It's basically a run of the script in here, mostly the changes
are the following:
- Using KF5::* targets
- Using the proper macros, following recent developments in frameworks
The xcb sync protocol is incorrectly defined (see [1]) which results in
xcb_sync_create_alarm not creating a valid alarm. To work around this
issue we only create the alarm without setting the int64 values. For
those we use the XLib XSyncChangeAlarm call after we verified that the
alarm got created. This unfortunately reintroduces linking against
libxext. But at least resizing works again.
The main purpose of the opengl testapp was to set the environment
variable LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT if direct rendering is not supported
before glx gets initialized.
With Qt5 we may no longer set this environment variable. QtQuick
requires direct rendering. On IvyBridge QtQuick is crashing if the
variable is set. Thus we are no longer allowed to set it and thus the
complete test becomes pointless.
The test app basically whitelisted most drivers anyway, the only
drivers which were problematic are the proprietary Catalyst drivers.
It that's still a problem we can also disable OpenGL compositing on
those drivers through the recommendation in the GLPlatform.
This also means that the KWIN_DIRECT_GL variable is no longer useful.
As KWin indirectly uses Qt's OpenGL through QtQuick we need to ensure
to not mix OpenGL and OpenGLES. So we have to built KWin only against
OpenGL if Qt is built against OpenGL and we have to built KWin only
against GLESv2 if Qt is built against GLESv2.
This means the kwin_gles binary is no more. There is only kwin which
either links GL or GLESv2.
Note to people compiling from source: it's only the default of the
cmake variable which got changed. You have to delete the variable
from the cache to get this change.
The DBusCall is exported as a QObject to the QML environment. It is
intended as a declarative replacement for the callDBus method which used
to be exported on global scope in the QtQuick 1 world.
Example usage:
DBusCall {
id: dbus
service: "org.kde.KWin"
path: "/KWin"
method: "setCurrentDesktop"
arguments: [1]
Getting all functionality from old solution into new one is not really
possible. Main problems are that QtScript provided more functionality
than the QJSEngine. For example it's no longer possible to just export
functions to the engine. We need to have a Qt wrapper object. At the
moment this wrapper object doesn't export all functions as the callbacks
are tricky. A solution might be to create specific QML types
encapsulating functionality which used to be exported on the functions.
Nevertheless a basic QML script loads and works and the ported readConfig
function works, too.
AbstractThumbnailItem inherits from QQuickPaintedItem using QPainter to
do the fallback painting of icons.
The scene is adjusted to get the information from QQuickItem instead of
QDeclarativeItem. Clipping got a little bit more complex as the clip
path does not exist any more. To get it right the ThumbnailItem needs to
specify the parent it wants to be clipped to with the clipTo property.
clipTo: listView
The scene uses this clipTo parent item to correctly calculate the clip
region. Also the ThumbnailItem needs to have clipping enabled.
Note: this commit currently breaks TabBox as the qml and view are not
yet adjusted. In scripting the export of the item is disabled, but any
qml script using a ThumbnailItem would obviously also fail.
1. it apparently is ineffective
2. if it was effective, it's current behavior would be not exactly helpful
(sets __GL_YIELD to NOTHING, causing busy waits on doublebuffer swapping)
3. it does for sure pollute the doublebuffer/usleep detection (setenv is set to override),
ie. the overehad detection code gets a different opinion on __GL_YIELD than libGL
REVIEW: 111858
CCBUG: 322060
To ease porting a few features are disabled, this includes:
* kcms
* decorations
* activities
Note: KWin doesn't work yet, the event filter is not yet ported!
This dependency is causing build problems on a number of systems,
and it doesn't make much sense to bring in a whole library for three
one-line convenience functions.
Rudimentary support for input events. Events from Wayland are forwarded
to X's root window using the XTest extension.
Currently supported:
* left/middle/right mouse button
* keyboard events
Not supported:
* additional mouse buttons
* mouse wheel
* touch events
Obviously this is a rather huge hack and is only intended till we have
XWayland support and proper input redirection inside KWin.
This backend is able to composite on a Wayland surface instead of an X11
overlay window. It can be considered as a prototype for a Wayland session
For texture from X11 pixmap the backend uses XShm. This is far from
optimal, but the KHR_image_pixmap extension is not available in Mesa's
Wayland backend. It's a temporary solution till we have XWayland and
texture from Wayland buffer.
To use this backend one needs to specify the environment variable
KWIN_OPENGL_INTERFACE with "egl_wayland". In future KWin should probably
use this backend if the Wayland display env variable is defined.
To use this setup:
1. Have a normal X-Server running on e.g. VT7
2. Start Weston on VT1
3. Start a terminal on Weston
4. start KWin with:
DISPLAY=:0 KWIN_OPENGL_INTERFACE=egl_wayland kwin --replace &
This should map a Wayland surface to Weston showing the content of the X
setup. At the moment it's not yet possible to interact with the surface
as input events are not yet recieved in the backend.
There are still a lot of limitations as documented in the code.
