Luboš Luňák
Convert ShowFps effect to plugins.
svn path=/branches/work/kwin_composite/; revision=652275
2007-04-10 15:38:36 +00:00
Luboš Luňák
namespace KWinInternal -> KWin - shorter typing of names in gdb, yay
svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=650773
2007-04-05 12:12:10 +00:00
Luboš Luňák
namespace KWinInternal -> KWin - shorter typing of names in gdb, yay
svn path=/branches/work/kwin_composite/; revision=650770
2007-04-05 12:07:35 +00:00
Luboš Luňák
svn path=/branches/work/kwin_composite/; revision=636612
2007-02-23 14:42:00 +00:00
Luboš Luňák
Merge r636311 from trunk.
svn path=/branches/work/kwin_composite/; revision=636611
2007-02-23 14:41:01 +00:00
Luboš Luňák
merge r635823 from trunk
svn path=/branches/work/kwin_composite/; revision=636609
2007-02-23 14:38:01 +00:00
Barış Metin
use changeGroup instead of creating redundant objects
svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=636311
2007-02-22 19:48:09 +00:00
Barış Metin
setGroup to KConfigGroup
svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=635823
2007-02-21 02:59:04 +00:00
Dirk Mueller
merge in kconfig changes to make it compile
svn path=/branches/work/kwin_composite/; revision=635791
2007-02-20 22:31:26 +00:00
Stephan Kulow
merged kconfiggroup_port branch
svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=635490
2007-02-20 07:00:30 +00:00
Philip Falkner
Change effects->windowOpacityChanged to also pass the old opacity; thanks Lubos!
Clean up FadeEffect a bit, and make it replace FadeOut in the default effects list.
svn path=/branches/work/kwin_composite/; revision=633032
2007-02-12 23:14:50 +00:00
Luboš Luňák
Merge r632199 from kwin_composite.
svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=632843
2007-02-12 13:29:36 +00:00
Dirk Mueller
porting simplifications regarding KConfig::readEntry
svn path=/branches/work/kwin_composite/; revision=632199
2007-02-10 09:12:35 +00:00
Luboš Luňák
Configurable effects loading by Cedric Borgese.
svn path=/branches/work/kwin_composite/; revision=630276
2007-02-04 22:19:17 +00:00
Philip Falkner
Improved filtering algorithm. Now fast filtering is used by default, while (depending on SmoothScale in kwinrc) bilinear filtering is used on transformed windows and screens.
Optionally, if SmoothScale is set to 2, trilinear filtering will be attempted instead of bilinear. This requires GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two, GL_EXT_framebuffer_object, and valid mipmaps.
svn path=/branches/work/kwin_composite/; revision=629453
2007-02-02 19:58:35 +00:00
Philip Falkner
Merge from trunk (now it should build)
Not used.
merge the kinstance-redesign branch
This directory doesn't exist on my computer :)
svn path=/branches/work/kwin_composite/; revision=628706
2007-01-30 23:57:40 +00:00
Matthias Kretz
merge the kinstance-redesign branch back to trunk.
svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=628276
2007-01-29 17:14:20 +00:00
Luboš Luňák
Config option for whether zooming should be smooth or fast.
svn path=/branches/work/kwin_composite/; revision=610138
2006-12-03 13:38:57 +00:00
Luboš Luňák
Detect screen refresh rate for finding out optimal compositing
redraw speed. Patch by Philip Falkner.
svn path=/branches/work/kwin_composite/; revision=607253
2006-11-23 21:16:49 +00:00
Luboš Luňák
Sync to vblank, patch by Philip Falkner.
svn path=/branches/work/kwin_composite/; revision=606795
2006-11-21 20:59:59 +00:00
Luboš Luňák
Finish the showfps effect, including adding some configuration
and making it work even with XRender. I think it shows that
making non-trivial effects for both OpenGL and XRender
would be a) quite possible b) quite pain.
