/* KWin - the KDE window manager This file is part of the KDE project. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2012 Martin Gräßlin SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "input.h" #include "virtualdesktops.h" // KDE #include #include #include #include namespace KWin { InputRedirection *InputRedirection::s_self = nullptr; void InputRedirection::registerAxisShortcut(Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, PointerAxisDirection axis, QAction *action) { } void InputRedirection::registerTouchpadSwipeShortcut(SwipeDirection direction, uint32_t fingerCount, QAction *onUp, std::function progressCallback) { } void InputRedirection::registerTouchpadPinchShortcut(PinchDirection direction, uint32_t fingerCount, QAction *onUp, std::function progressCallback) { } void InputRedirection::registerTouchscreenSwipeShortcut(SwipeDirection direction, uint32_t fingerCount, QAction *action, std::function progressCallback) { } } Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(Qt::Orientation) using namespace KWin; class TestVirtualDesktops : public QObject { Q_OBJECT private Q_SLOTS: void init(); void cleanup(); void count_data(); void count(); void navigationWrapsAround_data(); void navigationWrapsAround(); void current_data(); void current(); void currentChangeOnCountChange_data(); void currentChangeOnCountChange(); void next_data(); void next(); void previous_data(); void previous(); void left_data(); void left(); void right_data(); void right(); void above_data(); void above(); void below_data(); void below(); void updateGrid_data(); void updateGrid(); void updateLayout_data(); void updateLayout(); void name_data(); void name(); void switchToShortcuts(); void changeRows(); void load(); void save(); private: void addDirectionColumns(); void testDirection(const QString &actionName, VirtualDesktopManager::Direction direction); }; void TestVirtualDesktops::init() { VirtualDesktopManager::create(); } void TestVirtualDesktops::cleanup() { delete VirtualDesktopManager::self(); } static const uint s_countInitValue = 2; void TestVirtualDesktops::count_data() { QTest::addColumn("request"); QTest::addColumn("result"); QTest::addColumn("signal"); QTest::addColumn("removedSignal"); QTest::newRow("Minimum") << (uint)1 << (uint)1 << true << true; QTest::newRow("Below Minimum") << (uint)0 << (uint)1 << true << true; QTest::newRow("Normal Value") << (uint)10 << (uint)10 << true << false; QTest::newRow("Maximum") << VirtualDesktopManager::maximum() << VirtualDesktopManager::maximum() << true << false; QTest::newRow("Above Maximum") << VirtualDesktopManager::maximum() + 1 << VirtualDesktopManager::maximum() << true << false; QTest::newRow("Unchanged") << s_countInitValue << s_countInitValue << false << false; } void TestVirtualDesktops::count() { VirtualDesktopManager *vds = VirtualDesktopManager::self(); QCOMPARE(vds->count(), (uint)0); // start with a useful desktop count vds->setCount(s_countInitValue); QSignalSpy spy(vds, &VirtualDesktopManager::countChanged); QSignalSpy desktopsRemoved(vds, &VirtualDesktopManager::desktopRemoved); auto vdToRemove = vds->desktops().last(); QFETCH(uint, request); QFETCH(uint, result); QFETCH(bool, signal); QFETCH(bool, removedSignal); vds->setCount(request); QCOMPARE(vds->count(), result); QCOMPARE(spy.isEmpty(), !signal); if (!spy.isEmpty()) { QList arguments = spy.takeFirst(); QCOMPARE(arguments.count(), 2); QCOMPARE(arguments.at(0).type(), QVariant::UInt); QCOMPARE(arguments.at(1).type(), QVariant::UInt); QCOMPARE(arguments.at(0).toUInt(), s_countInitValue); QCOMPARE(arguments.at(1).toUInt(), result); } QCOMPARE(desktopsRemoved.isEmpty(), !removedSignal); if (!desktopsRemoved.isEmpty()) { QList