Commit graph

15156 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Martin Gräßlin
2c3bbb9783 [autotests] Disable QtQuick in OnScreenNotificationTest
Unfortunately Qt triggers an ASAN error in it's opengl implementation.
As we don't really need the visible output in the test, disable QML.
While this is unfortunate, it's better than a false-positive failing

Output from
18:15:51 =================================================================
18:15:51 ==13802==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: new-delete-type-mismatch on 0x614000027640 in thread T0:
18:15:51   object passed to delete has wrong type:
18:15:51   size of the allocated type:   400 bytes;
18:15:51   size of the deallocated type: 16 bytes.
18:15:51     #0 0x7fc1632614b2 in operator delete(void*, unsigned long) (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
18:15:51     #1 0x7fc1624f947d in QOpenGLVersionFunctionsStorage::~QOpenGLVersionFunctionsStorage() opengl/qopenglversionfunctions.cpp:81
18:15:51     #2 0x7fc1621c1315 in QOpenGLContextPrivate::~QOpenGLContextPrivate() (/srv/jenkins/install/ubuntu/x86_64/g++/kf5-qt5/qt5/inst/usr/lib/
18:15:51     #3 0x7fc1621c1365 in QOpenGLContextPrivate::~QOpenGLContextPrivate() (/srv/jenkins/install/ubuntu/x86_64/g++/kf5-qt5/qt5/inst/usr/lib/
18:15:51     #4 0x7fc161701e93 in QScopedPointerDeleter<QObjectData>::cleanup(QObjectData*) (/srv/jenkins/install/ubuntu/x86_64/g++/kf5-qt5/qt5/inst/usr/lib/
18:15:51     #5 0x7fc1617002c0 in QScopedPointer<QObjectData, QScopedPointerDeleter<QObjectData> >::~QScopedPointer() ../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qscopedpointer.h:107
18:15:51     #6 0x7fc1616f4d20 in QObject::~QObject() kernel/qobject.cpp:900
18:15:51     #7 0x7fc1621beabf in QOpenGLContext::~QOpenGLContext() kernel/qopenglcontext.cpp:689
18:15:51     #8 0x7fc1621beaf3 in QOpenGLContext::~QOpenGLContext() kernel/qopenglcontext.cpp:696
18:15:51     #9 0x7fc162df817d in QSGGuiThreadRenderLoop::windowDestroyed(QQuickWindow*) scenegraph/qsgrenderloop.cpp:323
18:15:51     #10 0x7fc162e3ed8f in QQuickWindow::~QQuickWindow() items/qquickwindow.cpp:1237
18:15:51     #11 0x7fc151a105c1 in PlasmaQuick::Dialog::~Dialog() (/srv/jenkins/install/ubuntu/x86_64/g++/kf5-qt5/frameworks/plasma-framework/inst/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
18:15:51     #12 0x7fc151f4bce4 in QQmlPrivate::QQmlElement<PlasmaQuick::Dialog>::~QQmlElement() (/srv/jenkins/install/ubuntu/x86_64/g++/kf5-qt5/frameworks/plasma-framework/inst/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qml/org/kde/plasma/core/
18:15:51     #13 0x7fc151f4bd6d in QQmlPrivate::QQmlElement<PlasmaQuick::Dialog>::~QQmlElement() (/srv/jenkins/install/ubuntu/x86_64/g++/kf5-qt5/frameworks/plasma-framework/inst/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qml/org/kde/plasma/core/
18:15:51     #14 0x41f82f in QScopedPointerDeleter<QObject>::cleanup(QObject*) /srv/jenkins/install/ubuntu/x86_64/g++/kf5-qt5/qt5/inst/usr/include/QtCore/qscopedpointer.h:60
18:15:51     #15 0x41e7a1 in QScopedPointer<QObject, QScopedPointerDeleter<QObject> >::~QScopedPointer() /srv/jenkins/install/ubuntu/x86_64/g++/kf5-qt5/qt5/inst/usr/include/QtCore/qscopedpointer.h:107
18:15:51     #16 0x41c6b0 in KWin::OnScreenNotification::~OnScreenNotification() /home/jenkins/sources/kwin/kf5-qt5/onscreennotification.cpp:55
