BUG: 262543
pint desktop as background when including desktop in switcher
BUG: 262137
zoom windows as hover/selection indicaton (1/8 of the screen or 105%)
BUG: 215348
CCBUG: 175521
no closer on "show desktop" desktop
show closer immediately but have it disabled for a short time to allow the user realize it
REVIEW: 101318
Drawbound was nowadays only used when compositing is disabled.
For the composited case, the drawbound was replaced by the resize
effect and in fact we should always just use the resize effect.
REVIEW: 101411
With config option "NoPlugin" in group "Style" it is possible to
no request that KWin should be run without a decoration plugin.
This is a change for Plasma Active to properly support no decorations.
As well if a decoration plugin cannot be loaded, KWin will no longer
exit, but continue to run just without a decoration. As a nice
side-effect changes in Oxygen no longer destroy my kwin build ;-)
BUG: 224440
FIXED-IN: 4.7.0
CCMAIL: sebas@kde.org
Messages from kdecorations library are extracted to libkdecorations.pot.
Messages from kwineffects library are extracted to libkwineffects.pot.
Currently there are no messages yet in kwineffects, so it's for future use.
The KDecoration library lives in libkdecorations/ now.
Installation pathes are unchanged, so this does not influence 3rd party
The changes in the KWin main directory are required due to incorrect
CCMAIL: kwin@kde.org