/***************************************************************** KWin - the KDE window manager This file is part of the KDE project. Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Matthias Ettrich Copyright (C) 2003 Lubos Lunak You can Freely distribute this program under the GNU General Public License. See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms. ******************************************************************/ //#define QT_CLEAN_NAMESPACE #include "tabbox.h" #include "workspace.h" #include "client.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // specify externals before namespace extern Time qt_x_time; namespace KWinInternal { extern QPixmap* kwin_get_menu_pix_hack(); TabBox::TabBox( Workspace *ws, const char *name ) : QFrame( 0, name, Qt::WNoAutoErase ), client(0), wspace(ws) { setFrameStyle(QFrame::StyledPanel | QFrame::Plain); setLineWidth(2); setMargin(2); showMiniIcon = false; no_tasks = i18n("*** No Tasks ***"); m = DesktopMode; // init variables reconfigure(); reset(); connect(&delayedShowTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(show())); } TabBox::~TabBox() { } /*! Sets the current mode to \a mode, either DesktopListMode or WindowsMode \sa mode() */ void TabBox::setMode( Mode mode ) { m = mode; } /*! Create list of clients on specified desktop, starting with client c */ void TabBox::createClientList(ClientList &list, int desktop /*-1 = all*/, Client *c, bool chain) { ClientList::size_type idx = 0; list.clear(); Client* start = c; if ( chain ) c = workspace()->nextFocusChainClient(c); else c = workspace()->stackingOrder().first(); Client* stop = c; while ( c ) { if ( ((desktop == -1) || c->isOnDesktop(desktop)) && (!c->isMinimized() || !c->isTransient() || c->isUtility()) && c->wantsTabFocus() ) { if ( start == c ) { list.remove( c ); list.prepend( c ); } else { // don't add windows that have modal dialogs Client* modal = c->findModal(); if( modal == NULL || modal == c ) list += c; else if( !list.contains( modal )) list += modal; else ; // nothing } } if ( chain ) c = workspace()->nextFocusChainClient( c ); else { if ( idx >= (workspace()->stackingOrder().size()-1) ) c = 0; else c = workspace()->stackingOrder()[++idx]; } if ( c == stop ) break; } } /*! Resets the tab box to display the active client in WindowsMode, or the current desktop in DesktopListMode */ void TabBox::reset() { int w, h, cw = 0, wmax = 0; QRect r = KGlobalSettings::desktopGeometry(QCursor::pos()); // calculate height of 1 line // fontheight + 1 pixel above + 1 pixel below, or 32x32 icon + 2 pixel above + below lineHeight = QMAX(fontMetrics().height() + 2, 32 + 4); if ( mode() == WindowsMode ) { client = workspace()->activeClient(); // get all clients to show createClientList(clients, options_traverse_all ? -1 : workspace()->currentDesktop(), client, true); // calculate maximum caption width cw = fontMetrics().width(no_tasks)+20; for (ClientList::ConstIterator it = clients.begin(); it != clients.end(); ++it) { cw = fontMetrics().width( (*it)->caption() ); if ( cw > wmax ) wmax = cw; } // calculate height for the popup if ( clients.count() == 0 ) // height for the "not tasks" text { QFont f = font(); f.setBold( TRUE ); f.setPointSize( 14 ); h = QFontMetrics(f).height()*4; } else { showMiniIcon = false; h = clients.count() * lineHeight; if ( h > (r.height()-(2*frameWidth())) ) // if too high, use mini icons { showMiniIcon = true; // fontheight + 1 pixel above + 1 pixel below, or 16x16 