Improve layout of Effect View
* use frame in the scroll area * remove needless anchoring for an Effect * use one RowLayout for one Effect row * add a left and right padding using the normal spacing * Use a ColumnLayout for the center element consisting of ** name ** description ** (info) ** (video) * Video moved into an own component * Animations removed REVIEW: 116693
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 165 additions and 181 deletions
@ -23,195 +23,113 @@ import QtQuick 2.1
import QtQuick.Controls 1.1
import QtQuick.Controls 1.1
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0
import org.kde.kwin.kwincompositing 1.0
import org.kde.kwin.kwincompositing 1.0
import QtMultimedia 5.0 as Multimedia
import org.kde.qtextracomponents 2.0 as QtExtra
Item {
Rectangle {
id: item
id: item
width: parent.width
width: parent.width
height: 40
height: childrenRect.height
color: item.ListView.isCurrentItem ? effectView.backgroundActiveColor : index % 2 ? effectView.backgroundNormalColor : effectView.backgroundAlternateColor
signal changed()
signal changed()
property alias checked: effectStatusCheckBox.checked
property alias checked: effectStatusCheckBox.checked
Rectangle {
MouseArea {
id: background
anchors.fill: parent
color: item.ListView.isCurrentItem ? effectView.backgroundActiveColor : index % 2 ? effectView.backgroundNormalColor : effectView.backgroundAlternateColor
onClicked: {
anchors.fill : parent
effectView.currentIndex = index;
RowLayout {
RowLayout {
id: rowEffect
id: rowEffect
anchors.fill: parent
width: parent.width - 2 * spacing
CheckBox {
x: spacing
function isDesktopSwitching() {
CheckBox {
if (model.ServiceNameRole == "kwin4_effect_slide") {
function isDesktopSwitching() {
return true;
if (model.ServiceNameRole == "kwin4_effect_slide") {
} else if (model.ServiceNameRole == "kwin4_effect_fadedesktop") {
return true;
return true;
} else if (model.ServiceNameRole == "kwin4_effect_fadedesktop") {
} else if (model.ServiceNameRole == "kwin4_effect_cubeslide") {
return true;
return true;
} else if (model.ServiceNameRole == "kwin4_effect_cubeslide") {
} else {
return true;
return false;
} else {
return false;
function isWindowManagementEnabled() {
if (model.ServiceNameRole == "kwin4_effect_dialogparent") {
windowManagementEnabled = effectStatusCheckBox.checked;
return windowManagementEnabled = effectStatusCheckBox.checked && windowManagementEnabled;
} else if (model.ServiceNameRole == "kwin4_effect_desktopgrid") {
windowManagementEnabled = effectStatusCheckBox.checked;
return windowManagementEnabled = effectStatusCheckBox.checked && windowManagementEnabled;
} else if (model.ServiceNameRole == "kwin4_effect_presentwindows") {
windowManagementEnabled = effectStatusCheckBox.checked;
return windowManagementEnabled = effectStatusCheckBox.checked && windowManagementEnabled;
return windowManagementEnabled;
id: effectStatusCheckBox
property bool windowManagementEnabled;
checked: model.EffectStatusRole
exclusiveGroup: isDesktopSwitching() ? desktopSwitching : null
onCheckedChanged: item.changed()
Connections {
target: searchModel
onDataChanged: {
effectStatusCheckBox.checked = model.EffectStatusRole;
function isWindowManagementEnabled() {
Item {
if (model.ServiceNameRole == "kwin4_effect_dialogparent") {
id: effectItem
windowManagementEnabled = effectStatusCheckBox.checked;
width: effectView.width - effectStatusCheckBox.width - aboutButton.width - configureButton.width
return windowManagementEnabled = effectStatusCheckBox.checked && windowManagementEnabled;
height: item.height
} else if (model.ServiceNameRole == "kwin4_effect_desktopgrid") {
windowManagementEnabled = effectStatusCheckBox.checked;
anchors.left: effectStatusCheckBox.right
return windowManagementEnabled = effectStatusCheckBox.checked && windowManagementEnabled;
MouseArea {
} else if (model.ServiceNameRole == "kwin4_effect_presentwindows") {
id: area
windowManagementEnabled = effectStatusCheckBox.checked;
width: effectView.width - effectStatusCheckBox.width
return windowManagementEnabled = effectStatusCheckBox.checked && windowManagementEnabled;
height: effectView.height
onClicked: {
effectView.currentIndex = index;
Column {
id: col
height: parent.height
Text {
text: model.NameRole
Text {
id: desc
function wrapDescription() {
if (wrapMode == Text.NoWrap) {
wrapMode = Text.WordWrap;
elide = Text.ElideNone;
} else {
wrapMode = Text.NoWrap;
elide = Text.ElideRight;
text: model.DescriptionRole
width: effectView.width - 100
elide: Text.ElideRight
Item {
|||||| desc.bottom
anchors.topMargin: 20
visible: false
Text {
text: "Author: " + model.AuthorNameRole + "\n" + "License: " + model.LicenseRole
font.bold: true
PropertyAnimation {id: animationAbout; target: aboutItem; property: "visible"; to: !aboutItem.visible}
