindow( display(), client );
// XComposite invalidates backing pixmaps on unmap (minimize, different
// virtual desktop, etc.). We kept the last known good pixmap around
// for use in effects, but now we want to have access to the new pixmap
if( compositing() )
@ -956,6 +955,7 @@ void Client::rawShow()
void Client::rawHide()
workspace()->addDamage( geometry());
// Here it may look like a race condition, as some other client might try to unmap
// the window between these two XSelectInput() calls. However, they're supposed to
// use XWithdrawWindow(), which also sends a synthetic event to the root window,
@ -963,7 +963,7 @@ void Client::rawHide()
// will be missed is also very minimal, so I don't think it's needed to grab the server
// here.
XSelectInput( display(), wrapper, ClientWinMask ); // avoid getting UnmapNotify
XUnmapWindow( display(), frame );
XUnmapWindow( display(), frameId());
XUnmapWindow( display(), wrapper );
XUnmapWindow( display(), client );
XSelectInput( display(), wrapper, ClientWinMask | SubstructureNotifyMask );
@ -1308,7 +1308,7 @@ QString Client::readName() const
return KWin::readNameProperty( window(), XA_WM_NAME );
KWIN_COMPARE_PREDICATE( FetchNameInternalPredicate, const Client*, (!cl->isSpecialWindow() || cl->isToolbar()) && cl != value && cl->caption() == value->caption());
KWIN_COMPARE_PREDICATE( FetchNameInternalPredicate, Client, const Client*, (!cl->isSpecialWindow() || cl->isToolbar()) && cl != value && cl->caption() == value->caption());
void Client::setCaption( const QString& _s, bool force )
@ -1625,58 +1625,6 @@ bool Client::wantsInput() const
return rules()->checkAcceptFocus( input || Ptakefocus );
bool Client::isDesktop() const
return windowType() == NET::Desktop;
bool Client::isDock() const
return windowType() == NET::Dock;
bool Client::isTopMenu() const
return windowType() == NET::TopMenu;
bool Client::isMenu() const
return windowType() == NET::Menu && !isTopMenu(); // because of backwards comp.
bool Client::isToolbar() const
return windowType() == NET::Toolbar;
bool Client::isSplash() const
return windowType() == NET::Splash;
bool Client::isUtility() const
return windowType() == NET::Utility;
bool Client::isDialog() const
return windowType() == NET::Dialog;
bool Client::isNormalWindow() const
return windowType() == NET::Normal;
bool Client::isSpecialWindow() const
return isDesktop() || isDock() || isSplash() || isTopMenu()
|| isToolbar(); // TODO
NET::WindowType Client::windowType( bool direct, int supported_types ) const
NET::WindowType wt = info->windowType( supported_types );
@ -1708,6 +1656,12 @@ NET::WindowType Client::windowType( bool direct, int supported_types ) const
return wt;
bool Client::isSpecialWindow() const
return isDesktop() || isDock() || isSplash() || isTopMenu()
|| isToolbar(); // TODO
Sets an appropriate cursor shape for the logical mouse position \a m
@ -1804,46 +1758,24 @@ void Client::cancelAutoRaise()
autoRaiseTimer = 0;
#ifndef NDEBUG
kdbgstream& operator<<( kdbgstream& stream, const Client* cl )
double Client::opacity() const
if( cl == NULL )
return stream << "\'NULL_CLIENT\'";
return stream << "\'ID:" << cl->window() << ";WMCLASS:" << cl->resourceClass() << ":" << cl->resourceName() << ";Caption:" << cl->caption() << "\'";
if( info->opacity() == 0xffffffff )
return 1.0;
return info->opacity() * 1.0 / 0xffffffff;
kdbgstream& operator<<( kdbgstream& stream, const ClientList& list )
void Client::setOpacity( double opacity )
stream << "LIST:(";
bool first = true;
for( ClientList::ConstIterator it = list.begin();
it != list.end();
++it )
opacity = qBound( 0.0, opacity, 1.0 );
info->setOpacity( static_cast< unsigned long >( opacity * 0xffffffff ));
// we'll react on PropertyNotify
void Client::debug( kdbgstream& stream ) const
if( !first )
stream << ":";
first = false;
stream << *it;
stream << "\'ID:" << window() << ";WMCLASS:" << resourceClass() << ":" << resourceName() << ";Caption:" << caption() << "\'";
stream << ")";
return stream;
kdbgstream& operator<<( kdbgstream& stream, const ConstClientList& list )
stream << "LIST:(";
bool first = true;
for( ConstClientList::ConstIterator it = list.begin();
it != list.end();
++it )
if( !first )
stream << ":";
first = false;
stream << *it;
stream << ")";
return stream;
QPixmap * kwin_get_menu_pix_hack()

View file

@ -299,6 +299,14 @@ void Toplevel::finishCompositing()
damage_region = QRegion();
void Toplevel::discardWindowPixmap()
if( window_pix == None )
XFreePixmap( display(), window_pix );
window_pix = None;
Pixmap Toplevel::createWindowPixmap() const
assert( compositing());

View file

@ -1615,6 +1615,8 @@ bool Unmanaged::windowEvent( XEvent* e )
detectShape( handle());
if( compositing() )
if( scene != NULL )
scene->windowGeometryShapeChanged( this );

