////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // nitrogenclient.cpp // ------------------- // // Copyright (c) 2009 Hugo Pereira Da Costa // Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 Casper Boemann // Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 Riccardo Iaconelli // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to // deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the // rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or // sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS // IN THE SOFTWARE. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "nitrogen.h" #include "nitrogenbutton.h" #include "nitrogenclient.h" #include "nitrogenclient.moc" #include "nitrogensizegrip.h" using namespace std; namespace Nitrogen { K_GLOBAL_STATIC_WITH_ARGS(OxygenHelper, globalHelper, ("nitrogenDeco")) //___________________________________________ OxygenHelper *nitrogenHelper() { return globalHelper; } //___________________________________________ static void oxkwincleanupBefore() { OxygenHelper *h = globalHelper; h->invalidateCaches(); } //___________________________________________ void renderDot(QPainter *p, const QPointF &point, qreal diameter) { p->drawEllipse(QRectF(point.x()-diameter/2, point.y()-diameter/2, diameter, diameter)); } //___________________________________________ NitrogenClient::NitrogenClient(KDecorationBridge *b, KDecorationFactory *f): KCommonDecorationUnstable(b, f), colorCacheInvalid_(true), size_grip_( 0 ), shadowTiles_( 0 ), glowTiles_( 0 ), helper_(*globalHelper), initialized_( false ) { qAddPostRoutine(oxkwincleanupBefore); } //___________________________________________ NitrogenClient::~NitrogenClient() { // delete sizegrip if any if( hasSizeGrip() ) deleteSizeGrip(); // delete tilesets if( shadowTiles_ ) delete shadowTiles_; if( glowTiles_ ) delete glowTiles_; } //___________________________________________ QString NitrogenClient::visibleName() const { return i18n("nitrogen"); } //___________________________________________ void NitrogenClient::init() { KCommonDecoration::init(); widget()->setAttribute(Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground ); widget()->setAutoFillBackground( false ); initialized_ = true; resetConfiguration(); } //___________________________________________ bool NitrogenClient::isMaximized() const { return maximizeMode()==MaximizeFull && !options()->moveResizeMaximizedWindows(); } //___________________________________________ bool NitrogenClient::decorationBehaviour(DecorationBehaviour behaviour) const { switch (behaviour) { case DB_MenuClose: return true; case DB_WindowMask: return false; default: return KCommonDecoration::decorationBehaviour(behaviour); } } //___________________________________________ int NitrogenClient::layoutMetric(LayoutMetric lm, bool respectWindowState, const KCommonDecorationButton *btn) const { bool maximized( isMaximized() ); int frameBorder( configuration().frameBorder() ); // used to increase hit area on the sides of the widget int extraBorder = (maximized && compositingActive()) ? 0 : EXTENDED_HITAREA; int buttonSize( configuration().buttonSize() ); switch (lm) { case LM_BorderLeft: case LM_BorderRight: case LM_BorderBottom: { int border( 0 ); if (respectWindowState && maximized) { border = 0; } else if( configuration().frameBorder() == NitrogenConfiguration::BorderNone && isPreview() && !compositingActive() ) { border = 1; } else if( lm == LM_BorderBottom && frameBorder >= NitrogenConfiguration::BorderTiny ) { // for tiny border, the convention is to have a larger bottom area in order to // make resizing easier border = qMax(frameBorder, 4); } else { border = frameBorder; } return border + extraBorder; } case LM_TitleEdgeTop: { int border = 0; if( !( respectWindowState && maximized )) { border = TFRAMESIZE; if( configuration().drawTitleOutline() ) border += HFRAMESIZE/2; } return border + extraBorder; } case LM_TitleEdgeBottom: { if( configuration().drawTitleOutline() ) return HFRAMESIZE/2; else return 0; } case LM_TitleEdgeLeft: case LM_TitleEdgeRight: { int border = 0; if( !