svn path=/branches/work/kwin_composite/; revision=606271
2006-11-19 20:25:04 +00:00
Luboš Luňák
Make some aspects affecting performance configurable in kwinrc,
group [Translucency]:
GLMode=TFP|SHM|Fallback - select rendering mode
GLAlwaysRebind=<bool> - force rebinding a texture
GLDirect=<bool> - direct rendering
svn path=/branches/work/kwin_composite/; revision=606268
2006-11-19 20:13:49 +00:00
Luboš Luňák
It wasn't a very good idea to do even compositing-unrelated
work in the work/kwin_composite branch.
svn merge revs 558154,558180,558236,558243,558258,562201
svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=571776
2006-08-10 17:00:14 +00:00
Luboš Luňák
Use kwinrc:[Translucency]:UseTranslucency for controlling compositing.
svn path=/branches/work/kwin_composite/; revision=558712
2006-07-05 21:46:01 +00:00
Luboš Luňák
Remove kompmgr-related code except for the generic parts like
the slider in Alt+F3.
svn path=/branches/work/kwin_composite/; revision=558258
2006-07-04 23:30:05 +00:00
Luboš Luňák
#67406 - config option kwinrc:Windows:ShowDesktopIsMinimizeAll.
But I hope this actually won't be needed with KDE4.
svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=546548
2006-05-30 11:47:16 +00:00
Laurent Montel
#include <q...h> -> #include <Q...>
svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=540496
2006-05-13 16:33:18 +00:00
Laurent Montel
#include <q...h> -> #include <Q...>
svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=539617
2006-05-11 08:04:23 +00:00
Laurent Montel
svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=516258
2006-03-06 13:11:58 +00:00
Allen Winter
TRUE->true, FALSE->false
svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=511180
2006-02-19 01:33:48 +00:00
Laurent Montel
svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=502264
2006-01-25 14:25:30 +00:00
Laurent Montel
svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=500998
2006-01-21 19:36:31 +00:00
Luboš Luňák
Match the default in the kcm.
svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=494327
2006-01-04 17:28:58 +00:00
Laurent Montel
svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=493850
2006-01-03 14:01:15 +00:00
Stephan Kulow
some more compiling
svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=473006
2005-10-22 11:35:06 +00:00
Stephan Kulow
svn merge svn+ssh://
I couldn't resolve one kicker conflict that results from different
development directions, so I rely on Aaron to sort it out - the file
is commited with conflicts
svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/kwin/; revision=439627
2005-07-28 14:59:42 +00:00
Thomas Lübking
redesigned partial opacity (moved from kompmgr to kwin, allowing to be set e.g. from decos) and (hopefully) fixed CPU hunger (if using fades)
svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/kwin/; revision=430562
2005-07-01 19:55:06 +00:00
Luboš Luňák
Added option to turn off hiding utility windows for inactive applications.
BUG: 103921
svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/kwin/; revision=412381
2005-05-11 14:49:01 +00:00
Luboš Luňák
Make it possible to do all kinds of strange things when mousewheeling
the titlebar or Alt+mousewheeling the window.
svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/kwin/; revision=410058
2005-05-06 15:20:49 +00:00
Thomas Lübking
added support for applying translucency on the titlebar or the content (not really: anything but the titlebar) only
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=387795
2005-02-09 18:31:35 +00:00
Thomas Lübking
added support for unshadowed moving windows, slight changes to updates on shapable windows
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=383513
2005-01-28 23:28:11 +00:00
Luboš Luňák
XChangeProperty needs long type for 32bit data, especially on 64bit platforms.
Also silence a couple of warnings.
CCMAIL: Thomas Lübking <>
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=382862
2005-01-27 09:58:34 +00:00
Thomas Lübking
[kompmgr] removed /kompmgr/ shapable tag if only the deco is shaped
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=380839
2005-01-21 16:19:10 +00:00
Thomas Lübking
fixed ui of kompmgr support, using kde tools
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=379220
2005-01-16 21:03:59 +00:00
Thomas Lübking
Added composite (translucency/shadows) support
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=378790
2005-01-15 17:07:48 +00:00
Luboš Luňák
Adding yet another option, this time for what happens when clicking
the maximize button.
