* give windowview the ability to show windows from current desktop, all
desktops or current class
* invokable from shortcuts screen edges or gestures
* add a search field to quickly filter
* current present windows effect still present but only internal as is used by desktop grid, which should eventually be ported as well
This can be done either from windowview or overview, tough note that some of the duplication from overview added in windowview is necessary regardless, as WindowHeap, the shared qml part needs some properties exposed from the c++ part.
Implementation wise I'm ok for it being in either place, but i think the functionality of present windows needs to be preserved, otherwise would be a completely unacceptable regression, namely:
* Behavior of what now are the ctrl+f7,f10 and f11 global shortcuts, showing windows of current app (invokable by shoortcut instead of having to use the pointer), windows of current desktop (the only thing overview does atm) or all desktops
* filter on typing, as opposed to invoking krunner. main use case of present windows is quickly switching, and filtering is the most helpful feature, some people do like krunner instead, but is completely out of place for my use case, and i suspect for many other users as well
* also clicking on a taskbar group should be possible to filter
* the view that opens by clicking on a taskbar group should follow the same layout strategy used elsewhere and currently being an effect used only there and not accessible form the list can't even be configured
With this, the WindowItem will know whether it's actually visible. As
the result, if a native wayland window has been minimized, kwin won't
try to schedule a new frame if just a frame callback has been committed.
EffectWindow::enablePainting() and EffectWindow::disablePainting() act
as a stone in the shoe. They have the final say whether the given window
is visible and they are invoked too late in the rendering process.
WindowItem needs to know whether the window is visible in advance,
before compositing starts.
This change replaces EffectWindow::enablePainting() and
EffectWindow::disablePainting() with EffectWindow::refVisible() and
EffectWindow::unrefVisible(). If an effect calls the refVisible()
function, the window will be kept visible regardless of its state. It
should be called when a window is minimized or closed, etc. If an effect
doesn't want to paint a window, it should not call effects->paintWindow().
EffectWindow::refVisible() doesn't replace EffectWindow::refWindow() but
supplements it. refVisible() only ensures that a window will be kept
visible while refWindow() ensures that the window won't be destroyed
until the effect is done with it.
If an effect is reloaded while it holds deleted references, it's
possible that the closed windows will get stuck in the "zombie" state.
This change introduces EffectWindowDeletedRef helper that can be
used to keep the closed window alive as long as the reference is valid.
If you lift fingers but not swipe them enough to switch to another
virtual desktop, the slide effect will play an animation to move from
the current position in the virtual desktop grid to the current desktop.
However, that animation doesn't feel right, there's something missing.
The slide effect uses a TimeLine to animate switching between virtual
desktops, it's great if the amount of sliding is constant.
This change makes the slide effect use the mass-spring-damper model to
simulate the motion of a spring in order to animate switching between
virtual desktops.
The mass-spring-damper equation is integrated using RK4. If the delta
interval is not multiple of the integration step precisely, the
SpringMotion will perform integration as many times as the integration
step fits into the delta. The leftover will be used for LERP between the
previous and the next integration results.
With the spring animation, the slide animation feels more natural when
you lift fingers. If you switch between virtual desktops without using a
gesture, the slide animation should look almost the same as if it were
implemented with the TimeLine.
If the animation reaches the end, desktop grid may render the screen
incorrectly. Make sure that PAINT_SCREEN_BACKGROUND_FIRST and flags as
such are set even if animation has reached the end.
Also, while on this, simplify the paintWindow() method by removing
redundant effect status checks.
effects can specify in their json file "X-KWin-Border-Activate":true
and will be listed in the edge menus.
Don't hardcode desktop grid and overview in the kcms
At the moment, if user switches between virtual desktops using a
gesture, panels will loose blurred background because WindowForceBlurRole
is not set.
This change refactors setup code so the slide effect always forces blur
and background contrast when sliding between virtual desktops using a
gesture or animation.
Possibility to implement realtime screenedges gestures in scripted effects,
implement it in the windowsaperture show desktop effect.
* Expose registerRealtimeScreenEdge to JavaScript, the callback will be
a JS function.
* Add the concept of freezeInTime() in the animation js bindings,
it will either create an animation frozen at a given time or freeze a running animation
that can be restored and ran to completition at any time
* add an edges property only for showdesktop as it's not directly on the effect configuration
This makes KWin switch to in-tree copy of KWaylandServer codebase.
KWaylandServer namespace has been left as is. It will be addressed later
by renaming classes in order to fit in the KWin namespace.
being naturalx something that needs to map to the actual geometry of the window which is in absolute coordinates but mapped to a view which geometry correspond to the one of one particular screen (plus the layout the thumbnail lives in has its own geometry in the scene)
Fixed a bunch of bugs and polished the slide effect.
Plugged the slide effect into the new VirtualDesktopManager interface desktopChanging() to allow for mac os style desktop switching.
BUG: 448419 BUG: 401479
The Window View effect is a companion effect for the task manager. It
provides the task manager a way to ask the user to pick a window among
windows identified by window ids passed to the activate() method.
The main motivation for adding this effect is to provide a QtQuick based
alternative for the present windows effect, which is needed to kill the
This change doesn't extend the overview effect to avoid repeating
mistakes of the past, i.e. adding too many (unrelated) features to the
present windows effect.
While the overview effect provides you a way to select windows, it's not
the only thing that it has. For example, it also allows changing virtual
desktops, etc.
On the other hand, the task manager doesn't need all of that. It only
needs to ask the user to pick a window among the specified windows, nothing
As is, the window view effect is simply WindowHeap with a d-bus api slapped
on top of it.
GLRenderTarget doesn't provide a generic abstraction for framebuffer
objects, so let's call GLRenderTarget what it is - a framebuffer.
Renaming the GLRenderTarget class allows us to use the term "render
target" which abstracts fbos or shm images without creating confusion.
In the desktop grid effect, dragging an empty area of a desktop to
another desktop swaps all windows on the two desktops. This change makes
sure that this matches only windows in the current activity.
BUG: 386769
FIXED-IN: 5.24.5