arguments = desktopsRemoved.takeFirst(); QCOMPARE(arguments.count(), 1); QCOMPARE(arguments.at(0).value(), vdToRemove); } } void TestVirtualDesktops::navigationWrapsAround_data() { QTest::addColumn("init"); QTest::addColumn("request"); QTest::addColumn("result"); QTest::addColumn("signal"); QTest::newRow("enable") << false << true << true << true; QTest::newRow("disable") << true << false << false << true; QTest::newRow("keep enabled") << true << true << true << false; QTest::newRow("keep disabled") << false << false << false << false; } void TestVirtualDesktops::navigationWrapsAround() { VirtualDesktopManager *vds = VirtualDesktopManager::self(); QCOMPARE(vds->isNavigationWrappingAround(), false); QFETCH(bool, init); QFETCH(bool, request); QFETCH(bool, result); QFETCH(bool, signal); // set to init value vds->setNavigationWrappingAround(init); QCOMPARE(vds->isNavigationWrappingAround(), init); QSignalSpy spy(vds, &VirtualDesktopManager::navigationWrappingAroundChanged); vds->setNavigationWrappingAround(request); QCOMPARE(vds->isNavigationWrappingAround(), result); QCOMPARE(spy.isEmpty(), !signal); } void TestVirtualDesktops::current_data() { QTest::addColumn("count"); QTest::addColumn("init"); QTest::addColumn("request"); QTest::addColumn("result"); QTest::addColumn("signal"); QTest::newRow("lower") << (uint)4 << (uint)3 << (uint)2 << (uint)2 << true; QTest::newRow("higher") << (uint)4 << (uint)1 << (uint)2 << (uint)2 << true; QTest::newRow("maximum") << (uint)4 << (uint)1 << (uint)4 << (uint)4 << true; QTest::newRow("above maximum") << (uint)4 << (uint)1 << (uint)5 << (uint)1 << false; QTest::newRow("minimum") << (uint)4 << (uint)2 << (uint)1 << (uint)1 << true; QTest::newRow("below minimum") << (uint)4 << (uint)2 << (uint)0 << (uint)2 << false; QTest::newRow("unchanged") << (uint)4 << (uint)2 << (uint)2 << (uint)2 << false; } void TestVirtualDesktops::current() { VirtualDesktopManager *vds = VirtualDesktopManager::self(); QCOMPARE(vds->current(), (uint)0); QFETCH(uint, count); QFETCH(uint, init); vds->setCount(count); vds->setCurrent(init); QCOMPARE(vds->current(), init); QSignalSpy spy(vds, &VirtualDesktopManager::currentChanged); QFETCH(uint, request); QFETCH(uint, result); QFETCH(bool, signal); QCOMPARE(vds->setCurrent(request), signal); QCOMPARE(vds->current(), result); QCOMPARE(spy.isEmpty(), !signal); if (!spy.isEmpty()) { QList arguments = spy.takeFirst(); QCOMPARE(arguments.count(), 2); VirtualDesktop *previous = arguments.at(0).value(); QCOMPARE(previous->x11DesktopNumber(), init); VirtualDesktop *current = arguments.at(1).value(); QCOMPARE(current->x11DesktopNumber(), result); } } void TestVirtualDesktops::currentChangeOnCountChange_data() { QTest::addColumn("initCount"); QTest::addColumn("initCurrent"); QTest::addColumn("request"); QTest::addColumn("current"); QTest::addColumn("signal"); QTest::newRow("increment") << (uint)4 << (uint)2 << (uint)5 << (uint)2 << false; QTest::newRow("increment on last") << (uint)4 << (uint)4 << (uint)5 << (uint)4 << false; QTest::newRow("decrement") << (uint)4 << (uint)2 << (uint)3 << (uint)2 << false; QTest::newRow("decrement on second last") << (uint)4 << (uint)3 << (uint)3 << (uint)3 << false; QTest::newRow("decrement on last") << (uint)4 << (uint)4 << (uint)3 << (uint)3 << true; QTest::newRow("multiple decrement") << (uint)4 << (uint)2 << (uint)1 << (uint)1 << true; } void TestVirtualDesktops::currentChangeOnCountChange() { VirtualDesktopManager *vds = VirtualDesktopManager::self(); QFETCH(uint, initCount); QFETCH(uint, initCurrent); vds->setCount(initCount); vds->setCurrent(initCurrent); QSignalSpy