(respectWindowState && maximized) ) { border = 6; } return border + extraBorder; } case LM_TitleBorderLeft: case LM_TitleBorderRight: { int border = 5; if( configuration().drawTitleOutline() ) border += 2*HFRAMESIZE; return border; } case LM_ButtonWidth: case LM_ButtonHeight: case LM_TitleHeight: { if (respectWindowState && isToolWindow()) { return buttonSize; } else { return buttonSize; } } case LM_ButtonSpacing: return 1; case LM_ButtonMarginTop: return 0; // outer margin for shadow/glow case LM_OuterPaddingLeft: case LM_OuterPaddingRight: case LM_OuterPaddingTop: case LM_OuterPaddingBottom: return SHADOW_WIDTH - extraBorder; default: return KCommonDecoration::layoutMetric(lm, respectWindowState, btn); } } //_________________________________________________________ KCommonDecorationButton *NitrogenClient::createButton(::ButtonType type) { switch (type) { case MenuButton: return new NitrogenButton(*this, i18n("Menu"), ButtonMenu); case HelpButton: return new NitrogenButton(*this, i18n("Help"), ButtonHelp); case MinButton: return new NitrogenButton(*this, i18n("Minimize"), ButtonMin); case MaxButton: return new NitrogenButton(*this, i18n("Maximize"), ButtonMax); case CloseButton: return new NitrogenButton(*this, i18n("Close"), ButtonClose); case AboveButton: return new NitrogenButton(*this, i18n("Keep Above Others"), ButtonAbove); case BelowButton: return new NitrogenButton(*this, i18n("Keep Below Others"), ButtonBelow); case OnAllDesktopsButton: return new NitrogenButton(*this, i18n("On All Desktops"), ButtonSticky); case ShadeButton: return new NitrogenButton(*this, i18n("Shade Button"), ButtonShade); default: return 0; } } //_________________________________________________________ QColor reduceContrast(const QColor &c0, const QColor &c1, double t) { double s = KColorUtils::contrastRatio(c0, c1); if (s < t) return c1; double l = 0.0, h = 1.0; double x = s, a; QColor r = c1; for (int maxiter = 16; maxiter; --maxiter) { a = 0.5 * (l + h); r = KColorUtils::mix(c0, c1, a); x = KColorUtils::contrastRatio(c0, r); if (fabs(x - t) < 0.01) break; if (x > t) h = a; else l = a; } return r; } //_________________________________________________________ QRegion NitrogenClient::calcMask( void ) const { if( isMaximized() ) { return widget()->rect(); } QRect frame( widget()->rect() ); // dimensions int w=frame.width(); int h=frame.height(); // multipliers int left = 1; int right = 1; int top = 1; int bottom = 1; // disable bottom corners when border frame is too small and window is not shaded if( configuration().frameBorder() < NitrogenConfiguration::BorderTiny && !isShade() ) bottom = 0; int sw = layoutMetric( LM_OuterPaddingLeft ); int sh = layoutMetric( LM_OuterPaddingTop ); w -= sw + layoutMetric( LM_OuterPaddingRight ); h -= sh + layoutMetric( LM_OuterPaddingBottom ); QRegion mask(sw + 4*left, sh + 0*top, w-4*(left+right), h-0*(top+bottom)); mask += QRegion(sw + 0*left, sh + 4*top, w-0*(left+right), h-4*(top+bottom)); mask += QRegion(sw + 2*left, sh + 1*top, w-2*(left+right), h-1*(top+bottom)); mask += QRegion(sw + 1*left, sh + 2*top, w-1*(left+right), h-2*(top+bottom)); return mask; } //_________________________________________________________ QColor NitrogenClient::titlebarTextColor(const QPalette &palette) { if( configuration().drawTitleOutline() ) { return options()->color(ColorFont, isActive()); } else if (isActive()) { return palette.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::WindowText); } else { if(colorCacheInvalid_) { QColor ab = palette.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Window); QColor af = palette.