View file

@ -47,10 +47,9 @@ void SceneBasic::paint( QRegion, ToplevelList windows )
QRect r = (*it)->geometry().intersect( QRect( 0, 0, displayWidth(), displayHeight()));
if( !r.isEmpty())
Pixmap pix = (*it)->createWindowPixmap();
Pixmap pix = (*it)->windowPixmap();
XCopyArea( display(), pix, composite_pixmap, gc,
qMax( 0, -(*it)->x()), qMax( 0, -(*it)->y()), r.width(), r.height(), r.x(), r.y());
XFreePixmap( display(), pix );
XCopyArea( display(), composite_pixmap, rootWindow(), gc, 0, 0, displayWidth(), displayHeight(), 0, 0 );

View file

@ -622,8 +622,7 @@ void SceneOpenGL::Window::bindTexture()
// Get the pixmap with the window contents
Pixmap window_pix = toplevel->createWindowPixmap();
Pixmap pix = window_pix;
Pixmap pix = toplevel->windowPixmap();
// When a window uses ARGB visual and has a decoration, the decoration
// does use ARGB visual. When converting such window to a texture
@ -698,21 +697,24 @@ void SceneOpenGL::Window::bindTexture()
XFreeGC( display(), gc );
// the pixmap is no longer needed, the texture will be updated
// only when the window changes anyway, so no need to cache
// the pixmap
// if using copy_buffer, the pixmap is no longer needed, the
// texture will be updated only when the window changes anyway,
// so no need to cache the pixmap
if( copy_buffer )
XFreePixmap( display(), pix );
texture_y_inverted = true;
toplevel->resetDamage( toplevel->rect());
else if( tfp_mode )
{ // tfp mode, simply bind the pixmap to texture
// TODO what should the lifetime of bound_pixmap be?
if( texture == None )
glGenTextures( 1, &texture );
if( bound_pixmap != None && !strict_binding ) // release old if needed
glXReleaseTexImageEXT( display(), bound_glxpixmap, GLX_FRONT_LEFT_EXT );
glXDestroyGLXPixmap( display(), bound_glxpixmap );
// TODO bound_pixmap shouldn't always be freed
XFreePixmap( display(), bound_pixmap );
static const int attrs[] =
@ -765,9 +767,10 @@ void SceneOpenGL::Window::bindTexture()
// the pixmap is no longer needed, the texture will be updated
// only when the window changes anyway, so no need to cache
// the pixmap
// if using copy_buffer, the pixmap is no longer needed, the
// texture will be updated only when the window changes anyway,
// so no need to cache the pixmap
if( copy_buffer )
XFreePixmap( display(), pix );
if( db )
glDrawBuffer( GL_BACK );
@ -776,8 +779,6 @@ void SceneOpenGL::Window::bindTexture()
texture_y_inverted = false;
toplevel->resetDamage( toplevel->rect());
if( copy_buffer )
XFreePixmap( display(), window_pix );
@ -839,6 +840,11 @@ void SceneOpenGL::Window::discardTexture()
if( !strict_binding )
glXReleaseTexImageEXT( display(), bound_glxpixmap, GLX_FRONT_LEFT_EXT );
glXDestroyGLXPixmap( display(), bound_glxpixmap );
// TODO this is broken, and may need changing anyway depending on
// how tfp_mode deals with the new windowPixmap()
if( bound_pixmap != toplevel->windowPixmap( false ) )
// if using copy_buffer, bound_pixmap is independent of
// windowPixmap(), so free it now
XFreePixmap( display(), bound_pixmap );
bound_pixmap = None;
bound_glxpixmap = None;

View file

@ -305,8 +305,7 @@ Picture SceneXrender::Window::picture()
if( _picture == None && format != NULL )
// Get the pixmap with the window contents.
Pixmap window_pix = toplevel->createWindowPixmap();
Pixmap pix = window_pix;
Pixmap pix = toplevel->windowPixmap();
// HACK the same alpha clear hack like with opengl, see there
Client* c = dynamic_cast< Client* >( toplevel );
bool alpha_clear = c != NULL && c->hasAlpha() && !c->noBorder();
@ -336,10 +335,9 @@ Picture SceneXrender::Window::picture()
XFreeGC( display(), gc );
_picture = XRenderCreatePicture( display(), pix, format, 0, 0 );
XFreePixmap( display(), pix ); // the picture owns the pixmap
if( alpha_clear )
XFreePixmap( display(), window_pix );
XFreePixmap( display(), pix );
toplevel->resetDamage( toplevel->rect());

View file

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ Toplevel::Toplevel( Workspace* ws )
: vis( None )
, id( None )
, wspace( ws )
, window_pix( None )
, damage_handle( None )
, is_shape( false )
@ -25,6 +26,7 @@ Toplevel::Toplevel( Workspace* ws )
assert( damage_handle == None );
#ifndef NDEBUG

View file

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ class Toplevel
bool isSplash() const;
bool isUtility() const;
Pixmap createWindowPixmap() const;
Pixmap windowPixmap( bool allow_create = true ); // for use with compositing
Visual* visual() const;
bool shape() const;
virtual double opacity() const = 0;
@ -70,6 +70,8 @@ class Toplevel
void setHandle( Window id );
void detectShape( Window id );
void damageNotifyEvent( XDamageNotifyEvent* e );
Pixmap createWindowPixmap() const;
void discardWindowPixmap();
QRect geom;
Visual* vis;
int bit_depth;
@ -78,6 +80,7 @@ class Toplevel
Window id;
Workspace* wspace;
Pixmap window_pix;
Damage damage_handle;
QRegion damage_region;
bool is_shape;
@ -189,6 +192,13 @@ inline bool Toplevel::isNormalWindow() const
return windowType() == NET::Normal;
inline Pixmap Toplevel::windowPixmap( bool allow_create )
if( window_pix == None && allow_create )
window_pix = createWindowPixmap();
return window_pix;
inline QRegion Toplevel::damage() const
return damage_region;