Things such as Output, InputDevice and so on are made to be
multi-purpose. In order to make this separation more clear, this change
moves that code in the core directory. Some things still link to the
abstraction level above (kwin), they can be tackled in future refactors.
Ideally code in core/ should depend either on other code in core/ or
system libs.
The .clang-format file is based on the one in ECM except the following
style options:
- AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings
- BinPackArguments
- BinPackParameters
- ColumnLimit
- BreakBeforeBraces
- KeepEmptyLinesAtTheStartOfBlocks
The main idea behind the render backend is to decouple low level bits
from scenes. The end goal is to make the render backend provide render
targets where the scene can render.
Design-wise, such a split is more flexible than the current state, for
example we could start experimenting with using qtquick (assuming that
the legacy scene is properly encapsulated) or creating multiple scenes,
for example for each output layer, etc.
So far, the RenderBackend class only contains one getter, more stuff will
be moved from the Scene as it makes sense.