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::WindowText); QColor nb = palette.color(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::Window); QColor nf = palette.color(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::WindowText); colorCacheInvalid_ = false; cachedTitlebarTextColor_ = reduceContrast(nb, nf, qMax(qreal(2.5), KColorUtils::contrastRatio(ab, KColorUtils::mix(ab, af, 0.4)))); } return cachedTitlebarTextColor_; } } //_________________________________________________________ void NitrogenClient::renderWindowBackground( QPainter* painter, const QRect& rect, const QWidget* widget, const QPalette& palette ) const { if( configuration().blendColor() == NitrogenConfiguration::NoBlending ) { painter->fillRect( rect, palette.color( widget->window()->backgroundRole() ) ); } else { int offset = layoutMetric( LM_OuterPaddingTop ); int height = 64 + configuration().buttonSize() - 22; helper().renderWindowBackground(painter, rect, widget, palette, offset, height ); } } //_________________________________________________________ void NitrogenClient::renderWindowBorder( QPainter* painter, const QRect& clipRect, const QWidget* widget, const QPalette& palette ) const { QWidget* window = widget->window(); // get coordinates relative to the client area QPoint position = (isPreview()) ? widget->mapTo( const_cast( NitrogenClient::widget() ), widget->rect().topLeft() ): widget->mapTo( window, widget->rect().topLeft() ); // save painter if (clipRect.isValid()) { painter->save(); painter->setClipRegion(clipRect,Qt::IntersectClip); } painter->setPen( Qt::NoPen ); QColor color = palette.color(window->backgroundRole()); QColor top = helper().backgroundTopColor( color ); QColor bottom = helper().backgroundBottomColor( color ); QRect r = (isPreview()) ? NitrogenClient::widget()->rect():window->rect(); r.adjust( SHADOW_WIDTH, SHADOW_WIDTH, -SHADOW_WIDTH, -SHADOW_WIDTH ); r.adjust(0,0, 1, 1); // draw top line // one could probably use a 'slab' here to have a drop shadow { int shadow_size = 5; int height = HFRAMESIZE; QRect rect( r.topLeft()-position, QSize( r.width(), height ) ); helper().slab( palette.color( widget->backgroundRole() ), 0, shadow_size )->render( rect.adjusted(-shadow_size, 0, shadow_size, 2 ), painter, TileSet::Bottom ); int offset = layoutMetric( LM_OuterPaddingTop ); int gradient_height = 64 + configuration().buttonSize() - 22; helper().renderWindowBackground(painter, rect, widget, palette, offset, gradient_height ); } // draw bottom line if( configuration().frameBorder() >= NitrogenConfiguration::BorderTiny ) { int height = qMin( HFRAMESIZE, layoutMetric( LM_BorderBottom ) ); painter->setBrush( bottom ); painter->drawRect( QRect( r.bottomLeft()-position-QPoint(0,height), QSize( r.width(), height ) ) ); } // left and right if( configuration().frameBorder() >= NitrogenConfiguration::BorderTiny ) { QLinearGradient gradient(0, r.top(), 0, r.height() ); gradient.setColorAt(0.0, top); gradient.setColorAt(0.5, color); gradient.setColorAt(1.0, bottom); painter->setBrush( gradient ); // left { int width = qMin( HFRAMESIZE, layoutMetric( LM_BorderLeft ) ); painter->drawRect( QRect( r.topLeft()-position, QSize( width, r.height() ) ) ); } // right { int width = qMin( HFRAMESIZE, layoutMetric( LM_BorderRight ) ); painter->drawRect( QRect( r.topRight()-position-QPoint(width,0), QSize( width, r.height() ) ) ); } } // restore painter if (clipRect.isValid()) painter->restore(); } //_________________________________________________________ void NitrogenClient::renderTitleOutline( QPainter* painter, const QRect& rect, const QPalette& palette ) const { // shadow { int shadow_size = 7; int voffset = -shadow_size; if( !isMaximized() ) voffset += HFRAMESIZE; helper().slab( palette.color( widget()->backgroundRole() ), 0, shadow_size )->render( rect.adjusted(0, voffset, 0, 0 ), painter, TileSet::Bottom|TileSet::Left|TileSet::Right ); } // center { int offset = layoutMetric( LM_OuterPaddingTop ); int height = 64 + configuration().buttonSize() - 22; int voffset = isMaximized() ? 