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=342186
2004-08-28 15:27:22 +00:00
Luboš Luňák
GUI for rules (=window specific settings). Have fun figuring out how it
works, because I haven't written any kind of docs for it yet, and
the most important button doesn't work yet either (yes, that one that
has it written on it). I just hope the GUI doesn't suck too much, because
I'm really bad at such things.
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=322524
2004-06-21 16:25:24 +00:00
Luboš Luňák
Add a hidden option for the ping timeout before the dialog offering
killing the app appears (for #69211 ).
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=319659
2004-06-11 15:01:18 +00:00
Luboš Luňák
KWin rules for making windows noncloseable, and for changing moveresize
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=318994
2004-06-09 08:33:53 +00:00
Luboš Luňák
KWin rules - override placement.
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=316411
2004-05-31 14:14:10 +00:00
Luboš Luňák
Patch from Christopher J. Suleski (linux tildewave com) implementing #30426 .
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=315341
2004-05-28 08:53:44 +00:00
Xavier Izard
Patch for xinerama mode to allow fullscreens both on one or several screen(s)
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=310202
2004-05-10 23:22:27 +00:00
Luboš Luňák
With windows that have are listed for the focus stealing prevention
workaround, don't make their user timestamp newer than the active window's
one (unless a real user activity takes place in them).
As they are belong to the active application and just fail to say so,
this makes sure they won't prevent that application from getting focus
by having newer timestamp. E.g. Alt+F2, typing URL, kio_uiserver dialog
shows (has workaround), SSL certificate dialog shows (shown by kdesktop),
and it wouldn't get focus, because kio_uiserver's timestamp would be later.
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=298357
2004-03-24 19:05:49 +00:00
Luboš Luňák
Oops. Qt3.2 used to set resource class in WM_CLASS all lowercase, but
Qt3.3 capitalizes it (part of my own patch IIRC, hehe :-/), so all
the workarounds for specific apps no longer work -> force resource class
to be always lowercase.
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=290521
2004-02-23 12:47:28 +00:00
Luboš Luňák
#48786 (comments #7 and later) - focus stealing prevention doesn't work
well with unreasonable focus policies -> disabled.
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=284526
2004-02-02 17:02:11 +00:00
Luboš Luňák
These options are not used anymore.
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=273142
2003-12-15 14:43:44 +00:00
Luboš Luňák
kwinrc option for listing applications for which focus stealing prevention
should not be used. I have a strange feeling it will come handy :-/.
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=273127
2003-12-15 13:33:29 +00:00
Luboš Luňák
Default to low level of focus stealing prevention, at least for some time.
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=272145
2003-12-09 14:10:13 +00:00
Luboš Luňák
Fix #67683 by globally enabling/disabling tooltips. As the buttons are
the only thing in kwin that has tooltips, this is fine.
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=268374
2003-11-20 13:01:09 +00:00
Luboš Luňák
Reserve space for topmenus, so there's no flicker, and the space is taken
even with no topmenu shown. Support topmenus only when enabled in kdeglobals.
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=266531
2003-11-12 09:47:13 +00:00
Luboš Luňák
Revert special dialog placement policies. I don't think I need to go
that far with overconfigurability.
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=255440
2003-10-01 16:51:19 +00:00
Luboš Luňák
Configurable focus stealing prevention aggressivity.
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=254817
2003-09-29 11:23:14 +00:00
Luboš Luňák
Merging kwin core from kwin_iii back to HEAD.
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=251608
2003-09-16 19:28:03 +00:00
Dirk Mueller
unbreak compilation (gcc 3.4+)
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kcontrol/; revision=239225
2003-07-26 10:41:28 +00:00
George Staikos
- Make kwin tooltip obey our placement settings
- Default to having these Xinerama options enabled - cleaner in general.
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=207611
2003-02-18 05:05:43 +00:00
George Staikos
Repair a bit of damage
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kcontrol/; revision=207610
2003-02-18 04:55:07 +00:00
George Staikos
Move Xinerama settings over to Xinerama KControl module, activate it and enable
it in the build.