icon + 1 pixel above + below lineHeight = QMAX(fontMetrics().height() + 2, 16 + 2); h = clients.count() * lineHeight; if ( h > (r.height()-(2*frameWidth())) ) // if still too high, remove some clients { // how many clients to remove int howMany = (h - (r.height()-(2*frameWidth())))/lineHeight; for (; howMany; howMany--) clients.remove(clients.last()); h = clients.count() * lineHeight; } } } } else { // DesktopListMode showMiniIcon = false; desk = workspace()->currentDesktop(); for ( int i = 1; i <= workspace()->numberOfDesktops(); i++ ) { cw = fontMetrics().width( workspace()->desktopName(i) ); if ( cw > wmax ) wmax = cw; } // calculate height for the popup (max. 16 desktops always fit in a 800x600 screen) h = workspace()->numberOfDesktops() * lineHeight; } // height, width for the popup h += 2 * frameWidth(); w = QMIN( QMAX( 5 + (showMiniIcon ? 16 : 32) + 8 +wmax, r.width()/3 ), r.width() ); // 5=space, ()=icon, 8=space between icon+text setGeometry( (r.width()-w)/2 + r.x(), (r.height()-h)/2+ r.y(), w, h ); } /*! Shows the next or previous item, depending on \a next */ void TabBox::nextPrev( bool next) { if ( mode() == WindowsMode ) { Client* firstClient = 0; do { if ( next ) client = workspace()->nextFocusChainClient(client); else client = workspace()->previousFocusChainClient(client); if (!firstClient) { // When we see our first client for the second time, // it's time to stop. firstClient = client; } else if (client == firstClient) { // No candidates found. client = 0; break; } } while ( client && !clients.contains( client )); } else if( mode() == DesktopMode ) { if ( next ) desk = workspace()->nextDesktopFocusChain( desk ); else desk = workspace()->previousDesktopFocusChain( desk ); } else { // DesktopListMode if ( next ) { desk++; if ( desk > workspace()->numberOfDesktops() ) desk = 1; } else { desk--; if ( desk < 1 ) desk = workspace()->numberOfDesktops(); } } update(); } /*! Returns the currently displayed client ( only works in WindowsMode ). Returns 0 if no client is displayed. */ Client* TabBox::currentClient() { if ( mode() != WindowsMode ) return 0; if (!workspace()->hasClient( client )) return 0; return client; } /*! Returns the currently displayed virtual desktop ( only works in DesktopListMode ) Returns -1 if no desktop is displayed. */ int TabBox::currentDesktop() { if ( mode() == DesktopListMode || mode() == DesktopMode ) return desk; else return -1; } /*! Reimplemented to raise the tab box as well */ void TabBox::showEvent( QShowEvent* ) { raise(); } /*! hide the icon box if necessary */ void TabBox::hideEvent( QHideEvent* ) { } /*! Paints the tab box */ void TabBox::drawContents( QPainter * ) { QRect r(contentsRect()); QPixmap pix(r.size()); // do double buffering to avoid flickers pix.fill(this, 0, 0); QPainter p; p.begin(&pix, this); QPixmap* menu_pix = kwin_get_menu_pix_hack(); int iconWidth = showMiniIcon ? 16 : 32; int x = 0; int y = 0; if ( mode () == WindowsMode ) { if ( !currentClient() ) { QFont f = font(); f.setBold( TRUE ); f.setPointSize( 14 ); p.setFont(f); p.drawText( r, AlignCenter, no_tasks); } else { for (ClientList::ConstIterator it = clients.begin(); it != clients.end(); ++it) { if ( workspace()->hasClient( *it ) ) // safety { // draw highlight background if ( (*it) == currentClient() ) p.fillRect(x, y, r.width(), lineHeight, colorGroup().highlight()); // draw icon if ( showMiniIcon ) { if ( !(*it)->miniIcon().isNull() ) p.drawPixmap( x+5, y + (lineHeight - iconWidth)/2, (*it)->miniIcon() ); } else if ( !