/******************************************************************** Tabstrip KWin window decoration This file is part of the KDE project. Copyright (C) 2009 Jorge Mata Copyright (C) 2009 Lucas Murray This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . *********************************************************************/ #include "tabstripdecoration.h" #include "tabstripbutton.h" #include "tabstripfactory.h" #include #include TabstripDecoration::TabstripDecoration( KDecorationBridge *bridge, KDecorationFactory *factory ) : KCommonDecorationUnstable( bridge, factory ) { click_in_progress = false; drag_in_progress = false; button = Qt::NoButton; } TabstripDecoration::~TabstripDecoration() { for( int i = 0; i < closeButtons.size(); ++i ) { TabstripButton *btn = closeButtons.front(); closeButtons.removeFirst(); delete btn; } } KCommonDecorationButton *TabstripDecoration::createButton( ButtonType type ) { switch( type ) { case HelpButton: return ( new TabstripButton( type, this, i18n("Help") ) ); break; case MaxButton: return ( new TabstripButton( type, this, i18n("Maximize") ) ); break; case MinButton: return ( new TabstripButton( type, this, i18n("Minimize") ) ); break; case CloseButton: return ( new TabstripButton( type, this, i18n("Close") ) ); break; case MenuButton: return ( new TabstripButton( type, this, i18n("Menu") ) ); break; case OnAllDesktopsButton: return ( new TabstripButton( type, this, i18n("All Desktops") ) ); break; case AboveButton: return ( new TabstripButton( type, this, i18n("Above") ) ); break; case BelowButton: return ( new TabstripButton( type, this, i18n("Below") ) ); break; case ShadeButton: return ( new TabstripButton( type, this, i18n("Shade") ) ); break; default: break; }; return 0; } void TabstripDecoration::paintTab( QPainter &painter, const QRect &geom, ClientGroupItem &item, bool active ) { // Determine painting colors QColor bgColor = options()->color( ColorTitleBar, active ); QColor textColor = options()->color( ColorFont, active ); // Draw border around the tab painter.setPen( Qt::black ); painter.drawRect( geom.adjusted( 0, 0, -1, -1 )); painter.setPen( Qt::white ); painter.drawRect( geom.adjusted( 1, 1, -2, -2 )); // Background painter.fillRect( geom.adjusted( 2, 2, -2, -2 ), bgColor ); // Window title and icon painter.setPen( textColor ); if( TabstripFactory::showIcon() ) { QRect rect( geom.x() + 25, geom.y(), geom.width() - 48, geom.height() ); QRect text; QFont font = options()->font( active ); QFontMetrics metrics( font ); QString string = metrics.elidedText( item.title(), Qt::ElideRight, rect.width() ); painter.setFont( font ); painter.drawText( rect, TabstripFactory::titleAlign() | Qt::AlignVCenter, string, &text ); painter.drawPixmap( text.x() - 22, rect.y() + 3, item.icon().pixmap( 16 )); } else { QRect rect( geom.x() + 5, geom.y(), geom.width() - 28, geom.height() ); QFont font = options()->font( active ); QFontMetrics metrics( font ); QString string = metrics.elidedText( item.title(), Qt::ElideRight, rect.width() ); painter.setFont( font ); painter.drawText( rect, TabstripFactory::titleAlign() | Qt::AlignVCenter, string ); } } void TabstripDecoration::paintEvent( QPaintEvent * ) { QPainter painter( widget() ); // Determine painting colors QColor bgColor = options()->color( ColorTitleBar, isClientGroupActive() ); QColor textColor = options()->color( ColorFont, isClientGroupActive() ); // Determine section geometry QRect frame( QPoint( 0, 0 ), widget()->frameGeometry().size() ); QRect titlebar( frame.topLeft(), QSize( frame.width(), layoutMetric( LM_TitleEdgeTop ) + layoutMetric( LM_TitleHeight ) + layoutMetric( LM_TitleEdgeBottom ) - 1 // Titlebar and main frame overlap by 1px )); // Slight optimization as we are drawing solid straight lines painter.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing, false ); // Draw black/white border around the main window painter.setPen( Qt::black ); painter.drawRect( 0, titlebar.height() - 1, frame.width() - 1, frame.height() - titlebar.height() ); painter.setPen( Qt::white ); painter.drawRect( 1, titlebar.height(), frame.width() - 3, frame.height() - titlebar.height() - 2 ); QList< ClientGroupItem > tabList = clientGroupItems(); const int tabCount = tabList.count(); // Delete unneeded tab close buttons while( tabCount < closeButtons.size() || ( tabCount == 1 && closeButtons.size() > 0 )) { TabstripButton *btn = closeButtons.front(); closeButtons.removeFirst(); delete