18:15:51     #17 0x410349 in OnScreenNotificationTest::show() /home/jenkins/sources/kwin/kf5-qt5/autotests/onscreennotificationtest.cpp:42
18:15:51     #18 0x42095f in OnScreenNotificationTest::qt_static_metacall(QObject*, QMetaObject::Call, int, void**) /home/jenkins/sources/kwin/kf5-qt5/build/autotests/moc_onscreennotificationtest.cpp:80
18:15:51     #19 0x7fc1616c3bda in QMetaMethod::invoke(QObject*, Qt::ConnectionType, QGenericReturnArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument) const kernel/qmetaobject.cpp:2222
18:15:51     #20 0x7fc1642f776c in QMetaMethod::invoke(QObject*, Qt::ConnectionType, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument) const (/srv/jenkins/install/ubuntu/x86_64/g++/kf5-qt5/qt5/inst/usr/lib/
18:15:51     #21 0x7fc1642f0820 in QTest::TestMethods::invokeTestOnData(int) const /home/jenkins/sources/qt5/kf5-qt5/qtbase/src/testlib/qtestcase.cpp:800
18:15:51     #22 0x7fc1642f1353 in QTest::TestMethods::invokeTest(int, char const*, QTest::WatchDog*) const /home/jenkins/sources/qt5/kf5-qt5/qtbase/src/testlib/qtestcase.cpp:981
18:15:51     #23 0x7fc1642f25d6 in QTest::TestMethods::invokeTests(QObject*) const /home/jenkins/sources/qt5/kf5-qt5/qtbase/src/testlib/qtestcase.cpp:1314
18:15:51     #24 0x7fc1642f31f7 in QTest::qExec(QObject*, int, char**) /home/jenkins/sources/qt5/kf5-qt5/qtbase/src/testlib/qtestcase.cpp:1724
18:15:51     #25 0x40f5e4 in main /home/jenkins/sources/kwin/kf5-qt5/autotests/onscreennotificationtest.cpp:31
18:15:51     #26 0x7fc160a5babf in __libc_start_main (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
18:15:51     #27 0x40d118 in _start (/home/jenkins/sources/kwin/kf5-qt5/build/autotests/testOnScreenNotification+0x40d118)
18:15:51 0x614000027640 is located 0 bytes inside of 400-byte region [0x614000027640,0x6140000277d0)
18:15:51 allocated by thread T0 here:
18:15:51     #0 0x7fc1632608b2 in operator new(unsigned long) (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
18:15:51     #1 0x7fc1624f9563 in QOpenGLVersionFunctionsStorage::backend(QOpenGLContext*, QOpenGLVersionFunctionsBackend::Version) opengl/qopenglversionfunctions.cpp:108
18:15:51     #2 0x7fc1624f9b10 in QAbstractOpenGLFunctionsPrivate::functionsBackend(QOpenGLContext*, QOpenGLVersionFunctionsBackend::Version) opengl/qopenglversionfunctions.cpp:122
18:15:51     #3 0x7fc16251475d in QOpenGLFunctions_1_0::initializeOpenGLFunctions() opengl/qopenglfunctions_1_0.cpp:100
18:15:51     #4 0x7fc1621bee83 in QOpenGLContext::versionFunctions(QOpenGLVersionProfile const&) const kernel/qopenglcontext.cpp:862
18:15:51     #5 0x7fc1621c1dbe in QOpenGLFunctions_1_0* QOpenGLContext::versionFunctions<QOpenGLFunctions_1_0>() const (/srv/jenkins/install/ubuntu/x86_64/g++/kf5-qt5/qt5/inst/usr/lib/
18:15:51     #6 0x7fc1621be166 in QOpenGLContextPrivate::maxTextureSize() kernel/qopenglcontext.cpp:382
18:15:51     #7 0x7fc1624df66a in QOpenGLTextureGlyphCache::maxTextureHeight() const opengl/qopengltextureglyphcache.cpp:459
18:15:51     #8 0x7fc162467acf in QTextureGlyphCache::populate(QFontEngine*, int, unsigned int const*, QFixedPoint const*) painting/qtextureglyphcache.cpp:208
18:15:51     #9 0x7fc162dddcfa in QSGTextMaskMaterial::populate(QPointF const&, QVector<unsigned int> const&, QVector<QPointF> const&, QSGGeometry*, QRectF*, QPointF*, QMargins const&) scenegraph/qsgdefaultglyphnode_p.cpp:456
