/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014 Martin Gräßlin SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 David Edmundson SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-only OR LGPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-LGPL */ #include "display.h" #include "appmenu_interface.h" #include "blur_interface.h" #include "compositor_interface.h" #include "contrast_interface.h" #include "datacontroldevicemanager_v1_interface.h" #include "datadevicemanager_interface.h" #include "dpms_interface.h" #include "eglstream_controller_interface.h" #include "fakeinput_interface.h" #include "idle_interface.h" #include "idleinhibit_interface_p.h" #include "keyboard_shortcuts_inhibit_v1_interface.h" #include "keystate_interface.h" #include "linuxdmabuf_v1_interface.h" #include "logging.h" #include "output_interface.h" #include "outputconfiguration_interface.h" #include "outputdevice_interface.h" #include "outputmanagement_interface.h" #include "plasmashell_interface.h" #include "plasmavirtualdesktop_interface.h" #include "plasmawindowmanagement_interface.h" #include "pointerconstraints_interface_p.h" #include "pointergestures_interface_p.h" #include "primaryselectiondevicemanager_v1_interface.h" #include "relativepointer_interface_p.h" #include "remote_access_interface.h" #include "seat_interface.h" #include "server_decoration_interface.h" #include "server_decoration_palette_interface.h" #include "shadow_interface.h" #include "slide_interface.h" #include "subcompositor_interface.h" #include "tablet_interface.h" #include "textinput_interface_p.h" #include "viewporter_interface.h" #include "xdgdecoration_v1_interface.h" #include "xdgforeign_interface.h" #include "xdgoutput_interface.h" #include "xdgshell_interface.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace KWaylandServer { class Display::Private { public: Private(Display *q); void flush(); void dispatch(); void setRunning(bool running); void installSocketNotifier(); wl_display *display = nullptr; wl_event_loop *loop = nullptr; QString socketName = QStringLiteral("wayland-0"); bool running = false; bool automaticSocketNaming = false; QList outputs; QList outputdevices; QVector seats; QVector clients; EGLDisplay eglDisplay = EGL_NO_DISPLAY; private: Display *q; }; Display::Private::Private(Display *q) : q(q) { } void Display::Private::installSocketNotifier() { if (!QThread::currentThread()) { return; } int fd = wl_event_loop_get_fd(loop); if (fd == -1) { qCWarning(KWAYLAND_SERVER) << "Did not get the file descriptor for the event loop"; return; } QSocketNotifier *m_notifier = new QSocketNotifier(fd, QSocketNotifier::Read, q); QObject::connect(m_notifier, &QSocketNotifier::activated, q, [this] { dispatch(); } ); QObject::connect(QThread::currentThread()->eventDispatcher(), &QAbstractEventDispatcher::aboutToBlock, q, [this] { flush(); }); setRunning(true); } Display::Display(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , d(new Private(this)) { } Display::~Display() { terminate(); if (d->display) { wl_display_destroy(d->display); } } void Display::Private::flush() { if (!display || !loop) { return; } wl_display_flush_clients(display); } void Display::Private::dispatch() { if (!display || !loop) { return; } if (wl_event_loop_dispatch(loop, 0) != 0) { qCWarning(KWAYLAND_SERVER) << "Error on dispatching Wayland event loop"; } } void Display::setSocketName(const QString &name) { if (d->socketName == name) { return; } d->socketName = name; emit socketNameChanged(d->socketName); } QString Display::socketName() const { return d->socketName; } void Display::setAutomaticSocketNaming(bool automaticSocketNaming) { if (d->automaticSocketNaming == automaticSocketNaming) { return; } d->automaticSocketNaming = automaticSocketNaming; emit automaticSocketNamingChanged(automaticSocketNaming); } bool Display::automaticSocketNaming() const { return d->automaticSocketNaming; } void Display::start(StartMode mode) { Q_ASSERT(!d->running); Q_ASSERT(!d->display); d->display = wl_display_create(); if (mode == StartMode::ConnectToSocket) { if (d->automaticSocketNaming) { const char *socket = wl_display_add_socket_auto(d->display); if (socket == nullptr) { qCWarning(KWAYLAND_SERVER) << "Failed to create Wayland socket"; return; } const QString newEffectiveSocketName = QString::fromUtf8(socket); if (d->socketName != newEffectiveSocketName) { d->socketName = newEffectiveSocketName; emit socketNameChanged(d->socketName); } } else if (wl_display_add_socket(d->display, qPrintable(d->socketName)) != 0) { qCWarning(KWAYLAND_SERVER) << "Failed to create Wayland socket"; return; } } d->loop = wl_display_get_event_loop(d->display); d->installSocketNotifier(); } void Display::startLoop() { Q_ASSERT(!d->running); Q_ASSERT(d->display); d->installSocketNotifier(); } void Display::dispatchEvents(int msecTimeout) { Q_ASSERT(d->display); if (d->running) { d->dispatch(); } else if (d->loop) { wl_event_loop_dispatch(d->loop, msecTimeout); wl_display_flush_clients(d->display); } } void Display::terminate() { if (!d->running) { return; } emit aboutToTerminate(); wl_display_terminate(d->display); wl_display_destroy(d->display); d->display = nullptr; d->loop = nullptr; d->setRunning(false); } void Display::Private::setRunning(bool r) { Q_ASSERT(running != r); running = r; emit q->runningChanged(running); } OutputInterface *Display::createOutput(QObject *parent) { OutputInterface *output = new OutputInterface(this, parent); connect(output, &QObject::destroyed, this, [this,output] { d->outputs.removeAll(output); }); connect(this, &Display::aboutToTerminate, output, [this,output] { removeOutput(output); }); d->outputs << output; return output; } CompositorInterface *Display::createCompositor(QObject *parent) { CompositorInterface *compositor = new CompositorInterface(this, parent); connect(this, &Display::aboutToTerminate, compositor, [compositor] { delete compositor; }); return compositor; } OutputDeviceInterface *Display::createOutputDevice(QObject *parent) { OutputDeviceInterface *output = new OutputDeviceInterface(this, parent); connect(output, &QObject::destroyed, this, [this,output] { d->outputdevices.removeAll(output); }); connect(this, &Display::aboutToTerminate, output, [this,output] { removeOutputDevice(output); }); d->outputdevices << output; return output; } OutputManagementInterface *Display::createOutputManagement(QObject *parent) { OutputManagementInterface *om = new OutputManagementInterface(this, parent); connect(this, &Display::aboutToTerminate, om, [om] { delete om; }); return om; } SeatInterface *Display::createSeat(QObject *parent) { SeatInterface *seat = new SeatInterface(this, parent); connect(seat, &QObject::destroyed, this, [this, seat] { d->seats.removeAll(seat); }); connect(this, &Display::aboutToTerminate, seat, [seat] { delete seat; }); d->seats << seat; return seat; } SubCompositorInterface *Display::createSubCompositor(QObject *parent) { auto c = new SubCompositorInterface(this, parent); connect(this, &Display::aboutToTerminate, c, [c] { delete c; }); return c; } DataDeviceManagerInterface *Display::createDataDeviceManager(QObject *parent) { auto m = new DataDeviceManagerInterface(this, parent); connect(this, &Display::aboutToTerminate, m, [m] { delete m; }); return m; } PlasmaShellInterface *Display::createPlasmaShell(QObject* parent) { auto s = new PlasmaShellInterface(this, parent); connect(this, &Display::aboutToTerminate, s, [s] { delete s; }); return s; } PlasmaWindowManagementInterface *Display::createPlasmaWindowManagement(QObject *parent) { auto wm = new PlasmaWindowManagementInterface(this, parent); connect(this, &Display::aboutToTerminate, wm, [wm] { delete wm; }); return wm; } RemoteAccessManagerInterface *Display::createRemoteAccessManager(QObject *parent) { auto i = new RemoteAccessManagerInterface(this, parent); connect(this, &Display::aboutToTerminate, i, [i] { delete i; }); return i; } IdleInterface *Display::createIdle(QObject *parent) { auto i = new IdleInterface(this, parent); connect(this, &Display::aboutToTerminate, i, [i] { delete i; }); return i; } FakeInputInterface *Display::createFakeInput(QObject *parent) { auto i = new FakeInputInterface(this, parent); connect(this, &Display::aboutToTerminate, i, [i] { delete i; }); return i; } ShadowManagerInterface *Display::createShadowManager(QObject *parent) { auto s = new ShadowManagerInterface(this, parent); connect(this, &Display::aboutToTerminate, s, [s] { delete s; }); return s; } BlurManagerInterface *Display::createBlurManager(QObject *parent) { auto b = new BlurManagerInterface(this, parent); connect(this, &Display::aboutToTerminate, b, [b] { delete