The .clang-format file is based on the one in ECM except the following
style options:
- AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings
- BinPackArguments
- BinPackParameters
- ColumnLimit
- BreakBeforeBraces
- KeepEmptyLinesAtTheStartOfBlocks
The main advantage of SPDX license identifiers over the traditional
license headers is that it's more difficult to overlook inappropriate
licenses for kwin, for example GPL 3. We also don't have to copy a
lot of boilerplate text.
In order to create this change, I ran licensedigger -r -c from the
toplevel source directory.
The test application can verify that KWin correctly interprets the
WM_NORMAL_HINTS as described in ICCCM section for the
combination of min size, base size and size increment.
Introduces an optional dependency to xcb-icccm library. It's optional
as the last time we tried to use it didn't like it at
all. Thus it should be possible to disable building this test app if
the dependency is not found.