18:15:51     #10 0x7fc162ddbc2b in QSGDefaultGlyphNode::update() scenegraph/qsgdefaultglyphnode.cpp:127
18:15:51     #11 0x7fc162ea3fb9 in QQuickTextNode::addGlyphs(QPointF const&, QGlyphRun const&, QColor const&, QQuickText::TextStyle, QColor const&, QSGNode*) items/qquicktextnode.cpp:115
18:15:51     #12 0x7fc162eaa7f6 in QQuickTextNodeEngine::addToSceneGraph(QQuickTextNode*, QQuickText::TextStyle, QColor const&) items/qquicktextnodeengine.cpp:777
18:15:51     #13 0x7fc162ea4baa in QQuickTextNode::addTextLayout(QPointF const&, QTextLayout*, QColor const&, QQuickText::TextStyle, QColor const&, QColor const&, QColor const&, QColor const&, int, int, int, int) items/qquicktextnode.cpp:265
18:15:51     #14 0x7fc162ea02f9 in QQuickText::updatePaintNode(QSGNode*, QQuickItem::UpdatePaintNodeData*) items/qquicktext.cpp:2304
18:15:51     #15 0x7fc162e48a5f in QQuickWindowPrivate::updateDirtyNode(QQuickItem*) items/qquickwindow.cpp:3104
18:15:51     #16 0x7fc162e476a5 in QQuickWindowPrivate::updateDirtyNodes() items/qquickwindow.cpp:2849
18:15:51     #17 0x7fc162e3a8d2 in QQuickWindowPrivate::syncSceneGraph() items/qquickwindow.cpp:419
18:15:51     #18 0x7fc162df86bc in QSGGuiThreadRenderLoop::renderWindow(QQuickWindow*) scenegraph/qsgrenderloop.cpp:391
18:15:51     #19 0x7fc162df8c95 in QSGGuiThreadRenderLoop::exposureChanged(QQuickWindow*) scenegraph/qsgrenderloop.cpp:442
18:15:51     #20 0x7fc162e39e45 in QQuickWindow::exposeEvent(QExposeEvent*) items/qquickwindow.cpp:216
18:15:51     #21 0x7fc16217600d in QWindow::event(QEvent*) kernel/qwindow.cpp:2105
18:15:51     #22 0x7fc162e3f69e in QQuickWindow::event(QEvent*) items/qquickwindow.cpp:1537
18:15:51     #23 0x7fc151a17911 in PlasmaQuick::Dialog::event(QEvent*) (/srv/jenkins/install/ubuntu/x86_64/g++/kf5-qt5/frameworks/plasma-framework/inst/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
18:15:51     #24 0x7fc1616b69a7 in QCoreApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject*, QEvent*) kernel/qcoreapplication.cpp:1122
18:15:51     #25 0x7fc1616b65d1 in doNotify kernel/qcoreapplication.cpp:1063
18:15:51     #26 0x7fc1616b6535 in QCoreApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) kernel/qcoreapplication.cpp:1049
18:15:51     #27 0x7fc1621623ef in QGuiApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) kernel/qguiapplication.cpp:1648
18:15:51     #28 0x7fc1616b64b2 in QCoreApplication::notifyInternal2(QObject*, QEvent*) kernel/qcoreapplication.cpp:988
18:15:51     #29 0x7fc16216ac69 in QCoreApplication::sendSpontaneousEvent(QObject*, QEvent*) ../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/kernel/qcoreapplication.h:234
18:15:51 SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer: new-delete-type-mismatch ??:0 operator delete(void*, unsigned long)
18:15:51 ==13802==HINT: if you don't care about these warnings you may set ASAN_OPTIONS=new_delete_type_mismatch=0
18:15:51 ==13802==ABORTING
2016-12-22 19:25:12 +01:00
Martin Gräßlin
2baaf327d4 [autotests] Disable OnScreenNotification in PointerConstraintsTest
Using QtQuick in test environment fails due to no OpenGL.
2016-12-22 19:05:47 +01:00
l10n daemon script
1d622fbbc3 SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
2016-12-22 05:55:50 +01:00
Martin Gräßlin
696ce96e9b Show notification when pointer gets confined/locked
Summary: Inform user how the pointer constraint can be ended.