0:HFRAMESIZE; helper().renderWindowBackground(painter, rect.adjusted( 4, voffset, -4, -4 ), widget(), palette, offset, height ); } } //_________________________________________________________ void NitrogenClient::activeChange( void ) { // update size grip so that it gets the right color if( hasSizeGrip() ) { sizeGrip().activeChange(); sizeGrip().update(); } KCommonDecorationUnstable::activeChange(); } //_________________________________________________________ void NitrogenClient::maximizeChange( void ) { if( hasSizeGrip() ) sizeGrip().setVisible( !( isShade() || isMaximized() ) ); KCommonDecorationUnstable::maximizeChange(); } //_________________________________________________________ void NitrogenClient::shadeChange( void ) { if( hasSizeGrip() ) sizeGrip().setVisible( !( isShade() || isMaximized() ) ); KCommonDecorationUnstable::shadeChange(); } //_________________________________________________________ QPalette NitrogenClient::backgroundPalette( const QWidget* widget, QPalette palette ) const { if( configuration().drawTitleOutline() && isActive() ) { palette.setColor( widget->window()->backgroundRole(), options()->color( KDecorationDefines::ColorTitleBar, true ) ); } return palette; } //________________________________________________________________ void NitrogenClient::drawStripes(QPainter *p, QPalette &palette, const int start, const int end, const int topMargin) { QColor color( KDecoration::options()->color(ColorTitleBar) ); QLinearGradient stripeGradient(QPoint(start,0), QPoint(end,0)); stripeGradient.setColorAt(0.0, Qt::transparent); stripeGradient.setColorAt(0.05, KDecoration::options()->color(ColorTitleBar)); stripeGradient.setColorAt(1.0, Qt::transparent); QPen pen1(stripeGradient, 0.5); QLinearGradient stripeGradient2(QPoint(start,0), QPoint(end,0)); stripeGradient2.setColorAt(0.0, Qt::transparent); stripeGradient2.setColorAt(0.05, helper_.calcLightColor(palette.color(QPalette::Window))); stripeGradient2.setColorAt(1.0, Qt::transparent); QPen pen2(stripeGradient2, 0.5); bool antialiasing = p->testRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); p->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, false); const int titleHeight = layoutMetric(LM_TitleHeight); double voffset = 4.0*configuration().buttonSize()/22; double scale = double(titleHeight-voffset)/4; double base = titleHeight + topMargin; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { // calculate offset for each stripe. int offset = int(base - voffset) - int(scale)*(i+1); p->setPen(pen1); p->drawLine(QPoint(start, offset), QPoint(end, offset)); p->setPen(pen2); p->drawLine(QPoint(start, offset+1), QPoint(end, offset+1)); } p->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, antialiasing); } //________________________________________________________________ void NitrogenClient::updateWindowShape() { if(isMaximized() || compositingActive() ) { clearMask(); } else { setMask( calcMask() ); } } //___________________________________________ void NitrogenClient::resetConfiguration( void ) { if( !initialized_ ) return; configuration_ = NitrogenFactory::configuration( *this ); // handle size grip if( configuration_.drawSizeGrip() ) { if( !hasSizeGrip() ) createSizeGrip(); } else if( hasSizeGrip() ) deleteSizeGrip(); } //_________________________________________________________ void NitrogenClient::paintEvent( QPaintEvent* event ) { // factory if(!( initialized_ && NitrogenFactory::initialized() ) ) return; // palette QPalette palette = widget()->palette(); palette.setCurrentColorGroup( (isActive() ) ? QPalette::Active : QPalette::Inactive ); // painter QPainter painter(widget()); painter.setClipRegion( event->region() ); // define frame QRect frame = widget()->rect(); // base color QColor color = palette.window().color(); // draw shadows if( compositingActive() && !isMaximized() ) { shadowTiles( backgroundPalette( widget(), palette ).color( widget()->backgroundRole() ), KDecoration::options()->color(ColorTitleBar), SHADOW_WIDTH, configuration().useOxygenShadows() && isActive() )->render( frame.adjusted( 4, 4, -4, -4), &painter, TileSet::Ring); } // adjust frame