b; }); return b; } ContrastManagerInterface *Display::createContrastManager(QObject *parent) { auto b = new ContrastManagerInterface(this, parent); connect(this, &Display::aboutToTerminate, b, [b] { delete b; }); return b; } SlideManagerInterface *Display::createSlideManager(QObject *parent) { auto b = new SlideManagerInterface(this, parent); connect(this, &Display::aboutToTerminate, b, [b] { delete b; }); return b; } DpmsManagerInterface *Display::createDpmsManager(QObject *parent) { auto d = new DpmsManagerInterface(this, parent); connect(this, &Display::aboutToTerminate, d, [d] { delete d; }); return d; } ServerSideDecorationManagerInterface *Display::createServerSideDecorationManager(QObject *parent) { auto d = new ServerSideDecorationManagerInterface(this, parent); connect(this, &Display::aboutToTerminate, d, [d] { delete d; }); return d; } TextInputManagerInterface *Display::createTextInputManager(const TextInputInterfaceVersion &version, QObject *parent) { TextInputManagerInterface *t = nullptr; switch (version) { case TextInputInterfaceVersion::UnstableV0: t = new TextInputManagerUnstableV0Interface(this, parent); break; case TextInputInterfaceVersion::UnstableV1: // unsupported return nullptr; case TextInputInterfaceVersion::UnstableV2: t = new TextInputManagerUnstableV2Interface(this, parent); } connect(this, &Display::aboutToTerminate, t, [t] { delete t; }); return t; } XdgShellInterface *Display::createXdgShell(QObject *parent) { XdgShellInterface *shell = new XdgShellInterface(this, parent); connect(this, &Display::aboutToTerminate, shell, [shell] { delete shell; }); return shell; } RelativePointerManagerInterface *Display::createRelativePointerManager(const RelativePointerInterfaceVersion &version, QObject *parent) { RelativePointerManagerInterface *r = nullptr; switch (version) { case RelativePointerInterfaceVersion::UnstableV1: r = new RelativePointerManagerUnstableV1Interface(this, parent); break; } connect(this, &Display::aboutToTerminate, r, [r] { delete r; }); return r; } PointerGesturesInterface *Display::createPointerGestures(const PointerGesturesInterfaceVersion &version, QObject *parent) { PointerGesturesInterface *p = nullptr; switch (version) { case PointerGesturesInterfaceVersion::UnstableV1: p = new PointerGesturesUnstableV1Interface(this, parent); break; } connect(this, &Display::aboutToTerminate, p, [p] { delete p; }); return p; } PointerConstraintsInterface *Display::createPointerConstraints(const PointerConstraintsInterfaceVersion &version, QObject *parent) { PointerConstraintsInterface *p = nullptr; switch (version) { case PointerConstraintsInterfaceVersion::UnstableV1: p = new PointerConstraintsUnstableV1Interface(this, parent); break; } connect(this, &Display::aboutToTerminate, p, [p] { delete p; }); return p; } XdgForeignInterface *Display::createXdgForeignInterface(QObject *parent) { XdgForeignInterface *foreign = new XdgForeignInterface(this, parent); connect(this, &Display::aboutToTerminate, foreign, [foreign] { delete foreign; }); return foreign; } IdleInhibitManagerInterface *Display::createIdleInhibitManager(const IdleInhibitManagerInterfaceVersion &version, QObject *parent) { IdleInhibitManagerInterface *i = nullptr; switch (version) { case IdleInhibitManagerInterfaceVersion::UnstableV1: i = new IdleInhibitManagerUnstableV1Interface(this, parent); break; } connect(this, &Display::aboutToTerminate, i, [i] { delete i; }); return i; } AppMenuManagerInterface *Display::createAppMenuManagerInterface(QObject *parent) { auto b = new AppMenuManagerInterface(this, parent); connect(this, &Display::aboutToTerminate, b, [b] { delete b; }); return b; } ServerSideDecorationPaletteManagerInterface *Display::createServerSideDecorationPaletteManager(QObject *parent) { auto b = new ServerSideDecorationPaletteManagerInterface(this, parent); connect(this, &Display::aboutToTerminate, b, [b] { delete b; }); return b; } LinuxDmabufUnstableV1Interface *Display::createLinuxDmabufInterface(QObject *parent) { auto b = new LinuxDmabufUnstableV1Interface(this, parent); connect(this, &Display::aboutToTerminate, b, [b] { delete b; }); return b; } PlasmaVirtualDesktopManagementInterface *Display::createPlasmaVirtualDesktopManagement(QObject *parent) { auto b = new