Reviewers: #plasma, #kwin

Subscribers: plasma-devel, kwin

Tags: #kwin

Differential Revision:
2016-12-21 20:02:01 +01:00
Martin Gräßlin
444ce02d8d Use OnScreenNotification in kill window
Summary: Inform how to kill a window.

Reviewers: #kwin, #plasma

Subscribers: plasma-devel, kwin

Tags: #kwin

Differential Revision:
2016-12-21 19:45:02 +01:00
Martin Gräßlin
07c6878ff0 Introduce a KWin internal on-screen-notification service
Recently we noticed that there are multiple areas where KWin needs to
inform the user about how to operate. Examples are:
* Screenshot
* ColorPicker
* Pointer constraint enabled
* Pointer constraint about to be removed
* Kill Window

For Screenshot and ColorPicker we used an EffectFrame to render it. But
this is not an optimal solution as it's lacking many features we would
need. We cannot properly use it from within KWin core, we cannot
implement features like hide on mouse over, etc. etc.

This change introduces an OnScreenNotification which supports:
* showing an icon
* showing a message
* timeout

It is Qml styled, so that it can be easily adjusted. This is a big
improvement over the EffectFrame solution. The Qml file creates a Plasma
Dialog of type OSD. Thus KWin places it like the normal OSD windows and
also looks kind of similar. In the case of KWin the focus is more on the
message, than an icon, so the icon is placed left of the text.

While the OnScreenNotification is supposed to be used like a singleton,
it doesn't use the KWin singleton pattern. Instead a small wrapper
namespace OSD is introduced which provides a convenient API for KWin
internal areas to show/hide the notification. By not using the KWin
singleton pattern, the OnScreenNotification does not depend on any other
parts of KWin and can be easily unit-tested.

A few features are still missing and will be added in further commits:
* hide-out on mouse over
* optional skip close animation (needed for screenshot)
* X11 support (not that important as it's mostly for Wayland features)

Reviewers: #kwin, #plasma

Subscribers: plasma-devel, kwin

Tags: #kwin

Differential Revision:
2016-12-21 19:43:49 +01:00
Martin Gräßlin
6383f83047 Place OSD windows again on size changes
The position of an OSD is based on the size of the window. If the
size of the OSD changed, it would not be positioned correctly any more.

With this change the OSD window gets placed again if the size changes.
Thus it's also placed correctly even if the window changed it's size.

Reviewers: #kwin, #plasma

Subscribers: plasma-devel, kwin

Tags: #kwin

Differential Revision:
2016-12-21 19:24:57 +01:00
Aleix Pol
1c394ab645 Add names to the knsrc files
Summary: This way they can be properly listed by Discover

Reviewers: graesslin, #plasma

Reviewed By: graesslin, #plasma

Subscribers: plasma-devel, kwin

Tags: #kwin

Differential Revision:
2016-12-21 00:08:59 +01:00
l10n daemon script
13d389efd1 SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
2016-12-20 13:30:44 +01:00
Martin Gräßlin
a7f5c16754 Reduce code-duplication of socketpair in WaylandServer
WaylandServer creates a socketpair for several Wayland connections. So
far this duplicated code quite a bit.

This change introduces one method to perform the socketpair and the
error checking plus creating the server side ClientConnection from the

Test Plan: Tests still pass

Reviewers: #kwin, #plasma_on_wayland

Subscribers: plasma-devel, kwin

Tags: #plasma_on_wayland, #kwin

Differential Revision:
2016-12-17 09:47:55 +01:00
Aleix Pol
1f5356e609 Fix build (with clang at least)
No need to capture the variable as it's static. Also apparently wrong.
Used to get the following error message:
/home/apol/devel/frameworks/kwin/libinput/connection.cpp:103:56: error: 's_self' cannot be captured because it does not have automatic storage duration
    connect(s_self, &Connection::deviceAdded, s_self, [s_self](Device* device) {
/home/apol/devel/frameworks/kwin/libinput/connection.cpp:45:25: note: 's_self' declared here
Connection *Connection::s_self = nullptr;
/home/apol/devel/frameworks/kwin/libinput/connection.cpp:106:58: error: 's_self' cannot be captured because it does not have automatic storage duration
    connect(s_self, &Connection::deviceRemoved, s_self, [s_self](Device* device) {
/home/apol/devel/frameworks/kwin/libinput/connection.cpp:45:25: note: 's_self' declared here
Connection *Connection::s_self = nullptr;

