It helps to contextualise the method as it's using several x11-isms,
some of them possible ot abstract.
In any case, the method is only called with X11Window and it's the only
case where it makes sense doing so.
The scripting API is extended to support custom fragment shaders. To
support this a new method addFragmentShader is added taking ShaderTraits
and fragment shader. The GLShader is not exposed, instead a uint id is
provided which maps to the GLShader.
This shader id can be used in the animate and set calls to specify the
shader. The animation object is extended by the "fragmentShader" property.
The shader sources are located in the "shaders" directory of the package
E.g. the scale effect extended by the shader of the invert effect will
have the following layout:
-> code/
-> main.js
-> shaders/
-> invert_core.frag
-> invert.frag
The adjustment in code are:
* in constructor to load the shader
this.shader = effect.addFragmentShader(Effect.MapTexture, "invert.frag");
* in animations objects of the slots the additions
fragmentShader: this.shader
* using the type Effect.Shader
or in full:
window.scaleInAnimation = animate({
window: window,
curve: QEasingCurve.OutCubic,
duration: this.duration,
animations: [
type: Effect.Scale,
from: this.inScale
type: Effect.Opacity,
from: 0
type: Effect.Shader,
fragmentShader: this.shader
The animation settings object supports a "uniform" value which takes the
string name of the uniform. For this uniform the location is resolved
and stored in the meta data of the AnimationEffect. This requires the
type Effect.ShaderUniform.
An example animation:
window.scaleInAnimation = animate({
window: window,
curve: QEasingCurve.Linear,
duration: this.duration,
animations: [
type: Effect.ShaderUniform,
fragmentShader: this.shader,
uniform: "uForOpening",
from: 1.0,
to: 1.0
Furthermore a new setUniform scriptable method is added to the
ScriptedEffect. This allows to update uniforms when the configuration
The call takes a generic QJSValue which supports:
* float
* array of 2, 3 or 4 components
* string as color
* variant as color
An example usage to read a color from the configuration and set it as a
effect.readConfig("Color", "white"))
The animate and set calls are extended for an optional GLShader* to
allow specifying a custom shader to use during the animation.
To properly support rendering a complete window in the effect the
AnimationEffect gets based on the DeformEffect. If a shader is used
during the animation the window gets redirected.
For the animation with shaders two new enum values are added to the
AnimationType enum:
* Shader
* ShaderUniform
The Shader animation type is for specifying that the animation uses a
shader. During the animation a uniform "animationProgress" is set on the
The ShaderUniform animation type behaves exactly like the Shader type,
but also animates a user provided uniform. The meta data of the
animation is interpreted as a uniform location for a float uniform and
during the animation this uniform is updated with the interpolated
animation data.
For a redirected window a custom shader can be specified to draw the
redirected texture to screen. This is useful for inheriting effects to
customize the rendering.
Two new int uniforms TextureWidth and TextureHeight are added and set
from DeformEffect when rendering the texture.
Currently, fullscreen geometry restore is computed from maximized
geometry restore. However, the latter is set only when the window is
Also, updateGeometryRestoresForFullscreen() can be called when the
window has not been moved. Avoid updating geometry restore if the output
has not been changed.
If the animation reaches the end, desktop grid may render the screen
incorrectly. Make sure that PAINT_SCREEN_BACKGROUND_FIRST and flags as
such are set even if animation has reached the end.
Also, while on this, simplify the paintWindow() method by removing
redundant effect status checks.
effects can specify in their json file "X-KWin-Border-Activate":true
and will be listed in the edge menus.
Don't hardcode desktop grid and overview in the kcms
At the moment, if user switches between virtual desktops using a
gesture, panels will loose blurred background because WindowForceBlurRole
is not set.
This change refactors setup code so the slide effect always forces blur
and background contrast when sliding between virtual desktops using a
gesture or animation.
Possibility to implement realtime screenedges gestures in scripted effects,
implement it in the windowsaperture show desktop effect.
* Expose registerRealtimeScreenEdge to JavaScript, the callback will be
a JS function.
* Add the concept of freezeInTime() in the animation js bindings,
it will either create an animation frozen at a given time or freeze a running animation
that can be restored and ran to completition at any time
* add an edges property only for showdesktop as it's not directly on the effect configuration
If desktop wrapping is disabled and user swipes to left but there's no
desktop to left, the slide effect can get stuck active because there's
no desktopChanged() nor desktopChangingCancelled() signal emitted.
This change makes the VirtualDesktopManager explicitly cancel
interactive desktop switching session if the current desktop has not
Currently, there's a separate pass to filter out windows not ready for
compositing or windows that must be invisible. That has two issues: we
could merge that pass with the pass that populates stacking_order and
"windows" can detach.
libinput_device_get_user_data() can be used to get the associated Device
object with libinput_device. That way, we won't need to maintain a
private list of all input devices.
If the window filter rejects a window, that window won't be in the
stacking_order and henceforth won't be painted, so finalDrawWindow()
does extra work of checking again if the window is accepted.
Adds a test that has two windows and one activates the other.
There are two versions: qt5 and qt6.
The Qt 6 code is vastly different since Qt 6 knows about
xdg_activation_v1, so it makes sense to have both for now.
Effects may perform cleanup when a deleted window is removed. If that
happens and the SceneWindow is accessed, kwin may crash.
The Scene processes Workspace::deletedRemoved() before effects.
In order to fix dereferencing null pointer, this change makes the Window
destroy its associated SceneWindow.