(*it)->icon().isNull() ) p.drawPixmap( x+5, y + (lineHeight - iconWidth)/2, (*it)->icon() ); else if ( menu_pix ) p.drawPixmap( x, y + (lineHeight - iconWidth)/2, *menu_pix ); // generate text to display QString s; if ( !(*it)->isOnDesktop(workspace()->currentDesktop()) ) s = workspace()->desktopName((*it)->desktop()) + ": "; if ( (*it)->isMinimized() ) s += QString("(") + (*it)->caption() + ")"; else s += (*it)->caption(); s = KStringHandler::cPixelSqueeze(s, fontMetrics(), r.width() - 5 - iconWidth - 8); // draw text if ( (*it) == currentClient() ) p.setPen(colorGroup().highlightedText()); else p.setPen(colorGroup().text()); p.drawText(x+5 + iconWidth + 8, y, r.width() - 5 - iconWidth - 8, lineHeight, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::SingleLine, s); y += lineHeight; } if ( y >= r.height() ) break; } } } else { // DesktopMode || DesktopListMode int iconHeight = iconWidth; // get widest desktop name/number QFont f(font()); f.setBold(true); f.setPixelSize(iconHeight - 4); // pixel, not point because I need to know the pixels QFontMetrics fm(f); int wmax = 0; for ( int i = 1; i <= workspace()->numberOfDesktops(); i++ ) { wmax = QMAX(wmax, fontMetrics().width(workspace()->desktopName(i))); // calculate max width of desktop-number text QString num = QString::number(i); iconWidth = QMAX(iconWidth - 4, fm.boundingRect(num).width()) + 4; } // In DesktopMode, start at the current desktop // In DesktopListMode, start at desktop #1 int iDesktop = (mode() == DesktopMode) ? workspace()->currentDesktop() : 1; for ( int i = 1; i <= workspace()->numberOfDesktops(); i++ ) { // draw highlight background if ( iDesktop == desk ) // current desktop p.fillRect(x, y, r.width(), lineHeight, colorGroup().highlight()); p.save(); // draw "icon" (here: number of desktop) p.fillRect(x+5, y+2, iconWidth, iconHeight, colorGroup().base()); p.setPen(colorGroup().text()); p.drawRect(x+5, y+2, iconWidth, iconHeight); // draw desktop-number p.setFont(f); QString num = QString::number(iDesktop); p.drawText(x+5, y+2, iconWidth, iconHeight, Qt::AlignCenter, num); p.restore(); // draw desktop name text if ( iDesktop == desk ) p.setPen(colorGroup().highlightedText()); else p.setPen(colorGroup().text()); p.drawText(x+5 + iconWidth + 8, y, r.width() - 5 - iconWidth - 8, lineHeight, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::SingleLine, workspace()->desktopName(iDesktop)); // show mini icons from that desktop aligned to each other int x1 = x + 5 + iconWidth + 8 + wmax + 5; ClientList list; createClientList(list, iDesktop, 0, false); // clients are in reversed stacking order for (ClientList::ConstIterator it = list.fromLast(); it != list.end(); --it) { if ( !(*it)->miniIcon().isNull() ) { if ( x1+18 >= x+r.width() ) // only show full icons break; p.drawPixmap( x1, y + (lineHeight - 16)/2, (*it)->miniIcon() ); x1 += 18; } } // next desktop y += lineHeight; if ( y >= r.height() ) break; if( mode() == DesktopMode ) iDesktop = workspace()->nextDesktopFocusChain( iDesktop ); else iDesktop++; } } p.end(); bitBlt(this, r.x(), r.y(), &pix); } void TabBox::hide() { delayedShowTimer.stop(); QWidget::hide(); QApplication::syncX(); XEvent otherEvent; while (XCheckTypedEvent (qt_xdisplay(), EnterNotify, &otherEvent ) ) ; } void TabBox::reconfigure() { KConfig * c(KGlobal::config()); c->setGroup("TabBox"); options_traverse_all = c->readNumEntry("TraverseAll", false ); } /*! Rikkus: please