Reviewers: #plasma, davidedmundson

Reviewed By: #plasma, davidedmundson

Subscribers: plasma-devel, kwin

Tags: #kwin

Differential Revision:
2016-12-16 13:40:44 +01:00
Bhushan Shah
62b4517f1d [platforms/hwcomposer] Use enum instead of the number for readable code
Summary: Enums taken from hardware/hwcomposer_defs.h header file

Test Plan: builds

Reviewers: #kwin, graesslin, mart

Reviewed By: mart

Subscribers: kwin

Tags: #kwin

Differential Revision:
2016-12-16 14:49:29 +05:30
Bhushan Shah
71b6ebcfef [platforms/hwcomposer] Fix indent to use space instead of tab
2016-12-16 10:18:05 +05:30
Bhushan Shah
f906e21f3d [platforms/hwcomposer] Support for hwcomposer 1.4 and 1.5 version
HWcomposer version 1.4 introduced setPowerMode, which replaces the
blank(). This adds support for it. There are various code paths

- If KWin is built against hwcomposer 1.3 headers, then setPowerMode
code is not compiled in, and it will use blank to turn display off.

- If KWin is built against hwcomposer 1.4 headers, it will have
setPowerMode code path compiled in. It will be used only on devices with
1.4 and 1.5 version of hwcomposer.

This is slightly insane, because Android can report hwcomposer 1.5 even
when headers are of 1.4 version..

Test Plan: Tested this on Nexus 5X which reports 1.5 version of hwcomposer

Reviewers: graesslin, #plasma

Reviewed By: graesslin, #plasma

Subscribers: plasma-devel, kwin

Tags: #kwin

Differential Revision:
2016-12-16 09:22:48 +05:30
Martin Gräßlin
eae9bdd50a [autotests/integration] Use socketpair for Wayland connection
This is a preparation step for no longer creating a socket in the tests
and slightly simplifies the init test code.

Reviewers: #kwin, #plasma_on_wayland

Subscribers: plasma-devel, kwin

Tags: #plasma_on_wayland, #kwin

Differential Revision:
2016-12-15 21:31:27 +01:00
l10n daemon script
21cfb10c4f SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
2016-12-15 06:33:31 +01:00
Kai Uwe Broulik
17482609a1 [Scripts KCM] Use GHNS Button instead of creating a look-alike button
In the future the GHNS button might hide itself based on KIOSK restrictions.
Using the GHNS Button will ensure we don't need to manually do this here.

Differential Revision:
2016-12-13 08:26:15 +01:00
l10n daemon script
818ed8f4ad SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
2016-12-13 05:42:59 +01:00
l10n daemon script
c855555903 SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
2016-12-13 04:11:59 +01:00
Hrvoje Senjan
02b9cf739f Compile with gcc <= 4.8
Reviewed-by: Martin Gräßlin
2016-12-09 17:39:57 +01:00
Martin Gräßlin
0c5ca405cc Implement support for pointer constraints
There are two types of constraints supported:
1. Pointer confinement
2. Pointer locking

In the case of confinement the pointer is confined to a given region of
the surface. This is comparable to general operation where the pointer
is confined to the screen region.

In the second case the pointer gets locked. That means it cannot move at
all. No further position updates are provided, only relative motion
events can go to the application. There is a hint about cursor position
update on unlock which is not yet implemented in KWayland::Server, thus
also not in this change.

The implementation in KWin grants the requests for pointer constraints
when the pointer enters the constrained region, either by pointer
movement or by e.g. stacking order changes. There is no confirmation
from user required to enter that mode. But we want to show an OSD when
the pointer gets constrained, this is not yet implemented, though.

