/******************************************************************** KWin - the KDE window manager This file is part of the KDE project. Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Matthias Ettrich <ettrich@kde.org> Copyright (C) 2003 Lubos Lunak <l.lunak@kde.org> Copyright (C) 2013 Martin Gräßlin <mgraesslin@kde.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *********************************************************************/ // own #include "netinfo.h" // kwin #include "client.h" #include "rootinfo_filter.h" #include "virtualdesktops.h" #include "workspace.h" // Qt #include <QDebug> namespace KWin { extern int screen_number; RootInfo *RootInfo::s_self = NULL; RootInfo *RootInfo::create() { Q_ASSERT(!s_self); xcb_window_t supportWindow = xcb_generate_id(connection()); const uint32_t values[] = {true}; xcb_create_window(connection(), XCB_COPY_FROM_PARENT, supportWindow, KWin::rootWindow(), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, XCB_COPY_FROM_PARENT, XCB_COPY_FROM_PARENT, XCB_CW_OVERRIDE_REDIRECT, values); const uint32_t lowerValues[] = { XCB_STACK_MODE_BELOW }; // See usage in layers.cpp // we need to do the lower window with a roundtrip, otherwise NETRootInfo is not functioning ScopedCPointer<xcb_generic_error_t> error(xcb_request_check(connection(), xcb_configure_window_checked(connection(), supportWindow, XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_STACK_MODE, lowerValues))); if (!error.isNull()) { qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "Error occurred while lowering support window: " << error->error_code; } const NET::Properties properties = NET::Supported | NET::SupportingWMCheck | NET::ClientList | NET::ClientListStacking | NET::DesktopGeometry | NET::NumberOfDesktops | NET::CurrentDesktop | NET::ActiveWindow | NET::WorkArea | NET::CloseWindow | NET::DesktopNames | NET::WMName | NET::WMVisibleName | NET::WMDesktop | NET::WMWindowType | NET::WMState | NET::WMStrut | NET::WMIconGeometry | NET::WMIcon | NET::WMPid | NET::WMMoveResize | NET::WMFrameExtents | NET::WMPing; const NET::WindowTypes types = NET::NormalMask | NET::DesktopMask | NET::DockMask | NET::ToolbarMask | NET::MenuMask | NET::DialogMask | NET::OverrideMask | NET::UtilityMask | NET::SplashMask; // No compositing window types here unless we support them also as managed window types const NET::States states = NET::Modal | //NET::Sticky | // Large desktops not supported (and probably never will be) NET::MaxVert | NET::MaxHoriz | NET::Shaded | NET::SkipTaskbar | NET::KeepAbove | //NET::StaysOnTop | // The same like KeepAbove NET::SkipPager | NET::Hidden | NET::FullScreen | NET::KeepBelow | NET::DemandsAttention | NET::SkipSwitcher; NET::Properties2 properties2 = NET::WM2UserTime | NET::WM2StartupId | NET::WM2AllowedActions | NET::WM2RestackWindow | NET::WM2MoveResizeWindow | NET::WM2ExtendedStrut | NET::WM2KDETemporaryRules | NET::WM2ShowingDesktop | NET::WM2DesktopLayout | NET::WM2FullPlacement | NET::WM2FullscreenMonitors | NET::WM2KDEShadow | NET::WM2OpaqueRegion; #ifdef KWIN_BUILD_ACTIVITIES properties2 |= NET::WM2Activities; #endif const NET::Actions actions = NET::ActionMove | NET::ActionResize | NET::ActionMinimize | NET::ActionShade | //NET::ActionStick | // Sticky state is not supported NET::ActionMaxVert | NET::ActionMaxHoriz | NET::ActionFullScreen | NET::ActionChangeDesktop | NET::ActionClose; s_self = new RootInfo(supportWindow, "KWin", properties, types, states, properties2, actions, screen_number); return s_self; } void RootInfo::destroy() { if (!s_self) { return; } xcb_window_t supportWindow = s_self->supportWindow(); delete s_self; s_self = NULL; xcb_destroy_window(connection(), supportWindow); } RootInfo::RootInfo(xcb_window_t w, const char *name, NET::Properties properties, NET::WindowTypes types, NET::States states, NET::Properties2 properties2, NET::Actions actions, int scr) : NETRootInfo(connection(), w, name, properties, types, states, properties2, actions, scr) , m_activeWindow(activeWindow()) , m_eventFilter(std::make_unique<RootInfoFilter>(this)) { } void RootInfo::changeNumberOfDesktops(int n) { VirtualDesktopManager::self()->setCount(n); } void RootInfo::changeCurrentDesktop(int d) { VirtualDesktopManager::self()->setCurrent(d); } void RootInfo::changeActiveWindow(xcb_window_t w, NET::RequestSource src, xcb_timestamp_t timestamp, xcb_window_t active_window) { Workspace *workspace = Workspace::self(); if (Client* c = workspace->findClient(Predicate::WindowMatch, w)) { if (timestamp == CurrentTime) timestamp = c->userTime(); if (src != NET::FromApplication && src != FromTool) src = NET::FromTool; if (src == NET::FromTool) workspace->activateClient(c, true); // force else if (c == workspace->mostRecentlyActivatedClient()) { return; // WORKAROUND? With > 1 plasma activities, we cause this ourselves. bug #240673 } else { // NET::FromApplication Client* c2; if (workspace->allowClientActivation(c, timestamp, false, true)) workspace->activateClient(c); // if activation of the requestor's window would be allowed, allow activation too else if (active_window != None && (c2 = workspace->findClient(Predicate::WindowMatch, active_window)) != NULL && workspace->allowClientActivation(c2, timestampCompare(timestamp, c2->userTime() > 0 ? timestamp : c2->userTime()), false, true)) { workspace->activateClient(c); } else c->demandAttention(); } } } void RootInfo::restackWindow(xcb_window_t w, RequestSource src, xcb_window_t above, int detail, xcb_timestamp_t timestamp) { if (Client* c = Workspace::self()->findClient(Predicate::WindowMatch, w)) { if (timestamp == CurrentTime) timestamp = c->userTime(); if (src != NET::FromApplication && src != FromTool) src = NET::FromTool; c->restackWindow(above, detail, src, timestamp, true); } } void RootInfo::closeWindow(xcb_window_t w) { Client* c = Workspace::self()->findClient(Predicate::WindowMatch, w); if (c) c->closeWindow(); } void RootInfo::moveResize(xcb_window_t w, int x_root, int y_root, unsigned long direction) { Client* c = Workspace::self()->findClient(Predicate::WindowMatch, w); if (c) { updateXTime(); // otherwise grabbing may have old timestamp - this message should include timestamp c->NETMoveResize(x_root, y_root, (Direction)direction); } } void RootInfo::moveResizeWindow(xcb_window_t w, int flags, int x, int y, int width, int height) { Client* c = Workspace::self()->findClient(Predicate::WindowMatch, w); if (c) c->NETMoveResizeWindow(flags, x, y, width, height); } void RootInfo::gotPing(xcb_window_t w, xcb_timestamp_t timestamp) { if (Client* c = Workspace::self()->findClient(Predicate::WindowMatch, w)) c->gotPing(timestamp); } void RootInfo::changeShowingDesktop(bool showing) { Workspace::self()->setShowingDesktop(showing); } void RootInfo::setActiveClient(AbstractClient *client) { const xcb_window_t w = client ? client->window() : xcb_window_t{XCB_WINDOW_NONE}; if (m_activeWindow == w) { return; } m_activeWindow = w; setActiveWindow(m_activeWindow); } // **************************************** // WinInfo // **************************************** WinInfo::WinInfo(Client * c, xcb_window_t window, xcb_window_t rwin, NET::Properties properties, NET::Properties2 properties2) : NETWinInfo(connection(), window, rwin, properties, properties2, NET::WindowManager), m_client(c) { } void WinInfo::changeDesktop(int desktop) { Workspace::self()->sendClientToDesktop(m_client, desktop, true); } void WinInfo::changeFullscreenMonitors(NETFullscreenMonitors topology) { m_client->updateFullscreenMonitors(topology); } void WinInfo::changeState(NET::States state, NET::States mask) { mask &= ~NET::Sticky; // KWin doesn't support large desktops, ignore mask &= ~NET::Hidden; // clients are not allowed to change this directly state &= mask; // for safety, clear all other bits if ((mask & NET::FullScreen) != 0 && (state & NET::FullScreen) == 0) m_client->setFullScreen(false, false); if ((mask & NET::Max) == NET::Max) m_client->setMaximize(state & NET::MaxVert, state & NET::MaxHoriz); else if (mask & NET::MaxVert) m_client->setMaximize(state & NET::MaxVert, m_client->maximizeMode() & MaximizeHorizontal); else if (mask & NET::MaxHoriz) m_client->setMaximize(m_client->maximizeMode() & MaximizeVertical, state & NET::MaxHoriz); if (mask & NET::Shaded) m_client->setShade(state & NET::Shaded ? ShadeNormal : ShadeNone); if (mask & NET::KeepAbove) m_client->setKeepAbove((state & NET::KeepAbove) != 0); if (mask & NET::KeepBelow) m_client->setKeepBelow((state & NET::KeepBelow) != 0); if (mask & NET::SkipTaskbar) m_client->setOriginalSkipTaskbar((state & NET::SkipTaskbar) != 0); if (mask & NET::SkipPager) m_client->setSkipPager((state & NET::SkipPager) != 0); if (mask & NET::SkipSwitcher) m_client->setSkipSwitcher((state & NET::SkipSwitcher) != 0); if (mask & NET::DemandsAttention) m_client->demandAttention((state & NET::DemandsAttention) != 0); if (mask & NET::Modal) m_client->setModal((state & NET::Modal) != 0); // unsetting fullscreen first, setting it last (because e.g. maximize works only for !isFullScreen() ) if ((mask & NET::FullScreen) != 0 && (state & NET::FullScreen) != 0) m_client->setFullScreen(true, false); } void WinInfo::disable() { m_client = NULL; // only used when the object is passed to Deleted } } // namespace