document! (Matthias) Ok, here's the docs :) You call delayedShow() instead of show() directly. If the 'ShowDelay' setting is false, show() is simply called. Otherwise, we start a timer for the delay given in the settings and only do a show() when it times out. This means that you can alt-tab between windows and you don't see the tab box immediately. Not only does this make alt-tabbing faster, it gives less 'flicker' to the eyes. You don't need to see the tab box if you're just quickly switching between 2 or 3 windows. It seems to work quite nicely. */ void TabBox::delayedShow() { KConfig * c(KGlobal::config()); c->setGroup("TabBox"); bool delay = c->readNumEntry("ShowDelay", true); if (!delay) { show(); return; } int delayTime = c->readNumEntry("DelayTime", 90); delayedShowTimer.start(delayTime, true); } void TabBox::handleMouseEvent( XEvent* e ) { XAllowEvents( qt_xdisplay(), AsyncPointer, qt_x_time ); if( e->type != ButtonPress ) return; QPoint pos( e->xbutton.x_root, e->xbutton.y_root ); if( !geometry().contains( pos )) return; pos.rx() -= x(); // pos is now inside tabbox pos.ry() -= y(); int num = (pos.y()-frameWidth()) / lineHeight; if( mode() == WindowsMode ) { for( ClientList::ConstIterator it = clients.begin(); it != clients.end(); ++it) { if( workspace()->hasClient( *it ) && (num == 0) ) // safety { client = *it; break; } num--; } } else { int iDesktop = (mode() == DesktopMode) ? workspace()->currentDesktop() : 1; for( int i = 1; i <= workspace()->numberOfDesktops(); ++i ) { if( num == 0 ) { desk = iDesktop; break; } num--; if( mode() == DesktopMode ) iDesktop = workspace()->nextDesktopFocusChain( iDesktop ); else iDesktop++; } } update(); } //******************************* // Workspace //******************************* /*! Handles alt-tab / control-tab */ static bool areKeySymXsDepressed( bool bAll, int nKeySyms, ... ) { va_list args; char keymap[32]; kdDebug(125) << "areKeySymXsDepressed: " << (bAll ? "all of " : "any of ") << nKeySyms << endl; va_start( args, nKeySyms ); XQueryKeymap( qt_xdisplay(), keymap ); for( int iKeySym = 0; iKeySym < nKeySyms; iKeySym++ ) { uint keySymX = va_arg( args, uint ); uchar keyCodeX = XKeysymToKeycode( qt_xdisplay(), keySymX ); int i = keyCodeX / 8; char mask = 1 << (keyCodeX - (i * 8)); kdDebug(125) << iKeySym << ": keySymX=0x" << QString::number( keySymX, 16 ) << " i=" << i << " mask=0x" << QString::number( mask, 16 ) << " keymap[i]=0x" << QString::number( keymap[i], 16 ) << endl; // Abort if bad index value, if( i < 0 || i >= 32 ) return false; // If ALL keys passed need to be depressed, if( bAll ) { if( (keymap[i] & mask) == 0 ) return false; } else { // If we are looking for ANY key press, and this key is depressed, if( keymap[i] & mask ) return true; } } // If we were looking for ANY key press, then none was found, return false, // If we were looking for ALL key presses, then all were found, return true. return bAll; } static bool areModKeysDepressed( const KShortcut& cut ) { uint rgKeySyms[10]; int nKeySyms = 0; int mod = cut.seq(0).key(0).modFlags(); if ( mod & KKey::SHIFT ) { rgKeySyms[nKeySyms++] = XK_Shift_L; rgKeySyms[nKeySyms++] = XK_Shift_R; } if ( mod & KKey::CTRL ) { rgKeySyms[nKeySyms++] = XK_Control_L; rgKeySyms[nKeySyms++] = XK_Control_R; } if( mod & KKey::ALT ) { rgKeySyms[nKeySyms++] = XK_Alt_L; rgKeySyms[nKeySyms++] = XK_Alt_R; } if( mod & KKey::WIN ) { // HACK: it would take a lot of code to determine whether the Win key // is associated