Therefore TabBox is changed to be controlled without pressing a
modifier key. Tab and Backtab are valid keys now which can be
used to navigate in the list and return, enter and space can be
used to close the box (and select the client).
The TabBox is exported as object /TabBox on the kwin interface
providing start and close methods and signal when the TabBox got
Thanks to Iceweasel for providing a maximum icon of 48x48 which
looks really bad when upscaled to 128x128. Orig icon is placed
in the center of a new pixmap in requested size.
* BoxSwitch users are migrated to new QML TabBox thumbnails layout
* Thumbnail layout is new default (as before was BoxSwitch)
* Removed obsoleted settings from TabBox config
A new QML item "ThumbnailItem" is registered to the TabBox. The
C++ implementation finds the EffectWindow of the TabBox and adds
itself to the EffectWindow.
While rendering the EffectWindow the information for all registered
ThumbnailItems are extracted and the thumbnail is rendered on top
of the EffectWindow.
This has obvious limitations like you cannot put other QML items
on top of the thumbnail. Nevertheless it works well enough to
be a possible replacement for e.g. BoxSwitch effect.
When compositing is disabled an icon is rendered instead of the
One TabBox Layout inspired by BoxSwitch Effect is added. For the
KCM small pre-rendered items are used.
REVIEW: 103039
All the default layouts (informative, compact, text, small and big icons)
are rewritten in QML and replace the ListView used before. The old code
is still around for the desktop switching modes which are not yet ported.
Next steps include to update the configuration module to not show now
obsoleted settings as well as providing a better way to choose the layout.
REVIEW: 102948
When effects are active we never need the "classic" TabBoxView.
Nevertheless it was always created when KWin started up. By
delaying the creation some ressources should be saved if the user
only uses effects.
REVIEW: 101897
This should improve the KWin startup time as some IO is moved
into another thread. Till the config is loaded the TabBox blocks
all signals to activate the TabBox, but it is unlikely that alt+tab
is tried to be used before KWin is completely started.
This change unduplicates some code and merges it into one class
allowing us to use an replacement effect for the outline in
REVIEW: 100848
Make icon sizes 64x64 and 128x128 available in KWin and use it in TabBox for large icon modes.
So no more ugly upscaling.
CCBUG: 241384
svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=1137264
This change also includes some visual updates which fixes the black corners issue for non composited tabbox (no idea why), the hughe black border in the prview is still visible (also no idea why).
svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=1070114
* Models and Delegates for Clients and Desktops
* Horizontal, vertical and tabular layout
* Layout of one item can be configured by an XML definition
* A desktop item can include a client list
* An optional second list view showing only the selected item
* A new KCM "kwintabbox"
* An alternative TabBox with independent settings and keybindings
* Optional Highlight Windows effect integration
* List scrolls instead of removing items
* Scroll wheel support
* Cursor key support
* Middle click on item closes window
BUG: 195745
BUG: 197187
BUG: 201103
FEATURE: 118184
FEATURE: 156723
FEATURE: 177441
FEATURE: 182897
FEATURE: 193882
svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=1022861