I think there are some bugs in kwin though. I must investigate now. It seems
to be ignoring the settings and just always using xinerama support
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kcontrol/; revision=207605
2003-02-18 04:34:53 +00:00
Karol Szwed
Add a checkbox to enable/disable the geometry tip, making it _OFF_ by default,
as was planned. Also, it should never crash now.
Hopefully this will make pmax a bit happier ;-)
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=198711
2003-01-10 10:54:57 +00:00
Luboš Luňák
Try to fix #32969 by keeping the mouse grab even for active windows. People
not wanting this can disable click raise. Let's see if it breaks something.
(Related to this: kwin/client.cpp r1.309,r1.308,r1.305,r1.304,r1.303.)
TODO: the grab could be released at least as long as the window is topmost
and active
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=196998
2003-01-02 16:36:00 +00:00
Luboš Luňák
Just make sure the values are read sanely from the config.
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=194510
2002-12-17 20:20:31 +00:00
Karol Szwed
- Removing patch by Diego Iastrubini that attempted to fix the bidi issues in
clients by adding an unnecessary 'enable-bidi' checkbox which was never agreed
upon on the kwin mailing list.
The use of --reverse is sufficient without needing this checkbox.
Please discuss largish patches like these first, especially during a feature
(Everyone also seems to forget the kwin-styles in kdeartwork)
- Make clients look the same with --reverse instead of the broken state they
were in previously. If the button ordering is not to your liking in reverse
mode, just change the button positions. (Or send patches for those clients
that have not got these features yet).
- Clean up popupMenu handling somewhat.
- Remove a global static object in keramik.
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=174079
2002-08-27 15:12:14 +00:00
Diego Iastrubni
dded a new checkbox to kcontrol-> wm -> decorations ->general. By defaut this checkbox is on.
if it's on, kwin clients will reverse thire display when the desktop is reversed (arabic, hebrew etc).
Clinets updated to use this options, and options.h has a few more lines :)
see clients for the changes.
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=173581
2002-08-24 12:02:26 +00:00
Cristian Tibirna
CT: "rise" -> "raise", which fixes a bug with raising active windows
with the mouse. Thanks a lot to David Boddie <>
for discovering it.
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=170283
2002-08-03 19:27:21 +00:00
Cristian Tibirna
CT: commit an older patch which loses "stupidly".
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=166870
2002-07-15 20:28:55 +00:00
Aaron J. Seigo
make mouseOptions compare case insensitive in case some screws up the
capitalization in the config file (e.g. by messing with the kcm) ...
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=166360
2002-07-13 02:34:13 +00:00
Cristian Tibirna
CT: two new non-placement policies. No GUI config.
Edit kwinrc and use either of:
and then, at a prompt:
dcop kwin KWinInterface reconfigure
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=163755
2002-06-29 06:31:33 +00:00
Karol Szwed
- Make KApp's "appearanceChanged()" signal properly reconfigure the window
decoration's colors by calling the reset() cdecl.
- Change the options::reload() slot into a public method, as the slot is no
longer required.
Reviewed by Matthias Elter
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=143232
2002-03-16 09:26:49 +00:00
Karol Szwed
- Add the resetClients() signal again for backwards compatility, and mark it
as obsolete.
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=141463
2002-03-07 03:19:57 +00:00
Luboš Luňák
Always default to Alt for Alt+left mouse window moving.
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=140165
2002-03-02 13:50:26 +00:00
Matthias Ettrich
faster configuration changes. No crashes when reconfiguring kwin
several times with invalid plugin strings (happens when running
today's kpersonalizer)
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=139725
2002-03-01 01:34:54 +00:00
Cristian Tibirna
CT: make it possible to stop desktop switching when the edge of the desktops group is reached.
Just add RollOverDesktops=false to your kwinrc/[Windows] config file and restart your kwin.