spy(vds, &VirtualDesktopManager::currentChanged); QFETCH(uint, request); QFETCH(uint, current); QFETCH(bool, signal); vds->setCount(request); QCOMPARE(vds->current(), current); QCOMPARE(spy.isEmpty(), !signal); } void TestVirtualDesktops::addDirectionColumns() { QTest::addColumn("initCount"); QTest::addColumn("initCurrent"); QTest::addColumn("wrap"); QTest::addColumn("result"); } void TestVirtualDesktops::testDirection(const QString &actionName, VirtualDesktopManager::Direction direction) { VirtualDesktopManager *vds = VirtualDesktopManager::self(); QFETCH(uint, initCount); QFETCH(uint, initCurrent); vds->setCount(initCount); vds->setCurrent(initCurrent); QFETCH(bool, wrap); QFETCH(uint, result); QCOMPARE(vds->inDirection(nullptr, direction, wrap)->x11DesktopNumber(), result); vds->setNavigationWrappingAround(wrap); vds->initShortcuts(); QAction *action = vds->findChild(actionName); QVERIFY(action); action->trigger(); QCOMPARE(vds->current(), result); QCOMPARE(vds->inDirection(initCurrent, direction, wrap), result); } void TestVirtualDesktops::next_data() { addDirectionColumns(); QTest::newRow("one desktop, wrap") << (uint)1 << (uint)1 << true << (uint)1; QTest::newRow("one desktop, no wrap") << (uint)1 << (uint)1 << false << (uint)1; QTest::newRow("desktops, wrap") << (uint)4 << (uint)1 << true << (uint)2; QTest::newRow("desktops, no wrap") << (uint)4 << (uint)1 << false << (uint)2; QTest::newRow("desktops at end, wrap") << (uint)4 << (uint)4 << true << (uint)1; QTest::newRow("desktops at end, no wrap") << (uint)4 << (uint)4 << false << (uint)4; } void TestVirtualDesktops::next() { testDirection(QStringLiteral("Switch to Next Desktop"), VirtualDesktopManager::Direction::Next); } void TestVirtualDesktops::previous_data() { addDirectionColumns(); QTest::newRow("one desktop, wrap") << (uint)1 << (uint)1 << true << (uint)1; QTest::newRow("one desktop, no wrap") << (uint)1 << (uint)1 << false << (uint)1; QTest::newRow("desktops, wrap") << (uint)4 << (uint)3 << true << (uint)2; QTest::newRow("desktops, no wrap") << (uint)4 << (uint)3 << false << (uint)2; QTest::newRow("desktops at start, wrap") << (uint)4 << (uint)1 << true << (uint)4; QTest::newRow("desktops at start, no wrap") << (uint)4 << (uint)1 << false << (uint)1; } void TestVirtualDesktops::previous() { testDirection(QStringLiteral("Switch to Previous Desktop"), VirtualDesktopManager::Direction::Previous); } void TestVirtualDesktops::left_data() { addDirectionColumns(); QTest::newRow("one desktop, wrap") << (uint)1 << (uint)1 << true << (uint)1; QTest::newRow("one desktop, no wrap") << (uint)1 << (uint)1 << false << (uint)1; QTest::newRow("desktops, wrap, 1st row") << (uint)4 << (uint)2 << true << (uint)1; QTest::newRow("desktops, no wrap, 1st row") << (uint)4 << (uint)2 << false << (uint)1; QTest::newRow("desktops, wrap, 2nd row") << (uint)4 << (uint)4 << true << (uint)3; QTest::newRow("desktops, no wrap, 2nd row") << (uint)4 << (uint)4 << false << (uint)3; QTest::newRow("desktops at start, wrap, 1st row") << (uint)4 << (uint)1 << true << (uint)2; QTest::newRow("desktops at start, no wrap, 1st row") << (uint)4 << (uint)1 << false << (uint)1; QTest::newRow("desktops at start, wrap, 2nd row") << (uint)4 << (uint)3 << true << (uint)4; QTest::newRow("desktops at start, no wrap, 2nd row") << (uint)4 << (uint)3 << false << (uint)3; QTest::newRow("non symmetric, start") << (uint)5 << (uint)5 << false << (uint)4; QTest::newRow("non symmetric, end, no wrap") << (uint)5 << (uint)4 << false << (uint)4; QTest::newRow("non symmetric, end, wrap") << (uint)5 << (uint)4 << true << (uint)5; } void TestVirtualDesktops::left() { testDirection(QStringLiteral("Switch One Desktop to the Left"), VirtualDesktopManager::Direction::Left); } void TestVirtualDesktops::right_data() { addDirectionColumns(); QTest::newRow("one