PlasmaVirtualDesktopManagementInterface(this, parent); connect(this, &Display::aboutToTerminate, b, [b] { delete b; }); return b; } XdgOutputManagerInterface *Display::createXdgOutputManager(QObject *parent) { auto b = new XdgOutputManagerInterface(this, parent); connect(this, &Display::aboutToTerminate, b, [b] { delete b; }); return b; } XdgDecorationManagerV1Interface *Display::createXdgDecorationManagerV1(QObject *parent) { auto d = new XdgDecorationManagerV1Interface(this, parent); connect(this, &Display::aboutToTerminate, d, [d] { delete d; }); return d; } EglStreamControllerInterface *Display::createEglStreamControllerInterface(QObject *parent) { EglStreamControllerInterface *e = new EglStreamControllerInterface(this, parent); connect(this, &Display::aboutToTerminate, e, [e] { delete e; }); return e; } KeyStateInterface *Display::createKeyStateInterface(QObject *parent) { auto d = new KeyStateInterface(this, parent); connect(this, &Display::aboutToTerminate, d, [d] { delete d; }); return d; } TabletManagerInterface *Display::createTabletManagerInterface(QObject *parent) { auto d = new TabletManagerInterface(this, parent); connect(this, &Display::aboutToTerminate, d, [d] { delete d; }); return d; } DataControlDeviceManagerV1Interface *Display::createDataControlDeviceManagerV1(QObject *parent) { auto m = new DataControlDeviceManagerV1Interface(this, parent); connect(this, &Display::aboutToTerminate, m, [m] { delete m; }); return m; } KeyboardShortcutsInhibitManagerV1Interface *Display::createKeyboardShortcutsInhibitManagerV1(QObject *parent) { auto d = new KeyboardShortcutsInhibitManagerV1Interface(this, parent); connect(this, &Display::aboutToTerminate, d, [d] { delete d; }); return d; } ViewporterInterface *Display::createViewporter(QObject *parent) { auto viewporter = new ViewporterInterface(this, parent); connect(this, &Display::aboutToTerminate, viewporter, [viewporter] { delete viewporter; }); return viewporter; } PrimarySelectionDeviceManagerV1Interface *Display::createPrimarySelectionDeviceManagerV1(QObject *parent) { auto primarySelection = new PrimarySelectionDeviceManagerV1Interface(this, parent); connect(this, &Display::aboutToTerminate, primarySelection, [primarySelection] { delete primarySelection; }); return primarySelection; } void Display::createShm() { Q_ASSERT(d->display); wl_display_init_shm(d->display); } void Display::removeOutput(OutputInterface *output) { d->outputs.removeAll(output); delete output; } void Display::removeOutputDevice(OutputDeviceInterface *output) { d->outputdevices.removeAll(output); delete output; } quint32 Display::nextSerial() { return wl_display_next_serial(d->display); } quint32 Display::serial() { return wl_display_get_serial(d->display); } bool Display::isRunning() const { return d->running; } Display::operator wl_display*() { return d->display; } Display::operator wl_display*() const { return d->display; } QList< OutputInterface* > Display::outputs() const { return d->outputs; } QList< OutputDeviceInterface* > Display::outputDevices() const { return d->outputdevices; } QVector Display::seats() const { return d->seats; } ClientConnection *Display::getConnection(wl_client *client) { Q_ASSERT(client); auto it = std::find_if(d->clients.constBegin(), d->clients.constEnd(), [client](ClientConnection *c) { return c->client() == client; } ); if (it != d->clients.constEnd()) { return *it; } // no ConnectionData yet, create it auto c = new ClientConnection(client, this); d->clients << c; connect(c, &ClientConnection::disconnected, this, [this] (ClientConnection *c) { const int index = d->clients.indexOf(c); Q_ASSERT(index != -1); d->clients.remove(index); Q_ASSERT(d->clients.indexOf(c) == -1); emit clientDisconnected(c); } ); emit clientConnected(c); return c; } QVector< ClientConnection* > Display::connections() const { return d->clients; } ClientConnection *Display::createClient(int fd) { Q_ASSERT(fd != -1); Q_ASSERT(d->display); wl_client *c = wl_client_create(d->display, fd); if (!c) { return nullptr; } return getConnection(c); } void Display::setEglDisplay(void *display) { if (d->eglDisplay != EGL_NO_DISPLAY) { qCWarning(KWAYLAND_SERVER) << "EGLDisplay cannot be changed"; return; } d->eglDisplay = (EGLDisplay)display; } void *Display::eglDisplay() const { return d->eglDisplay; } }