PropertyAnimation {id: animationAboutSpacing; target: item; property: "height"; to: item.height == 40 ? item.height + 100 : 40}
Multimedia.Video {
id: videoItem
function showHide() {
replayButton.visible = false;
if (videoItem.visible === true) {
videoItem.visible = false;
// TODO: this should be done in a better way
item.height = item.height - 400;
} else {
videoItem.visible = true;
item.height = item.height + 400;
autoLoad: false
source: model.VideoRole
visible: false
width: 400
height: 400
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
BusyIndicator {
anchors.centerIn: parent
visible: videoItem.status == Multimedia.MediaPlayer.Loading
running: true
MouseArea {
// it's a mouse area with icon inside to not have an ugly button background
id: replayButton
visible: false
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
replayButton.visible = false;
QtExtra.QIconItem {
id: replayIcon
anchors.centerIn: parent
width: 16
height: 16
icon: "media-playback-start"
Connections {
target: videoItem
onStopped: {
replayButton.visible = true
return windowManagementEnabled;
RowLayout {
id: effectStatusCheckBox
anchors.right: parent.right
property bool windowManagementEnabled;
Button {
checked: model.EffectStatusRole
id: videoButton
exclusiveGroup: isDesktopSwitching() ? desktopSwitching : null
visible: model.VideoRole.toString() !== ""
iconName: "video"
onClicked: videoItem.showHide()
Button {
id: configureButton
visible: effectConfig.effectUiConfigExists(model.ServiceNameRole)
enabled: effectStatusCheckBox.checked
iconName: "configure"
onClicked: {
Button {
onCheckedChanged: item.changed()
id: aboutButton
Connections {
iconName: "dialog-information"
target: searchModel
onClicked: {
onDataChanged: {
animationAbout.running = true;
effectStatusCheckBox.checked = model.EffectStatusRole;
animationAboutSpacing.running = true;
} //end Row
ColumnLayout {
} //end Rectangle
id: effectItem
} //end item
Text {
text: model.NameRole
Text {
id: desc
text: model.DescriptionRole
Text {
text: "Author: " + model.AuthorNameRole + "\n" + "License: " + model.LicenseRole
font.bold: true
visible: false
Video {
id: videoItem
visible: false
Item {
// spacer
Layout.fillWidth: true
Button {
id: videoButton
visible: model.VideoRole.toString() !== ""
iconName: "video"
onClicked: videoItem.showHide()
Button {
id: configureButton
visible: effectConfig.effectUiConfigExists(model.ServiceNameRole)
enabled: effectStatusCheckBox.checked
iconName: "configure"
onClicked: {
Button {
id: aboutButton
iconName: "dialog-information"
onClicked: {
aboutItem.visible = !aboutItem.visible;
} //end Row
} //end Rectangle
@ -93,20 +93,15 @@ Item {
ScrollView {
ScrollView {
id: scroll
id: scroll
frameVisible: true
highlightOnFocus: true
highlightOnFocus: true
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
anchors {
top: searchField.bottom
left: parent.left
bottom: parent.bottom
ListView {
ListView {
id: effectView
id: effectView
property color backgroundActiveColor: searchModel.backgroundActiveColor
property color backgroundActiveColor: searchModel.backgroundActiveColor
property color backgroundNormalColor: searchModel.backgroundNormalColor
property color backgroundNormalColor: searchModel.backgroundNormalColor
property color backgroundAlternateColor: searchModel.backgroundAlternateColor
property color backgroundAlternateColor: searchModel.backgroundAlternateColor
Layout.fillWidth: true
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.fill: parent
model: searchModel
model: searchModel
delegate: Effect{
delegate: Effect{
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
* KWin - the KDE window manager *
* This file is part of the KDE project. *
* *
* Copyright (C) 2013 Antonis Tsiapaliokas <> *
* Copyright (C) 2014 Martin Gräßlin <> *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program. If not, see <>. *
import QtQuick 2.1
import QtQuick.Controls 1.1
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0
import QtMultimedia 5.0 as Multimedia
import org.kde.qtextracomponents 2.0 as QtExtra
Multimedia.Video {
id: videoItem
function showHide() {
replayButton.visible = false;
if (videoItem.visible === true) {
videoItem.visible = false;
} else {
videoItem.visible = true;
autoLoad: false
source: model.VideoRole
width: 400
height: 400
BusyIndicator {
anchors.centerIn: parent
visible: videoItem.status == Multimedia.MediaPlayer.Loading
running: true
MouseArea {
// it's a mouse area with icon inside to not have an ugly button background
id: replayButton
visible: false
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
replayButton.visible = false;
QtExtra.QIconItem {
id: replayIcon
anchors.centerIn: parent
width: 16
height: 16
icon: "media-playback-start"
Connections {
target: videoItem
onStopped: {
replayButton.visible = true
Reference in a new issue