When screen is locked,
- No window other then screenlocker or inputmethods gets rendered
- Only screenlocker gets keyboard events
- Only screenlocker and inputmethods get mouse events
Things that are not secured/tested are :
- Touch events
- Global shortcuts for screenlocker
- Fallback/emergency screen not yet working
REVIEW: 126015
The way it was implemented it allowed an X11 unmanaged window to become
a key logger. Basically as soon as there was an unmanaged window it got
all key events. This problem was discovered through the xembed-sni-proxy
which broke key input to all Wayland windows in a Plasma/Wayland session.
With this change Unmanaged windows don't get any key events at all. This
might break some applications as e.g. context menus are using override
redirect windows. A test with Qt applications shows that the menus are
still functional and the events are delivered correctly internally.
If applications show problems with this change, we might need to weaken
the restriction.
The Connection thread fills the event queue, it gets read from the
main thread. In order to properly support the threaded approach the
setup is changed to delegate into the own thread.
Properly handle the mouse press/release events in InputRedirection
while we move windows. If it's the last mouse release event we end
the move resize of the window. For that we reuse the code written
in Client.
We take the configuration from the kcminputrc config file, group
keyboard (see plasma-desktop.git/kcms/keyboard/kcmmisc.cpp)
The values are only used for libinput. For backends providing input
events we expect to get repeated key events anyway.
On popular demand!
This change tracks how modifiers are used and detects a modifier only
key press/release. That is:
* no other key is pressed when the modifier gets pressed
* no other key gets pressed before the modifier gets released
If such a press/release is detected, we call a configurable dbus call.
The possible shortcuts can be configured in kwinrc, group
"ModifierOnlyShortcuts". The following keys are supported:
* Shift
* Control
* Alt
* Meta
As value it takes a QStringList (comma seperated string) with
E.g. to invoke Desktop Grid effect on Meta key:
I do not intend to add a config interface for it. Let's keep it a hidden
REVIEW: 124954
A click outside a popup should close the popup and not be passed to the
window at the pointer position. Thus we only update the internal pointer
window if the internal pointer window does not represent a visible
* Need to pass modifiers to Client::keyPressEvent
* Need to check whether move/resize ended before updating position,
otherwise it keeps stuck in move/resize after ending
So far if the new position fell outside of the screen, we ignored
the movement completely. This change only discards the event if both
x and y coordinates are outside the screen. If one component is still
on the screen it will be used. So a movement to top-left on left border
will result in a pointer movement towards top.
The KGlobalAccelD which gets created by KWin needs a plugin for the
platform specific parts. This change introduces such a plugin. It's
linked against kwin so that it can integrate with the core.
On enable the plugin registers itself in the InputRedirection and
GlobalShortcutsManager checks the plugin whether a shortcut got
As the loading of the plugin must happen after InputRedirection is
fully created a dedicated init method is added to InputRedirection.
REVIEW: 124187
Toplevel provides the input shape forwarded from SurfaceInterface. The
shape is evaluated in InputRedirection when finding the Toplevel at a
given position.
We used to change it only on keypresses. This resulted in the strange
situation that e.g. the input method virtual keyboard doesn't show up
until one presses a real key, because e.g. maliit only activates the
keyboard if there is an active focus object in the Qt application.
If there is a visible internal window it gets the pointer events.
The assumption is that the last created internal window is the top
most in stacking order.
So far input events were sent through Xwayland which is not needed as
we have all information available. Even more it had the pointer surface
on the wrong window when interacting with decorations as it was on the
window and not on the decoration.
When creating a new xkb keymap we need to pass it to the Wayland server's
seat. As the Wayland protocol expects the keymap as a file descriptor, a
temporary file is created, mmapped and the keymap written into it. As
the Wayland protocol doesn't restrict how long the file descriptor needs
to be valid we keep any created temporary file around till the
InputRedirection gets destroyed.
This change is motivated by the fact that we need to suspend libinput
before switching the virtual terminal. Also we don't want to take over
libinput if we do not have a VirtualTerminal created - in windowed mode
we don't want libinput to be started. So binding it to the backends which
create the VirtualTerminal makes sense.
The KWin::Application gains a new signal virtualTerminalCreated which is
emitted from VirtualTerminal once it's properly setup. This is used by
Input to create Libinput integration instead of binding it to logind.
Furthermore Libinput gets suspended when the VirtualTerminal reports that
it is no longer active. For re-activation we still just use logind's
session active property.
When our session gets inactive libinput loses all devices, thus our
Seat would not have neither keyboard, pointer nor touch. To not confuse
all connected clients we block updates while libinput is suspended. After
resume we check whether something actually changed and emit the
corresponding signals to ensure everything is up to date.
We handle device added/remove to monitor whether we have keyboard,
pointer and touch devices and emit signals. Those are used to update
the SeatInferface from InputRedirection.
InputRedirection gains basic support for processing touch events which
are delegated to KWayland::Server.
WaylandBackend accepts touch events from KWayland::Client and delegates
them to the InputRedirection.