1. swapping direction would rather toggle tiling
2. the next screen was calculated wrongly (found outmost)
3. the electrictborder geometry was not updated when swapping the mode on screen changes
BUG: 329136
FIXED-IN: 4.11.6
CCBUG: 222921
REVIEW: 114648
KWin used KDE_VERSION_STRING as version number. This means if compiled
against kdelibs 4.12 the version is 4.12 although the true version is
4.11.something. By using the KWIN_VERSION_STRING we can base it on the
version number set in kde-workspace's CMakeLists.txt.
REVIEW: 115002
Picked Wayland by default instead of X11 causing KWin to abort
startup if there is no Wayland backend.
Important lesson: test your changes also on X11 and not just on
In the Wayland world we need to have a compositor. This means we have to
enforce that the compositor is running. If the setup fails we have to
quit, because it doesn't make any sense any more to be running.
A new method requiresCompositing() is added to the Application. If it
returns true the useCompositing option will always return true and the
unredirect fullscreen option will always return false. That way
compositing is enforced at startup and cannot end by unredirecting.
In addition this method is checked if actions are performed which would
suspend compositing. E.g. the shortcut to toggle compositing. Restarting
the compositor is still possible in order to change the selected
compositing backend without a restart. But if it fails KWin will quit.
Returns true if the OperationMode requires KWin to composite to a
Wayland surface. This replaces the checks for the WaylandBackend or env
variable used so far in the construction of the Scene.
This enum describes how KWin is operating with the available windowing
systems. By default KWin is using the OperationModeX11, but if the
Wayland backend gets started KWin is using the OperationModeWaylandAndX11
This will be extended in future when XWayland and Wayland only become
viable options.
The idea is that we can use the Application instance as a place to put
global information which should not go into kwinglobals. That is core
global things.
Effects can access the QPainter used by SceneQPainter to directly render
into the back buffer.
Obviously only available in Compositing Type QPainterCompositing.
This compositor uses only the QPainter API to perform rendering. The
window's X Pixmap is mapped to a QImage using XShm. As rendering backend
a QImage is used.
The new compositing type "QPainterCompositing" is introduced. Effects
need to be adjusted to explicitly check the compositing type and no
longer assume the compositing type is XRender if it's not OpenGL.
This compositor can be selected with using "Q" as the value for
KWIN_COMPOSE env variable or setting the config value to "QPainter".
The GUI is not yet adjusted to select this compositor.
The QPainter scene provides currently the following features:
* 2D transformations (translation and scalation)
* opacity modifications
* rendering of decorations (new PaintRedirector sub class)
* rendering of shadows
* rendering of effect frames
* rendering to a Wayland surface
The following features are currently not provided:
* saturation changes
* brightness changes
* 3D transformations
* rendering to X Overlay window
* offscreen rendering (e.g. needed for screen shot effect)
* custom rendering in the effects to the current back buffer
Completing the task of replacing all NULL to nullptr in all the files in
libkwineffects folder.
(also substituting some "0" used as nullptr with nullptr)
REVIEW: 114823
Completing the task of replacing all NULL to nullptr in all the files in tests folder
(also substituting some "0" used as nullptr with nullptr)
REVIEW: 114822
A user can now directly request a Wayland::Buffer object which exposes
the memory address of the shared memory with the wl_buffer. This allows
to use the Wayland Buffer directly as the storage of a QImage.
To make sure that the ShmPool does not reuse such a buffer the Buffer can
be marked as used.
When the ShmPool gets resized the memory addresses become invalid.
Therefore the ShmPool is now a QObject and emits a signal on resized pool
so that every user of a Wayland::Buffer can remap the memory.
This backend uses an XShm pixmap for the rendering back buffer. In
present() the content of this shm pixmap is copied into a Wayland shm
buffer freeing the pixmap to be used for the next frame again and by that
we have a double buffered rendering.
In opposite to the X11 XRender backend this backend doesn't use the
overlay window.
Only the X based Scenes need an overlay window, so the Compositor doesn't
need to check for it in the Wayland case.
OverlayWindow is moved from OpenGLBackend to the sub classes which need
to provide it.
The egl wayland backend registers for the callback for a rendered frame.
This allows to throttle KWin's compositor so that we don't render frames
which wouldn't end up on the screen.
For this the Scene provides a method to query whether the last frame got
rendered. By default this returns true in all backends. The Egl Wayland
backend returns true or false depending on whether the callback for the
last frame was recieved.
In case the last frame has not been renderd when performCompositing is
tried to be called, the method returns just like in the case when the
overlay window is not visible. Once the frame callback has been recieved
performCompositing is invoked again.
An abstract backend is split out of SceneXRender which takes care of
managing the render pictures and swapping them after a frame is rendered.
Having this abstract allows to implement further backends for XRender
which do not use the Overlay Window for compositing.
To have it consistant the SceneXRender is now also created by a factory
The Wayland::Buffer no longer holds the exact memory address but only
the offset in the pool. The actual address of the pool is only known to
the ShmPool which allows us to remap a resized file.
If a new buffer cannot be provided by the given pool, it gets now resized
to the new needed size. This allows us to only create a very small pool.
A new Wayland::Buffer class is provided which wraps a:
* wl_buffer
* size
* stride
* memory address of data represented by the buffer
In addition the Buffer knows whether the compositor has released it or
not. This allows the ShmPool to reuse the buffer in case the same size
and stride is requested.
This is currently most relevant for the CursorData. Instead of keeping
the wl_buffer, the QImage for the cursor is kept and each time the cursor
is set for the surface a new buffer is requested from the ShmPool.
The ShmPool now either reuses an existing buffer or creates a new one.
Furthermore the ShmPool takes care of releasing all buffers at EOL.
The backend gets created by Workspace, but only if the environment
variable WAYLAND_DISPLAY is set.
Because of that the egl wayland backend does no longer create the
backend, but uses the already created one.