/******************************************************************** KWin - the KDE window manager This file is part of the KDE project. Copyright (C) 2015 Martin Gräßlin This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . *********************************************************************/ #include "abstract_client.h" #include "decorations/decorationpalette.h" #include "focuschain.h" #include "screens.h" #ifdef KWIN_BUILD_TABBOX #include "tabbox.h" #endif #include "tabgroup.h" #include "workspace.h" #if HAVE_WAYLAND #include "wayland_server.h" #include #endif namespace KWin { QHash> AbstractClient::s_palettes; std::shared_ptr AbstractClient::s_defaultPalette; AbstractClient::AbstractClient() : Toplevel() #ifdef KWIN_BUILD_TABBOX , m_tabBoxClient(QSharedPointer(new TabBox::TabBoxClientImpl(this))) #endif , m_colorScheme(QStringLiteral("kdeglobals")) { } AbstractClient::~AbstractClient() = default; void AbstractClient::updateMouseGrab() { } bool AbstractClient::belongToSameApplication(const AbstractClient *c1, const AbstractClient *c2, bool active_hack) { return c1->belongsToSameApplication(c2, active_hack); } bool AbstractClient::isTransient() const { return false; } TabGroup *AbstractClient::tabGroup() const { return nullptr; } bool AbstractClient::untab(const QRect &toGeometry, bool clientRemoved) { Q_UNUSED(toGeometry) Q_UNUSED(clientRemoved) return false; } bool AbstractClient::isCurrentTab() const { return true; } void AbstractClient::growHorizontal() { } void AbstractClient::growVertical() { } void AbstractClient::shrinkHorizontal() { } void AbstractClient::shrinkVertical() { } void AbstractClient::packTo(int left, int top) { Q_UNUSED(left) Q_UNUSED(top) } xcb_timestamp_t AbstractClient::userTime() const { return XCB_TIME_CURRENT_TIME; } void AbstractClient::setSkipSwitcher(bool set) { set = rules()->checkSkipSwitcher(set); if (set == skipSwitcher()) return; m_skipSwitcher = set; updateWindowRules(Rules::SkipSwitcher); emit skipSwitcherChanged(); } void AbstractClient::setSkipPager(bool b) { b = rules()->checkSkipPager(b); if (b == skipPager()) return; m_skipPager = b; doSetSkipPager(); info->setState(b ? NET::SkipPager : NET::States(0), NET::SkipPager); updateWindowRules(Rules::SkipPager); emit skipPagerChanged(); } void AbstractClient::doSetSkipPager() { } void AbstractClient::setSkipTaskbar(bool b) { int was_wants_tab_focus = wantsTabFocus(); if (b == skipTaskbar()) return; m_skipTaskbar = b; doSetSkipTaskbar(); updateWindowRules(Rules::SkipTaskbar); if (was_wants_tab_focus != wantsTabFocus()) { FocusChain::self()->update(this, isActive() ? FocusChain::MakeFirst : FocusChain::Update); } emit skipTaskbarChanged(); } void AbstractClient::setOriginalSkipTaskbar(bool b) { m_originalSkipTaskbar = rules()->checkSkipTaskbar(b); setSkipTaskbar(m_originalSkipTaskbar); } void AbstractClient::doSetSkipTaskbar() { } void AbstractClient::setIcon(const QIcon &icon) { m_icon = icon; emit iconChanged(); } void AbstractClient::setActive(bool act) { if (m_active == act) { return; } m_active = act; const int ruledOpacity = m_active ? rules()->checkOpacityActive(qRound(opacity() * 100.0)) : rules()->checkOpacityInactive(qRound(opacity() * 100.0)); setOpacity(ruledOpacity / 100.0); workspace()->setActiveClient(act ? this : NULL); if (!m_active) cancelAutoRaise(); if (!m_active && shadeMode() == ShadeActivated) setShade(ShadeNormal); doSetActive(); emit activeChanged(); updateMouseGrab(); } void AbstractClient::doSetActive() { } void AbstractClient::updateLayer() { } void AbstractClient::setKeepAbove(bool b) { b = rules()->checkKeepAbove(b); if (b && !rules()->checkKeepBelow(false)) setKeepBelow(false); if (b == keepAbove()) { // force hint change if different if (info && bool(info->state() & NET::KeepAbove) != keepAbove()) info->setState(keepAbove() ? NET::KeepAbove : NET::States(0), NET::KeepAbove); return; } m_keepAbove = b; if (info) { info->setState(keepAbove() ? NET::KeepAbove : NET::States(0), NET::KeepAbove); } workspace()->updateClientLayer(this); updateWindowRules(Rules::Above); doSetKeepAbove(); emit keepAboveChanged(m_keepAbove); } void AbstractClient::doSetKeepAbove() { } void AbstractClient::setKeepBelow(bool b) { b = rules()->checkKeepBelow(b); if (b && !rules()->checkKeepAbove(false)) setKeepAbove(false); if (b == keepBelow()) { // force hint change if different if (info && bool(info->state() & NET::KeepBelow) != keepBelow()) info->setState(keepBelow() ? NET::KeepBelow : NET::States(0), NET::KeepBelow); return; } m_keepBelow = b; if (info) { info->setState(keepBelow() ? NET::KeepBelow : NET::States(0), NET::KeepBelow); } workspace()->updateClientLayer(this); updateWindowRules(Rules::Below); doSetKeepBelow(); emit keepBelowChanged(m_keepBelow); } void AbstractClient::doSetKeepBelow() { } void AbstractClient::startAutoRaise() { delete m_autoRaiseTimer; m_autoRaiseTimer = new QTimer(this); connect(m_autoRaiseTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &AbstractClient::autoRaise); m_autoRaiseTimer->setSingleShot(true); m_autoRaiseTimer->start(options->autoRaiseInterval()); } void AbstractClient::cancelAutoRaise() { delete m_autoRaiseTimer; m_autoRaiseTimer = nullptr; } void AbstractClient::autoRaise() { workspace()->raiseClient(this); cancelAutoRaise(); } bool AbstractClient::wantsTabFocus() const { return (isNormalWindow() || isDialog()) && wantsInput(); } bool AbstractClient::isSpecialWindow() const { // TODO return isDesktop() || isDock() || isSplash() || isToolbar() || isNotification() || isOnScreenDisplay(); } void AbstractClient::demandAttention(bool set) { if (isActive()) set = false; if (m_demandsAttention == set) return; m_demandsAttention = set; if (info) { info->setState(set ? NET::DemandsAttention : NET::States(0), NET::DemandsAttention); } workspace()->clientAttentionChanged(this, set); emit demandsAttentionChanged(); } void AbstractClient::setDesktop(int desktop) { const int numberOfDesktops = VirtualDesktopManager::self()->count(); if (desktop != NET::OnAllDesktops) // Do range check desktop = qMax(1, qMin(numberOfDesktops, desktop)); desktop = qMin(numberOfDesktops, rules()->checkDesktop(desktop)); if (m_desktop == desktop) return; int was_desk = m_desktop; const bool wasOnCurrentDesktop = isOnCurrentDesktop(); m_desktop = desktop; doSetDesktop(desktop, was_desk); FocusChain::self()->update(this, FocusChain::MakeFirst); updateWindowRules(Rules::Desktop); emit desktopChanged(); if (wasOnCurrentDesktop != isOnCurrentDesktop()) emit desktopPresenceChanged(this, was_desk); } void AbstractClient::doSetDesktop(int desktop, int was_desk) { Q_UNUSED(desktop) Q_UNUSED(was_desk) } void AbstractClient::setOnAllDesktops(bool b) { if ((b && isOnAllDesktops()) || (!b && !isOnAllDesktops())) return; if (b) setDesktop(NET::OnAllDesktops); else setDesktop(VirtualDesktopManager::self()->current()); } bool AbstractClient::isShadeable() const { return false; } void AbstractClient::setShade(bool set) { set ? setShade(ShadeNormal) : setShade(ShadeNone); } void AbstractClient::setShade(ShadeMode mode) { Q_UNUSED(mode) } ShadeMode AbstractClient::shadeMode() const { return ShadeNone; } AbstractClient::Position AbstractClient::titlebarPosition() const { // TODO: still needed, remove? return PositionTop; } void AbstractClient::setMinimized(bool set) { set ? minimize() : unminimize(); } void AbstractClient::minimize(bool avoid_animation) { if (!isMinimizable() || isMinimized()) return; if (isShade() && info) // NETWM restriction - KWindowInfo::isMinimized() == Hidden && !Shaded info->setState(0, NET::Shaded); m_minimized = true; doMinimize(); updateWindowRules(Rules::Minimize); FocusChain::self()->update(this, FocusChain::MakeFirstMinimized); // TODO: merge signal with s_minimized emit clientMinimized(this, !avoid_animation); emit minimizedChanged(); } void AbstractClient::unminimize(bool avoid_animation) { if (!isMinimized()) return; if (rules()->checkMinimize(false)) { return; } if (isShade() && info) // NETWM restriction - KWindowInfo::isMinimized() == Hidden && !Shaded info->setState(NET::Shaded, NET::Shaded); m_minimized = false; doMinimize(); updateWindowRules(Rules::Minimize); emit clientUnminimized(this, !avoid_animation); emit minimizedChanged(); } void AbstractClient::doMinimize() { } QPalette AbstractClient::palette() const { if (!m_palette) { return QPalette(); } return m_palette->palette(); } const Decoration::DecorationPalette *AbstractClient::decorationPalette() const { return m_palette.get(); } void AbstractClient::updateColorScheme(QString path) { if (path.isEmpty()) { path = QStringLiteral("kdeglobals"); } if (!m_palette || m_colorScheme != path) { m_colorScheme = path; if (m_palette) { disconnect(m_palette.get(), &Decoration::DecorationPalette::changed, this, &AbstractClient::handlePaletteChange); } auto it = s_palettes.find(m_colorScheme); if (it == s_palettes.end() || it->expired()) { m_palette = std::make_shared(m_colorScheme); if (m_palette->isValid()) { s_palettes[m_colorScheme] = m_palette; } else { if (!s_defaultPalette) { s_defaultPalette = std::make_shared(QStringLiteral("kdeglobals")); s_palettes[QStringLiteral("kdeglobals")] = s_defaultPalette; } m_palette = s_defaultPalette; } if (m_colorScheme == QStringLiteral("kdeglobals")) { s_defaultPalette = m_palette; } } else { m_palette = it->lock(); } connect(m_palette.get(), &Decoration::DecorationPalette::changed, this, &AbstractClient::handlePaletteChange); emit paletteChanged(palette()); } } void AbstractClient::handlePaletteChange() { emit paletteChanged(palette()); } void AbstractClient::keepInArea(QRect area, bool partial) { if (partial) { // increase the area so that can have only 100 pixels in the area area.setLeft(qMin(area.left() - width() + 100, area.left())); area.setTop(qMin(area.top() - height() + 100, area.top())); area.setRight(qMax(area.right() + width() - 100, area.right())); area.setBottom(qMax(area.bottom() + height() - 100, area.bottom())); } if (!partial) { // resize to fit into area if (area.width() < width() || area.height() < height()) resizeWithChecks(qMin(area.width(), width()), qMin(area.height(), height())); } int tx = x(), ty = y(); if (geometry().right() > area.right() && width() <= area.width()) tx = area.right() - width() + 1; if (geometry().bottom() > area.bottom() && height() <= area.height()) ty = area.bottom() - height() + 1; if (!area.contains(geometry().topLeft())) { if (tx < area.x()) tx = area.x(); if (ty < area.y()) ty = area.y(); } if (tx != x() || ty != y()) move(tx, ty); } QSize AbstractClient::maxSize() const { return rules()->checkMaxSize(QSize(INT_MAX, INT_MAX)); } QSize AbstractClient::minSize() const { return rules()->checkMinSize(QSize(0, 0)); } void AbstractClient::updateMoveResize(const QPointF ¤tGlobalCursor) { Q_UNUSED(currentGlobalCursor) } bool AbstractClient::hasStrut() const { return false; } void AbstractClient::setupWindowManagementInterface() { #if HAVE_WAYLAND if (m_windowManagementInterface) { // already setup return; } if (!waylandServer() || !surface()) { return; } if (!waylandServer()->windowManagement()) { return; } using namespace KWayland::Server; auto w = waylandServer()->windowManagement()->createWindow(this); w->setTitle(caption()); w->setVirtualDesktop(isOnAllDesktops() ? 