Breaking an active constraint is relatively easy. E.g. changing the
stacking order will break the constraint if another surface is under the
cursor. Also (in case of confinement) moving the pointer to an
overlapping window breaks the confinement. But as soon as one moves the
pointer back to the window a constraint might get honoured again.

To properly break there is a dedicated event filter. It listens for a
long press of the Escape key. If hold for 3sec the pointer constraint is
broken and not activated again till the pointer got moved out of the
window. Afterward when moving in the pointer might activate again.

The escape filter ensures that the key press is forwarded to the
application if it's a short press or if another key gets pressed during
the three seconds. If the three seconds way fires, the later escape
release is not sent to the application.

This basic interaction is also ensured through an added auto test.

This change implements T4605.

Test Plan: Added auto test and nested KWin Wayland with D3488

Reviewers: #kwin, #plasma_on_wayland

Subscribers: plasma-devel, kwin

Tags: #plasma_on_wayland, #kwin

Differential Revision:
2016-12-08 19:50:24 +01:00
Martin Gräßlin
2defd6bb64 [platforms/wayland] Use a ConfinedPointer if available
This supports "grabbing" the pointer on right ctrl key just like on X11.
If the Wayland server supports pointer constraints protocol, the nested
Wayland compositor creates a confined pointer if the right ctrl key is

On another right ctrl press the (active) constraint gets removed again.

To indicate the current state the window title gets updated. This also
implements window title support for the first time.

This change implement T4604.

Test Plan: Tested with a modified KWin with server-side pointer constraints support

Reviewers: #kwin, #plasma_on_wayland

Subscribers: plasma-devel, kwin

Tags: #plasma_on_wayland, #kwin

Differential Revision:
2016-12-08 19:49:05 +01:00
Roman Gilg
50bda95f47 [libinput] Minor coding style fix 2016-12-06 15:02:42 +01:00
Roman Gilg
fd07b1dc98 [libinput] Change unset of scroll method and acceleration profile
Go for a more intuitive unset behaviour of scroll method and acceleration
profile properties.

Unsetting a scroll method should only work, if the scroll method is currently
active. For example when scroll-two-finger is active (i.e. scroll-edge,
scroll-on-button-down is not active):
* unsetting scroll-two-finger should deactivate it and activate no-scroll
* but unsetting for example scroll-edge should _not_ deactivate scroll-two-
  finger and _not_ activate no-scroll

Reworked setting scroll method auto test in order to test it.

Regarding acceleration profiles: Unsetting one, should always switch to the
other possible one as long as both are supported. In this case
LIBINPUT_CONFIG_ACCEL_PROFILE_NONE is not a valid option in contrast to the
definition of the scroll method enums.

Reviewers: #kwin

Subscribers: plasma-devel, kwin

Tags: #kwin

Differential Revision:
2016-12-06 13:45:54 +01:00
l10n daemon script
23e500a273 SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
2016-12-05 05:13:10 +01:00
l10n daemon script
82debf5548 SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
2016-12-05 03:59:35 +01:00
Roman Gilg
7f16d83e04 [libinput] Add more support for pointer devices, in particular touchpads
This patch is made in preparation for the Touchpad KCM for Wayland.

* KWin has a Libinput version requirement bump to 1.5
* new isTouchpad property to distinguish touchpads from mice
* new lmrTapButtonMap property
* new disableWhileTyping property
* new pointerAccelerationProfile property
* new defaultPointerAcceleration property
* save to config mechanism added for new propertys and pointerAcceleration
* new D-Bus interface org.kde.KWin.InputDeviceManager and method devicesSysNames
* removed unnecessary additional D-Bus service name org.kde.KWin.InputDevice
* changing acceleration in the Mouse KCM doesn't influence touchpads anymore

Reviewers: #kwin, #plasma, davidedmundson

Subscribers: plasma-devel, kwin

Tags: #kwin

Differential Revision:
2016-12-02 14:58:56 +01:00
l10n daemon script
ae5df024b1 SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
2016-12-02 05:50:58 +01:00
l10n daemon script
c1e88d0af8 SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
2016-12-02 04:38:37 +01:00
l10n daemon script
c59011af43 SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
2016-11-30 04:32:21 +01:00
Martin Gräßlin
f32e655031 Implement borderlessMaximizedWindows for Wayland windows
Maximize code was not yet adjusted to support decorations. Code is as
much as possible similar to the X11 Client implementation.

