The .clang-format file is based on the one in ECM except the following
style options:
- AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings
- BinPackArguments
- BinPackParameters
- ColumnLimit
- BreakBeforeBraces
- KeepEmptyLinesAtTheStartOfBlocks
The main advantage of SPDX license identifiers over the traditional
license headers is that it's more difficult to overlook inappropriate
licenses for kwin, for example GPL 3. We also don't have to copy a
lot of boilerplate text.
In order to create this change, I ran licensedigger -r -c from the
toplevel source directory.
The new test can load "profiles" from kconfig files in the test data.
Based on that the glGetString return values are mocked and GLPlatform
can perform detect without having to interact with a real GL library.
That way we can verify that the detect code works correctly. As a first
test the settings of one Intel/IvyBridge is included. More tests can be
added easily (e.g. looking at various supportInformation output in Also this allows to more easily add detect code for GPUs
we do not know yet. And to simulate conditions where the detect code
failed resulting in no compositing at all.