frame.adjust( SHADOW_WIDTH, SHADOW_WIDTH, -SHADOW_WIDTH, -SHADOW_WIDTH ); // adjust mask if( compositingActive() || isPreview() ) { if( isMaximized() ) { painter.setClipRect( frame ); } else { int x, y, w, h; frame.getRect(&x, &y, &w, &h); // multipliers int left = 1; int right = 1; int top = 1; int bottom = 1; // disable bottom corners when border frame is too small and window is not shaded if( configuration().frameBorder() < NitrogenConfiguration::BorderTiny && !isShade() ) bottom = 0; QRegion mask( x+5*left, y+0*top, w-5*(left+right), h-0*(top+bottom)); mask += QRegion(x+0*left, y+5*top, w-0*(left+right), h-5*(top+bottom)); mask += QRegion(x+2*left, y+2*top, w-2*(left+right), h-2*(top+bottom)); mask += QRegion(x+3*left, y+1*top, w-3*(left+right), h-1*(top+bottom)); mask += QRegion(x+1*left, y+3*top, w-1*(left+right), h-3*(top+bottom)); painter.setClipRegion( mask ); } } // window background renderWindowBackground( &painter, frame, widget(), palette ); if( isActive() && configuration().drawTitleOutline() && !isMaximized() ) { renderWindowBorder( &painter, frame, widget(), backgroundPalette( widget(), palette ) ); } // clipping if( compositingActive() ) painter.setClipping(false); // in preview mode and when frame border is 0, // one still draw a small rect around, unless kde is recent enough, // useOxygenShadow is set to true, // and copositing is active // (that makes a lot of ifs) if( isPreview() && configuration().frameBorder() == NitrogenConfiguration::BorderNone && !compositingActive() ) { painter.save(); painter.setBrush( Qt::NoBrush ); painter.setPen( QPen( helper().calcDarkColor( widget()->palette().window().color() ), 1 ) ); QPainterPath path; QPoint first( frame.topLeft()+QPoint( 0, 6 ) ); path.moveTo( first ); path.quadTo( frame.topLeft(), frame.topLeft()+QPoint( 6, 0 ) ); path.lineTo( frame.topRight()-QPoint( 6, 0 ) ); path.quadTo( frame.topRight(), frame.topRight()+QPoint( 0, 6 ) ); path.lineTo( frame.bottomRight() ); path.lineTo( frame.bottomLeft() ); path.lineTo( first ); painter.drawPath( path ); painter.restore(); } int extraBorder = ( isMaximized() && compositingActive() ) ? 0 : EXTENDED_HITAREA; // dimensions const int titleHeight = layoutMetric(LM_TitleHeight); const int titleTop = layoutMetric(LM_TitleEdgeTop) + frame.top() - extraBorder; const int titleEdgeLeft = layoutMetric(LM_TitleEdgeLeft); const int marginLeft = layoutMetric(LM_TitleBorderLeft); const int marginRight = layoutMetric(LM_TitleBorderRight); const int titleLeft = frame.left() + titleEdgeLeft + buttonsLeftWidth() + marginLeft; const int titleWidth = frame.width() - titleEdgeLeft - layoutMetric(LM_TitleEdgeRight) - buttonsLeftWidth() - buttonsRightWidth() - marginLeft - marginRight; QRect titleRect( titleLeft, titleTop-1, titleWidth, titleHeight ); painter.setFont( options()->font(isActive(), false) ); if( isActive() && configuration().drawTitleOutline() ) { // get title bounding rect QRect boundingRect = painter.boundingRect( titleRect, configuration().titleAlignment() | Qt::AlignVCenter, caption() ); // adjust boundingRect.setTop( frame.top() ); boundingRect.setBottom( titleTop+titleHeight ); boundingRect.setLeft( qMax( boundingRect.left(), titleLeft ) - 2*HFRAMESIZE ); boundingRect.setRight( qMin( boundingRect.right(), titleLeft + titleWidth ) + 2*HFRAMESIZE ); renderTitleOutline( &painter, boundingRect, backgroundPalette( widget(), palette ) ); } // draw title text painter.setPen( titlebarTextColor( backgroundPalette( widget(), palette ) ) ); painter.drawText( titleRect, configuration().titleAlignment() | Qt::AlignVCenter, caption() ); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); // adjust if there are shadows if (compositingActive()) frame.adjust(-1,-1, 1, 1); // dimensions int x,y,w,h; frame.getRect(&x, &y, &w, &h); // separator if( isActive() && configuration().drawSeparator() && !configuration().drawTitleOutline() ) { helper().drawSeparator(&painter, QRect(x, titleTop+titleHeight-1.5, w, 