BUG: 370982

Test Plan: Added auto test and run a nested KWin/Wayland with the setting enabled

Reviewers: #kwin, #plasma_on_wayland

Subscribers: plasma-devel, kwin

Tags: #plasma_on_wayland, #kwin

Differential Revision:
2016-11-29 12:36:31 +01:00
Martin Gräßlin
9934f5b575 Properly implement maximize of ShellClient
This brings some more checks from Client to ShellClient. Thus the
states are better adjusted.

Unfortunately the X11 implementation is also slightly adjusted, so could
create regressions in worst case.

BUG: 368393

Reviewers: #kwin, #plasma_on_wayland

Subscribers: plasma-devel, kwin

Tags: #plasma_on_wayland, #kwin

Differential Revision:
2016-11-29 12:35:59 +01:00
David Edmundson
d06098ff30 Fix merge markers 2016-11-28 10:17:07 +00:00
David Edmundson
f34222e060 Merge branch 'Plasma/5.8' 2016-11-28 09:28:01 +00:00
David Edmundson
d0e0f6c88c Align configure button consistently across delegates
Currently the configure button is aligned to the win decoration in the
background. This is bound to 40 - the inactive decorations shadow.

This means the configure button ends up in different places across each
looking a bit weird and potentially not even on top of the right

This patch aligns the configure button relative to the overall delegate
so that it's in the same place on every item

Test Plan: Looked at KCM

Reviewers: #plasma

Subscribers: plasma-devel, kwin

Tags: #kwin

Differential Revision:

BUG: 372685
2016-11-28 09:24:55 +00:00
David Edmundson
aae24bb07d Don't register a new service for screenshots
If you're going to have kwin in the service name anyway there's
absolutely no benefit to having clients not use the existing

Test Plan: Object is still registered.

Reviewers: #plasma, graesslin

Reviewed By: #plasma, graesslin

Subscribers: graesslin, plasma-devel, kwin

Tags: #kwin

Differential Revision:
2016-11-25 10:15:11 +00:00
David Edmundson
adbd9fc54a Initialise all variables for WindowVertex.
The default constructor shouldn't have been used anyway, but better safe
than sorry.

Reviewers: #plasma, graesslin

Reviewed By: #plasma, graesslin

Subscribers: plasma-devel, kwin

Tags: #kwin

Differential Revision:
2016-11-25 09:46:07 +00:00
Martin Gräßlin
2cc55e4077 [effects] Add a colorpicker effect
The effect exports itself to DBus as object "/ColorPicker" and provides
an own interface "org.kde.kwin.ColorPicker".

It has one exported method to DBus "pick" which returns a QColor. When
invoked an interactive position picking selection is started. If it ends
the effect reads the color value at the picked position from the OpenGL
color buffer.

This implements T4568.

Reviewers: #kwin, #plasma_on_wayland, broulik

Subscribers: plasma-devel, kwin

Tags: #plasma_on_wayland, #kwin

Differential Revision:
2016-11-25 09:30:34 +01:00
Martin Gräßlin
b42eb9a310 [effects] Cleanup screenshot effect
This change cleans up the screenshot effect a little bit.
* better check whether a screenshot is already being taken
* proper DBus error messages
* less duplication of error message strings
* don't keep the QDBusConnection around

Reviewers: #kwin, #plasma

Subscribers: plasma-devel, kwin

Tags: #kwin

Differential Revision:
2016-11-25 08:52:09 +01:00
Martin Gräßlin
ce7a9476f9 [autotests] Wait longer in LockScreenTest
It timed out on, so let's try to wait longer.
2016-11-25 07:56:24 +01:00
Martin Gräßlin
f9f7b84cb4 Add interactive position selection to screenshot screen under cursor
A second interactive selection mode gets added to select a position on
the screen. This is handled by the same input event filter as for the
window selection. Just that instead of returning a window, it returns a

This allows to pick a point on the screen which we need to screenshot
the screen under the mouse cursor and in future for color picking.