Thanks to Carsten Pfeiffer for the suggestion
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=139620
2002-02-28 21:04:36 +00:00
Stephan Kulow
init some more variables
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=136001
2002-02-11 18:25:38 +00:00
Ellis Whitehead
Clean-up wrt KKeyNative.
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=132461
2002-01-19 04:53:13 +00:00
Dirk Mueller
CVSSILENT: fixincludes
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/khotkeys/; revision=129081
2001-12-29 17:33:05 +00:00
Ellis Whitehead
Updates necessary for changes made in the K*Accel* and KKey* classes.
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kcontrol/; revision=129003
2001-12-29 04:19:24 +00:00
Waldo Bastian
Take into account a wide range of pager-layouts, the pager can set the
required layout via DCOP. Used for desktop left/right/up/down.
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=124773
2001-11-29 23:59:54 +00:00
Ellis Whitehead
Lots and lots and lots of changes all over the place for shortcut changes. Including new KAccel and KGlobalAccel classes.
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kcontrol/; revision=122759
2001-11-16 23:21:43 +00:00
Waldo Bastian
Make active borders working when moving a window.
Make it configurable (disabled, only when moving, always enabled)
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=120497
2001-11-03 00:05:33 +00:00
Fredrik Höglund
Made KWin compile when QT_NO_COMPAT is defined.
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=115985
2001-09-30 21:22:20 +00:00
Ellis Whitehead
Call string <=> key conversion functions in KKey & KKeyX11 instead of KAccel
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kcontrol/; revision=115761
2001-09-28 12:31:48 +00:00
Waldo Bastian
Tune electric borders...
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=113523
2001-09-06 19:44:06 +00:00
Waldo Bastian
Ported from KDE 1.1.2: Electric Borders are back!
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=112025
2001-08-27 05:42:32 +00:00
Karol Szwed
Tooltip fix to make window button tooltips follow the selected tooltip
effect chosen in the look-and-feel->style module.
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=104712
2001-07-02 12:40:14 +00:00
Ralf Nolden
this is the actual bugfix from Gallium for the window decorations. This is
his part of the patch, works fine but there's just the re-check needed to
be added so when the effect for tooltips changes, the deco's tooltips take
this as well. There are no new strings except the Un-Sticky tooltip, all
others are translated. agreed on the strings.
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=104585
2001-07-01 10:10:17 +00:00
Ellis Whitehead
KAccel: allow for 4-modifier setup defaults, check whether Qt supports the
Meta key.
KGlobalAccel: improve X key ungrabbing for key map changes.
KKeyDialog: Allow caller to specify whether normal keys (i.e., 'A', 'B') can
be used as shortcuts and whether the Meta key can be used in a shortcut.
KeyConfog: Add support for a second default configuration. Add support for a
user with a Meta key not to default to 4-modifier setup (not yet working
Workspace: Added 'Window iconify all'. Still speed work -- best might be to
merge this with 'Show Desktop'
kcontrol/keys/main.cpp: a bit of capitalization
kcontrol/kwm/mouse, kwin/client, kwin/options: Let user use Meta key for
window resizing/moving/etc
*bindings.cpp: add 4-modifier setup defaults
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kcontrol/; revision=100877
2001-06-07 18:17:24 +00:00
Dirk Mueller
Xinerama support, patch by Balaji Ramani <>
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=100136
2001-06-03 09:04:03 +00:00
Luboš Luňák
Oops, forgot the defaults.
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=98216
2001-05-22 07:36:26 +00:00
Luboš Luňák
Move the configuration options for custom button positions to kwin from
the plugins. And I even resisted to break BC in kwin again even though
I could :).
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=94905
2001-05-03 08:06:28 +00:00
Waldo Bastian
Make resource management in clients easier with these three functions:
init() called after client got loaded
deinit() called when client is about to get unloaded
reset() called once before Options::resetClients() is emitted
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=93372
2001-04-22 05:39:17 +00:00
Luboš Luňák
Breaking BC in KWin again in order to keep BC for plugins. I forgot
a few private pointers *slap self*.
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=92998
2001-04-20 07:19:03 +00:00