[Desktop Entry] Name=Eye on Screen Name[ca]=Ull a la pantalla Name[cs]=Oko na obrazovce Name[en_GB]=Eye on Screen Name[es]=Ojo a la pantalla Name[et]=Eye on Screen Name[eu]=Begirada pantailan Name[fr]=Jeter un oeil sur le bureau Name[ia]=Eye On Screen (Oculo sur schermo) Name[id]=Mata di Layar Name[it]=Eye On Screen Name[ko]=화면 위의 눈 Name[lt]=Akis ekrane Name[nl]=Oog op scherm Name[nn]=Auge på skjerm Name[pt]=Olho no Ecrã Name[pt_BR]=Olho na tela Name[ru]=Втягивание окон в центр экрана Name[sk]=Oko na obrazovke Name[sl]=Oko na zaslonu Name[sv]=Ögat på skärmen Name[uk]=Око на екрані Name[x-test]=xxEye on Screenxx Name[zh_CN]=关注屏幕 Name[zh_TW]=螢幕之眼 Icon=preferences-system-windows-effect-eyeonscreen Comment=Suck windows into the desktop Comment[ca]=Enganxa les finestres a l'escriptori Comment[en_GB]=Suck windows into the desktop Comment[es]=Aspirar las ventanas en el escritorio Comment[et]=Akende imemine töölauale Comment[eu]=Mahaigainak leihoak xurgatu Comment[fr]=Faire disparaître les fenêtres dans le bureau Comment[ia]=Suger fenestras in le scriptorio Comment[id]=Sedot window ke desktop Comment[it]=Risucchia le finestre nel desktop Comment[ko]=창을 바탕 화면으로 흡수 Comment[lt]=Įtraukti langus į darbalaukį Comment[nl]=Zuig vensters in het bureaublad Comment[nn]=Sug vindauge inn i skrivebordet Comment[pt]=Aspira as janelas para o ecrã Comment[pt_BR]=Suga as janelas para a área de trabalho Comment[ru]=Втягивание окон в центр рабочего стола Comment[sl]=Prisesa okna na namizje Comment[sv]=Sug in fönster i skrivbordet Comment[uk]=Засмоктування вікон до стільниці Comment[x-test]=xxSuck windows into the desktopxx Comment[zh_CN]=将窗口吸收到桌面 Comment[zh_TW]=將視窗吸進桌面 Type=Service X-Plasma-API=javascript X-Plasma-MainScript=code/main.js X-KDE-ServiceTypes=KWin/Effect X-KDE-PluginInfo-Author=Thomas Lübking X-KDE-PluginInfo-Email=thomas.luebking@gmail.com X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name=kwin4_effect_eyeonscreen X-KDE-PluginInfo-Version=0.1.0 X-KDE-PluginInfo-Category=Show Desktop Animation X-KDE-PluginInfo-Depends= X-KDE-PluginInfo-License=GPL X-KDE-PluginInfo-EnabledByDefault=false X-KDE-Ordering=50 X-KWin-Exclusive-Category=show-desktop