2), color, Qt::Horizontal); } // draw stripes as indicator for active windows if( isActive() && configuration().showStripes() ) { Qt::Alignment align = configuration().titleAlignment(); if (widget()->layoutDirection() == Qt::RightToLeft) { if (align == Qt::AlignLeft) align = Qt::AlignRight; else if (align == Qt::AlignRight) align = Qt::AlignLeft; } if (align & Qt::AlignLeft) { int left = titleLeft + QFontMetrics(options()->font(isActive(), false)).width( caption() ) + 4; int right = titleLeft + titleWidth; drawStripes(&painter, palette, left, right, titleTop); } else if (align & Qt::AlignRight) { int left = titleLeft; int right = titleLeft + titleWidth - QFontMetrics(options()->font(isActive(), false)).width( caption() ) - 4; drawStripes(&painter, palette, right, left, titleTop); } else if (align & Qt::AlignHCenter) { int textWidth = QFontMetrics(options()->font(isActive(), false)).width( caption() ); int left = titleLeft; int centerLeft = titleLeft + titleWidth/2 - textWidth/2 - 4; int centerRight = titleLeft + titleWidth/2 + textWidth/2 + 4; int right = titleLeft + titleWidth; drawStripes(&painter, palette, centerLeft, left, titleTop); drawStripes(&painter, palette, centerRight, right, titleTop); } } // shadow and resize handles if( configuration().frameBorder() >= NitrogenConfiguration::BorderTiny && !isMaximized() ) { helper().drawFloatFrame( &painter, frame, backgroundPalette( widget(), palette ).color( widget()->backgroundRole() ), !compositingActive(), isActive(), KDecoration::options()->color(ColorTitleBar) ); if( isResizable() && !isShade() ) { // Draw the 3-dots resize handles qreal cenY = h / 2 + x + 0.5; qreal posX = w + y - 2.5; painter.setPen(Qt::NoPen); painter.setBrush(QColor(0, 0, 0, 66)); renderDot(&painter, QPointF(posX, cenY - 3), 1.8); renderDot(&painter, QPointF(posX, cenY), 1.8); renderDot(&painter, QPointF(posX, cenY + 3), 1.8); } // Draw the 3-dots resize handles if( isResizable() && !isShade() && !configuration().drawSizeGrip() ) { painter.setPen(Qt::NoPen); painter.setBrush(QColor(0, 0, 0, 66)); painter.translate(x + w-9, y + h-9); renderDot(&painter, QPointF(2.5, 6.5), 1.8); renderDot(&painter, QPointF(5.5, 5.5), 1.8); renderDot(&painter, QPointF(6.5, 2.5), 1.8); } } } //________________________________________________________________ NitrogenConfiguration NitrogenClient::configuration( void ) const { return configuration_; } //_________________________________________________________________ void NitrogenClient::createSizeGrip( void ) { assert( !hasSizeGrip() ); if( ( isResizable() && windowId() != 0 ) || isPreview() ) { size_grip_ = new NitrogenSizeGrip( this ); } } //_________________________________________________________________ void NitrogenClient::deleteSizeGrip( void ) { assert( hasSizeGrip() ); size_grip_->deleteLater(); size_grip_ = 0; } //_________________________________________________________________ TileSet *NitrogenClient::shadowTiles(const QColor& color, const QColor& glow, qreal size, bool active) { ShadowTilesOption opt; opt.active = active; opt.width = size; opt.windowColor = color; opt.glowColor = glow; ShadowTilesOption currentOpt = active ? shadowTilesOption_ : glowTilesOption_; bool optionChanged = !(currentOpt == opt ); if (active && glowTiles_ ) { if( optionChanged) delete glowTiles_; else return glowTiles_; } else if (!active && shadowTiles_ ) { if( optionChanged ) delete shadowTiles_; else return shadowTiles_; } TileSet *tileSet = 0; //--------------------------------------------------------------- // Create new glow/shadow tiles QColor light = helper().calcLightColor( helper().backgroundTopColor(color) ); QColor dark = helper().calcDarkColor(helper().backgroundBottomColor(color)); QPixmap shadow = QPixmap( size*2, size*2 ); shadow.fill( Qt::transparent ); // draw the corner of the window - actually all 4 corners as one circle QLinearGradient lg = QLinearGradient(0.0, size-4.5, 0.0, size+4.5); if( configuration().frameBorder() < NitrogenConfiguration::BorderTiny ) { lg.setColorAt(0, helper().backgroundTopColor(color) ); lg.setColorAt(0.52, helper().backgroundTopColor(color)); lg.setColorAt(1.0, helper().backgroundBottomColor(color) ); } else { lg.setColorAt(0.52, light); lg.setColorAt(1.0, dark); } QPainter p( &shadow ); p.