0 : desktop() - 1); w->setActive(isActive()); w->setFullscreen(isFullScreen()); w->setKeepAbove(keepAbove()); w->setKeepBelow(keepBelow()); w->setMaximized(maximizeMode() == KWin::MaximizeFull); w->setMinimized(isMinimized()); w->setOnAllDesktops(isOnAllDesktops()); w->setDemandsAttention(isDemandingAttention()); w->setCloseable(isCloseable()); w->setMaximizeable(isMaximizable()); w->setMinimizeable(isMinimizable()); w->setFullscreenable(isFullScreenable()); w->setThemedIconName(icon().name().isEmpty() ? QStringLiteral("xorg") : icon().name()); w->setAppId(QString::fromUtf8(resourceName())); connect(this, &AbstractClient::captionChanged, w, [w, this] { w->setTitle(caption()); }); connect(this, &AbstractClient::desktopChanged, w, [w, this] { if (isOnAllDesktops()) { w->setOnAllDesktops(true); return; } w->setVirtualDesktop(desktop() - 1); w->setOnAllDesktops(false); } ); connect(this, &AbstractClient::activeChanged, w, [w, this] { w->setActive(isActive()); }); connect(this, &AbstractClient::fullScreenChanged, w, [w, this] { w->setFullscreen(isFullScreen()); }); connect(this, &AbstractClient::keepAboveChanged, w, &PlasmaWindowInterface::setKeepAbove); connect(this, &AbstractClient::keepBelowChanged, w, &PlasmaWindowInterface::setKeepBelow); connect(this, &AbstractClient::minimizedChanged, w, [w, this] { w->setMinimized(isMinimized()); }); connect(this, static_cast(&AbstractClient::clientMaximizedStateChanged), w, [w] (KWin::AbstractClient *c, MaximizeMode mode) { Q_UNUSED(c); w->setMaximized(mode == KWin::MaximizeFull); } ); connect(this, &AbstractClient::demandsAttentionChanged, w, [w, this] { w->setDemandsAttention(isDemandingAttention()); }); connect(this, &AbstractClient::iconChanged, w, [w, this] { const QIcon i = icon(); w->setThemedIconName(i.name().isEmpty() ? QStringLiteral("xorg") : i.name()); } ); connect(this, &AbstractClient::windowClassChanged, w, [w, this] { w->setAppId(QString::fromUtf8(resourceName())); } ); connect(w, &PlasmaWindowInterface::closeRequested, this, [this] { closeWindow(); }); connect(w, &PlasmaWindowInterface::virtualDesktopRequested, this, [this] (quint32 desktop) { workspace()->sendClientToDesktop(this, desktop + 1, true); } ); connect(w, &PlasmaWindowInterface::fullscreenRequested, this, [this] (bool set) { setFullScreen(set, false); } ); connect(w, &PlasmaWindowInterface::minimizedRequested, this, [this] (bool set) { if (set) { minimize(); } else { unminimize(); } } ); connect(w, &PlasmaWindowInterface::maximizedRequested, this, [this] (bool set) { maximize(set ? MaximizeFull : MaximizeRestore); } ); connect(w, &PlasmaWindowInterface::keepAboveRequested, this, [this] (bool set) { setKeepAbove(set); } ); connect(w, &PlasmaWindowInterface::keepBelowRequested, this, [this] (bool set) { setKeepBelow(set); } ); connect(w, &PlasmaWindowInterface::demandsAttentionRequested, this, [this] (bool set) { demandAttention(set); } ); connect(w, &PlasmaWindowInterface::activeRequested, this, [this] (bool set) { if (set) { workspace()->activateClient(this, true); } } ); m_windowManagementInterface = w; #endif } void AbstractClient::destroyWindowManagementInterface() { #if HAVE_WAYLAND delete m_windowManagementInterface; m_windowManagementInterface = nullptr; #endif } Options::MouseCommand AbstractClient::getMouseCommand(Qt::MouseButton button, bool *handled) const { *handled = false; if (button == Qt::NoButton) { return Options::MouseNothing; } if (isActive()) { if (options->isClickRaise()) { *handled = true; return Options::MouseActivateRaiseAndPassClick; } } else { *handled = true; switch (button) { case Qt::LeftButton: return options->commandWindow1(); case Qt::MiddleButton: return options->commandWindow2(); case Qt::RightButton: return options->commandWindow3(); default: // all other buttons pass Activate & Pass Client return Options::MouseActivateAndPassClick; } } return Options::MouseNothing; } Options::MouseCommand AbstractClient::getWheelCommand(Qt::Orientation orientation, bool *handled) const { *handled = false; if (orientation != Qt::Vertical) { return Options::MouseNothing; } if (!isActive()) { *handled = true; return options->commandWindowWheel(); } return Options::MouseNothing; } bool AbstractClient::performMouseCommand(Options::MouseCommand cmd, const QPoint &globalPos) { bool replay = false; switch(cmd) { case Options::MouseRaise: workspace()->raiseClient(this); break; case Options::MouseLower: { workspace()->lowerClient(this); break; } case Options::MouseOperationsMenu: if (isActive() && options->isClickRaise()) autoRaise(); workspace()->showWindowMenu(QRect(globalPos, globalPos), this); break; case Options::MouseToggleRaiseAndLower: workspace()->raiseOrLowerClient(this); break; case Options::MouseActivateAndRaise: { replay = isActive(); // for clickraise mode bool mustReplay = !rules()->checkAcceptFocus(info->input()); if (mustReplay) { ToplevelList::const_iterator it = workspace()->stackingOrder().constEnd(), begin = workspace()->stackingOrder().constBegin(); while (mustReplay && --it != begin && *it != this) { AbstractClient *c = qobject_cast(*it); if (!c || (c->keepAbove() && !keepAbove()) || (keepBelow() && !c->keepBelow())) continue; // can never raise above "it" mustReplay = !(c->isOnCurrentDesktop() && c->isOnCurrentActivity() && c->geometry().intersects(geometry())); } } workspace()->takeActivity(this, Workspace::ActivityFocus | Workspace::ActivityRaise); screens()->setCurrent(globalPos); replay = replay || mustReplay; break; } case Options::MouseActivateAndLower: workspace()->requestFocus(this); workspace()->lowerClient(this); screens()->setCurrent(globalPos); replay = replay || !rules()->checkAcceptFocus(info->input()); break; case Options::MouseActivate: replay = isActive(); // for clickraise mode workspace()->takeActivity(this, Workspace::ActivityFocus); screens()->setCurrent(globalPos); replay = replay || !rules()->checkAcceptFocus(info->input()); break; case Options::MouseActivateRaiseAndPassClick: workspace()->takeActivity(this, Workspace::ActivityFocus | Workspace::ActivityRaise); screens()->setCurrent(globalPos); replay = true; break; case Options::MouseActivateAndPassClick: workspace()->takeActivity(this, Workspace::ActivityFocus); screens()->setCurrent(globalPos); replay = true; break; case Options::MouseMaximize: maximize(MaximizeFull); break; case Options::MouseRestore: maximize(MaximizeRestore); break; case Options::MouseMinimize: minimize(); break; case Options::MouseAbove: { StackingUpdatesBlocker blocker(workspace()); if (keepBelow()) setKeepBelow(false); else setKeepAbove(true); break; } case Options::MouseBelow: { StackingUpdatesBlocker blocker(workspace()); if (keepAbove()) setKeepAbove(false); else setKeepBelow(true); break; } case Options::MousePreviousDesktop: workspace()->windowToPreviousDesktop(this); break; case Options::MouseNextDesktop: workspace()->windowToNextDesktop(this); break; case Options::MouseOpacityMore: if (!isDesktop()) // No point in changing the opacity of the desktop setOpacity(qMin(opacity() + 0.1, 1.0)); break; case Options::MouseOpacityLess: if (!isDesktop()) // No point in changing the opacity of the desktop setOpacity(qMax(opacity() - 0.1, 0.1)); break; case Options::MousePreviousTab: if (tabGroup()) tabGroup()->activatePrev(); break; case Options::MouseNextTab: if (tabGroup()) tabGroup()->activateNext(); break; case Options::MouseClose: closeWindow(); break; case Options::MouseDragTab: case Options::MouseNothing: default: replay = true; break; } return replay; } }