The screenshot effect provides two new dbus methods to (interactively)
select a screen or fullscreen. This allows spectacle to screenshot the
(full) screen with still having the user in control.

Reviewers: #kwin, #plasma_on_wayland, bgupta

Subscribers: plasma-devel, kwin

Tags: #plasma_on_wayland, #kwin

Differential Revision:
2016-11-25 07:38:37 +01:00
Martin Gräßlin
0b47b84816 Ignore non-relevant modifiers when evaluating mouse actions
E.g. CapsLock should not prevent Alt+left click move.

BUG: 372809

Reviewers: #kwin, #plasma_on_wayland, broulik

Subscribers: plasma-devel, kwin

Tags: #plasma_on_wayland, #kwin

Differential Revision:
2016-11-25 07:37:58 +01:00
Martin Gräßlin
ec2d862d4e Port Compositor::windowRepaintsPending to use std::any_of
While investigating a repaint issue I had a hard time to work with the
code and decided to change it to a more modern variant.

Instead of duplicating the same logic for each of the lists it's now
moved into a dedicated templated method which used std::any_of. Which is
exactly the algorithm we need: if there is any window with a non empty
repaints region it should return true.

Reviewers: #kwin, #plasma

Subscribers: plasma-devel, kwin

Tags: #kwin

Differential Revision:
2016-11-25 07:37:28 +01:00
l10n daemon script
47a7f24ed5 SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
2016-11-25 06:39:44 +01:00
l10n daemon script
966775d609 SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
2016-11-25 05:07:25 +01:00
Hrvoje Senjan
6195ab2608 Compile++
With older gcc at least there is a forward declaration error w/o explicit include.

BUG: 372821
Revewed-by: Martin Gräßlin
2016-11-23 09:35:52 +01:00
Roman Gilg
87150816c7 [libinput] Rework device config writing and save enum of ScrollMode as integer
This is a larger patch rewriting some parts of the config saving functionality
in device.cpp in order to:

1. Make it possible to save ScrollMode as integer instead of using three booleans
2. Simplify the addition of new keys or types in the future

Changes in detail:
a) Adds new ConfigKey ScrollMethod and removed now unnecessary keys per method
b) Adds constructors to the ConfigData struct. This allows to create ConfigData
   entries for s_configData without the need of stating empty brackets and the
   useage of default values.
c) Use plain member function pointers instead of std::function, in order to
   compactify code and have better compile output in case something goes wrong.
c) Cleans up ScrollMethod functions and adds interface methods for transforming
   the saved integer into type enum libinput_config_scroll_method.
d) Adjusts auto test for loading the ScrollMethod value from the config file.

Reviewers: #kwin, graesslin

Subscribers: kwin

Tags: #kwin

Differential Revision:
2016-11-22 19:18:15 +01:00
Roman Gilg
ad0647688a [libinput] Query defaultLeftHanded, save leftHanded, fix ScrollMode config
Some small improvements / fixes to the libinput backend:
- Query libinput_device_config_left_handed_get_default
- Write leftHanded property to config file
- When saving the touchpad scroll mode, write false to all other ones.
  Otherwise it will always enable the last read entry after reboot.
- Use macro for setLeftHanded(bool) and setNaturalScroll(bool)

Reviewers: #kwin, graesslin

Subscribers: kwin

Tags: #kwin

Differential Revision:
2016-11-22 14:49:01 +01:00
Martin Gräßlin
0dc500fe94 Move linking to DL_LIBRARY to x11standalone platform
It's only needed by the GLX backend, so only find if we have GLX at all
and only link where needed. As it was handled incorrectly before, it's
now using proper ifdef.

Reviewers: #kwin, #plasma

Subscribers: plasma-devel, kwin

Tags: #kwin

Differential Revision:
2016-11-22 14:22:06 +01:00
Martin Gräßlin
42456bdf7b Remove epoxy/egl.h from kwinglutils_func.h
It's not needed inside libkwinglutils. The only required usage is from
abstract_egl_backend.h where the include is moved to.

This removes an fixx11h.h from a kwin lib.

Reviewers: #kwin, #plasma

Subscribers: plasma-devel, kwin

Tags: #kwin

Differential Revision:
2016-11-22 14:21:40 +01:00