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing ); p.setPen( Qt::NoPen ); if (active) { //--------------------------------------------------------------- // Active shadow texture QRadialGradient rg( size, size, size ); QColor c = color; c.setAlpha( 255 ); rg.setColorAt( 4.4/size, c ); c.setAlpha( 220 ); rg.setColorAt( 4.5/size, c ); c.setAlpha( 180 ); rg.setColorAt( 5/size, c ); c.setAlpha( 25 ); rg.setColorAt( 5.5/size, c ); c.setAlpha( 0 ); rg.setColorAt( 6.5/size, c ); p.setBrush( rg ); p.drawRect( shadow.rect() ); rg = QRadialGradient( size, size, size ); c = color; c.setAlpha( 255 ); rg.setColorAt( 4.4/size, c ); c = glow; c.setAlpha( 0.58*255 ); rg.setColorAt( 4.5/size, c ); c.setAlpha( 0.43*255 ); rg.setColorAt( 5.5/size, c ); c.setAlpha( 0.30*255 ); rg.setColorAt( 6.5/size, c ); c.setAlpha( 0.22*255 ); rg.setColorAt( 7.5/size, c ); c.setAlpha( 0.15*255 ); rg.setColorAt( 8.5/size, c ); c.setAlpha( 0.08*255 ); rg.setColorAt( 11.5/size, c ); c.setAlpha( 0); rg.setColorAt( 14.5/size, c ); p.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing ); p.setBrush( rg ); p.drawRect( shadow.rect() ); p.setBrush( Qt::NoBrush ); p.setPen(QPen(lg, 0.8)); p.drawEllipse(QRectF(size-4, size-4, 8, 8)); p.end(); tileSet = new TileSet(shadow, size, size, 1, 1); glowTilesOption_ = opt; glowTiles_ = tileSet; } else { //--------------------------------------------------------------- // Inactive shadow texture QRadialGradient rg = QRadialGradient( size, size+4, size ); QColor c = QColor( Qt::black ); c.setAlpha( 0.12*255 ); rg.setColorAt( 4.5/size, c ); c.setAlpha( 0.11*255 ); rg.setColorAt( 6.6/size, c ); c.setAlpha( 0.075*255 ); rg.setColorAt( 8.5/size, c ); c.setAlpha( 0.06*255 ); rg.setColorAt( 11.5/size, c ); c.setAlpha( 0.035*255 ); rg.setColorAt( 14.5/size, c ); c.setAlpha( 0.025*255 ); rg.setColorAt( 17.5/size, c ); c.setAlpha( 0.01*255 ); rg.setColorAt( 21.5/size, c ); c.setAlpha( 0.0*255 ); rg.setColorAt( 25.5/size, c ); p.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing ); p.setPen( Qt::NoPen ); p.setBrush( rg ); p.drawRect( shadow.rect() ); rg = QRadialGradient( size, size+2, size ); c = QColor( Qt::black ); c.setAlpha( 0.25*255 ); rg.setColorAt( 4.5/size, c ); c.setAlpha( 0.20*255 ); rg.setColorAt( 5.5/size, c ); c.setAlpha( 0.13*255 ); rg.setColorAt( 7.5/size, c ); c.setAlpha( 0.06*255 ); rg.setColorAt( 8.5/size, c ); c.setAlpha( 0.015*255 ); rg.setColorAt( 11.5/size, c ); c.setAlpha( 0.0*255 ); rg.setColorAt( 14.5/size, c ); p.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing ); p.setPen( Qt::NoPen ); p.setBrush( rg ); p.drawRect( shadow.rect() ); rg = QRadialGradient( size, size+0.2, size ); c = color; c = QColor( Qt::black ); c.setAlpha( 0.35*255 ); rg.setColorAt( 0/size, c ); c.setAlpha( 0.32*255 ); rg.setColorAt( 4.5/size, c ); c.setAlpha( 0.22*255 ); rg.setColorAt( 5.0/size, c ); c.setAlpha( 0.03*255 ); rg.setColorAt( 5.5/size, c ); c.setAlpha( 0.0*255 ); rg.setColorAt( 6.5/size, c ); p.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing ); p.setPen( Qt::NoPen ); p.setBrush( rg ); p.drawRect( shadow.rect() ); rg = QRadialGradient( size, size, size ); c = color; c.setAlpha( 255 ); rg.setColorAt( 4.0/size, c ); c.setAlpha( 0 ); rg.setColorAt( 4.01/size, c ); p.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing ); p.setPen( Qt::NoPen ); p.setBrush( rg ); p.drawRect( shadow.rect() ); // draw the corner of the window - actually all 4 corners as one circle p.setBrush( Qt::NoBrush ); p.setPen(QPen(lg, 0.8)); p.drawEllipse(QRectF(size-4, size-4, 8, 8)); p.end(); tileSet = new TileSet(shadow, size, size, 1, 1); shadowTilesOption_ = opt; shadowTiles_ = tileSet; } return tileSet; } }