strace -e open kate |& grep -v NOENT | grep oxygenrc | wc -l
went from 8 to 4
(and when looking for kdeglobals, from 13 to 11)
There's still a lot of work to be done in that area...
(within KConfigSkeleton, and probably kdeplatformtheme)
REVIEW: 115964
- move Shadow configuration UI to libs
- removed useDropShadow and useOxygenShadow options, and replaced by activeShadow::enable and inactiveShadow::enable
- use kcfg for decoration configuration. The handling of exceptions requires dedicated readConfig and writeConfig methods, implemented in oxygenutils
- changed sizegrip combobox into a check box and rephrased for clarification
The flag has been made obsolete by the fact that window corners are not part of the shadow anymore.
Configuration::useOxygenShadows is now dealt with by setting the active flag directly.