with Super or Meta, so check for both rgKeySyms[nKeySyms++] = XK_Super_L; rgKeySyms[nKeySyms++] = XK_Super_R; rgKeySyms[nKeySyms++] = XK_Meta_L; rgKeySyms[nKeySyms++] = XK_Meta_R; } // Is there a better way to push all 8 integer onto the stack? return areKeySymXsDepressed( false, nKeySyms, rgKeySyms[0], rgKeySyms[1], rgKeySyms[2], rgKeySyms[3], rgKeySyms[4], rgKeySyms[5], rgKeySyms[6], rgKeySyms[7] ); } void Workspace::slotWalkThroughWindows() { if ( root != qt_xrootwin() ) return; if ( tab_grab || control_grab ) return; if ( options->altTabStyle == Options::CDE || !options->focusPolicyIsReasonable() ) { //XUngrabKeyboard(qt_xdisplay(), qt_x_time); // need that because of accelerator raw mode // CDE style raise / lower CDEWalkThroughWindows( true ); } else { if ( areModKeysDepressed( cutWalkThroughWindows ) ) { if ( startKDEWalkThroughWindows() ) KDEWalkThroughWindows( true ); } else // if the shortcut has no modifiers, don't show the tabbox, // don't grab, but simply go to the next window // use the CDE style, because with KDE style it would cycle // between the active and previously active window CDEWalkThroughWindows( true ); } } void Workspace::slotWalkBackThroughWindows() { if ( root != qt_xrootwin() ) return; if( tab_grab || control_grab ) return; if ( options->altTabStyle == Options::CDE || !options->focusPolicyIsReasonable() ) { // CDE style raise / lower CDEWalkThroughWindows( false ); } else { if ( areModKeysDepressed( cutWalkThroughWindowsReverse ) ) { if ( startKDEWalkThroughWindows() ) KDEWalkThroughWindows( false ); } else { CDEWalkThroughWindows( false ); } } } void Workspace::slotWalkThroughDesktops() { if ( root != qt_xrootwin() ) return; if( tab_grab || control_grab ) return; if ( areModKeysDepressed( cutWalkThroughDesktops ) ) { if ( startWalkThroughDesktops() ) walkThroughDesktops( true ); } else { oneStepThroughDesktops( true ); } } void Workspace::slotWalkBackThroughDesktops() { if ( root != qt_xrootwin() ) return; if( tab_grab || control_grab ) return; if ( areModKeysDepressed( cutWalkThroughDesktopsReverse ) ) { if ( startWalkThroughDesktops() ) walkThroughDesktops( false ); } else { oneStepThroughDesktops( false ); } } void Workspace::slotWalkThroughDesktopList() { if ( root != qt_xrootwin() ) return; if( tab_grab || control_grab ) return; if ( areModKeysDepressed( cutWalkThroughDesktopList ) ) { if ( startWalkThroughDesktopList() ) walkThroughDesktops( true ); } else { oneStepThroughDesktopList( true ); } } void Workspace::slotWalkBackThroughDesktopList() { if ( root != qt_xrootwin() ) return; if( tab_grab || control_grab ) return; if ( areModKeysDepressed( cutWalkThroughDesktopListReverse ) ) { if ( startWalkThroughDesktopList() ) walkThroughDesktops( false ); } else { oneStepThroughDesktopList( false ); } } bool Workspace::startKDEWalkThroughWindows() { if ( XGrabKeyboard(qt_xdisplay(), root, FALSE, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, qt_x_time) != GrabSuccess ) { return FALSE; } tab_grab = TRUE; keys->setEnabled( false ); tab_box->setMode( TabBox::WindowsMode ); tab_box->reset(); return TRUE; } bool Workspace::startWalkThroughDesktops( int mode ) { if ( XGrabKeyboard(qt_xdisplay(), root, FALSE, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, qt_x_time) != GrabSuccess ) { return FALSE; } control_grab = TRUE; keys->setEnabled( false ); tab_box->setMode( (TabBox::Mode) mode ); tab_box->reset(); return TRUE; } bool Workspace::startWalkThroughDesktops() { return