btn; } if( tabCount > 1 ) { QRect allTabGeom = titleRect().adjusted( -1, -layoutMetric( LM_TitleEdgeTop ), 1, 0 ); QRect tabGeom = allTabGeom; tabGeom.setWidth( tabGeom.width() / tabCount + 1 ); // Split titlebar evenly for( int i = 0; i < tabCount; ++i ) { // Last tab may have a different width due to rounding if( i == tabCount - 1 ) tabGeom.setWidth( allTabGeom.width() - tabGeom.width() * i + i - 1 ); // Actually paint the tab paintTab( painter, tabGeom, tabList[i], isActive() && visibleClientGroupItem() == i ); // Create new close button if required if( i >= closeButtons.size() ) closeButtons.append( new TabstripButton( ItemCloseButton, this, i18n( "Close Item" ) ) ); closeButtons[ i ]->setActive( isActive() && visibleClientGroupItem() == i ); closeButtons[ i ]->move( tabGeom.right() - 18, tabGeom.bottom() - 18 ); closeButtons[ i ]->installEventFilter( this ); closeButtons[ i ]->show(); // Prepare for next iteration tabGeom.translate( tabGeom.width() - 1, 0 ); } // Draw border around the buttons painter.setPen( Qt::black ); painter.drawRect( 0, 0, allTabGeom.left(), allTabGeom.height() - 1 ); painter.drawRect( allTabGeom.right() - 1, 0, frame.width() - allTabGeom.right(), allTabGeom.height() - 1 ); painter.setPen( Qt::white ); painter.drawRect( 1, 1, allTabGeom.left() - 2, allTabGeom.height() - 3 ); painter.drawRect( allTabGeom.right(), 1, frame.width() - allTabGeom.right() - 2, allTabGeom.height() - 3 ); // Background behind the buttons painter.fillRect( 2, 2, allTabGeom.left() - 3, allTabGeom.height() - 4, bgColor ); painter.fillRect( allTabGeom.right() + 1, 2, frame.width() - allTabGeom.right() - 3, allTabGeom.height() - 4, bgColor ); } else { // Draw border around the titlebar painter.setPen( Qt::black ); painter.drawRect( titlebar.adjusted( 0, 0, -1, -1 )); painter.setPen( Qt::white ); painter.drawRect( titlebar.adjusted( 1, 1, -2, -2 )); // Background painter.fillRect( titlebar.adjusted( 2, 2, -2, -2 ), bgColor ); // Window title painter.setPen( textColor ); QRect rect( titleRect().x() + 2, titleRect().y(), titleRect().width() - 6, titleRect().height() - 3 ); QFont font = options()->font( isActive() ); QFontMetrics metrics( font ); QString string = metrics.elidedText( caption(), Qt::ElideRight, rect.width() ); painter.setFont( font ); painter.drawText( rect, TabstripFactory::titleAlign() | Qt::AlignVCenter, string ); } } QString TabstripDecoration::visibleName() const { return i18n("Tabstrip"); } void TabstripDecoration::init() { KCommonDecoration::init(); widget()->setAutoFillBackground( false ); widget()->setAttribute( Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent ); widget()->setAcceptDrops( true ); } bool TabstripDecoration::eventFilter( QObject* o, QEvent* e ) { bool state = false; if( e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress ) state = mouseButtonPressEvent( static_cast< QMouseEvent* >( e ) ); else if( e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease && widget() == o ) state = mouseButtonReleaseEvent( static_cast< QMouseEvent* >( e ) ); else if( e->type() == QEvent::MouseMove ) state = mouseMoveEvent( static_cast< QMouseEvent* >( e ) ); else if( e->type() == QEvent::DragEnter && widget() == o ) state = dragEnterEvent( static_cast< QDragEnterEvent* >( e ) ); else if( e->type() == QEvent::DragMove && widget() == o ) state = dragMoveEvent( static_cast< QDragMoveEvent* >( e ) ); else if( e->type() == QEvent::DragLeave && widget() == o ) state = dragLeaveEvent( static_cast< QDragLeaveEvent* >( e ) ); else if( e->type() == QEvent::Drop && widget() == o ) state = dropEvent( static_cast< QDropEvent* >( e ) ); if( TabstripButton *btn = dynamic_cast< TabstripButton* >( o ) ) { if( e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease ) { if( static_cast(e)->button() == Qt::LeftButton ) { closeClientGroupItem( closeButtons.indexOf( btn ) ); } return true; } } return state || KCommonDecorationUnstable::eventFilter( o, e ); } bool TabstripDecoration::mouseButtonPressEvent( QMouseEvent* e ) { click = widget()->mapToParent( e->pos() ); int item = itemClicked( click ); if( item >= 0 ) { click_in_progress = true; button = e->button(); return true; } click_in_progress = false; return false; } bool TabstripDecoration::mouseButtonReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent* e ) { release = e->pos(); int item = itemClicked( release ); if( click_in_progress && item >= 0 ) { click_in_progress = false; if( buttonToWindowOperation( e->button() ) != OperationsOp ) setVisibleClientGroupItem( item ); else displayClientMenu( item, widget()->mapToGlobal( release ) ); return true; } click_in_progress = false; return false; } bool TabstripDecoration::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent* e ) { QPoint c = e->pos(); int item = itemClicked( c ); if( item >= 0 && click_in_progress && buttonToWindowOperation( button ) == ClientGroupDragOp && ( c - click ).manhattanLength() >= 4 ) { click_in_progress = false; drag_in_progress = true; QDrag *drag = new QDrag( widget() ); QMimeData *group_data = new QMimeData(); group_data->setData( clientGroupItemDragMimeType(), QString().setNum( itemId( item )).toAscii() ); drag->setMimeData( group_data ); // Create draggable tab pixmap QList< ClientGroupItem > tabList = clientGroupItems(); const int tabCount = tabList.count(); QRect frame( QPoint( 0, 0 ), widget()->frameGeometry().size() ); QRect titlebar( frame.topLeft(), QSize( frame.width(), layoutMetric( LM_TitleEdgeTop ) + layoutMetric( LM_TitleHeight ) + layoutMetric( LM_TitleEdgeBottom ) - 1 // Titlebar and main frame overlap by 1px )); QRect geom = titleRect().adjusted( -1, -layoutMetric( LM_TitleEdgeTop ), 1, 0 ); geom.setWidth( geom.width() / tabCount + 1 ); // Split titlebar evenly geom.translate( geom.width() * item - item, 0 ); QPixmap pix( geom.size() ); QPainter painter( &pix ); paintTab( painter, QRect( QPoint( 0, 0 ), geom.size() ), tabList[item], isActive() && visibleClientGroupItem() == item ); drag->setPixmap( pix ); // If the cursor is on top of the pixmap then it makes the movement jerky on some systems //drag->setHotSpot( QPoint( c.x() - geom.x(), c.y() - geom.y() )); drag->setHotSpot( QPoint( c.x() - geom.x(), -1 )); drag->exec( Qt::MoveAction ); drag_in_progress = false; if( drag->target() == 0 && tabList.count() > 1 ) { // Remove window from group and move to where the cursor is located QPoint pos = QCursor::pos(); frame.moveTo( pos.x() - c.x(), pos.y() - c.y() ); removeFromClientGroup( itemClicked( click ), frame ); } return true; } return false; } bool TabstripDecoration::dragEnterEvent( QDragEnterEvent* e ) { if( e->source() != 0 && e->source()->objectName() == "decoration widget" ) { drag_in_progress = true; e->acceptProposedAction(); QPoint point = widget()->mapToParent( e->pos() ); targetTab = itemClicked( point ); widget()->update(); return true; } return false; } bool TabstripDecoration::dropEvent( QDropEvent* e ) { QPoint point = widget()->mapToParent( e->pos() ); drag_in_progress = false; int tabClick = itemClicked( point ); if( tabClick >= 0 ) { const QMimeData *group_data = e->mimeData(); if( group_data->hasFormat( clientGroupItemDragMimeType() ) ) { if( widget() == e->source() ) { int from = itemClicked( click ); moveItemInClientGroup( from, itemClicked( point, true )); } else { long source = QString( group_data->data( clientGroupItemDragMimeType() ) ).toLong(); moveItemToClientGroup( source, itemClicked( point, true )); } return true; } } return false; } bool TabstripDecoration::dragMoveEvent( QDragMoveEvent* ) { return false; } bool TabstripDecoration::dragLeaveEvent( QDragLeaveEvent* ) { return false; } int TabstripDecoration::layoutMetric(LayoutMetric lm, bool respectWindowState, const KCommonDecorationButton *button) const { switch ( lm ) { case LM_BorderBottom: return 2; case LM_BorderLeft: case LM_BorderRight: return 2; case LM_TitleHeight: return 17; case LM_TitleBorderLeft: return 3; case LM_TitleBorderRight: return 1; case LM_TitleEdgeTop: case LM_TitleEdgeBottom: case LM_TitleEdgeLeft: case LM_TitleEdgeRight: return 3; case LM_ButtonWidth: case LM_ButtonHeight: return 16; case LM_ButtonSpacing: return 6; case LM_ExplicitButtonSpacer: return -2; default: return KCommonDecoration::layoutMetric( lm, respectWindowState, button ); break; } } int TabstripDecoration::itemClicked( const QPoint &point, bool between ) { QRect frame = widget()->frameGeometry(); QList< ClientGroupItem > list = clientGroupItems(); int tabs = list.count(); int t_x = titleRect().x(); int t_y = frame.y(); int t_w = titleRect().width(); int t_h = layoutMetric( LM_TitleEdgeTop ) + layoutMetric( LM_TitleHeight ) + layoutMetric( LM_TitleEdgeBottom ); int tabWidth = t_w/tabs; if( between ) // We are inserting a new tab between two existing ones t_x -= tabWidth / 2; int rem = t_w%tabs; int tab_x = t_x; for( int i = 0; i < tabs; ++i ) { QRect tabRect( tab_x, t_y, i