desktop, wrap") << (uint)1 << (uint)1 << true << (uint)1; QTest::newRow("one desktop, no wrap") << (uint)1 << (uint)1 << false << (uint)1; QTest::newRow("desktops, wrap, 1st row") << (uint)4 << (uint)1 << true << (uint)2; QTest::newRow("desktops, no wrap, 1st row") << (uint)4 << (uint)1 << false << (uint)2; QTest::newRow("desktops, wrap, 2nd row") << (uint)4 << (uint)3 << true << (uint)4; QTest::newRow("desktops, no wrap, 2nd row") << (uint)4 << (uint)3 << false << (uint)4; QTest::newRow("desktops at start, wrap, 1st row") << (uint)4 << (uint)2 << true << (uint)1; QTest::newRow("desktops at start, no wrap, 1st row") << (uint)4 << (uint)2 << false << (uint)2; QTest::newRow("desktops at start, wrap, 2nd row") << (uint)4 << (uint)4 << true << (uint)3; QTest::newRow("desktops at start, no wrap, 2nd row") << (uint)4 << (uint)4 << false << (uint)4; QTest::newRow("non symmetric, start") << (uint)5 << (uint)4 << false << (uint)5; QTest::newRow("non symmetric, end, no wrap") << (uint)5 << (uint)5 << false << (uint)5; QTest::newRow("non symmetric, end, wrap") << (uint)5 << (uint)5 << true << (uint)4; } void TestVirtualDesktops::right() { testDirection(QStringLiteral("Switch One Desktop to the Right"), VirtualDesktopManager::Direction::Right); } void TestVirtualDesktops::above_data() { addDirectionColumns(); QTest::newRow("one desktop, wrap") << (uint)1 << (uint)1 << true << (uint)1; QTest::newRow("one desktop, no wrap") << (uint)1 << (uint)1 << false << (uint)1; QTest::newRow("desktops, wrap, 1st column") << (uint)4 << (uint)3 << true << (uint)1; QTest::newRow("desktops, no wrap, 1st column") << (uint)4 << (uint)3 << false << (uint)1; QTest::newRow("desktops, wrap, 2nd column") << (uint)4 << (uint)4 << true << (uint)2; QTest::newRow("desktops, no wrap, 2nd column") << (uint)4 << (uint)4 << false << (uint)2; QTest::newRow("desktops at start, wrap, 1st column") << (uint)4 << (uint)1 << true << (uint)3; QTest::newRow("desktops at start, no wrap, 1st column") << (uint)4 << (uint)1 << false << (uint)1; QTest::newRow("desktops at start, wrap, 2nd column") << (uint)4 << (uint)2 << true << (uint)4; QTest::newRow("desktops at start, no wrap, 2nd column") << (uint)4 << (uint)2 << false << (uint)2; } void TestVirtualDesktops::above() { testDirection(QStringLiteral("Switch One Desktop Up"), VirtualDesktopManager::Direction::Up); } void TestVirtualDesktops::below_data() { addDirectionColumns(); QTest::newRow("one desktop, wrap") << (uint)1 << (uint)1 << true << (uint)1; QTest::newRow("one desktop, no wrap") << (uint)1 << (uint)1 << false << (uint)1; QTest::newRow("desktops, wrap, 1st column") << (uint)4 << (uint)1 << true << (uint)3; QTest::newRow("desktops, no wrap, 1st column") << (uint)4 << (uint)1 << false << (uint)3; QTest::newRow("desktops, wrap, 2nd column") << (uint)4 << (uint)2 << true << (uint)4; QTest::newRow("desktops, no wrap, 2nd column") << (uint)4 << (uint)2 << false << (uint)4; QTest::newRow("desktops at start, wrap, 1st column") << (uint)4 << (uint)3 << true << (uint)1; QTest::newRow("desktops at start, no wrap, 1st column") << (uint)4 << (uint)3 << false << (uint)3; QTest::newRow("desktops at start, wrap, 2nd column") << (uint)4 << (uint)4 << true << (uint)2; QTest::newRow("desktops at start, no wrap, 2nd column") << (uint)4 << (uint)4 << false << (uint)4; } void TestVirtualDesktops::below() { testDirection(QStringLiteral("Switch One Desktop Down"), VirtualDesktopManager::Direction::Down); } void TestVirtualDesktops::updateGrid_data() { QTest::addColumn("initCount"); QTest::addColumn("size"); QTest::addColumn("coords"); QTest::addColumn("desktop"); QTest::newRow("one desktop, h") << (uint)1 << QSize(1, 1) << QPoint(0, 