startWalkThroughDesktops( TabBox::DesktopMode ); } bool Workspace::startWalkThroughDesktopList() { return startWalkThroughDesktops( TabBox::DesktopListMode ); } void Workspace::KDEWalkThroughWindows( bool forward ) { tab_box->nextPrev( forward ); tab_box->delayedShow(); } void Workspace::walkThroughDesktops( bool forward ) { tab_box->nextPrev( forward ); tab_box->delayedShow(); } void Workspace::CDEWalkThroughWindows( bool forward ) { Client* c = topClientOnDesktop( currentDesktop()); Client* nc = c; bool options_traverse_all; { KConfigGroupSaver saver( KGlobal::config(), "TabBox" ); options_traverse_all = KGlobal::config()->readNumEntry("TraverseAll", false ); } if ( !forward ) { do { nc = previousStaticClient(nc); } while (nc && nc != c && (( !options_traverse_all && !nc->isOnDesktop(currentDesktop())) || nc->isMinimized() || !nc->wantsTabFocus() ) ); } else { do { nc = nextStaticClient(nc); } while (nc && nc != c && (( !options_traverse_all && !nc->isOnDesktop(currentDesktop())) || nc->isMinimized() || !nc->wantsTabFocus() ) ); } if (c && c != nc) lowerClient( c ); if (nc) { if ( options->focusPolicyIsReasonable() ) { activateClient( nc ); if( nc->isShade()) nc->setShade( Client::ShadeActivated ); } else { if( !nc->isOnDesktop( currentDesktop())) setCurrentDesktop( nc->desktop()); raiseClient( nc ); } } } void Workspace::KDEOneStepThroughWindows( bool forward ) { tab_box->setMode( TabBox::WindowsMode ); tab_box->reset(); tab_box->nextPrev( forward ); if( Client* c = tab_box->currentClient() ) { activateClient( c ); if( c->isShade()) c->setShade( Client::ShadeActivated ); } } void Workspace::oneStepThroughDesktops( bool forward, int mode ) { tab_box->setMode( (TabBox::Mode) mode ); tab_box->reset(); tab_box->nextPrev( forward ); if ( tab_box->currentDesktop() != -1 ) setCurrentDesktop( tab_box->currentDesktop() ); } void Workspace::oneStepThroughDesktops( bool forward ) { oneStepThroughDesktops( forward, TabBox::DesktopMode ); } void Workspace::oneStepThroughDesktopList( bool forward ) { oneStepThroughDesktops( forward, TabBox::DesktopListMode ); } /*! Handles holding alt-tab / control-tab */ void Workspace::tabBoxKeyPress( const KKeyNative& keyX ) { bool forward = false; bool backward = false; if (tab_grab) { forward = cutWalkThroughWindows.contains( keyX ); backward = cutWalkThroughWindowsReverse.contains( keyX ); if (forward || backward) { kdDebug(125) << "== " << cutWalkThroughWindows.toStringInternal() << " or " << cutWalkThroughWindowsReverse.toStringInternal() << endl; KDEWalkThroughWindows( forward ); } } else if (control_grab) { forward = cutWalkThroughDesktops.contains( keyX ) || cutWalkThroughDesktopList.contains( keyX ); backward = cutWalkThroughDesktopsReverse.contains( keyX ) || cutWalkThroughDesktopListReverse.contains( keyX ); if (forward || backward) walkThroughDesktops(forward); } if (control_grab || tab_grab) { uint keyQt = keyX.keyCodeQt(); if ( ((keyQt & 0xffff) == Qt::Key_Escape) && !