ScreenEdge is changed to emit a signal whenever a screen edge
got activated without an action or effect taking care of it.
A Script can reserve one to many callbacks for an edge and the
callback get's triggered whenever the signal is emitted. On
deconstruction of the Script the edge is unreserved again.
FEATURE: 299275
FIXED-IN: 4.9.0
REVIEW: 104904
If workspace is exported as a context property there seem to be
issues with the signals which are not bound to a property of
This problems seems to be fixable by exporting the workspace
property as a global property on the script engine.
As a side-effect this also resolves the issue with the clientList,
so we can drop the hack again.
REVIEW: 104682
Sometimes Qt is surprising. Apparently QML has problems with a
QList<KWin::Client*> and wants to have a QList<QObject*> which
cannot be used in QtScript.
There ends my dream of having one API for both JavaScript and QML.
So with QtScript it is:
and in QML it is:
Client has a property for demands attention and Workspace
is emitting a signal whenever the demands attention state
of any Client changes.
REVIEW: 104204
This adds extensive support information about the running instance
by printing out all used options, the compositing information
including GL platform, loaded effects and active effects.
The debug output can be retrieved through D-Bus:
qdbus org.kde.kwin /KWin supportInformation
or through a KWin Script (use desktop console):
REVIEW: 104142
All slots not requiring to be triggered from a QAction are exported.
This means that switchToDesktop is not exported but also not required,
as we have this through the properties.
Needs documentation...
For this a new MetaObject "KWin" is exported to have the
enum ClientAreaOption available in scripts. Unfortunately this
requires duplicating the enum from kwinglobals.h.