0) << (uint)1; QTest::newRow("one desktop, h, 0") << (uint)1 << QSize(1, 1) << QPoint(1, 0) << (uint)0; QTest::newRow("two desktops, h, 1") << (uint)2 << QSize(2, 1) << QPoint(0, 0) << (uint)1; QTest::newRow("two desktops, h, 2") << (uint)2 << QSize(2, 1) << QPoint(1, 0) << (uint)2; QTest::newRow("two desktops, h, 3") << (uint)2 << QSize(2, 1) << QPoint(0, 1) << (uint)0; QTest::newRow("two desktops, h, 4") << (uint)2 << QSize(2, 1) << QPoint(2, 0) << (uint)0; QTest::newRow("four desktops, h, one row, 1") << (uint)4 << QSize(4, 1) << QPoint(0, 0) << (uint)1; QTest::newRow("four desktops, h, one row, 2") << (uint)4 << QSize(4, 1) << QPoint(1, 0) << (uint)2; QTest::newRow("four desktops, h, one row, 3") << (uint)4 << QSize(4, 1) << QPoint(2, 0) << (uint)3; QTest::newRow("four desktops, h, one row, 4") << (uint)4 << QSize(4, 1) << QPoint(3, 0) << (uint)4; QTest::newRow("four desktops, h, grid, 1") << (uint)4 << QSize(2, 2) << QPoint(0, 0) << (uint)1; QTest::newRow("four desktops, h, grid, 2") << (uint)4 << QSize(2, 2) << QPoint(1, 0) << (uint)2; QTest::newRow("four desktops, h, grid, 3") << (uint)4 << QSize(2, 2) << QPoint(0, 1) << (uint)3; QTest::newRow("four desktops, h, grid, 4") << (uint)4 << QSize(2, 2) << QPoint(1, 1) << (uint)4; QTest::newRow("four desktops, h, grid, 0/3") << (uint)4 << QSize(2, 2) << QPoint(0, 3) << (uint)0; QTest::newRow("three desktops, h, grid, 1") << (uint)3 << QSize(2, 2) << QPoint(0, 0) << (uint)1; QTest::newRow("three desktops, h, grid, 2") << (uint)3 << QSize(2, 2) << QPoint(1, 0) << (uint)2; QTest::newRow("three desktops, h, grid, 3") << (uint)3 << QSize(2, 2) << QPoint(0, 1) << (uint)3; QTest::newRow("three desktops, h, grid, 4") << (uint)3 << QSize(2, 2) << QPoint(1, 1) << (uint)0; } void TestVirtualDesktops::updateGrid() { VirtualDesktopManager *vds = VirtualDesktopManager::self(); QFETCH(uint, initCount); vds->setCount(initCount); VirtualDesktopGrid grid; QFETCH(QSize, size); QCOMPARE(vds->desktops().count(), int(initCount)); grid.update(size, vds->desktops()); QCOMPARE(grid.size(), size); QCOMPARE(grid.width(), size.width()); QCOMPARE(grid.height(), size.height()); QFETCH(QPoint, coords); QFETCH(uint, desktop); QCOMPARE(grid.at(coords), vds->desktopForX11Id(desktop)); if (desktop != 0) { QCOMPARE(grid.gridCoords(desktop), coords); } } void TestVirtualDesktops::updateLayout_data() { QTest::addColumn("desktop"); QTest::addColumn("result"); QTest::newRow("01") << (uint)1 << QSize(1, 1); QTest::newRow("02") << (uint)2 << QSize(1, 2); QTest::newRow("03") << (uint)3 << QSize(2, 2); QTest::newRow("04") << (uint)4 << QSize(2, 2); QTest::newRow("05") << (uint)5 << QSize(3, 2); QTest::newRow("06") << (uint)6 << QSize(3, 2); QTest::newRow("07") << (uint)7 << QSize(4, 2); QTest::newRow("08") << (uint)8 << QSize(4, 2); QTest::newRow("09") << (uint)9 << QSize(5, 2); QTest::newRow("10") << (uint)10 << QSize(5, 2); QTest::newRow("11") << (uint)11 << QSize(6, 2); QTest::newRow("12") << (uint)12 << QSize(6, 2); QTest::newRow("13") << (uint)13 << QSize(7, 2); QTest::newRow("14") << (uint)14 << QSize(7, 2); QTest::newRow("15") << (uint)15 << QSize(8, 2); QTest::newRow("16") << (uint)16 << QSize(8, 2); QTest::newRow("17") << (uint)17 << QSize(9, 2); QTest::newRow("18") << (uint)18 << QSize(9, 2); QTest::newRow("19") << (uint)19 << QSize(10, 2); QTest::newRow("20") << (uint)20 << QSize(10, 2); } void TestVirtualDesktops::updateLayout() { VirtualDesktopManager *vds = VirtualDesktopManager::self(); QSignalSpy spy(vds, &VirtualDesktopManager::layoutChanged); // call update layout - implicitly through setCount QFETCH(uint, desktop); QFETCH(QSize, result); vds->setCount(desktop); QCOMPARE(vds->grid().size(), result); QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 