We released three versions with it being disabled and it doesn't look
like it will come back any time soon. Also the build was broken at least
since the repo splitting due to incorrect path to dbus xml.
In addition the connection to decorations got dropped already with the
change to kdecoration2. Which means it anyway needs large adjustements
to get the code working again.
Overall it doesn't look like it makes lots of sense to keep the code
around for someone working on it in future. If that happens this change
can be reverted.
On Wayland we get the damage from the SurfaceInterface instead of
using a damage handle. This change ensures that the damage handle
interaction is only used on platform X11, while on Wayland we get
the damage from the SurfaceInterface directly.
point of the calculation is to know how much
the window must be moved to de-compensate for
the deco but calculateGravitation() w/o a
deco (thus now w/o borderTop() etc.) is NOOP.
BUG: 344234
FIXED-IN: 5.2.2
The issue is essentially this - KActivities are now an asynchonous
library, while KWin tries to use them in the old manner.
When kwin restarts, it tries to validate the activity list of a window
against an invalid list of activities it thinks it gets from KAMD
because it does not check for the service status.
This patch disables the validation in the case of kwin restart/crash.
When starting kwin will see KActivities::Consumer::serviceStatus return
Unknown (before the class actually receives a response from the service
and starts syncing the data).
After kwin has started, the response will arrive and the service status
will change either to Running or NotRunning. The patch changes nothing
for this case.
BUG: 335967
REVIEW: 122577
... not dominance - if checking all supported types
eg. a dialog would trump NET::Override as type, thus
get a border despite NET::Override (which Qt would set
for Qt::FramelessWindowHint, alongside the MWM hints)
REVIEW: 122465
when restacking for shaded windows and uncomposited tabboxes
the group check should not be applied since we know better
eg. to restore a former order
CCBUG: 186206
REVIEW: 122469
A wrapper class for MotifHints is added to xcbutils. This class manages
the information about the read Motif hints, so that Client doesn't need
to have a copy of the read states.
The class is designed in a way that during Client::manage we get rid of
another roundtrip.
REVIEW: 122378
Since XCB 1.10 the sync extension is working properly. At the time of
the 5.3 release 1.10 will have been out for ~15 months, enough time
for distros to catch up and should allow us to use it.
As our CI system only supports 1.9 at the moment we cannot hard depend
on the version, instead we use feature info. As soon as our CI system
supports it, we should update the required min version and kick out the
REVIEW: 122377
Only emit paletteChanged signal and repaint decoration if the palette
actually changed. Even more important: check for path.isEmpty() instead
of path.isNull(). ::isNull() returns false for "" causing a costly
creation for default color scheme.
REVIEW: 122083
When map is called we need to repaint the complete area including
decoration shadows (e.g. might be called after unminimize). Therefore
we use a layer repaint with the visibleRect.
BUG: 342085
REVIEW: 121891
When a Client gets created the ::createDecoration method is invoked
from ::manage which is called before the Client is added to the
ClientList in Workspace. Thus processing the update fails in the
DecorationBridge as it cannot find the Client.
By delaying to the end of the event cycle we can be sure that the
Client is completely managed and that the scheduled repaint doesn't
This fixes the missing repaint when a Client starts as inactive.
We are only using the UrgencyHint, InputHint and GroupLeader from
WMHints. Those are provided by NETWinInfo, so we can use the
functionality provided by NETWinInfo instead of calling XGetWMHints.
REVIEW: 120162
Surprisingly the DecorationShadow is modelled after the Shadow in KWin.
It provides the same offsets and a QImage exactly like the OpenGL
implementation needs it. This makes it easy to hook it into our existing
Shadow implementation with only a few changes.
Shadow now first tries to create a Shadow from the Decoration and only
if that fails it tries the X11 property. The pixmaps are not initialized
for the DecorationShadow and because of that currently only the OpenGL
backend gets initialized for DecorationShadows. The other backends might
need adjustments and also a transition to just using one image.
NOTE: this is not working completely yet, lots of code is still ifdefed
other parts are still broken.
The main difference for the new decoration API is that it is neither
QWidget nor QWindow based. It's just a QObject which processes input
events and has a paint method to render the decoration. This means all
the workarounds for the QWidget interception are removed. Also the paint
redirector is removed. Instead each compositor has now its own renderer
which can be optimized for the specific case. E.g. the OpenGL compositor
renders to a scratch image which gets copied into the combined texture,
the XRender compositor copies into the XPixmaps.
Input events are also changed. The events are composed into QMouseEvents
and passed through the decoration, which might accept them. If they are
not accpted we assume that it's a press on the decoration area allowing
us to resize/move the window. Input events are not completely working
yet, e.g. wheel events are not yet processed and double click on deco
is not yet working.
Overall KDecoration2 is way more stateful and KWin core needs more
adjustments for it. E.g. borders are allowed to be disabled at any time.