Main motivation for this change is that it's unhandy to have the class
definition in workspace.h and client.h while the implementation is in
events.cpp although nothing in events.cpp uses it directly.
By getting it out of workspace.h we get the header a little bit smaller
which should improve compile time given that it's included almost
In events.cpp the enum usage is changed to NETWinInfo as that's the class
where they are defined.
RootInfo does no longer hold a workspace pointer. Where it's needed it
uses the singleton accessor of Workspace.
REVIEW: 110199
Overall all notifications except compositing suspended by DBus were
configured by default to not have any action. This means all the time we
emit a notification we keep DBus and KDED busy for nothing.
All the cases when a notification is triggered ire also exported to
KWin scripting, so if one really needs to handle something in case a
window is moved, it could be done through a KWin script with much more
context about the event.
REVIEW: 110113
BUG: 258097
FIXED-IN: 4.11
Following the approaches of other split out functionality Screens is a
singleton class created by Workspace.
The class takes over the responsibility for:
* screenChanged signal delayed by timer
* number of screens
* geometry of given screen
* active screen
* config option for active screen follows mouse
The class contains a small abstraction layer and has a concrete subclass
wrapping around QDesktopWidget, but the idea is to go more low level and
interact with XRandR directly to get more detailed information.
All over KWin the usage from QDesktopWidget is ported over to the new
Screens class.
REVIEW: 109839
All activities related code moves into new singleton class Activities.
This class gets only included into the build if the build option is
enabled which means there are less ifdefs all over the code and it also
handles better the moc doesn't like ifdef case.
The class holds the list of open and all activites, the current and the
previous activity and the KActivities::Controller. It also emits the
signals for any activities related changes.
Workspace still contains some activities related code. That is the
adjustment on change of current activity. Nevertheless the code looks
much cleaner now and does not contain the confusing naming conflict with
takeActivity() which existed before.
In all the places where Activities got used the code got adjusted and
quite often the ifdef got added with a fallback for the disabled case.
A new ClientModel is added which provides multiple different views on
KWin's Clients. The model is organized as a tree model supporting the
following levels:
* activities
* virtual desktops
* screens
* none
The levels can be ordered in whatever way one wants. That is the tree
structure can have an ordering of activities then virtual desktops or
the other way around.
In addition the model provides Exclusion flags to exclude clients of
certain types. E.g. it's possible to exclude all windows which are not on
the current desktop or all windows which are of type dock.
The model gets automatically updated whenever a Client is added/removed
or changes a state in a way that it should be excluded/included.
The ClientModel is not directly exported to QML. Instead there are
specific sub classes for certain common orderings. This solutions is
chosen to workaround some limitations of QML. The initial idea was to
use a property taking a list of the levels, but this doesn't work because
we are not notified when the QDeclarativeListProperty changes.
Currently the following models are provided to QML:
* ClientModel -> no restrictions
* ClientModelByScreen -> ordering by screen
* ClientModelByScreenAndDesktop -> screen, then desktop
These can be used to get all Clients:
ClientModel {
Or to get the classic Present Windows on current desktop:
ClientModelByScreen {
exclusions: ClientModel.OtherDesktopsExclusion | ClientModel.NotAcceptingFocusExclusion | ...
Or to get the classic Present Windows on all desktops:
ClientModelByScreen {
exclusions: ClientModel.NotAcceptingFocusExclusion | ...
Or our well known desktop grid:
ClientModelByScreenAndDesktop {
id: desktopGrid
exclusions: ClientModel.NotAcceptingFocusExclusion | ...
To support filtering as known by the Present Windows effect one can use
a ClientFilterModel, which is a QSortFilterProxyModel filtering on
window caption, role and class:
ClientFilterModel {
id: filterModel
clientModel: desktopGrid
filter: filterItem.text
In case it's a tree level obviously QML does not support this correctly.
So we need to use a VisualDataModel:
VisualDataModel {
id: clientModel
model: filterModel
Component.onCompleted: {
clientModel.rootIndex = modelIndex(0);
clientModel.rootIndex = modelIndex(0);
clientModel.delegate = thumbnailDelegate;
As we can see, the rootIndex has to be set to the level which contains
the Clients. Also it seems to be important to create the delegate after
the model index has been set. The idea is to have only one ClientModel
and multiple VisualDataModels if multiple views on the data is needed.
The model has been tested with a painful modeltest session. It looks good
so far modulo the listed limitations and that modeltest is not liking
closing Yakuake in the ClientModelByScreenAndDesktop setup, though it
works fine in real world testing.
REVIEW: 109604
Following the approach to move out of Workspace what doesn't belong into
Workspace Appmenu support goes into an own class.
This also has the advantage of better compilation with Qt 5 as moc seems
to dislike ifdefs in the slot definitions.
REVIEW: 109497
Using a lib variable for:
* own libs
* qt libs
* kde libs
* xlib libs
* xcb libs
and link those groups together in target_link_libraries. This should
make the code easier to read and easier to support in future for some
time both Qt4 and Qt5.