1); const QVariantList &arguments = spy.at(0); QCOMPARE(arguments.at(0).toInt(), result.width()); QCOMPARE(arguments.at(1).toInt(), result.height()); // calling update layout again should not change anything vds->updateLayout(); QCOMPARE(vds->grid().size(), result); QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 2); const QVariantList &arguments2 = spy.at(1); QCOMPARE(arguments2.at(0).toInt(), result.width()); QCOMPARE(arguments2.at(1).toInt(), result.height()); } void TestVirtualDesktops::name_data() { QTest::addColumn("initCount"); QTest::addColumn("desktop"); QTest::addColumn("desktopName"); QTest::newRow("desktop 1") << (uint)5 << (uint)1 << "Desktop 1"; QTest::newRow("desktop 2") << (uint)5 << (uint)2 << "Desktop 2"; QTest::newRow("desktop 3") << (uint)5 << (uint)3 << "Desktop 3"; QTest::newRow("desktop 4") << (uint)5 << (uint)4 << "Desktop 4"; QTest::newRow("desktop 5") << (uint)5 << (uint)5 << "Desktop 5"; } void TestVirtualDesktops::name() { VirtualDesktopManager *vds = VirtualDesktopManager::self(); QFETCH(uint, initCount); vds->setCount(initCount); QFETCH(uint, desktop); const VirtualDesktop *vd = vds->desktopForX11Id(desktop); QTEST(vd->name(), "desktopName"); } void TestVirtualDesktops::switchToShortcuts() { VirtualDesktopManager *vds = VirtualDesktopManager::self(); vds->setCount(vds->maximum()); vds->setCurrent(vds->maximum()); QCOMPARE(vds->current(), vds->maximum()); vds->initShortcuts(); const QString toDesktop = QStringLiteral("Switch to Desktop %1"); for (uint i = 1; i <= vds->maximum(); ++i) { const QString desktop(toDesktop.arg(i)); QAction *action = vds->findChild(desktop); QVERIFY2(action, desktop.toUtf8().constData()); action->trigger(); QCOMPARE(vds->current(), i); } // invoke switchTo not from a QAction QMetaObject::invokeMethod(vds, "slotSwitchTo"); // should still be on max QCOMPARE(vds->current(), vds->maximum()); } void TestVirtualDesktops::changeRows() { VirtualDesktopManager *vds = VirtualDesktopManager::self(); vds->setCount(4); vds->setRows(4); QCOMPARE(vds->rows(), 4); vds->setRows(5); QCOMPARE(vds->rows(), 4); vds->setCount(2); QCOMPARE(vds->rows(), 2); } void TestVirtualDesktops::load() { VirtualDesktopManager *vds = VirtualDesktopManager::self(); // no config yet, load should not change anything vds->load(); QCOMPARE(vds->count(), (uint)0); // empty config should create one desktop KSharedConfig::Ptr config = KSharedConfig::openConfig(QString(), KConfig::SimpleConfig); vds->setConfig(config); vds->load(); QCOMPARE(vds->count(), (uint)1); // setting a sensible number config->group(QStringLiteral("Desktops")).writeEntry("Number", 4); vds->load(); QCOMPARE(vds->count(), (uint)4); // setting the config value and reloading should update config->group(QStringLiteral("Desktops")).writeEntry("Number", 5); vds->load(); QCOMPARE(vds->count(), (uint)5); } void TestVirtualDesktops::save() { VirtualDesktopManager *vds = VirtualDesktopManager::self(); vds->setCount(4); // no config yet, just to ensure it actually works vds->save(); KSharedConfig::Ptr config = KSharedConfig::openConfig(QString(), KConfig::SimpleConfig); vds->setConfig(config); // now save should create the group "Desktops" QCOMPARE(config->hasGroup(QStringLiteral("Desktops")), false); vds->save(); QCOMPARE(config->hasGroup(QStringLiteral("Desktops")), true); KConfigGroup desktops = config->group(QStringLiteral("Desktops")); QCOMPARE(desktops.readEntry("Number", 1), 4); QCOMPARE(desktops.hasKey("Name_1"), false); QCOMPARE(desktops.hasKey("Name_2"), false); QCOMPARE(desktops.hasKey("Name_3"), false); QCOMPARE(desktops.hasKey("Name_4"), false); } QTEST_MAIN(TestVirtualDesktops) #include "test_virtual_desktops.moc"