(forward || backward) ) { // if Escape is part of the shortcut, don't cancel XUngrabKeyboard(qt_xdisplay(), qt_x_time); tab_box->hide(); keys->setEnabled( true ); tab_grab = FALSE; control_grab = FALSE; } } } /*! Handles alt-tab / control-tab releasing */ void Workspace::tabBoxKeyRelease( const XKeyEvent& ev ) { unsigned int mk = ev.state & (KKeyNative::modX(KKey::SHIFT) | KKeyNative::modX(KKey::CTRL) | KKeyNative::modX(KKey::ALT) | KKeyNative::modX(KKey::WIN)); // ev.state is state before the key release, so just checking mk being 0 isn't enough // using XQueryPointer() also doesn't seem to work well, so the check that all // modifiers are released: only one modifier is active and the currently released // key is this modifier - if yes, release the grab int mod_index = -1; for( int i = ShiftMapIndex; i <= Mod5MapIndex; ++i ) if(( mk & ( 1 << i )) != 0 ) { if( mod_index >= 0 ) return; mod_index = i; } bool release = false; if( mod_index == -1 ) release = true; else { XModifierKeymap* xmk = XGetModifierMapping(qt_xdisplay()); for (int i=0; imax_keypermod; i++) if (xmk->modifiermap[xmk->max_keypermod * mod_index + i] == ev.keycode) release = true; XFreeModifiermap(xmk); } if( !release ) return; if (tab_grab) { XUngrabKeyboard(qt_xdisplay(), qt_x_time); tab_box->hide(); keys->setEnabled( true ); tab_grab = false; if( Client* c = tab_box->currentClient()) { activateClient( c ); if( c->isShade()) c->setShade( Client::ShadeActivated ); } } if (control_grab) { XUngrabKeyboard(qt_xdisplay(), qt_x_time); tab_box->hide(); keys->setEnabled( true ); control_grab = False; if ( tab_box->currentDesktop() != -1 ) { setCurrentDesktop( tab_box->currentDesktop() ); // popupinfo->showInfo( desktopName(currentDesktop()) ); // AK - not sure } } } int Workspace::nextDesktopFocusChain( int iDesktop ) const { int i = desktop_focus_chain.find( iDesktop ); if( i >= 0 && i+1 < (int)desktop_focus_chain.size() ) return desktop_focus_chain[i+1]; else if( desktop_focus_chain.size() > 0 ) return desktop_focus_chain[ 0 ]; else return 1; } int Workspace::previousDesktopFocusChain( int iDesktop ) const { int i = desktop_focus_chain.find( iDesktop ); if( i-1 >= 0 ) return desktop_focus_chain[i-1]; else if( desktop_focus_chain.size() > 0 ) return desktop_focus_chain[desktop_focus_chain.size()-1]; else return numberOfDesktops(); } /*! auxiliary functions to travers all clients according the focus order. Useful for kwm´s Alt-tab feature. */ Client* Workspace::nextFocusChainClient( Client* c ) const { if ( focus_chain.isEmpty() ) return 0; ClientList::ConstIterator it = focus_chain.find( c ); if ( it == focus_chain.end() ) return focus_chain.last(); if ( it == focus_chain.begin() ) return focus_chain.last(); --it; return *it; } /*! auxiliary functions to travers all clients according the focus order. Useful for kwm´s Alt-tab feature. */ Client* Workspace::previousFocusChainClient( Client* c ) const { if ( focus_chain.isEmpty() ) return 0; ClientList::ConstIterator it = focus_chain.find( c ); if ( it == focus_chain.end() ) return focus_chain.first(); ++it; if ( it == focus_chain.end() ) return focus_chain.first(); return *it; } /*! auxiliary functions to travers all clients according the static order. Useful for the CDE-style Alt-tab feature. */ Client* Workspace::nextStaticClient( Client* c ) const { if ( !c || clients.isEmpty() ) return 0; ClientList::ConstIterator it = clients.find( c ); if ( it == clients.end() ) return clients.first(); ++it; if ( it == clients.end() ) return clients.first(); return *it; } /*! auxiliary functions to travers all clients according the static order. Useful for the CDE-style Alt-tab feature. */ Client* Workspace::previousStaticClient( Client* c ) const { if ( !c || clients.isEmpty() ) return 0; ClientList::ConstIterator it = clients.find( c ); if ( it == clients.end() ) return clients.last(); if ( it == clients.begin() ) return clients.last(); --it; return *it; } } // namespace #include "tabbox.moc"